I developed Leadsology® especially for people who offer services, advice, or software where the average sale price is thousands of dollars or more. People who enroll in this program include business and executive coaches, business trainers, consultants, financial planners, SaaS developers, marketers of programs and courses, and many others.
Leadsology® is not suitable for businesses that offer only physical products or those providing services where the average sale is below $1,000.
Simple: you get to enjoy a predictable and profitable flow of high quality, inbound, new client inquiries virtually every week of the year.
And the best part?
Once you have it set up, you’ll wake up Monday mornings, open up your calendar and feel a smile spread across your face as you sip your coffee… because you can see all the consult bookings from highly qualified prospects who are eager to work with you and only need you to validate their intention.
I’m giving you a week-long test drive to make sure Leadsology® is exactly what you need and want. So enroll in the program and take a good look around. Explore as much as you like — you’ll have full access to all your training modules and live support sessions from Day One.
If you change your mind for any reason within seven days of enrolling, simply email me at tom@leadsology.guru (and CC support@leadsology.guru) and we’ll immediately cancel your membership, no questions asked. We’ll refund every penny of your investment, and we’ll thank you for taking the time to try Leadsology® SOLO on for size.
If you can commit eight hours a week to the program, then you should have leads coming in around the 90-day mark.
But if you need to go slower, no problem! Your Leadsology® SOLO membership subscription will keep you covered for as long as you want, so that you can take it at your own pace.
To be clear: Leadsology® takes time and effort to implement. Think of it like a Boeing 747 Dreamliner taking off from a runway. It takes a lot of energy to get that plane into the air, but once it’s up there, the pilot can switch on cruise mode and it takes much less energy to keep the plane flying.
Likewise, it takes time and energy to implement the Leadsology® SOLO system in your business and get it up and running. But once you have it in place, you get to sit back and cruise while you enjoy a weekly flow of high quality, inbound, new client inquiries streaming into your calendar. (At that point, we think you’ll agree the effort was worth it!)
You’ll be implementing three systems into your business: the AUDIENCE System, the ASSET System and the ACTION system.
The AUDIENCE system will create a fresh group of qualified prospects every week, without any significant cost. This is going to not only grow your email subscriber list, but it will also give you a fresh AUDIENCE every time you present your webinar.
The ASSET system is that live webinar presentation, which will include my “Persuasion Sequence” to make it highly engaging and high-converting for the right AUDIENCE (see above).
The ACTION system kicks in when you invite your webinar attendees to reach out and book a time to talk with you about becoming a client. This system makes sure the right people reach out, and passes them through three quality filters before you meet them — so you’ll only be meeting with highly qualified and highly motivated prospects.
You’ll study online training modules that guide you through how to implement the Leadsology® AUDIENCE, ASSET and ACTION systems. Each module is broken down into a series of small steps, complete with guides, checklists, templates, samples and examples. (I’ve invested over $100,000 with online training program experts to make all of this stuff easier, simpler and faster to learn and implement than ever before!)
Every week, you’ll be invited to attend a live Implementation Support Session (via Zoom) with a Leadsology® trainer to help you implement what you’ve been learning in the online training modules. These group support calls are hands-on question and answer sessions that can also include reviews of your work. I attend personally most weeks to keep up with everybody’s progress and offer extra advice.
Chances are, you’ve just finished viewing my live online lead generation demo.
But just in case you didn’t make it to the live event, or you want a written recap… please read on to find out what Leadsology® MWW Program is all about.
Quick question: do you struggle to get referrals, or to find enough clients?
An empty inbox without a single inquiry?
Wondering how you’re going to level-up your business?
It’s tough, right?
I know. I’ve been there.
When you’re a professional without a physical product to sell, doing business can be challenging. For coaches, financial planners, corporate trainers and every other kind of advisor and service provider. Marketing a service takes time, effort, and a lot of resources.
Work becomes a daily grind of outreach, cold calls, posting on every damn social media network to stay “top of mind.” And for the most part, you hear crickets.
But what if you could make leads and new client inquiries come to you, instead of you having to chase after them like rare butterflies?
Imagine this for a second.
You’re handed the blueprints to a marketing machine. A process that works automatically, around the clock, to find and pre-qualify leads for your business. Once set up, you’re rewarded with new client inquiry bookings pinging into your inbox, eager to speak to you, virtually every week of the year.
