- Learn how to get clients organically
- How can you earn your worth as a coach?
- Learn the 3 things you must do to build a thriving business without spending a dime in paid advertisement
Marc Mawhinney is a lifelong entrepreneur who helps coaches get more clients without paid advertising. He achieves this with his coaching programs; his podcasts (Natural Born Coaches and The Marc Mawhinney Minute); his Facebook group The Coaching Jungle, and his exclusive print newsletter Secret Coach Club. You can learn more about him at www.NaturalBornCoaches.com. His passion and specialty is helping other coaches build successful businesses by defining their target markets, implementing systems to better manage their time and make more sales.
In this episode of Marketing the Invisible, Marc shares how he helps coaches get more clients without using paid advertising.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 00:50 – Marc’s professional background as a lifelong entrepreneur and as a coach for coaches
- 02:00 – His ideal clients: a coach or aspiring coach, it doesn’t want to sink thousands or tens of thousands of dollars into paid ads. They want they’re willing to roll up their sleeves and it’s going to take work but they’re willing to do it organically
- 02:32 – The ‘connecting with the right paying audience’ problems he helps solve for his clients
- 02:51 – The symptoms his clients experience when trying to solve they’re not getting what their worth problems
- 03:49 – the common mistakes that people try in an attempt to solve the problem of getting paid what they’re worth attracting enough high-quality clients
- 05:52 – Marc’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): Just be more consistent.
- 05:54 – Marc’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): www.NaturalBornCoaches.com/blog
- 08:03 – Can anybody be a coach? No, not everyone should be a coach. Don’t feel like you have to become a coach. You have to enjoy working with people helping people and you have to be a hard worker. It’s not the 4-Hour Work Week starting out that that would be my answer.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Coaches want to help people and they're very giving which is great in a lot of cases. However, it can be bad as well because they go too far the other way where they try to give everything away for free and then they end up getting very… Share on X
“When I say choose three things that work for you. There are two big criteria. First of all, they have to be something that you enjoy because if you don't enjoy it you're not going to consistently do it. And the second criteria for why you… Share on X
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland:Hello everyone a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing the Invisible My name is Tom Poland sitting here in the sand a Little Castaways Beach in Australia joined today by Marc Mawhinney.
Tom Poland:Marc,where are you hanging out man?
Marc Mawhinney: I’m hanging out the OPs city. I’m in the snow in Canada. I’m on the East Coast of Canada.
Tom Poland:Well I tell we got bright sunshine here it’s Wednesday morning.
Marc Mawhinney: I don’t want to hear that I’m going to leave now. Now talk about your weather.
Tom Poland:It’s gone 9a.m. The Birds is singing I can hear the waves on the sand.
Marc Mawhinney: Now I don’t want to hear that.
Tom Poland:All right but hey you can ski where you are. The best we can do is roll down a sandhill. Enough of geography and climate reports. For those of you don’t know Marc is a lifelong entrepreneur. I can tell you he’s fair dinkum as we say here. Down under he helps coaches get more clients personable but without any complexity or cost. That’s why I put it without any advertising which introduces us nicely to the subject today which is How to Build Your Online Business Without Fancy Pants Funnels or Expensive Ads in just 7 Minutes. But let me finish his bio. He does this through the coaching programs, his podcasts, he has Natural Born Coaches and The Marc Mawhinney Show over 600 episodes is that right Marc?.
Marc Mawhinney: For now we’re closing in on 600, 582 as we are recording.
Tom Poland:So if you’re a coach go check out his Facebook group. The Coaching Jungle which I’ve just joined and has an exclusive print newsletter. Wow, who does that new print newsletter? The secret codes club you can read more about him at dub dub dub dub. Natural born coaches dot com right. Mark our seven minutes is going to start now. As I said a title is how to build your online business without fancy funnels or expensive ads or just sit minutes.
Tom Poland:Clock starts now. Question number one Who’s your ideal client?
Marc Mawhinney: My ideal client is a coach or aspiring coach, it doesn’t want to sink thousands or tens of thousands of dollars into paid ads. They want they’re willing to roll up their sleeves and it’s going to take work but they’re willing to do it organically which is how I built my business starting five years ago and coaching as well. So it’s any coach. But it’s also a coach doesn’t want to do the paid ad route but also let’s make a big impact. It doesn’t excite me when the coach has small goals I want people who are looking to make a real splash.
Tom Poland:And so what’s the problem you solve. Question two.
Marc Mawhinney: Well the problem I solve is how do people get connected with those paying clients who are paying them what they’re worth. So that’s what I’m all about. Hate to see coaches getting paid peanuts or getting paid nothing at all. So I make sure that hey they’re getting paid what they’re actually worth.
Tom Poland:All right. So question three, six minutes left. What would you say were the typical symptoms of people who have that problem, not getting paid what they’re with not attracting enough clients etcetera. What was happening in their life what’s happening the business? How would you describe the symptoms?
Marc Mawhinney: Well I mean overall the word that flashes in the mind is frustration. You can tell when you’re talking to a frustrated coach just like any frustrated online entrepreneur. Coaches want to help people and they’re very giving which is great in a lot of cases. However, it can be bad as well because they go too far the other way where they try to give everything away for free and then they end up getting very bitter, frustrated and so on. So that would be the big thing I notice that by the time they get to me they’ve already been trying it usually for a while could be a year, two years, could be six months and they’re just pulling their hair out and they’re at the wit’s end and extremely frustrated.
