- Learn how business owners can make a leap to their lifetime best income through Steve’s simple, but pivotal, insights and how to apply them
- Discover how to fix every business owner’s struggle of having ‘not enough time’
- Discover how to pivot your business from ‘doing ok’ to truly optimizing it’s potential serving you in having a kick-ass life
- The AchievementBridge™ 7 Tiggers To 7 Figures Strategy: Visit: slingshotsession.com
Steve Dailey is a great and exceptional coach. He has been guiding small business owner into the Lifetime Best success for over 30 years since the way before “Coach”–a title on every business card from attorneys to babysitters. He’s also the author of the inspirational Laser Minute Audio Class, contributed to 6 mini selling books on business success, and the founder of the Entrepreneur Excellence Alliance and growing community of inspired and aspiring business owners, challenging each other to new levels of success.
In this episode, Steve shares how he helps business owners to organize their business so that it’s doing better than it’s ever done while they have time to enjoy the great things about life.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:46 – Steve’s ideal client: seasoned and established business owner that is typically selling their knowledge as a service to the marketplace.
- 02:16 – Problem he helps solve: helping business owners to organize their business so that it’s doing better than it’s ever done but also they have time to enjoy the great things about life.
- 03:03 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Steve: they are working all the time. They’ve got people in their lives that are wanting more of them that they’re not able to give their time to.
- 03:46 – Common mistakes people make when trying to solve that problem: They reach for almost always to fix things.
- 04:41 – Steve’s Valuable Free Action(VFA):“…focus on return on everything.”
- 06:20 – Steve’s Valuable Free Resource(VFR): slingshotsession.com
- 07:23 – Q: Why do my clients feel like that they’ve made the best decision in their life to work with me? A:Absolutely every time my clients tell me that they have a big breath of fresh air to work with somebody that is as committed to their success as they are. And I make sure that they accomplish their goals and that’s what I wake up every day to do.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Business owners don't like what they see in the mirror, they can't let themselves go physically because they work so much for so many years. And they feel like that there's a clock ticking in their head.” -@KumuKupuna Share on X “I like to teach my clients right out of the gate, every business understands the term ROI, return on investment but I teach them right away to start looking at ROE, return on everything.” -@KumuKupuna Share on XInfo about our correspondent host:Jigar Poojar is Leadsology’s man on the ground in India. Just like CNN has reporters worldwide, Leadsology is developing a small but selective network of hosts to interview guest so our reach is deeper and wider than ever before.
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Jigar Poojara: Hello everyone. A very warm welcome to another Marketing The Invisible podcast. My name is Jigar. Joined today by Steve Dailey. Hey Steve, where you hanging out by the way?
Steve Dailey: I’m hanging out in Boise Idaho in the United States.
Jigar Poojara: Oh great. And what time is it?
Steve Dailey: It’s a little past eight-thirty in the morning here. Beautiful sunny day and spring are in full swing so it’s quite gorgeous here.
Jigar Poojara: Oh perfect. So, we are going to have a quick podcast here. And the title of the podcast will be “How Established Entrepreneurs And Business Owners Achieve Their Lifetime Best Income”, in just seven minutes. Before we start this, for those who don’t know Steve. Just wanted to let you know, Steve is a great and exceptional coach. He has been guiding small business owner into the Lifetime Best success for over 30 years since the way before “Coach”, a title on every business card from attorneys to babysitters. And he’s also the author of the inspirational Laser Minute Audio Class, contributed to 6 mini selling books on business success, and the founder of the Entrepreneur Excellence Alliance and growing community of inspired and aspiring business owners, challenging each other to new levels of success. That’s an amazing story, Steve. It’s a real pleasure to have your presence here in this podcast. Now we’re going to start. Your seven minutes start now. Question number one, who is your ideal client?
Steve Dailey: As you said in the intro Jigar, my ideal client is the season or established business owner that is typically selling their knowledge as a service to the marketplace. And they have some urgency a desire to get to their lifetime best income and enjoy, what I’d like to refer to is, a kick-ass life along the way.
Jigar Poojara: Six minutes and 24 seconds, question number two. What is the problem that you solve basically?