Not only that, it’s completely scalable.
It’s a goldmine, right?
Let me tell you from experience: once the leads start rolling in, the feeling is fantastic. And the leads become almost unstoppable as your momentum grows.
My name is Tom Poland, and my entire career has focussed on marketing. I’ve built and sold four companies, written best-selling books on lead generation, and have more than 37 years’ experience driving customers to businesses. But I don’t want to harp on about that.
What’s most important is the results my Leadsology® MWW system has created for hundreds of clients.
And in case you prefer watching and hearing someone speak, here’s a couple more of my clients on video so you can see how happy they are with the outcomes my Leadsology® MWW system allows them to generate…
Leadsology® MWW is a complete system for generating highly-qualified new client inquiries, virtually every week of the year. And not only that, it’s all inbound. The leads come to you.
Building on a lifetime’s experience in marketing, I’ve created a specific marketing process for independent professionals who offer advice or a service (including SAAS) and want to enjoy a predictable flow of high-quality leads.
A marketing machine that finds, filters and forwards quality leads, almost every week of the year.
It simply works. But before we dive into the details, I want to take a step back and look at why other things haven’t worked for you already…
I’m a marketer at heart, but marketing has not always been fun for me, like it is now.
Here’s what I discovered prior to my breakthrough (and where it typically goes wrong for others).
There’s a long list of marketing activities you “SHOULD” be doing, every day. What most of the experts recommend. Trouble is, these aren’t really what you WANT to do. So, you don’t do it… or you put in a half-hearted effort and get half-hearted results. Am I right?
The truth is that if you’re only doing a certain form of marketing because you feel you “should,” then you either start it and then stop it (hello, blogging) or you do it inconsistently (networking scramble!) or you never start it at all (speaking on stages… someday).
I know this from bitter — and lengthy — experience.
I’ve tried all the things I “should” do. A list of 37 of them, to be precise.
For example, I spent years running pay-per-click ads.
It’s bloody hard work.
Split testing copy. Killing the losers. Writing new challengers. Seeing larger and larger payments to Facebook on my credit card. Every week, I needed to tweak the campaigns, analyze the results and find ways to improve. It’s complicated, time consuming, and expensive. And after all of that time and effort, it was only marginally effective.
That’s just one ineffective tactic. I tried 37 of them.
So you can imagine how ecstatic I was when I tried a new marketing idea that Actually Worked.
Actually worked, as in: I ran one cross-promotion with one single email and received 876 new subscribers.
Actually worked, as in: The leads were better quality, and they were all inbound so I didn’t have to spend hours to get them.
Sound like a marketing system you want to know more about? I’ll bet it does.
I created the Leadsology® MWW lead generation system so I could scrap everything about marketing that I didn’t want to do.
Turns out, there are lots of other people who hate the time-wasting “shoulds” just as much as I do. And once they saw my system working, my friends, colleagues and clients all wanted in.
With Leadsology® MWW, you’ll never need to:
In fact, use Leadsology® MWW, and you’ll never need to do anything that requires you to travel anywhere other than from the espresso machine in your kitchen to the desk in your home office.
I run my entire business from my home office in a tiny little Australian town called Castaways Beach. Our house sits on the sand next to the beach, so at night we go to sleep with the sound of the waves caressing the shoreline and in the morning we wake to birdsong from the trees surrounding our home. It’s a small piece of paradise, and it’s ours because of Leadsology®.
I love this lifestyle, and I love helping my clients achieve the same results so that they can live their own ideal lives.
Marketing With Webinars is based on three fundamentals.
I call them the immutable elements of marketing the invisible, because if you don’t apply them, your marketing just won’t work. And I do mean that literally.
Bear with me for a minute, because it’s critical you understand the concepts before we dive into the details of the system.
Immutable element #1. You’re not Hugh Jackman.
I’m sorry, but you’re not. Neither am I. We just can’t compete.
If Hugh Jackman turned up on my doorstep one day and proposed to my wife… well, she loves me, but she’d probably go. Heck, I’d be tempted myself. It’s Hugh bloody Jackman!
But remember. You’re not Hugh Jackman. Neither is your business. Now, this is important because it relates directly to how you’re promoting yourself. You’ve not got the name, the brand, the image, the fame, the fans, that he has. So, what do you do?
