How to Boost Influence and Conversion Rates – In Just 7 Minutes with Jim Padilla

Check out episode
  • Learn how to make conversations with the right people at the right time to make income predictable
  • Know why discovery call audits matters and how to do them
  • Learn how being authentic to the people boosts your influence and conversion



Jim Padilla is a visionary, also known as the Captain of the Ship. He is a Master Sales Trainer, an Expert Team Builder, and a Launch Expert. He and his team have led dozens of entrepreneurs to huge success in their launches, driving sales and surpassing goals and expectations. His God-given talent and nature allow him to inspire his team and partners to achieve their full potential.

In this episode of Marketing the Invisible, Jim shares how he helps entrepreneurs boost influence and conversion rates.

Check out these episode highlights:

  • 01:46 – Jim Padilla’s ideal clients: Entrepreneurs and salespeople who are tired of inconsistent sales results and working way too hard to convince people to show up and buy
  • 02:17 – The sales conversion problems he helps to solve so that clients can get rid of the lack of consistency in results.
  • 02:34 –The symptoms his clients experience when trying to fix their sales conversion problem– results and sales are inconsistent, typically you’re pursuing people to buy
  • 03:17 – Mistakes and false solutions people do prior to finding Jim and his team
  • 04:48 – Jim’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): Start auditing your calls. Record your call and listen to them. Listen to them with an open ear, in an objective mind and you’ll be stunned at the things you can learn about what you should be saying more, of what you should be saying less off.
  • 05:31 – Jim’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR Facebook group See You at 7.
  • 07:17 – Question: How long does it take to become a salesperson? How long should I be waiting to get a consistent income? Answer: You’re already a professional salesperson you’ve been doing this your whole life. The problem is you just you haven’t really tapped into being able to do it on purpose.

Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
People are way more concerned with how many people they're talking to every week instead of are you talking to the right people every week.-@coachjim33 Share on X
You got to stop listening to everybody else and start finding an expert. The information from people who don't know what they're doing is worth less than free. Just stop listening to every expert out there. Find an expert to resonate with and go… Share on X

(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)

Tom Poland: Hello. Hello. Hello everyone. A very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. My name is Tom Poland joined today by GTE training group. Actually, his name is Jim Padilla. Jim, good day. How are you?

Jim Padilla: I’m doing great. How are you?

Tom Poland: I’m a box of fluffy ducks. So where are you hanging out?

Jim Padilla: I am in Sacramento California.

Tom Poland: For those of you who don’t know Jim. He is the owner of the world’s most understated bio. Because I know Jim through an online J.V., joint venture mastermind group that we’re both involved in. And I know how extraordinary his business is. And I know. Just a few of his long list of achievements and I’ve just got his bio which I’ll read to now. As founder of Gain the Edge. Jim is known in the personal development of business coaching role as the go-to-guy for all things sales. Again, underselling himself because he’s a master of marketing and he’s also a master of organization teams. But like I said I’m the world’s most understated buyer. He’s the master collaborator whose purpose is to help entrepreneurs leverage the power of collaboration. Music to my ears to scale a business so they can impact the world the way they intended. So Jim’s probably best known for instilling in his sales team that it’s not what you say, it’s who you’re being when you say it. It’s very profound and deep stuff. So our interview subject is how to boost influence and conversion rates. We’ll do that in just seven minutes. Jim, time starts now. Let’s kick off. Who is your ideal client?

Jim Padilla: We have two major leagues. The first one is seven-figure and even beyond scaling businesses who have a consistent flow of qualified leads and no longer. want the burden of hiring, training, and running a sales team. That’s for we outsource stuff. in today’s conversation, we’re going to talk more about the conversion side and that’s for entrepreneurs and salespeople who are tired of inconsistent sales results and working way too hard to convince people to show up and buy.

Tom Poland: Where have you been all my life? Question number 2, tell us more about that problem you solve.

Jim Padilla: Specifically, it’s all about helping people convert sales more consistently and more simply. So that you can get rid of the lack of consistency in results.

Tom Poland: What are the typical symptoms that are your ideal clients going to be experiencing before they get to work with you? What’s going to be happening?

Jim Padilla: Typically your results and your sales are inconsistent which of course show up in your pocketbook. It shows up in your behavior. Typically you’re pursuing people rather heavily come up with as we call conditioned breath and realize that through talking to the wrong person. Maybe even the right person just at the wrong time. Because you know usually when you have that desperation it can dull the radar of our senses. So you’re not as tuned into who you should be serving because you just focus on wanting to serve.

