Skyrocket Productivity and Finish Everything You Start – in Just 7 Minutes with Mitch Russo

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  • Increase training, course, and mastermind completion rates by 3x – 10x
  • Use the Results Breakthrough Network’s innovative system to create accountability partnerships among your staff members, students, or mastermind members
  • Learn how to effectively finish your newly shiny purchased course



Mitch Russo founded Timeslips Corp in his garage, sold it 9 years later for 8 figures, then teamed up with Tony Robbins and Chet Holmes as CEO of Business Breakthrough, Int’l and grew to $25M in sales. Mitch is also the author of The Invisible Organization, an Amazon #1 Best Seller. Today Mitch helps people finish the courses and programs they bought using accountability.

In this episode of Marketing the Invisible, Mitch shares proven ways to helps coaches, course builder and mastermind owners Increase training, course, and mastermind completion rates by 3x – 10x.

Check out these episode highlights:

  • 00:55 – Mitch’s professional background as a coach, writer, and Business Genius
  • 01:51 – His ideal client: program owners mastermind owners and corporate training departments, anybody who either has a course, they haven’t finished or has created courses and has students that they wish would finish.
  • 02:07 – course and program completion problem he helps solve for his clients
  • 02:29 – symptoms a course owner experience when they struggle with completing their course
  • 03:56 – the common mistakes people do before getting to Mitch’s system
  • 05:08 – Mitch’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): Find somebody else who took the program, too. If the program you bought has a Facebook group. Just watch the people who interact and private message somebody and say ‘Hey would you like to work together and maybe get this course done?” And see if that helps.
  • 05:54 – Mitch’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR):
  • 06:51 – Mitch’s Valuable Free Tip (VFT): Budget time. Look at your calendar and actually enter time every week to work on your course. Do not compromise that time.

Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“When it comes to entrepreneurs and business courses owners they're generally in overwhelm. And overwhelmed means that they don't know what to do next.” -@mitchrusso Share on X

“When it comes to courses, the problem is that you relegate your newly shiny purchased course over there to the side because it's not as important as maybe making that next client call.” -@mitchrusso Share on X

(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)

Tom Poland: Hello everyone. A very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. My name is Tom Poland sitting here on the sand, of Little Castaways Beach, Queensland Australia where the sun is always shining and the birds are always singing. Mitch Russo, a very must be a good afternoon for you, is it?

Mitch Russo: Absolutely.

Tom Poland: Where are you hanging out there?

Mitch Russo: And right now I’m in beautiful downtown Marlboro, Massachusetts.

Tom Poland: Massachusetts. The BeeGees sang a song about that, didn’t they?

Mitch Russo: They did. Arlo Guthrie sang a song about that too.

Tom Poland: Wow you’re old enough to know Arlo. I’m impressed. So for those of you who don’t know Mitch, he quite incredibly started a business in his garage called Time Slips Corp. he sold it 9 later for 8 figures. And yes it’s worthy of a pause at that point. He then teamed up with Tony Robbins and Chet Holmes as CEO of Business Breakthrough International. Build from scratch to 25 million dollars in sales. Worthy of another pause. He’s also the author of The Invisible Organization which is an Amazon number one bestseller and today Mitch. Very interestingly we’ve had a couple of conversations about this and I’m absolutely fascinated by it. Intrigue to the point where I’ve dived into the weeds on the thing and it’s brilliant. He helps people finish the courses and programs they bought using accountability and review principles. So our topic today is “Skyrocket productivity and finish everything you start.” We can do that in just seven minutes as usual. Much our time starts now. Question number 1, please. Seven Questions seven minutes. First of all, describe your ideal client.

Mitch Russo: My ideal client is anybody who either has a course they haven’t finished or has created courses and has students that they wish would finish. So I appeal to program owners mastermind owners and corporate training departments.

Tom Poland: And as a course publisher and owner and facilitator and coach, this problem is ubiquitous and yes as of course owner we really love the idea that people are paying us money and not taking our time to help them implement. But we’d love it even more if they did. So it’s a problem because if people don’t implement they don’t refer.