What normal people do. Poor unfortunate non-Hughs (like you and I) need to foster a relationship and build rapport before we try to “propose” our service to somebody. Otherwise, you’re doomed to fail.
Lesson: Focus your marketing efforts on building rapport, respect, relatability, and reciprocity.
Immutable element #2. You consistently do what you want to do
Now, we touched on this earlier, but remember all those marketing tasks you hate?
If you want to have any sort of success in your business, you need to enjoy what you do and do what you enjoy. It took me a long time to realize this, but looking back I could see I was only being consistent with the marketing tasks I enjoyed. Everything else got left on the wayside.
Let me put it another way. Dogs don’t meow, they bark. Cats don’t bark, they meow. If you don’t enjoy rooting into all the details and specifics of marketing, then forcing yourself to work against your nature can only have one outcome. You’ll end up feeling like a dog trying to meow: confused, ineffectual, and desperate to stop as soon as possible.
It’s better for your business (and better for you) to do what comes naturally to you. For that to be possible, all you need is a way to get the stuff you hate off your plate.
Lesson: Focus your time on the tasks you enjoy, and use systems, processes, and other people to take care of the rest.
Immutable element #3. You must control your own oxygen supply.
The leads coming into a business are like the supply of oxygen to a body. Cut off the oxygen supply, and the body dies. Cut off the supply of new leads, new referrals and new client inquiries, and your business dies.
Now think for a moment what happens when a third party controls the supply.
Could you trust them to keep taking care of you, no matter what?
The moral here is a simple one. Never trust your marketing to a third party.
Lesson: You need to control the leads flowing into your business, so you’re in control of the future success of your business.Nail these three fundamentals, and you’ve got the gist of the entire MWW system. Of course, there’s a little more to it than that, but first…
This is what everyone wants to know, so I get asked all the time.
“What kind of results and ROI will I get from your program?”
Instead of loading you down with even more testimonials, I figure it’s easiest to show you.
You see, I use this exact same system to generate a steady stream of new client inquiries for my own business, while I focus on the work I enjoy most. And without overly tooting my own horn, I’ve got two pictures to show you how that’s working for me.
The first is a look at the number of people who booked a time to speak with me about becoming a client. This screenshot is from the 90 day period immediately before I wrote the page you’re reading right now:
So you can see that there were 72 new client inquiry bookings, and 71 of them showed up to talk to me. That’s more than new client inquiry booking every business day.
What would happen in your business if you even had half of that number of new client inquiries?
You can easily generate a similar volume with Leadsology® SOLO. And it’s quality volume, too…
I generated $292,896 in sales, in the 90 days immediately prior to writing this.
The pics say it all. I wasn’t sure sharing them was a good idea, but there’s no better way to demonstrate the results of the Leadsology® MWW system.
To give you a sense of how well this system works: I occasionally have to shut the doors for new client inquiries when we’ve got too many.
Too many people asking to become your next high-paying clients. That’s a quality problem to have, right? Maybe one you’d like to “suffer” from too?
Now, I know what you’re thinking…
“That’s all well and good, Tom, but it’s not going to work for me.”
Right, right. I get it. Nearly every new client tells me the same. There are like a thousand different reasons I’ve heard why people are convinced this can’t possibly work for their business.
“My business is too unique, too different, too innovative…”
“I don’t have a big email list…”
“I’m really just getting started…”
“Our clients have specialised needs…”
“We can’t afford to shell out for advertising…”
Let me make this part super-clear so that nobody misses it…
For Leadsology® MWW to work effectively, you DON’T need:
None of this. In fact, other than your personality and mind, you don’t need anything special to get Leadsology® MWW working for you.
A fresh college graduate could make this system work just as well as a business coach with 40+ years’ experience.
But you do need to meet three simple criteria:
In fact, I don’t want anyone joining the program if they don’t meet these criteria. I genuinely don’t want to take anyone’s money unless Leadsology®
(*** Assume you have a presentation you KNOW your audience will love, that you enjoy presenting it, and that you feel super confident when you present… because during this program I’ll walk you through how to make that a reality, step by simple step.)
Leadsology® MWW has been specially designed for service professionals. If you’re a consultant, business executive or personal coach, corporate trainer, financial planner, or anyone offering a course or program, I’m talking to you.
