- Learn how to exactly to position and message your expertise and your company so that your ideal target clients immediately “get it” and want what you offer
- Know how to decision-makers to WANT to talk to you, even when they don’t think they need, want, or are ready for what you have to offer — including what to say and what not to say
- Discover the hidden profit opportunities inside of companies that most small business owners are overlooking
- Download the Free 7 Simple $100K+ Packages to Sell to Corporate Clients: https://thecorporateagent.com/mti/
Angelique Rewers, CEO and founder of The Corporate Agent, has been called “The Undisputed Champion at Helping Small Businesses Land Big Clients” by Inc. Magazine.
In this episode, Angelique shares how she helps small businesses clarify their positioning, scale their business, increase their revenue and influence resulting in winning corporate clients.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 02:05 – Angelique’s ideal client: “Our ideal client is anyone who has a product or service, and they want to sell it to a B2B organization, whether it’s a global brand, in University, a mid-market company, a nonprofit or any traditional organization.”
- 02:24 – Problem Angelique helps solve: The problem we solve is how do you sell to those organizations without encountering those problems that everybody constantly complains about, like decision-makers who disappear on you, or it’s taking a really long time to get to the sale.
- 03:31 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Angelique: “The biggest thing we see now is folks trying to take the strategies that they’ve learned in selling to small business owners, namely content marketing, or the terrible advice that content is king. And trying to use that to get to busy decision-makers who don’t even have time to read their emails and attend the meetings that they’re supposed to be at. And they’re going to go to your website and read your blog? So that’s really the biggest thing and so people are really wasting an awful lot of time doing things that will never work.”
- 04:22 – Common mistakes people make when trying to solve that problem: If they do get out from behind their computer to go meet decision-makers, they end up putting themselves in rooms with either a bunch of other consultants, so there aren’t actual decision-makers there. Or they go to rooms that have mid-level managers without real decision-making power.
- 05:32 – Angelique’s Valuable Free Action(VFA): One, is to start hosting your own events. One of our favorites is executive roundtables, where you’re able to use the leverage of the value of peer to peer coming together around a table. So, it’s not just about you. And instead of you being in the wrong room, you can actually create the right room. Big thinkers need small rooms, so you create a small room. The second thing I’ll tell you is for the love of goodness, please stop sending over proposals to decision-makers, and then they get lost in their inbox, they look at your pricing and that’s really all she wrote.
- 07:10 – Angelique’s Valuable Free Action(VFA):Download the Free 7 Simple $100K+ Packages to Sell to Corporate Clients: https://thecorporateagent.com/mti/
- 08:18 – Q: “Why do big companies want to work with small business owners?” A: First is because we are responsive. We can move very, very quickly to their needs. And that brings me to the second reason, which is they’re dealing with disruption. They are completely overwhelmed by the amount of disruption that’s happening in the world today. Entrepreneurs, we have our feet on the ground, our ears to the ground, and we’re operating successfully. We’re really operating, taking it off this, the disruption.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Why do big companies want to work with small business owners? Because we are responsive. We can move very, very quickly to their needs. And that brings me to the second reason, which is they're dealing with disruption.”… Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland: 0:09
Hello everyone, a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. My name is Tom Poland, joined today by the professionally, profoundly, globally, highest best practice, Angelique Rewers. Angelique, good day, very warm welcome. Where are you hanging out?
Angelique Rewers: 0:25
I’m hanging out north of Fort Lauderdale in beautiful Florida, probably the only place in the United States right now that’s not frozen.
Tom Poland: 0:34
It sounds like a good place to be. Folks, Angelica and I met at a very interesting conference in San Diego, a number of years ago, we had breakfast together, I think.
And in stalking her around the digital universe ever since, I have to tell you that she is the most consummately, professional operator I have ever met, benign, quite simply, extraordinary. And this is not just an ego stroke because I’m sitting in front of Angelique, I like to tell as it is and if it wasn’t the case, I wouldn’t say that, so.
But for those of you who haven’t had that insight, let me just go through a very small portion of their equally impressive bio. She’s the CEO and founder of The Corporate Agent. She’s been called “The Undisputed Champion of Helping Small Businesses Land Big Clients” by Inc. Magazine, a title thoroughly well deserved.
It’s kind of Angelique’s thing, if you like, the DNA of value delivery is how to do that, crack that very difficult safe. So, having successfully navigated all sides of the corporate buying table, both sides, all sides, for more than two decades, what Angelique and the team did, is she put what she learned from how to land big corporate clients into basic dreaded IP around it.
And now Angelique and her team provide business training advice to literally thousands of small businesses across 72 countries worldwide, of course, on how to secure five, six, and seven-figure corporate contracts.
So pretty darn impressive. Our title today is, “How to Win Corporate Clients Like Clockwork.” We’re going to do that in just seven minutes. Angelique, our time starts now. Question number one, who is your ideal client?
Angelique Rewers: 2:05
Our ideal client is anyone who has a product or service, and they want to sell it to a B2B organization, whether it’s a global brand, in University, a mid-market company, a nonprofit or any traditional organization.
Tom Poland: 2:19
Thank you. And question number two, six and a half minutes left, what’s the problem you solve for them?
Angelique Rewers: 2:24
The problem we solve is how do you sell to those organizations without encountering those problems that everybody constantly complains about, like decision-makers who disappear on you, or it’s taking a really long time to get to the sale.
So, we’ve cracked the code on not just how you sell to them, but how you stopped dealing with those problems.
