- How developing curiosity is the root of all issues that impact productivity?
- Learn how Curiosity Code Index help people figure out ways to create a plan and move forward
- Learn how Curiosity Code Index can help organizations develop a plan to improve their employees’ Curiosity and determine ways to become innovative
- www.curiositycode.com
- Dr.Diane Hamilton Radio
- Books: Cracking the Curiosity Code, It’s Not You, It’s Your Personality
Dr. Diane Hamilton – a sought after expert in emotional intelligence and the creator of Curiosity Code Index. She is also a nationally syndicated radio host, award-winning speaker, author of four books sold worldwide: Cracking the Curiosity Code, The Online Student’s User Manual, How to Reinvent Your Career and It’s Not You, It’s Your Personality.
In this episode of Marketing the Invisible, Dr. Diane shares the factors that affect people’s business, career, and life and how Curiosity Code Index can help create a plan to become productive and innovative.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 00:43 – Diane’s professional background as a speaker, radio host, author and creator of Curiosity Code Index
- 02:14 – Her Ideal Client: Top organizational leaders, HR Executives, and Leadership consultants
- 02:42 – Productivity problem that Curiosity code index helped with
- 03:06 – Symptoms that people experienced when they have productivity issues
- 04:38 – What are the common mistakes people do before they found out Curiosity Code
- 05:15 – Diane’s Free Valuable Action: Look on your personality and behavioral aspect work on your Fear, Assumptions, Technology, and Environment
- 06:53 – Diane’s Free Valuable Resource – go to the site www.curiositycode.com and dr.dianehamilton.com
- 06:54 – Diane’s Free Valuable Tip – Take the assessment when it comes out. Once they take the test they will report back and they will get a good idea on how it works
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Spark of curiosity leads to motivation, motivation leads to engagement,productivity, and innovation. And the mistake they're making is they're not starting at the beginning.” -DrDianeHamilton Share on X
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland: Hello everyone. A very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. I’m Tom Poland beaming out to you on the sand of Little Castaways Beach in Queensland, Australia joined today from the other side of the world Dr Diane Hamilton, drumroll, a very warm welcome.
Diane Hamilton: I like that welcome. It’s so nice to be here.
Tom Poland: Well it’s a real privilege to have you in the show not only because you’ve become like a global rock star in our world but you’re also going to share with us on what I consider one of the most fascinating subjects in the marketing world. Certainly if not the whole world of human psychology. So for those of you who don’t know Dr. Diane, she is the creator of the Curiosity Code Index and even just coming up with that name is clever. Because it invokes the very thing that you’re talking about which is curiosity. So I find myself going on that’s interesting. And then I realize it’s meant to be interesting. It’s designed to be interesting. Creator of the CCI, the curiosity coat index, author of Cracking the Curiosity Code what you can find out more about www curiositycode.com
Tom Poland: But there’s a whole lot more to Dr. Diane is like those Russian dolls that prettier I have to say. But you know you’re the first one there’s another one, and you go Holy crap, there’s another one, there’s another one, there’s another one.
Tom Poland: She’s not only the Creator of the Curiosity Code she’s nationally syndicated nationally. Get that USA wide radio host, speaker, moderator, a consultant, and educator.
Tom Poland: She’s got her own radio show Dr.DianeHamiltonRadio.Com as she calls showcases successful individuals including C-Suite executives, Time Magazine’s most influential people of the year Forbes 30 it says it’s just a whole lineup of stars from the commercial world on a radio show, Nobel Peace Prize nominees, New York Times best-selling author and so on and so on. So enough of that.
Tom Poland: Let’s get on with the show. The title is “How to Use Curiosity to Increase Engagement and Productivity.” I’m willing to do all that in just seven minutes. Diane our time starts now. No one is. Who is your ideal client?.
Diane Hamilton: I work with everyone from top organizational leaders to H.R. executives. Mostly I deal with a lot of leadership consultants lately because I have this new curiosity index which shows we’re getting them certified to give it to organizations around the world. So a lot of different people.
Tom Poland: OK.
Tom Poland: And this global audience?
Diane Hamilton: It is you know I mean it’s of speaking English right now it’s only in English but we may be translating it soon.
Tom Poland: Fantastic. What’s the problem you solve for them? What’s the opportunity you open up?
Diane Hamilton: I think organizations are trying to become more innovative, more productive, more engaged, and I’ve been working with them to develop curiosity because this is at the root of all of the issues that impact productivity.
Tom Poland: So if someone has this productivity issue because they don’t have the curiosity code. What are some of the symptoms they going to be experiencing in their career, their business, their life.? What are the main things they’re going to be experiencing going I think I can do better than this?