However, if you’re selling a product, like a multi-level marketer, a retailer, restaurateur or manufacturer, this isn’t the right marketing solution for you. Leadsology® MWW is also not for people whose services are impossible to demonstrate in-depth online, such as gym owners, mortgage brokers or alternative therapists. (I love you guys, but this will not work for you, sorry.)
It’s also important there’s a measurable benefit to your services. Whether it’s an objective result, like an increase in sales, or something that’s a little subjective like an emotional shift, or enhancing relationships, or more peace of mind. Whatever it is you’re offering, it needs to have demonstrable results.
Oh, and while Leadsology® MWW is a very powerful system, I want to make it clear to you: there is no magic button. I’ve done 95 percent of the heavy lifting, but there are a few things you will need to do to set it up. The good news is, I’ll show you exactly how to do it, every step of the way.
I’ll provide everything you need to create a consistent flow of high-quality, inbound leads targeted to your business.
Leadsology® MWW gives you complete access to my proprietary O.P.N. (Other People’s Networks) method. This is a proven strategy to find and engage with key influencers who will happily invite their email subscribers to attend an online meeting with you. It’s a completely free and inexhaustible source of qualified prospects! There is simply no better marketing method on the planet. Period. Full stop. Q.E.D.. Game over.
The training modules provide a step-by-step process to develop online presentations that motivate, educate and attract the right people to your online meetings. You’ll learn how to keep them engaged by following powerful (but ethical) psychological principles, and how to prompt the right attendees to book a new client inquiry consult with you.
You’ll learn exactly how to attract and automate a steady stream of high-quality, inbound, new client inquiries. So you’ll be getting new prospects, new sales, and new income, every week, every month. For the rest of your life. In exchange for just one hour of your time per month.
Leadsology® MWW also shows you how to follow up those new client inquiries, plus how to filter out the people who aren’t a fit for your services — so you can focus on talking to your most ideal new clients.
There are no “sales” techniques involved, and nobody is ever put in a position of feeling pressured. They sign up because they genuinely value what you offer.
Doesn’t that sound… better?
It’s 100% possible and achievable. All you need to do is implement the Leadsology® MWW system in your business.
I give every client immediate access to every single module in the Leadsology® MWW Program, so you can go through it and implement each part at your own pace.
Of course, the faster, the better because you’ll get cash flowing into your bank account quicker, but I understand that you may have other pressing priorities — and that’s OK, because you’ve got access to all of those modules for the lifetime of your membership.
I’ll also give you direct access to the Leadsology® instructors team via our live weekly Implementation Support Sessions, where we’ll help you through any challenges you’ve been struggling with. We host Support Sessions almost every week of the year, and we know this system inside and out.
In the Leadsology® MWW program, you will learn:
When a client hires me to work one-on-one with them on implementing the MWW system in their business, I charge $50,000. It’s a high-touch service with a lot of moving parts, and $50,000 gets them all the one-to-one instruction, support, analysis, advice, and technical hand-holding they need over an extended period of time.
But I understand that $50,000 price tag is beyond many people’s reach, and most small businesses need different support than bigger companies with bigger budgets. So I’ve created a small group version of the same thing, where your signup investment is only $2,000. You choose the level of support you want from us, and we’ll price your monthly membership accordingly.
Leadsology® MWW Essential gives you all of the Leadsology® MWW training modules, plus access to our weekly live group Implementation Support Sessions where you can ask questions and have your progress reviewed to help you stay on track for success.
About now is where the questions start pouring in, so let me cover a few more that get asked all the time.
What else do I need to budget for?
There are no extra costs needed to implement the Leadsology® system.
All you need is your Leadsology® MWW membership itself, plus a webcam, an internet connection, and access to Microsoft PowerPoint or similar.
Some clients choose to upgrade their presentation platform, landing pages and graphics — but you don’t need to. If you did want to upgrade, the costs are still minimal.
Here what some of my clients opt for:
What do I need to do?
You need to give me eight hours a week for eight weeks and then the new clients will be flowing in.
If you spend more hours per week in the early stages of the program, then you’ll get the results even faster. Or you could do it in four hours a week for sixteen weeks if you’re OK with taking a bit longer.
Leadsology® MWW has been structured in a way that allows you to work at your own pace. It’s also highly refined, using principles of the 80-20 rule to ensure you’re getting a system that generates the biggest impact possible, with the least amount of effort.
