How to Turbocharge Your Business First – In Just 7 Minutes with Terri Levine

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  • Learn how to win clients through value conversation other than salesy pitch
  • Discover how to get hot leads that wants to hire you instantly
  • Know how to turbocharge your business and created a life with the people, team and clients who believe in your vision and lift you up


  • Free Training from Terri Levine that reveals : How She Helped 55+ Business Owners Hit 6 Figure Incomes Throughout the past 3 Years Without Them Experiencing Overwhelm, Burnout or Slow Lead Flow: Register Here:


Terri Levine is the founder of Heart-repreneur® and is a business and executive coaching expert. She assists businesses worldwide with business growth, sales, and marketing.

In this episode, Terri shares her passion for helping businesses to grow with her own personal experience gained while building multiple successful businesses from the ground up. Terri has created the Heart-repreneur® cause teaching business owners to do business heart-to-heart.

Check out these episode highlights:

  • 01:53 – Terri’s ideal client: a coach, consultant, strategist, or advisor, who wants to make more money in less time
  • 02:09 – Problem she helps solve: Most coaches, consultants, advisors, and strategists, are working a lot of individual hours and that means they’re trading time for money and that’s not a good model. So I help them develop their own high ticket signature program and then create a group model with that program
  • 02:46 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Terri: They don’t get enough leads or they get a lot of the wrong leads. And then they don’t know what to do with those lead
  • 03:36 – Common mistakes people make when trying to solve that problem: These people wasting time doing all the wrong things. They’re buying program after program. They are spending hours a day on social media that doesn’t get them anything
  • 04:41 – Terri’s Valuable Free Action(VFA): Set up a valuable educational webinar. Not like a typical webinar. We’re not pitching anything; we’re not selling anything. We are giving education, value, and content
  • 05:31 – Terri’s Valuable Free Resource(VFR):
  • 06:45 – Q: How you turbocharge your business? A: To turbocharge the business, stop doing anything that isn’t working…find no more than three maximum things that actually really work for you

Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:

“Find the ones that are easy, effortless, joyful, and fun. And only, only do the ones that work and if any of them stop working, replace it with something else.” -@MentorTerri Share on X “We're not pitching anything; we're not selling anything. We are giving education, value, and content. So, the right audience can find us.” -@MentorTerri Share on X

Info about our correspondent host:Jigar Poojar is Leadsology’s man on the ground in India. Just like CNN has reporters worldwide, Leadsology is developing a small but selective network of hosts to interview guest so our reach is deeper and wider than ever before.

(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)

Jigar Poojara: Hello everyone. Very welcome to one more Marketing The Invisible podcast. My name is Jigar. Joined today by our very special guests Terry Levine. Hello Terry, thanks for joining and how are you today. And where are you hanging out in the world?

Terri Levine: Well I’m glad to be here with you. And today I’m really awesome man. I am in New Jersey on the beach. Literally beaches right behind me. That’s where I’m hanging out today.

Jigar Poojara: Wonderful, wonderful. Okay. For those who don’t know who Terry is, Terry is the founder of Heart-repreneur and is the business and executive coaching expert. She assists businesses worldwide with business growth, sales, and marketing. She has got almost 40 plus years of experience, business experience, and have also worked with more than 5000 business owners and entrepreneurs that’s in a variety of industries. That’s an amazing story. Also, she’s the best-selling author of the dozens of titles, she has her own radio, her own TV show and also, she is a keynote speaker. That’s an amazing track record. Terri, how do you feel about it?

Terri Levine: I just loved doing what I do. I love helping people, and sharing, and passing forwards the success I have in business and helping other people do these things. I’m happy.

Jigar Poojara: Great. All right. So, Terri, our topic is “How To Turbocharge Your Business First”, in just seven minutes. And Terry is going to tell us in just seven minutes. So, Terry let’s talk about the topic and I’m going to start the timer and just seven minutes Your time starts now. And the question number one, who’s your ideal client?

Terri Levine: Ideal client for me is a coach, consultant, strategist, or advisor, who wants to make more money in less time.

Jigar Poojara: Great. You’ve got six minutes and 44 seconds. Question number two, what is the problem that you solve?

Terri Levine:Most coaches, consultants, advisors, and strategists, are working a lot of individual hours and that means they’re trading time for money and that’s not a good model. So I help them develop their own high ticket signature program and then create a group model with that program. We make a lot more money in a lot less time.