Diane Hamilton: It’s interesting because the curiosity code index is trying to figure out what it is that’s holding people back from being curious because we know we want to improve engagement, we know we want to improve innovation, everybody is worried about A.I. taking over. But what are the symptoms of what’s holding us back is what I wanted to know and that’s why I created the curiosity code index and crack the curiosity book because there was I found there were really four factors that were holding people back.
Diane Hamilton: And they’re fear, assumptions, technology, and environment. So if we can work on those issues within the workplace we can find out where people stand, what’s holding them back and then give them an action plan to go forward. FATE. Fate is exactly let’s put it as an acronym that doesn’t really believe in fate. I think you can control things in life and I think that a lot of things have happened to us outside of our awareness of it.
Tom Poland: Super. Fear, assumptions technology, and what was that? Is it expectation?
Diane Hamilton: Environment.
Tom Poland: OK all right. So we don’t want expectation as well because that would be fatty and that’s not quite.
Diane Hamilton: You could add anything you’d like. You can combine it.
Tom Poland: Okay. So this is getting more and more interesting as we go further down the rabbit hole. So we’ve got 4 1/2 minutes left question four. So when someone’s dealing with the issue of a lack of curiosity, a lack of engagement, lack of productivity, you know leaders are going to try stuff you know I think I can fix this. So what are some of the mistakes they make in trying to fix this problem or realize the opportunity before they find out about the curiosity code?
Diane Hamilton: I think they don’t really know what it is that they need to fix. And that’s what I’m trying to point out here. I wrote my dissertation on emotional intelligence, and I wrote about it. It’s not you it’s your personality, it’s about personnel.
Diane Hamilton: I like to look at things from personality aspects, behavioral aspects, and I wanted this to help organizations to develop a plan to not only improve curiosity in their employees but to help them determine ways to become more innovative.
Diane Hamilton: And if you could work on the fear, and assumptions, technology, environment, the assessment hasn’t set forth a plan for how they’re going to develop those issues. But then also they also help in these training programs I have them create a plan for the organization to help the leaders to tell them how you can help me be more curious. So I am kind of doing the job for the leaders they don’t even have to figure it out which is really very helpful to people who are listening for HR trainers, leadership development coaches. This is just a really important tool in your arsenal.
Diane Hamilton: You want to help people with. I’m certified to take an emotional assessment test, DISC, all of the Myers-Briggs everything out there that they’ve heard it. They’ve tried to say, they know emotional intelligence is important but this curiosity ties back into all of those things. And it ties into critical thinking, it thrives in creativity, all of them come back to develop a plan and it makes them realize the mistakes it’s making. They know that curiosity is important, they know to drive and motivation are important but they don’t know how to set forth that spark. That’s the real problem. And the spark of curiosity leads to motivation leads to engagement and productivity and innovation and that’s the spark. And the mistake they’re making is they’re not starting at the beginning.
Tom Poland: Thank you. Two minutes 10 seconds left. Question 5, what’s one valuable free action that an audience member can take that will help them take just a step closer to solving the problem they might need you for the whole solution the CCI. But what’s one step they could take?
Diane Hamilton: They can learn more about fear, assumptions, and technology if they go to the site. They can actually take that assessment when it comes out. That’s due to launch at the beginning of February probably before they can take it. I think once that they take the assessment they’ll get a really good idea. They’re going to report back and they can get an idea of how it works.
Tom Poland: So that’s around February 2019. In case someone is listening to this in a couple of years’ time, you should be good to go. That’s question number 6, VFR just under 90 seconds left. Question 7 what is the one question I should have asked you but didn’t?
Diane Hamilton: I think that you know as part of getting that resource they can find out on the website that curiositycode.com. But I think probably you’re probably wondering why to listen to me. I mean who am I? To respond to you about this and I did tell you I wrote about social intelligence and personality but I also was an MBA program for school business I ran topped more than a thousand business classes I feel with so many behavioral issues in my work. And when you teach at more than 1000 business courses, you learn so many aspects of what it is that holds people back and you have had more students than you can imagine.
Diane Hamilton: You see that we want to have things are done for them, where they don’t really have the confidence and I like to use that experience to share what I’ve learned with everybody else and all the people on. I’ll sure that hundreds of people like you who are just amazing who’ve been on my show have added to this resource, this book, and this assessment. And that’s what made me an expert in this area because I’m endlessly curious and I want everybody else to be.
Tom Poland: Perfect. Diane Hamilton thank you so much. Folks, wwwCuriosityCode.com and wwwDr.DianeHamilton.com. Thanks, Diane.
Tom Poland: Thanks for checking out our marketing the invisible podcast if you like what we’re doing here. Please, head over iTunes to subscribe, rate us and leave us a review. It’s very much appreciated. And if you want to generate five fresh leads in just five hours then check out www.FiveHourChallenge.com.