Follow the steps in the online training modules, and set up your lead generation pipeline. Everything is broken down into crucial, actionable points in the training, so it’s easy to follow and do yourself. And if you get stuck, or have any questions, you can get hold of me every week in the live group Implementation Support Session.
Will I get leads instantly?
That’s the million-dollar question, isn’t it?
I’d love to tell you yes, but let’s be real for a minute. You’re implementing a system to automatically generate high-quality, pre-qualified leads, week after week. To set it up properly, you need to put in a little time.
Like I mentioned above, if you put in 8 hours of your time each week, you’ll be all set within 8 weeks.
Once we get to 8 weeks, the system will be pumping and the leads will be coming in at a constant pace. And I can tell you from experience those 8 weeks will probably go by faster than you think.
Do me a favor for a second. Open your calendar and jump back two months. Look at the appointments you had that day (if you had any at all). It doesn’t feel that long ago, right?
Now flick forward, to two months from now. Imagine what your schedule will look like when it’s filled with new client inquiry bookings. That moment is only two months away for you when you enroll in Leadsology® SOLO.
Can you just do the marketing for me?
Nope. I’m not in the business of handing out fish. I’d much rather show you how to fish — or rather, how to legally and ethically harvest fish from someone else’s fishing trawler.
Sound good?
By now I hope you’ve got all your questions answered, but there is one last thing.
Have you ever paid someone to generate leads for you? Or joined a course promising how to get new clients and grow your business?
How many times?
One or two? Three? More than seven?
We’ve all paid money to people who said they could help us. I’ve done it, and I’m sure you have too. You get caught up in the big promise, so you buy the book, the course, the coaching session… whatever they’re selling. You get sold on the idea.
But once you’ve paid up and you’re inside this “epic” offer, you realize it’s sparkle without substance. All you’ve got to show for it is a negative transaction in your bank account and a bunch of wasted time. The training is crap. The systems and instructions don’t work. And once they’ve got your money, the seller doesn’t care.
It’s unethical. It’s unfair. It makes my skin crawl just thinking about it.
So I want you to know that can’t happen here.
Literally impossible.
Because I’m offering you a very simple, absolutely unbreakable money back guarantee.
Here’s how it works:
You sign up for the Leadsology® MWW program. You get full access to the entire lead generation model, along with all the online training modules, and all of the support on offer for the membership level you selected.
That gives you the perfect opportunity to take Leadsology® for a Test Drive and check us out to make certain that you agree with hundreds of happy clients who have gone before you, that this will be one of the most profitable business decisions you will ever make.
So I want you to take a good look around to make sure you’re happy with everything. That means you’re satisfied that the training modules literally walk you through every decision, every step, and every click. You’ve checked out the support available to you and you’re feeling confident to make progress. You’ve started implementing what you learned in the first few days, and you can see that you’re going to make full use of the program, generate a steady flow of inbound, new client inquiries, and get a great return on your investment in Leadsology®.
In other words, I’m aiming for 100% satisfaction. Nope, that’s a lie. I’m actually aiming for 100% true love. I want Leadsology® MWW to be the most wonderful, most effective, most time-saving and most profitable system you’ve ever met. When this program starts to receive cards and marriage proposals on Valentine’s Day, then I’ll accept that my work here is done.
Until then…
If, for any reason, you decide that Leadsology® MWW is not the right choice for you, simply email me at tom@leadsology.guru (with a copy to events@leadsology.guru to make double sure it gets through) within 7 days of enrolling.
I promise we won’t ask any questions or demand to see your homework. We’ll simply cancel your enrollment, you’ll get a full refund of your investment back to the same payment method you used when you enrolled, and we’ll thank you for taking the time to explore what Leadsology® MWW offers.
This program gives you access to literally a lifetime of marketing knowledge, and a proven lead generation system.
So if you’re serious about building a marketing machine that finds, filters and forwards quality leads directly to your inbox, every week of the year, choose your membership level and click the button to get started.
To your success,
Tom Poland.
P.S. Don’t forget with my guarantee you’ve got 7 days to explore the Leadsology® MWW system in all its glory, and realize just how much it’s going to make your life easier (and your business more successful). Enroll today to get instant access to all the course materials and start generating fresh, high quality leads for your business week after week.