Steve Dailey: Essentially every business owner that’s established gets to a place where the business has sort of hijacked their life. They work their tails off to get to where they are. But it’s also basically meant they had to push a lot of things aside and at a certain point in the life want to enjoy those things. And so what I help business owners to do is organize their business so that it’s doing better than it’s ever done but also they have time to enjoy the great things about life that they started their business for in the first place.
Jigar Poojara: Oh wow, great. Five minutes and 40 seconds remaining, question number three. What are the typical symptoms people experience with the problem? What’s the particular problem that you are actually helping them solve the problem?
Steve Dailey: Yeah. So, the symptoms are usually that they are working all the time. They’ve got people in their lives that are wanting more of them that they’re not able to give their time to. Commonly they don’t like what they see in the mirror, they can’t let themselves go physically because they work so much for so many years. And they feel like that there’s a clock ticking in their head, they’re running out of time in their lives to get things done. So we address all of this.
Jigar Poojara: Oh great. All right. Four minutes and 45 seconds remaining. What are the common mistakes people make when trying to solve the problem on their own?
Steve Dailey: Yeah, it’s a good question. So, business owners and entrepreneurs know how to work very hard. In fact, they arguably are the hardest workers in the marketplace. And so that is the tool that they reach for almost always to fix things. So if they’re uncomfortable with their business not working better or their life is out of balance, they just figure out, “Well, I’ll just work harder”. And that’s exactly 180 degrees the wrong direction. So, it’s not about working harder. It’s also not necessarily about working smarter, it’s about working differently. Designing your business so that you work differently and that’s the key.
Jigar Poojara: So you deal with every business owner. It could be like anyone in any industry or there’s a certain industry that you focus on?
Steve Dailey: Any industry where they sell knowledge, their knowledge, their expertise. So, it could be for example an attorney, a counselor, or a trainer, a consultant of some kind. Typically, I have but don’t currently work a lot with people that are selling the product to the marketplace. I find that the particular problems that I solve resonate most with those that are selling themselves, and their knowledge, into the market.
Jigar Poojara: Okay. Okay, sounds interesting actually. Three minutes 21 seconds remaining, question number five. Steve, what is one valuable free action that the audience can implement that will help them solve that problem?
Steve Dailey: You know one of the things that I like to teach my clients right out of the gate, every business understands the term ROI, return on investment. But I teach them right away to start looking at ROE, return on everything. And I ask them is what your products, the people, those systems, every aspect of the business, take a close look at everything that you do in a day. Spend time on or spending money on the people that are around you, like I said. And ask yourself a simple question, am I getting a return on my primary goals for that? So, the easy thing to do is if you say, “Yes”, you keep it. And if you can’t, if you use apt to say “No it doesn’t, I’m not getting a return”, then eliminate that. It’s amazing how much time and how much more effective your business becomes when you really focus on return on everything.
Jigar Poojara: Great. Okay. Two minutes and seven seconds remaining, question number six. What is one well able free resource that you can direct people to that will further help them with this kind of problems when they face?
Steve Dailey: Yeah. Well, the easiest way to learn how to go through the process of reinventing your business is to come visit me on a virtual workshop every week. I do what I call a Slingshot Session, where I invite a small group of slight minded business owners. This is free and we spend about an hour and I walk them through the strategy that I use which is called “The Seven Triggers to Seven Figures Strategy” for achieving your lifetime best and enjoying a kick-ass life along the way. And so, Slingshot Session every week would be the quickest way for people to learn about this and take advantage of it.
Jigar Poojara: Interesting.
Steve Dailey: Yeah, slingshotsession.com by the way if you want to see more about that.
Jigar Poojara: Okay. So right it’s slingshotssession.com, just wanted to confirm. 54 seconds remaining, question number seven. What is the one question that I should have actually ask you but I did not?
Steve Dailey: You know a good question would be, “Why do my clients feel like that they’ve made the best decision in their life to work with me?” And the reason is that absolutely every time my clients tell me that they have a big breath of fresh air to work with somebody that is as committed to their success as they are. And I make sure that they accomplish their goals and that’s what I wake up every day to do.
Jigar Poojara: All right. One more time Steve, thanks for joining and have a nice day.
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