Tom Poland: It sounds like there’s a lot of emotional attachment to getting the sale but it’s not happening. I imagine there are some frustration and disappointment as sort of a scratching of the head. So Question 4 is you’ve got this person who. Can figure out why they’re not converting the way they know they’ve got a good product, they should be converting, they are not converting the frustrated disappointed, scratching head and they’re going to try some stuff and they gonna make some mistakes and try to kind of the false solutions. So what are some of those mistakes that people make prior to finding you and you’re your team?

Jim Padilla: Number one that shows up a lot is you start focusing on quantity versus quality. You know people are way more concerned with how many people they’re talking to every week instead of are you talking to the right people every week. All of this stuff is kind of connected. But it’s interesting that you mentioned the bio being understated because one of the biggest problems that people make when you’re feeling this weakness of results is you go into proving yourself. You start going way too far the other direction you become way overstated in trying to prove everything about yourself. And people do not want that. The other thing is trying to get more of the same and getting more is better. If it’s not working let me just do more it. It’s just not the right way to go about these. You have to step back step back and evaluate what you’re doing. Then here’s a couple real quick ones. One is you got to stop listening to everybody else and start finding an expert. The information from people who don’t know what they’re doing is worth less than free. Yeah. And then the other is just stop listening to every expert out there find an expert to resonate with and go deep with them.

Tom Poland: Excellent. So question 5, three minutes left. What’s One Valuable Free Action that an audience member could implement that solve the whole issue they’ve got but it’s gonna take them one step closer.

Jim Padilla: The best thing that I’ve ever come across in all of my years of this and hundreds of thousands of sales conversations. Start auditing your calls. Record your call and listen to them. Listen to them when they open ear, in an objective mind and you’ll be stunned at the things you can learn about what you should be saying more of what you should be saying less off and doing definitely.

Tom Poland: Do find a lot of people don’t do that because they’re lazy? I mean it’s the first thing that came to my mind as soon as you’ve said that. Wow, that’s an amazing idea. Oh yeah. I have to listen to myself for now.

Jim Padilla: Part of it is lazy and I would say the bigger part of it is fear. Is that it could be terrified to go down that road and look in the mirror.

Tom Poland: So Question 6, can you direct us to one Valuable Free Resource that will help people just go a bit further to help them with this problem.

Jim Padilla: Yeah two things here, one we have a Facebook group that we’ve just started and it’s called See You at 7. It’s spelled out here in the show notes. This is a group that I and my wife, my business partner, and all of our sales team is in there. It is designed to help you. You have questioned the audience of the 100 million dollar sales team at your disposal. Well, questions about anything you are dealing with in growing your business and your sales process. So that theme of himself is something that is very well worth and we’re giving it away for free.

Tom Poland: Thank you. And Question 7, what’s the one question I should have asked you but I didn’t. We’ve got 90 seconds. If you need it I’ve got a backup question and if you’ve got time.

Jim Padilla: I would say how long does it take to become a salesperson? How long should I be waiting to get a consistent income? And the answer is you’re already a professional salesperson you’ve been doing this your whole life. The problem is you just you haven’t really tapped into being able to do it on purpose. You’ve been selling people on going to movies, buying, going to a restaurant, you sold your wife on marrying you, you’ve been selling your whole life.

Tom Poland: That was a hard sell. I have to tell you.

Jim Padilla: Exactly. Now you just get stuck thinking you actually have to be a professional salesperson instead of just being a person who has a great conversation with people.

Tom Poland: And hopefully they didn’t get buyer’s remorse after they sold getting married. So we’ve got 40 seconds left just a snapshot of your philosophy of the sales conversation because I think it’s fresh and authentic.

Jim Padilla: We teach something called the Park Bench Approach to a conversation you should be able to sell on a park bench with a random stranger and inside of 30 minutes you should know what they want, why they want it, what’s in the way of getting it, how committed are they to getting there and when do they want to start. And then you can point into whatever resource that is you don’t have a need a script you don’t need a funnel you know a process for that. You just need to be able to have a heart and be able to tell people that you could create conversations.

Tom Poland: Beautiful succinct as well. Jim Padilla thanks so much for your time.

Tom Poland: Thanks for checking out our Marketing of the Invisible podcast. If you like what we’re doing here. Please head over to iTunes to subscribe. Rate us and leave us a review. It’s very much appreciated. And if you want to generate five fresh leads in just five hours then check out