Tom Poland: 2:45
Do you also hear quite often the, dare I tell, an excuse, “Well, big companies never deal with small companies.”?
Angelique Rewers: 2:52
We hear it, it’s not true, and we can show them the proof that it’s not.
Tom Poland: 2:58
Thank you. So, six minutes left, question number three, we’ve got someone who’s wanting to crack the corporate client market under the being currently unsuccessful because they haven’t met you, what are some of the typical symptoms they’re going to be experiencing, people that have that problem?
Angelique Rewers: 3:13
The biggest thing we see now is folks trying to take the strategies that they’ve learned in selling to small business owners, namely content marketing, or the terrible advice that content is king. And trying to use that to get too busy decision-makers who don’t even have time to read their emails and attend the meetings that they’re supposed to be at.
And they’re going to go to your website and read your blog? So that’s really the biggest thing and so people are really wasting an awful lot of time doing things that will never work.
Tom Poland: 3:43
Because I think a lot of what small business owners don’t really understand, and they said being in that high up in the corporate ladder, is that we’re targeting some of the most time-poor and some of the most stressed people on the planet.
Angelique Rewers: 3:54
Time poor, stressed and mentally their bandwidth is completely exhausted.
Tom Poland: 3:58
Consumed and over drought. And if you think you’re stressed running a small business, folks, you have no idea what it’s like near the top of that corporate ladder. Anywho. So, listen up, because you’ve got to cut through that noise, and Angelique might just have a few clues on how to do that. Question number four, four minutes and 40 seconds left, what are some of the common mistakes that people make trying to solve that problem before they find The Corporate Agent?
Angelique Rewers: 4:22
The biggest things that we see, Tom, number one, if they do get out from behind their computer to go meet decision-makers, they end up putting themselves in rooms with either a bunch of other consultants, so there aren’t actual decision-makers there. Or they go to rooms that have mid-level managers without real decision-making power. The other thing we see that’s a massive mistake is that they encounter team problems over and over again and then they look for a solution to solve the problem after it happens instead of asking themselves, “Well, why is it every time I send over a proposal, suddenly the decision-maker doesn’t respond to me and now weeks go by and the deal falls through.” But yet they continue to send those proposals over and have the same thing happen. So, the toothpaste comes out of the tube, and then they look for a solution to get the toothpaste back in the tube instead of just saying, “How could I not get the toothpaste out, to begin with?”
Tom Poland: 5:16
Beautiful analogy. All right. So, question number five, three and a half minutes left, can you offer one valuable free tip? An action that an audience member could take that’s not going to solve the whole problem, they’ll probably need The Corporate Agent for that, but it’ll take them a step in the right direction.
Angelique Rewers: 5:32
Yeah. I’m going to actually give you two. One is to start hosting your own events. One of our favorites are executive roundtables, where you’re able to use the leverage of the value of peer to peer coming together around a table. So, it’s not just about you. And instead of you being in the wrong room, you can actually create the right room. Big thinkers need small rooms, so you create a small room. The second thing I’ll tell you is for the love of goodness, please stop sending over proposals to decision-makers, and then they get lost in their inbox, they look at your pricing and that’s really all she wrote. So, if you want to start changing things from the beginning, tell your prospects the process of how they’re going to buy from you and let them know ahead of time that you don’t use a traditional proposal process, that you co-create with your clients. Lay out all the meetings and or phone calls you’ll have, including the meeting where you’re actually going to present to them your ideas and the pricing via a conversation. Not something you send over ahead of time. That’s an example, there’s a lot more to it than that but that’s an example, Tom, of not letting that toothpaste out of the tube, to begin with.
Tom Poland: 6:42
Yeah. Boy, folks, I hope you rewind that because that was pure gold. And people make all those mistakes all the time. It’s almost universal because they want to go for the kill. You know, the, “Here it is, please decide.” This is my 24-page proposal. Of course, you’ll have time to read every word and give me a “Yes.” So, question number six, one minute 45 left, what’s one valuable free resource that we could direct people to that’s going to help them even more?
Angelique Rewers: 7:10
So, we put together a URL just for your community, it’s thecorporateagent.com/mti. And we put a resource on there of corporate engagement, seven corporate engagements that are in $100,000. One of the things we find, Tom, is that a lot of coaches, consultants, speakers and trainers create situations where they’re in a once and done situation. They go in, they deliver the training, the coaching, the talk that the client asked for, and that’s it. They’re back in the parking lot without another opportunity. So, the way you will come back is to develop strategic engagement. If you’re working with a corporate client, $100,000 is the minimum that you should be making every time you sell to them, at a minimum. So, we created seven $100,000 engagements as examples to spark ideas for everyone in your community.
Tom Poland: 8:05
Perfect. Thank you so much, very valuable. Thecorporateagent.com/mti. Question number seven, and a whopping 35 seconds left, what’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t? And the answer, please.
Angelique Rewers: 8:18
Why do big companies want to work with small business owners?
That’s really important for small business owners to understand if they’re going to be successful in this space.
And two of the huge reasons that big companies want to work with small business owners right now, the first is because we are responsive. We can move very, very quickly to their needs. And that brings me to the second reason, which is they’re dealing with disruption. They are completely overwhelmed by the amount of disruption that’s happening in the world today. Entrepreneurs, we have our feet on the ground, our ears to the ground, and we’re operating successfully. We’re really operating, taking it of this, the disruption. So, there you go.
Tom Poland: 9:03
Thanks, Angelique Rewers. Absolutely wonderful, as usual. Cheers.
Tom Poland: 7:49
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