Tom Poland: So if you have someone who’s bought the course perhaps they’re an owner. I don’t know. But people do book courses and they’re not implementing what are some of the symptoms are experiencing?

Mitch Russo: Well typically most people particularly when it comes entrepreneurs and business courses they’re generally in overwhelm. And overwhelmed means that they don’t know what to do next. It’s not that they have too much to do. It’s just that they choose the wrong things to do first. So if you were to ask yourself what is the one action that I could take right now that will generate cash, that would be a way of getting out of overwhelm.

Mitch Russo: But when it comes to courses the problem is that you relegate your newly shiny purchased course over there to the side because it’s not as important as maybe making that next client call. So the problem we solve is we basically get people to stay focused and stop procrastinating on doing the most productive things for them.

Tom Poland: So as this goes caveat called it I think the tyranny of the urgent over the important.

Mitch Russo: And exactly.

Tom Poland: And the dilemma between torn between let’s get the short term needs taken care of but let’s get something in place long term that’s not going to make me quite feeling like I’m running on that treadmill.

Tom Poland: And we’ve all done it. We’ve all bought the courses of all downloaded them when we were signed up for something without even a high point of accountability with his weekly Q and A meetings and so on. And we’re noticing we’re not finishing those courses. Before people get to your system. What are some of the things they try that just don’t work? It’s kind of like mistakes that try to solve the problem but. It doesn’t work.

Mitch Russo: Sure. So a lot of people will attend the weekly group coaching calls and hope that that will get them going. A lot of people will try and watch modules over and over again until they get it. And again some people don’t get it and give up. Some people miss the group coaching calls and make the excuse to themselves.’ I’ll just watch the replay of that.’ But as you know in group coaching half the value is in being able to ask a question. And if you’re clueless to begin with then watching some other groups of people ask questions about what you’re clueless of isn’t going to help much.

Mitch Russo: So typically the issue is I’m lost, I don’t know what to do next, and I’m busy so I’ll put this aside until I figure that out.

Tom Poland: And question number five is we’ve got three and a half minutes left. What’s one valuable free action that people can take that might not solve the whole problem but it takes them a step in the right direction?

Mitch Russo: The simplest thing to do is to find somebody else who took the program, too. If the program you bought has a Facebook group. Just watch the people who interact and PM private message somebody and say ‘Hey would you like to work together and maybe get this course done?” And see if that helps. You might get somebody who can or they may say yes but then they don’t show up either and there’s a whole host of problems but that’s the quickest and simplest immediate way to try.

Tom Poland: Super. Thank you. So one valuable free resource this is question 6. What’s one valuable free resource that you can direct people to that’ll help them even more with this problem?

Mitch Russo: If it’s OK with you Tom I’m going to give all your listeners free access to my software. Would that be, OK?

Tom Poland: That would be fantastic. Two thumbs up.

Mitch Russo: All right so you’re going to have a link on the on this page and that link if you click on that link it’s going to direct you to a sales page well read it if you like it’s very enjoyable to read I think. But more importantly, press the red button which is Get Started for Free. When you press the red button and go all the way down to the right to the box that says Start for Free. Not the sign a box for money but the free box. There’ll be a place for a group code. Put the code WINNER all caps into that box along with your email address and your name and you will be admitted into the system. You will get an email and you will get a quick start guide and you have 30 days of full access into the system.

Tom Poland: Fantastic. So yeah the last question and we got 90 seconds for it from all your years of experience. What’s the most Valuable Free Tip that you can give people for finishing courses and programs that you invested in?

Mitch Russo: I guess the simplest thing to do is to budget time. Look at your calendar and actually enter time on the calendar every week to work on this course. And do not compromise that time. Make it like your dinner date or your lunchtime or just set that time aside and be true to yourself and value your time and get this done.

Tom Poland: Mitch Russo, thank you so much.

Tom Poland: Thanks for checking out our Marketing of the Invisible podcast if you like what we’re doing here. Please head over to iTunes to subscribe, rate us and leave us a review. It’s very much appreciated. And if you want to generate 5 fresh leads in just 5 hours then check out