- Learn how to make your business your gateway to freedom
- Know why business owners need to take strategic time offs to assess their business and why it is important to do it with clever minds surrounding you
- Discover how to pursue your dreams and live the ‘work where, when and with whom you want’ lifestyle
- Discover your unique sacred Money Archetype™, Take the Free Assessment: https://jeanetbathoorn.com/money-archetype-assessment/
Jeanet Bathoorn, known as the Cruise Lady, is a Money Mindset Coach, a freedom entrepreneur and the creator behind the Freedom Entrepreneur Cruise. She describes herself as a no-nonsense marketing expert and a feminist who sees entrepreneurship as one of the best ways to make the world a better place, cruising the world while making money.
In this episode, Jeanet shares how she successfully pivoted her career from corporate to becoming a Freedom Entrepreneur. She uses what she has learned to coach and train other entrepreneurs to find freedom in their business by setting up appropriate systems and cultivating awareness of their mindset.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:22 – Jeanet’s ideal client: My ideal clients are the knowledge-based service providers. People who sell their knowledge. They can be speakers, authors, coaches, business coaches, and they are doing pretty well and flourishing.
- 01:44– Problem she helps solve: Regaining freedom by having a look at their business model, removing their money blocks, setting boundaries to clients.
- 02:56 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Jeanet: They work too hard,way too hard.
- 03:48 – Common mistakes people make when trying to solve that problem: Working harder. Working harder. They don’t take the time to reflect upon their business. They don’t take, like, the three-month sabbatical, or they don’t go, sometimes they don’t even take holidays.
- 04:40 – Jeanet’s Valuable Free Action(VFA):“I think one of the best steps is doing nothing for two weeks. And that’s the hardest. Really reflecting and probably, preferably with a few clever minds surrounding you. So more or less in a mastermind. Reflecting on your business, on your, “Why do I do what I do? Do I really love this? Am I in a zone of genius?” And if you’re in the business, “Is this blind spot?” And yeah, so, doing nothing for two weeks.”
- 05:24 – Jeanet’s Valuable Free Resource(VFR):Discover your unique sacred Money Archetype™, Take the Free Assessment: https://jeanetbathoorn.com/money-archetype-assessment/
- 06:12 – Q: “Is taking the entrepreneurial route the only way to freedom?” A: I think it’s a great way to freedom. I started my business in 2005, and now we are 2019, now they call me the Cruise Lady because of the things that I do, and people see me doing this crazy stuff. I never could have imagined that 10 years ago, but because I’m constantly looking for freedom in my life, in my business, and for my family, I had to come up with clever strategies. So, I think, yes, becoming an entrepreneur is one of the best ways to regain freedom. However, it’s not for everybody.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Becoming an entrepreneur is one of the best ways to regain freedom. However, it's not for everybody.Make sure you have the right strategies, and then work on your mindset.” -@JeanetBathoorn Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland: 0:09
Hello everyone, and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. My name is Tom Poland, joined today by Jeanet Bathoorn. Jeanet, very good morning to you, welcome, where you hanging out?
Jeanet Bathoorn 0:22
Yeah. Good morning, Tom. I am from the Netherlands, so, I’m in a completely different time zone as you.
Tom Poland: 0:29
All upside-down up that part of the world. So, in the Netherlands, an hour and a half by train to Amsterdam. A short, perhaps, skip in a bicycle ride over the border to Belgium, Germany, I should say.
Jeanet Bathoorn 0:39
German. Yeah.
Tom Poland: 0:39
But we’ll get off the geography lessons for everyone, and I’ll introduce you. For those of you don’t know Jeanet, she’s gone from corporate HR manager, which are always very busy pressured roles, to social media expert, to the author of six books, in fact, I think in just the last five years, to Freedom Entrepreneur. She describes herself as a no-nonsense, bottom line, marketing expert and a feminist who sees entrepreneurship as one of the best ways to make the world a better place. Jeanet, our title for the day is, “How to Cruise the World and Make Money.” We’re going to tell people how to do that in just seven minutes. Our time starts now. Question number one is, who is your ideal client?
Jeanet Bathoorn 1:22
My ideal clients are, I call, the knowledge-based service providers. So that’s people who sell their knowledge. They can be speakers, they can be authors, they can be coaches, business coaches, and they are doing pretty well. They are flourishing.
Tom Poland: 1:37
Terrific. Thank you. So, question number two, six and a half minutes left, what’s the problem you solve for them?
Jeanet Bathoorn 1:44
Yeah. They lack freedom. So regaining freedom by having a look at their business model, removing their money blocks, setting boundaries to clients.
for example, and install a supportive mindset. It’s all about the voices in our heads that people small. So, I work a lot with them on mindset, inner game, how you call it, but a lot of those coaching skills.
