Hi there, here's how you'll benefit if I'm a guest on your show.

Benefit #1: I’m entertaining and empowering so your listeners will not only be laughing out loud but you’ll likely be reading emails from them thanking you for the original and profitable lead generation ideas.

Benefit #2: I’ll share the interview with my 10,000+ active email subscribers, my 15,000+ LinkedIn connections provided you do the same.

Benefit #3: I’ll invite you to be a guest on my podcast show and drive even more new subscribers to your email list via your nominated landing page.

Benefit #4: If all goes well, I’ll introduce you to other successful guests and hosts so you can grow your audience and subscriber base even faster.

“Tom was an AMAZING* guest on our Podcast, Sell or Die. He was funny, told great stories, and gave great information. I highly recommend having him on your show!”
– Jennifer Gluckow, Author of Sales in a New York Minutes *emphasis on AMAZING by Jennifer

Tom Poland: Multiple best-selling author, spoken on world stages alongside Michael Gerber, Brian Tracy, Dr Ivan Misner, Marshall Goldsmith and many more.

Email Tom your booking link at tom@leadsology.guru

Or click here for Tom's One Sheet with his bio, photo and more.

Everyone wants more business, right?

More sales, more enquiries, more real leads.

But sometimes the marketing “rock stars” and “sales wizards” don’t seem to deliver the real oil, the substance, the “take this and do that” nuts and bolts.

Covert pitches. Skewed messages.

Too much tease and tinsel, not enough proven and practical.

I’ve created a marketing system that actually works, and I’d love to share it with your fans.

I’m Tom Poland, and my entire career has centered on marketing.

I’ve built and sold four companies, managed annual revenue of over 20 million, I’m a multiple best-selling author of the Leadsology® series, and have over 37 years’ experience successfully driving customers to businesses.

And I’d like to be a guest on your show.

The thing is this: I’ve been to your show, checked out the interviews and I’ve left you a glowing review and rated your show five stars.

But not because I’m a suck up artist but because you’ve got a quality show.

But right about now, you’re almost certainly wondering if I’d be a quality guest and if my stuff would be a good fit for your audience. If there’s a value I can bring to your audience, and any real substance to my claims.

So, at the risk of being too self-promotional, I’d like to share what other hosts have said (after I appeared on their shows):

“Podcast interviews are all about the interviewee. Tom Poland rocked it on Sell or Die! Very conversational, very informative and very insightful. If you’re looking for a guest that’s “above and beyond” I highly recommend him and his new book ‘Leadsology®‘. I’m reading it now!”
Jeffrey Gitomer, author of Truthful Living and Sales Manifesto
“If you want fresh. If you want original. If you want authentic, and you really want to engage your audience, then look no further than having Tom Poland on your show. We had a truly authentic, engaging and valuable conversation.”
Dr. James Kelly, Executives After Hours
“Tom Poland’s strategy for generating high-quality, high-value leads was fantastic. He was a truly standout great guest and brought lots of value to my listeners. I’d have him back in a heartbeat.”
Enoch Sears, Business of Architecture
“Tom Poland was a fabulous guest! I can’t wait to have him on my show again.”
Deb Krier, Business Power Hour
“Tom Poland’s energy, experience and enthusiasm resonated with my audience, as he demonstrated a marketing system that works. His stuff is certainly different, but it is simple, practical, and best of all your listeners can put it into practice immediately. Highly, highly recommended.”
Sebastian Hilbert, The Influential Wellnesspreneur
“As a podcast host, it can be very frustrating when a guest doesn’t bother to try and speak specifically to your show’s audience but rather just gives their standard ‘one size fits all’ interview. That was not an issue with Tom Poland. He did a great job tailoring his message to my audience of local service-based small business owners and came prepared with specific examples to illustrate his points that would resonate with my listeners.”
Kevin Jordan, Redpoint Marketing
“Tom Poland, author of The Science of Being In Demand, should be ‘in demand’ for your radio show – super smart guy and just flat out engaging.”
Barry Motz, Business Insanity Talk Radio
I’ve also got a quick selection of soundbites that really highlight my style. I love to combine having fun and adding real implementable value, and I hope that twin theme comes across in every interview.


What I’m offering to share with your audience is simple.

Real, practical advice to get their marketing machine working.

The first option is to reveal my internationally lauded formula for creating a marketing message that gets cut-through and motivates an ideal client to act.

The second covers the critical differences between marketing a service as opposed to a physical product, and why traditional marketing should be avoided at all costs.

To save you time I’ve prepared my One Sheet, as well as my bio and some killer sample questions you can use on air. Click here and download it now.

But that’s not all.

I’ve got a lifetime’s experience marketing and a big fan base. My followers are virtually all professional business owners, and if I have the chance to speak on your podcast, I’ve a few things I’d love to give back (and sweeten the deal).

Before you interview me

I want you to know that I’m highly selective on the shows I appear in.

I’ve reached out because you’ve got a quality show, offering fantastic content to your listeners. I’ve already subscribed to your show and rate it highly.

Once you've published your interview with me:

And if you want me to, I’ll also refer a handful of other top guests for you to interview, that I’ve had on my own podcast show.

These are guests who I know offer valuable and engaging insights, and meet my own personal (high) standards for a great podcast guest. Some of these people are doing truly exciting things, and they will be people that I believe will be great on your show.

And if you've got a massive following already, I will also:

  1. Share the interview with a closed-list of 121 (and counting) high-fee paying clients with a backlink to your show and a recommendation to watch it.
  2. Invite you to join me and speak on my own Podcast at https://www.leadsology.guru/podcast/ to better connect you with my fans and grow your own subscriber base.

Phew. So that’s it.

I’ll show your listeners how to get better results from their marketing, and you’ll have your show broadcast to thousands of new followers, across a wide range of different channels.

It really is a win-win.

Let’s give your fans something else that’s seriously great to talk about.

Click here for my booking link or please email me yours at tom@leadsology.guru.

And here’s my One Sheet again with subjects, sample questions, Social Media links and more.


Yours in Leads,

Tom Poland, Chief Leadsologist

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