5 Ways to Multiply Your Business with Partnering – In Just 7 Minutes with Ellen Finkelstein

Check out episode
  • Discover 5 simple partnership methods that will multiply your business exponentially
  • Learn what partnering is all about and how it works
  • Learn how building a relationship through partnering can help you grow your list easy and fast



Are you a mission-driven entrepreneur who’s confused in those time-consuming marketing strategies that prevent your message to reach people you are built to serve?

One of the fastest ways to grow your business is to find people to partner and venture with.

You can’t grow it alone. But how do you get to know people so you can work with them?

Ellen Finkelstein is on a mission to help world-changers earn a living by teaching them how to speak and write effectively at the same time guides them through their marketing strategy and technology hurdles.

She started her first website in 1999 as has 11 books published with McGraw-Hill and Wiley as well as having self-published 10 e-books and has built an email subscriber list of 22,000 and a social media audience of over 100,000.

In this episode, Ellen shares how to leverage the power of partnering to get your positive message out to the world, reach more people and attract more customers.

Check out these episode highlights:

  • 02:04 – Ellen’s ideal client: “My ideal client is online entrepreneurs who want to make the world a better place. They have a message to get out there that they need help with writing and speaking. So that’s their message that they want to get out. But then they also need help with turning that into a business. “
  • 02:29 – Problem Ellen helps solve: “They’re having problems with both sides of that equation. So, some of them are having trouble writing and speaking.”
  • 03:29 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Ellen: “So, a lot of it is just they’re not making any money.”
  • 04:29 – What are some of the common mistakes that folks make before finding Liz and her solution?: “So, one problem is they spent too much time creating their content, like years sometimes.”
  • 06:34 – Ellen’s Valuable Free Action(VFA): “Make a list of people who serve the same audience as you do, maybe in a slightly different way. Get to know them online.”
  • 07:27 – Ellen’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): 5 Ways to Multiply Your Business with Partnering : Access Partnering Guide Here: https://ellenhelps.me/partner
  • 08:16 – Q: How can they create content quickly and get it out to the world? A: What you have to do is you have to start with something a little bit smaller rather than this big thing. And learn the process of promoting, the process of partnering and the process of, you know, how to have a website, and how to get something out into the world. And once you know how to do that, then you can grow something bigger and something bigger, and develop your followers something bigger.

Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:

“Make a list of people who serve the same audience as you do, maybe in a slightly different way. Get to know them online.'” -@changeworldmktg Share on X

(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)

Tom Poland: 0:09
Hello everyone, a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. My name is Tom Poland, joined today by Ellen Finkelstein. Ellen, good day, very warm welcome. Where are you hanging out?

Ellen Finkelstein: 0:20
I’m hanging out in Florida, in the southeast of the United States.

Tom Poland: 0:23
And a little birdie whispered to me that you’ve escaped from Iowa, where it is others ice on the ground.

Ellen Finkelstein: 0:29
Yes, it’s about four degrees there now.

Tom Poland: 0:32
Yes, the Fahrenheit, so that’s minus, I don’t know what the heck it is in Celsius but it’s freezing, freezing, freezing cold. But you’re in Florida where the sun is shining, the birds are singing.

Tom Poland: 0:41
Folks, I invited Ellen onto the show because somehow, I ended up in your email list, Ellen, and I was just so impressed with the consistency, the thoroughness, the quality of the free content that, Ellen, you were sending out. And so, I thought this is someone who would be, make a very valuable guest on the show. So, thank you for accepting the invitation to be here.

Tom Poland: 1:00
Folks, when you get content from someone like Ellen, what happens after a period of time is you, is you get sick of all the BS that comes out from other people. And you see this as someone who genuinely gives a damn and can deliver on the promise.

Tom Poland: 1:13
So, Ellen, let’s get on with the show. For those of you who haven’t heard of Ellen, she started her first website in 1999 and has 11 books published with McGraw-Hill and Wiley as well as having self-published 10 e-books and has built an email subscriber list of 22,000, organically, no mean feat, and a social media audience of over 100,000. So, Ellen helps entrepreneurs who want to earn a living while at the same time making the world a better place through speaking and writing, guides them through the marketing strategy and the technology, which pretty much everyone needs a big hand with.

Tom Poland: 1:50
So, Ellen, the subject today is, “5 Ways to Multiply Your Business with Partnering,” and folks, Ellen’s going to tell us how to do that in just seven minutes. Ellen, our time starts now. Question number one, who is your ideal client?

Ellen Finkelstein: 2:04
My ideal client is online entrepreneurs, as you said, who want to make the world a better place. They have a message to get out there that they need help with writing and speaking. So that’s their message that they want to get out. But then they also need help with turning that into a business. So that’s marketing strategy and technology.

Tom Poland: 2:22
Perfect. Thank you. And question number two, we’ve got six and a half minutes left, what’s the problem you solve for them?

Ellen Finkelstein: 2:29
They’re having problems with both sides of that equation. So, some of them are having trouble writing and speaking. So, they just don’t know how to, maybe they’re procrastinating or maybe they don’t know how to write well, or whatever it is. They’re not organized. Some of them are having trouble with the writing and speaking side of it.

Ellen Finkelstein: 2:46
I would say most of them are having trouble with the other side of it, which that their problem is that they don’t understand the technology. They don’t know how to market; they don’t know the strategy. And so, they might even have something out there but it isn’t selling so they haven’t turned it into a business yet, that’s their problem.

Tom Poland: 3:04
Right. But they’ve got a gift that they want to get out to the world and they believe passionately in making the world a better place. Thank you for that. Question number three, just five and a half minutes left. So, we’ve got this person who’s got this gift they need a hand with their writing, their marketing strategies, their technology, what are they experiencing? What’s going on in their business, in their life right now before they find you as a solution? In other words, what are the sort of the symptoms that they’re experiencing?