Tom Poland: 2:09
But also, the business strategy. So, you’ve really got, you’re tackling both the inner world of the mindset and the outer world of the business model is that right?
Jeanet Bathoorn 2:19
Yeah, the business model, but not on the tactics. I mean, I’m not going to teach them how to set up a Facebook ad or whatever. The business model like, “Okay, what are you going to offer to what kind of a price.” Pricing is very important. And then they have to market it on themselves.
Tom Poland:2:34
All right. Thank you. Question number three, five and a half minutes left. So, we’ve got this entrepreneur who’s shorter freedom and time, but he’s got enough money. And before they find you, they’re going to be having some symptoms. So, question number three is, what are some of the typical symptoms that your ideal clients are experiencing before they find you?
Jeanet Bathoorn 2:56
So, in general, they work too hard, like way too hard. So, what I see a lot is that people get a divorce. So that’s, I think, a quite heavy symptom.
They are in a one-way street to burnout if they don’t take measures, that’s why they join me. They want to quit.
They want to leave their business because it’s too straining on them. And they keep on comparing themselves to others. They are always unhappy because there’s always someone better performing and there’s always someone making more money or having more freedom or whatever.
Tom Poland: 3:28
Right. And her name’s Jeanet.
Jeanet Bathoorn 3:29
So that’s not healthy, it’s not healthy. So that’s, I think the symptoms are overworked, stressed out, not seeing light at the end of the tunnel.
Tom Poland: 3:39
Super. Thank you. Four and a half minutes left. Question four, what are some of the common mistakes they make trying to solve this problem before they discover you?
Jeanet Bathoorn 3:48
Working harder. Working harder. They don’t take the time to reflect upon their business.
They don’t take, like, the three-month sabbatical, or they don’t go, sometimes they don’t even take holidays. They don’t, yeah, I mean, I’m from Netherlands, holidays, traveling is big here. But they don’t travel because if they have their own business model and they travel, they don’t earn any money, so they don’t travel.
And I teach some strategies to change the business model so that they can leave their house, they can be whatever they want to be, like, we are talking online entrepreneurship and still make money.
Tom Poland: 4:24
Fantastic. Thank you. Question number five, just over three and a half minutes left. What I’m after now, question number five is, what’s one valuable free action that an audience member could take that’s going to take them just a step closer to solving this problem? Won’t solve the whole thing, but just a step in the right direction.
Jeanet Bathoorn 4:40
I think one of the best steps is doing nothing for two weeks. And that’s the hardest, like really reflecting and probably, preferably with a few clever minds surrounding you. So more or less in a mastermind. Reflecting on your business, on your, “Why do I do what I do? Do I really love this? Am I in a zone of genius?” And if you’re in the business, “Is this blind spot?” And yeah, so, doing nothing for two weeks.
Tom Poland:5:10
So, the thing to do is to do nothing for two weeks to clear the mind. Great, thank you. Just under three minutes left, two questions to go. Question number six is, what’s one valuable free resource that we can direct people to that’s going to help them a bit more?
Jeanet Bathoorn 5:24
Yeah. So, I’m a certified sacred money archetype coach. I offer the money archetype assessment on my website. And I think it’s very, very important that you know yourself, that you know your patterns and you know what drives you. So, I think that’s one of the freebies that I have, and I can offer that. Yeah.
Tom Poland: 5:43
Perfect. Thank you. So, the website is J-E-A-N-E-T, Jeanet, B-A-T-H-O-O-R-N dot com, that’s jeanetbathoorn.com. Question number seven, two minutes left plenty of time. What’s the one question I should have asked you, but I didn’t.
Jeanet Bathoorn 6:05
I wrote down, “Is taking the entrepreneurial route the only way to freedom?”
Tom Poland: 6:11
Great question.
Jeanet Bathoorn 6:12
Yeah. And it also has to do with being a woman and having kids and likes having a family. And I think it’s a great way to freedom. I started my business in 2005, and now we are 2019, now they call me the Cruise Lady because of the things that I do, and people see me doing this crazy stuff. I never could have imagined that 10 years ago, but because I’m constantly looking for freedom in my life, in my business, and for my family, I had to come up with clever strategies.
So, I think, yes, becoming an entrepreneur is one of the best ways to regain freedom. However, it’s not for everybody. I totally get that spelled. But I think listeners to your podcast are entrepreneurs as well. So, make sure you have the right strategies, the right business model, and then work on your mindset like the whole day, that’s the most important.
Tom Poland: 7:08
Perfect. Jeanet Bathoorn, thank you so much for your time.
Jeanet Bathoorn 7:10
Thank you. You’re welcome.
Tom Poland: 7:13
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