Jigar Poojara: Great. So, you’ve got six minutes and 10 seconds. Question number three, what are the typical symptoms people experience, what kind of problem and what do you do to solve these kinds of problems?

Terri Levine: So having trained over 5000 coaches through my coach training school we began to notice that coaches consult with strategists, advisors, all of those kinds of folks. And the biggest problem they have for lead generation is they don’t get enough leads or they get a lot of the wrong leads. And then they don’t know what to do with those lead-like, “Well, I didn’t get the right leads” or “I got them, what do I do with them?” So, we actually help them get automated leads that convert themselves. I call that reverse marketing works extremely well. And it makes all the difference.

Jigar Poojara: Okay. Great. So, question number four, you got 5 minutes and 19 seconds. What are the common mistakes people make when they try to solve this kind of problems their own?

Terri Levine: Wow. What the biggest thing is these people wasting time doing all the wrong things. They’re buying program after program. They are spending hours a day on social media that doesn’t get them anything because they don’t know how to use it correctly. They’re going networking groups and LeTip and BNI and all these connection groups. And that also isn’t landing in what they need. So, they really need a systematized marketing program that’s automated and that works. And they can stop doing all the crazy content creation they’re doing and the hours and hours a day doing all the wrong things. So, they need proven systematic marketing that are automated and that gets them results. And that is a big big thing that people are missing, spending way too much time and money searching for.

Jigar Poojara: Great. Got it. So next question, question number five. You got four minutes and 18 seconds. What is one valuable free resource, I’m sorry, valuable free action that the audience can implement that will help them solve this kind of problems?

Terri Levine: So the action that I’m going to recommend is modeling exactly what I’ve done and what my thousands of client family members have done. We have set up a valuable educational webinar. Not like a typical webinar. We’re not pitching anything; we’re not selling anything. We are giving education, value, and content. So, the right audience can find us, can raise their hands, this is the reverse marketing, and can ask to work with us. Not a pitch fest, not a salesy webinar. True high value helping people in your webinar.

Jigar Poojara: Great. You’re doing an amazing job, thank you. So, question number six, you got three minutes and 24 seconds. What is one valuable free resource that you can direct people to that will further help them with this kind of problems?

Terri Levine:So what I’m going to do is actually send you my own webinar because if you model a webinar that’s working, you watch my webinar, you pay attention, you learn from it, and at the same time you go, “Ooh, how can I implement something like this?” Then you will have a resource to actually create your own webinar and at the same time, you’ll be getting a lot of free training directly from me. So that is the And that webinar I recommend you have a pad and a pen. You plan to take notes. You’re going to learn a lot. Watch it twice. Watch it the first time for the content. Watch it the second time and say, “Ooh, how can I model exactly what Terri is doing?” Because that is the effective model that I want you to use.

Jigar Poojara: Great. So, I just wanted to repeat one more time so people can go to your page. And I’m going to also put the link of your landing page so people can go there,, people can go there. And we’ve got two minutes and four seconds, question number seven. What is the one question that I should have asked you but I didn’t?

Terri Levine: Love that. How you turbocharge your business? How do you turbocharge? So, as the best-selling author of several turbocharged books, I loved to share this information and we couldn’t finish the interview without this. So, to turbocharged to the business: number one, stopped doing anything that isn’t working. You’re posting all over social media without a lot of engagement. Nobody raising their hands to work you. Just stop, it’s not getting you anything. If you are a member of something like a chamber of commerce or networking group and not getting leads or referrals, stop that activity. What you want to do is you want to find no more than three maximum things that actually really work for you. Three activities, that could be blogging, it could be speaking, it could be writing articles, it could be hosting a meetup. There are literally over a hundred different activities you can engage in. Find the ones that are easy, effortless, joyful, and fun. And only, only do the ones that work and if any of them stop working, replace it with something else. You’re going to have more money, a lot less stress, and overwhelming frustration, and you’ll also find you have more free time. You’ll enjoy your business a lot more. So, I really wanted to get that piece in our conversation today.

Jigar Poojara: Thank you. Thank you so much. So, Terri, I wanted to thank you for joining our little show and it was a very nice session. Thank you so much one more time.

Terri Levine: I enjoyed being here. Thank you.

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