Ellen Finkelstein: 3:29
So, a lot of it is just they’re not making any money.

Tom Poland: 3:32
That’s going straight to the nub of the matter, isn’t it?

Ellen Finkelstein: 3:37
Well, but it’s painful for them. So, they need to make a living, well, they want to make a living. And for others, there are some people who the money isn’t so important, they just want to have more reach for their message. But they are, you know, they try to do something online and two people respond, and so they don’t know how to reach the world.

Tom Poland: 3:58
So, there must be a feeling of frustration that goes with that.

Ellen Finkelstein: 4:02
Yes, definitely.

Tom Poland: 4:03
But perplexed. Okay. So, when we’ve got this person who’s got the two responses, and that’s probably on a good day, you know, feeling like they’ve got this gift that’s just like a billboard in the middle of the Sahara Desert. It’s there, it’s shining, but no one’s seeing it. They’re going to try stuff. So, question number four, four and a half minutes left. Question number four is, what are some of the common mistakes that people try, who’ve got this problem or feeling those symptoms of frustration, before they find your solution?

Ellen Finkelstein: 4:29
So, one problem is they spent too much time creating their content, like years sometimes. So I have a friend who’s on her 16th year of working on a cookbook, and I have a client who spent, you know, took 15 years to write his book, which is out now, unlike my cookbook friend, but they spent too much time with it. Another mistake, well, they’re uncomfortable with promotion and selling, so the mistake they make is that they don’t promote and they don’t sell.

Ellen Finkelstein: 4:59
So, you know, they might try to get out the word by themselves, you know, they might do a couple of posts here on social media or whatever it is. And they just don’t reach enough people, that is a big mistake. And so, the other thing is that, we’re going to be talking a little more about this, is that they feel like they can’t, they’re not important enough or they’re not big enough to reach out to other people to partner with them. And it’s really hard to completely start a business on your own, by yourself, and reach enough people without partnering with other people.

Ellen Finkelstein: 5:30
People help each other, you know, that you and I are partnering now. You’re going to promote this and I’m going to promote this, and so it’s a partnership. You know, you felt my knowledge is valuable for your people and I think this will be, you know, so we partner together and that’s how we reach more people. It took me a long time to partner also, but when I did it made this huge difference. And sometimes they were these big leaps all at once and sometimes it was kind of slow and steady, but whatever it is, partnerships made a big difference.

Tom Poland: 5:59
And, you know, that’s a lot of people that you’ve described, they’ll say, “But I don’t have an email list.” But you’ve got an email list of 22,000, I imagine you weren’t born with that. I imagined like the rest of them you were born naked, without an email list. So, it works. That’s what I tell people, we’re all born naked. No one’s born with an email list, so start.

Tom Poland: 6:19
So, question five, what’s one valuable free action that an audience member could take that’s going to take them a step in the right direction? It’s not going to solve the whole problem, they might need you for that, but it’ll help them a bit. We’ve got two minutes left, that’s question five, one valuable free action.

Ellen Finkelstein: 6:34
There’s a really easy way to start partnering that will grow your list and that is to find, make a list of people who serve the same audience as you do, maybe in a slightly different way. Get to know them online. So, sign up for their list, follow them on social media, comment on their blog posts, all of that kind of thing. Create a relationship with them.

Ellen Finkelstein: 6:55
And then suggest that you share each other’s free offers. So, “I saw your offer, I think it’s great, I’d like to share it with my people. Can I send you mine, and would you do the same in return?” And so, you send each other people. And there are people who are targeted to you because you’ve chosen people to partner with who is serving the same target market. It’s free, it’s easy, you build your list.

Tom Poland: 7:18
So, thank you. Question number six, one minute 20 seconds left, what’s a valuable free resource that we could send people to that’s going to help them even more with this problem?

Ellen Finkelstein: 7:27
I have a talk that I did. It was actually, originally a Facebook Live, so it’s a recording. I have lots of actionable content in it. Plus, I include my script so like the PDF of it. It’s called, “5 Ways to Multiply Your Business with Partnering.” The link is ellenhelps.me/partner.

Tom Poland: 7:46
Well, we’ll make sure that’s published. Can you say that one more time slowly for folks who are listening to this on a podcast?

Ellen Finkelstein: 7:52
Sure. Ellenhelps.me/partner.

Tom Poland: 7:58
Perfect. So, Ellen helps dot M-E, as in helps me, forward slash partner. Thank you so much. Question number seven, last question, and we’ve got, wow, a whopping 25 seconds left. What’s the one question I should have asked you, but didn’t?

Ellen Finkelstein: 8:16
So, I think it’s if someone has big ideas, you know, how can they create content quickly and get it out to the world. And I think that what you have to do is you have to start with something a little bit smaller rather than this big thing.

Ellen Finkelstein: 8:29
And learn the process of promoting, the process of partnering and the process of, you know, how to have a website, and how to get something out into the world. And once you know how to do that, then you can grow something bigger and something bigger, and develop your followers something bigger.

Tom Poland: 8:44
Very quickly, give us an idea of one thing that someone could develop, a bit faster, a bit simpler than others, that might make a good promotional, cross-promotional opportunity asset. A checklist or…

Ellen Finkelstein: 8:57
Yes, exactly. A checklist or a worksheet.

Tom Poland: 8:59
Perfect. Ellen, thanks so much for your time. It’s been very, very valuable.

Ellen Finkelstein: 9:04
Thank you for having me.

Tom Poland: 9:06
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