- Learn why mindset matters when it comes to selling
- Find out how not to be pushy and avoid pretending to be someone you’re not in order to sell your service
- Discover how to remove blocks around selling and master simple valuable free action that will enable you to generate consistent cash flow without burning yourself out
- Sign-up to Jennifer’s Create Consistent $10,000 Months Program: http://www.bit.ly/yourpassiontoprofit
We’re all passionate about something in our lives.
But how can you actually turn a profit off of that passion?
You have big dreams for your business, but your sales suck because you know what it feels like to be sold to.
How can you possibly build a successful business without hating selling?
Jennifer Gluckow is a sales expert with moxie, smarts, and a passion for helping entrepreneurs get the support and knowledge they need to see huge business success and live the lives they truly deserve.
In this episode, Jennifer shares how she trains and coaches business owners and their sales teams to increase sales and make more profit to be able to leap from passion to profit.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:30 – Jennifer’s ideal client: “I’ve recently transitioned actually, from helping just salespeople to more so helping business owners, especially female entrepreneurs.”
- 01:47 – Problem Jennifer helps solve: “Turn their passion into profit, literally. Because what I found is not enough females are making enough money to really turn that thing that they’re doing whether it be coaching or selling a digital product, or whatever it may be, into profit.”
- 02:31 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Jennifer: “There are three things that every successful business person needs, which is the purpose, profit, and power, okay? And in my experience, they’re oftentimes missing one of those elements.”
- 04:46 – What are some of the common mistakes that folks make before finding Jennifer and her solution?: “They’re not putting themselves out there to sell as much as they should because they feel like it’s like that icky feeling that you get when you’re not doing sales.”
- 05:54 – Jennifer’s Valuable Free Action(VFA): You’re never going to be selling if you’re helping. Help 100% of the time and I promise you will never feel like you’re selling again.
- 06:55 – Jennifer’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Sign-up to Jennifer’s Create Consistent $10,000 Months Program: http://www.bit.ly/yourpassiontoprofit
- 08:07 – Q: The best plans you’ve ever had, what’s the biggest thing they have in common that they do right once they start working with you? A: They are two words, action takers. They don’t just, they’re open minded and action takers. So, they listened to the coaching, they listen to the guidance, they’re ready to receive, and then they go back and take action.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“If you have profit and power, but you don't have a purpose, you're going to feel unfulfilled.”-@JENinaNYminute Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland: 0:09
Hello everyone, another very warm welcome to Marketing The Invisible. My name is Tom Poland, joined today by Jen Gitomer. Jen, good day, very warm welcome. Where are you hanging out?
Jen Gitomer: 0:18
I’m in Charlotte, North Carolina, at the moment.
Tom Poland: 0:21
Charlotte, North Carolina. Okay. So, I’m in a little Castaways beach here in Australia. For those of you who don’t know Jen, she is like 10 out of 10 for sales sassiness. She’s pretty much invincible, unstoppable and unavoidable if you’re in sales because she’s not only a speaker, trainer, blogger, she’s a Facebooker, Instagrammer, Twitter. She’s pretty much sprinkled around the internet like confetti at a wedding. She’s a YouTuber, she’s a podcaster.
She’s online, on point, and on the money, honey. Her podcast, Sell or Die, which I have had the privilege and absolute blast to be on as a guest, with co-host Jeff Gitomer, gets over 100,000 downloads a frickin month. I have just grin with envy. She founded Sales in a New York Minute to share a passion and strategies for success with salespeople and businesses worldwide. Jen, thanks so much for being on the show.
It is really a privilege to have sales royalty here on our little podcast. The subject today is, “How to Leap from Passion to Profit,” and Jen is going to show us how to do that in just seven minutes. Jen, question number one, your seven minutes starts now, who is your ideal client?
Jen Gitomer: 1:30
Okay, so I’ve recently transitioned actually, from helping just salespeople to more so helping business owners, especially female entrepreneurs.
Tom Poland: 1:40
Ooh, we’ve got plenty of those on our list. Great. So, what’s the problem you solve for female entrepreneurs?
Jen Gitomer: 1:47
Well, I hope you turn your passion into profit, literally,
…because what I found is not enough females are making enough money to really turn that thing that they’re doing whether it be coaching or selling a digital product, or whatever it may be, into profit.
And now men don’t lose me, okay?
I have like, my audience happens to be 70% male. So even though I want to help with female entrepreneurs, I promise there’s going to be nuggets in here for you. But basically, it’s about how to make more money.
Tom Poland: 2:16
Right. And keep your soul, and put your soul, have your soul, yeah, in this. Six minutes left, what would you say are some of the typical symptoms that are your ideal clients experiencing before they find Jen Gitomer?
