From the desk of:


Sunshine Coast, Australia

Greetings and welcome!

If you are here, then it’s likely you’re a current or past client of Leadsology® and that you know how powerful Other People’s Networks can be for boosting your subscriber numbers and generating fresh clients.

To give you an idea of what I’m talking about, in early July 2024 I sat down on a Zoom call with my Mike Levin (Business Manager and Chief Data Scientist) and we crunched some OPN numbers.

TLDR version: Invest as little as US$700 in securing a bundle of ten OPN Partner Prospects and you can reasonably expect a return of US$10,000 or more.

First, we selected random bundles of ten OPN Partner Prospects to track results on. Note that these were NOT proven past partners but rather OPN Partner Prospects that our Freelancers had data mined since 2008.

Next, we added up the initial sales (not lifetime value) from each bundle of ten OPN Partner Prospects, some of whom we had done OPN Swaps with and some whom we never did anything with.

Lastly, we simply divided the revenue from the initial sales but the number of bundles we were tracking.

The result was that the minimum amount generated from each bundle of ten OPN Partner Prospects was just a smidgen over US$10,000.

That’s the minimum.

Some bundles of ten OPN Partner Prospects had generated over US$15,000,
some over US$20,000 and a handful had generated well in excess of US$25,000.

All in all, OPN Partners have generated over US$3,000,000 in sales for my business and now I want to share that wealth resource with you.

For the first time ever, I’m opening up my OPN Partner Prospect vault so that you as a Leadsology client can enjoy a boost in your bank balance by generating new clients through OPN.

Why I'm offering this unique opportunity to you

You may also remember that in order for OPN to be successful you need to find OPN Partners who check the boxes on all ‘Five Knock Out Factors’ including:

You can think of each factor as being like a number in a sequence that opens the ‘OPN safe’, full of new subscribers, new inquiries and new sales.

Get that combination right, and generating new clients happens faster, smoother and more profitably.

But just like a combination safe, if just one of those factors is out of whack, the profits stay locked up and out of reach.

And that's where my OPN Partner Bundles come in...

Instead of having to find, select, interview and train a Freelancer to use our OPN Assessment Sheet (including the Five Knock Out Factors), you simply purchase our list of pre-qualified potential OPN Partners.

Easier, faster and simpler.

That’s because every contact in your OPN Partner Bundle has not only been qualified for you, we’ve also ‘quantified’ them by using our famous JV Juice algorithm to confirm that they are not too big to want to partner with you. (JV Juice predicts the response level from a prospective OPN Partner’s email list.)

Once you’ve received your OPN Partner Bundle, you can immediately reach out to each contact, invite them to a Bridge meeting and get the deals done.

And to make it even easier, each OPN Partner Bundle comes with zero cost support, either by way of email or if you need it, even a zoom call to get you up and running.

Click here to invest in an OPN Partner Bundle of 10 contacts

Click here to invest in an OPN Partner Bundle of 100 contacts

These coupon codes will not work after Sunday midnight USA Eastern time

Save $300 on an OPN Partner Bundle of 10 prospects: OPN10

Save $3,000 on an OPN Partner Bundle of 100 prospects: OPN100


*** If you don’t see your question answered below feel free to email me at

How have the lists been qualified?

Thousands of hours have gone into curating our database including searching, identifying, qualifying and rating each and every contact via our JV Juice algorithm.

We’ve done the heavy lifting, so that your route to successful OPN Partnerships is smoother and shorter.

What data does each contact come with?

If I buy, can you give me a hand to get started?

Absolutely, you can email me personally at any time with your questions and if you need to, we can even set up a zoom call to get you up and running. No extra charge.

How are these contacts different to buying from a list broker?

Lists from brokers are typically unqualified and unfortunately are pretty much worthless. By contrast, our OPN Partner Bundles are qualified (and quantified) lists of people who we’re super confident will welcome the opportunity to cross promote with you.

Is there a guarantee that the data is accurate?

You bet. If any contact has data that is out of date or incorrect, we’ll replace that with another prospect that has been double checked for accuracy.

Why don't I just do this myself?

In short, because it takes time, patience and persistence to curate the quality of lists that we have at our disposal. And your time is going to be much more profitable when meeting with the contacts from our OPN Partner Bundles, rather than having your eyes glaze over doing the donkey work of identifying, selecting and qualifying each prospect.
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