Tom Poland:So on the theme of getting to your question for five minutes left. People are going to try stuff before they find you. So what are some of the common mistakes that people try in an attempt to solve the problem of getting paid what they’re worth attracting enough high-quality clients? What are some of the mistakes they make before they find you?
Marc Mawhinney: Well they’re chasing the BSO’s– bright shiny objects. And they’re throwing spaghetti at every wall they can see and they’re not focusing on any one thing so Jim Collins has a great quote he said If you have more than three priorities. You don’t have any. And I agree with that. So even with my business, I have three ways that I get clients. It’s through podcasting on both sides of the mike like my show or what I’m doing here. It’s off Facebook and the Facebook group is a big part of that. And daily e-mail. So email marketing by emailing every day if I’m doing those three things. I know I’m good. Unfortunately, most coaches aren’t doing those things that they enjoy. They’re dabbling, they’re not consistent. It’s like trying to start a fire if you have a magnifying glass but you keep moving it. You don’t keep it focused on one section of the hay or whatever you’re not going to start a fire.
Tom Poland:So those are three pretty critical things you just mentioned and give it to me again if you would in a summary. There’s a podcast, you as a guest and a host, daily e-mail.
Marc Mawhinney: And Facebook group for me now. Other people’s three things are probably going to be different than mine when I say choose three things that work for you. There are two big criteria. First of all, they have to be something that you enjoy because if you don’t enjoy it you’re not going to consistently do it. If you absolutely hate writing and you feel like throwing up instead of writing an e-mail don’t do daily e-mails. So first all you have to enjoy it. And the second criteria for why you choose to do is that has to work. So I might enjoy leaning my head out the window and yelling at people buy from me buy for me hire me could be my favorite thing in the world to do but it doesn’t work. So that’s the other important caveat here. You have to make sure that actually works as well. But those are the big things to keep in mind.
Tom Poland:So you have to want to do it and has to be effective. Pick from that list. Okay so question five and just over three minutes left one valuable free action that an audience member can take that will help them solve the whole problem but it will moving towards a solution.
Marc Mawhinney: I would say be just be more consistent. But going back to I just mentioned if I if anyone if people could get anything from this talk I would like to get more people on to that daily email train because that’s been huge for my business. I started doing it in the spring of 2016 at a point when I was ready to quit email. I was ready to give up Aweber accounts. This is stupid. You know I was doing the usual email once a week once every two weeks twice a week. I wasn’t getting anything there changing to daily change everything for me. So I would recommend as an action stop get started with daily emails. Email is not dead. It’s very powerful and daily emails can do a lot for your business.
Tom Poland:Is it like a daily blog e-mail or is it an offer e-mail or what. What are people going to put in their e-mails?
Marc Mawhinney: In a nutshell. So no we don’t have a ton of time my e-mails are short 200 to 300 words. They’re usually a short little story lesson and then it transitions to a call to action. I have a call to action and every single email is not twisting my arm and beat them over the head. So I tell my story whatever I want them to know and then I’ll say something. By the way, I go over this in greater detail in Module three of my daily email system. Go check out w w w dot daily e-mail system dot com. There’s my sneaky way.
Tom Poland:Good for you. You wouldn’t be a marketer if you didn’t do that. Maybe she’s sexy.
Tom Poland:Well you might it just you might have just given them out to give us the answer questions six, 90 seconds left, two questions left. What is the one valuable free resource that you can direct people to that’ll further help with a problem?
Marc Mawhinney: Maybe it’s well valuable free resource. Obviously, I’d like for people to opt into my list of naturally born coaches.com. But if you want to look at my emails I actually copy every e-mail over on my blog. Ninety-nine percent of my blog posts are my daily e-mails. So if you want to check it out without subscribing and get a flavor for what I send out. It’s at naturalborncoaches.com/blog. And you can see kind of the flow of my e-mails.
Tom Poland:Perfect question 7. One minute left. What’s the one question I should have asked you but I didn’t?
Marc Mawhinney: Oh Boy. I would say that the one question would be can anybody be a coach? Because I’m in the coaching world. That’s all I work with coaches and I’ll say something a little different than what the prevailing wisdom is. People are saying everyone should be a coach. No not everyone should be a coach, not everyone should be a doctor not everyone should be a dentist or whatever. Don’t feel like you have to become a coach or that it’s a get rich quick because it’s not. Get rich quick and make a million dollars in the first 30 days. You have to enjoy working with people helping people and you have to be a hard worker. It’s not the 4-Hour Work Week starting out that that would be my answer.
Tom Poland:All right. Marc Mawhinney thank you so much for your time.
Marc Mawhinney: Yeah thanks for having me Tom.
Tom Poland:Thanks for checking out our Marketing the Invisible Podcast if you like what we’re doing here. Please head over to itunes to subscribe, rate us and leave us a review. It’s very much appreciated. And if you want to generate five fresh leads in just five hours then check out www.fiveHourchallenge.com.