Jen Gitomer: 2:31
Yeah, so this is amazing because I’m all about the New York minute. And I feel like your podcast is literally like a New York minute here. So, there are three things that every successful business person needs, which is a purpose, profit, and power, okay? And in my experience, they’re oftentimes missing one of those elements. So, for example, your purpose is knowing that what you love to do can be monetized, okay? So many people out there say, “Oh, I love to do XYZ but there’s no money in it.”
Yes, there is money in it, I can find a way how I promise, a legal way out. Profit. There’s a lot of people who don’t want to sell because they feel like the selling is sleazy, and they think of like that car salesperson or whatever. Well, let me tell you something, just like the name of our podcast, it’s sell or die, okay?
You need to sell to have a profitable business and power. So, your power is like your woo, your mindset, your attitude, your beliefs. And you have to be able to demonstrate that power at all times in your business. So, for example, if you have power, and you have a purpose, but you don’t have profit, you’re going to go broke, right?
And then if you have profit and power, but you don’t have a purpose, you’re going to feel unfulfilled.
You’re not going to; you might be doing something. But if you don’t feel fulfilled, you’re not going to want to do it all the time. And if you’re not stepping into your power, so you’re making money and you’re fulfilling your purpose, but you’re not stepping into that power, then you’re going to always be the world’s best-kept secret.
Tom Poland: 4:06
Yes, well said.
Jen Gitomer: 4:08
So, there are so many common mistakes because what I often see is like, you have two out of the three.
Tom Poland: 4:13
And that is question number four, what are some of the common mistakes. So, people are going to read books, they’re going to maybe hit people on podcasts, whatever. And they’re going to either not have the profit or they not have the power or the purpose, and then try stuff other than aligning those three and I can sort of, the rocket fuel I can feel, and that is visceral. So, what are some of the other common mistakes? I guess people are going to try stuff that bends their ethics out of shape or bends their personality out of shape. Is there anything else you’ve noticed that people often are trying that is mistake before they find your solution?
Jen Gitomer: 4:46
Yeah, the biggest thing is with the sales piece, and they’re not putting themselves out there to sell as much as they should because they feel like it’s like that icky feeling that you get when you’re not doing sales right. And so many people I’ve come across don’t want to be like that person that they see on the internet that they had a bad experience with, or that set like 5000 sales emails or, you know, they don’t want to feel pushy or aggressive. And so, the biggest mistake is they’re not making enough money, because they’re not actually doing the things they need to do to sell their products or services or whatever their thing is.
Tom Poland: 5:22
Right. Right. So just under three minutes left, question number five, so we’re pretty much on track. What’s just one valuable free action that an audience member could take that’s going to, it’s not going to solve the problem, they’re going to need you for that, but it might just help them go a step in the right direction? Like a tip.
Jen Gitomer: 5:39
Okay. Yeah, so this comes from my book, Sales in a New York Minute, and you can get it on Amazon, and the tip I’m going to give you is threefold. Help don’t sell, show don’t tell, prove like hell.
Tom Poland: 5:54
Jen Gitomer: 5:54
You’re never going to be selling if you’re helping. Help 100% of the time and I promise you will never feel like you’re selling again because it’s going to come from your heart. Show don’t tell, if you’re selling something on the internet or you’re selling something invisible, whatever, you can’t just tell me how freakin amazing it is. You have to paint that picture. You have to draw it out. You have to show me so I can feel it, so I can taste it, so I could smell it. Even if that is through the screen with your coffee with your words, okay? And then prove like hell, well, in today’s day, you need every testimonial you can get and not just like, “Tom says Jen’s great.” No, it needs to be like a screenshot with Tom’s face saying how great Jen is, right? Because, or how great you are, whatever it may be so that it feels real. Because now when people take the text that someone said and they don’t use the screenshot, people wonder, “Oh, did they just make that up?” So, prove like hell is like really like hell with all your might, show them what that looks like.
Tom Poland: 6:55
Explicit. Thank you. 75 seconds left, only two questions to go. One valuable free resource that we can direct people to it’s going to help them even more. I’m going to help you with that because you’ve already given it to me. It’s B-I-T dot L-Y. So, you guys know Bitly, right? Bit.ly/yourpassiontoprofit, go there and opt-in, create consistent $10,000 months. So that’s the answer question number six. Thank you for articulating it so well, Jen. Question number 7, 45 seconds left, what’s the one question I should have asked you, but I didn’t? And the answer, please. I love this.
Jen Gitomer: 7:31
Well, I don’t know because you really were thorough in such a short amount of time. But the question on hand right now is, am I going to Paris or not because the transit is striking right now.
Tom Poland: 7:44
Alright, I’m going to give you one more bonus question then. 15 seconds. The best plans you’ve ever had, what’s the biggest thing they have in common that they do right once they start working with you? 12 seconds left.
Jen Gitomer: 7:53
They are two words, action takers. They don’t just, they’re open-minded and action takers. So, they listened to the coaching, they listen to the guidance, they’re ready to receive, and then they go back and take action. So, if there’s one thing you can take away from this…
Tom Poland: 8:10
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