- Learn branding and content strategies to help you grow and be more influential in business
- Discover how PR and influence can bring real impact on your business’ bottom line
- Learn how to create influential content that fits and is aligned your business’ vision, purpose, and why
- Learn more about the ‘7 Systems of Influence’: https://www.joshsteimle.com/7-systems-of-influence
Knowledge is not power.
You may know everything, but without influence, you can’t do anything.
Josh Steimle generated over $10M USD for his marketing agency by writing articles for publications like Forbes, Time, Fortune, and Mashable.
In this episode, Josh shares how he uses his 7 Systems of Influence” to help business leaders, academics, parents, and entrepreneurs make their biggest dreams come true by creating the framework for building influence.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:30 – Josh’s ideal client: “My ideal client right now would be an entrepreneur in Boston doing between one to 10 million US in revenue per year, who sees thought leadership and personal branding as an avenue to grow his or her business.”
- 02:24 – Problem Josh helps solve: “They might be in trouble, flatlining or maybe they just think they can grow faster. And they’re looking at thought leadership and personal branding and saying, ‘Hey, this is what I want to invest in.'”
- 03:16 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Josh: “So, they’re going to be feeling a little frustrated, perhaps, or maybe it’s not frustration, maybe it’s just aware of that there’s a bigger opportunity. And they want to scale, and you’re already giving them the leverage to be able to do that, by the sound of it.”
- 03:52 – What are some of the common mistakes that folks make before finding Josh and his solution?:”Perhaps the biggest mistake they make is to jump right into the content creation process.”
- 06:01 – Josh’s Valuable Free Action(VFA): “Figure out your identity.That what’s going to guide you to create the right content to connect with the right audience, and live out your biggest dreams.”
- 06:48 – Josh’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Learn more about the ‘7 Systems of Influence’: https://www.joshsteimle.com/7-systems-of-influence
- 07:27 – Q: Did I recovered from my latest skateboard accident or not? A: I think I’m about halfway there. You get to my age and it takes a little bit longer to recover these things.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Figure out your identity.That what's going to guide you to create the right content to connect with the right audience, and live out your biggest dreams.'”-@joshsteimle Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland: 0:09
Greetings everyone, a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. I’m Tom Poland, joined today by Josh Steimle. Josh, very warm welcome, sir. Good day. Where are you hanging out?
Josh Steimle 0:20
I’m at home in Boston, Massachusetts, in the United States.
Tom Poland: 0:24
Perfect. So, from Australia to Boston, welcome. For those of you don’t know, Josh, he’s a little bit of a legend. He’s actually a larger than life legend because he’s generated over 10 million US dollars for his marketing agency by writing articles for publications like Forbes, Times, Fortune Magazine, Mashable. That’s an extraordinary achievement.
Tom Poland: 0:48
And that went on to inspire him to do a fair bit of research on the subject of influence, how you can get that sort of result. And it became the foundation for his, what he now calls, The 7 Systems of Influence. So, he now uses that framework that can help business leaders, academics, parents, and entrepreneurs make the biggest dreams come true.
Tom Poland: 1:12
So that’s the title of our little podcast is, “How to Make Your Biggest Dreams Come True Through the Seven Systems of Influence.” And we’re going to cover that unbelievable in just seven minutes. So, Josh, thanks for being here. Your time starts now. Question number one is, who’s your ideal client?
Josh Steimle 1:30
Well, first of all, thank you for having me on, Tom.
My ideal client right now would be an entrepreneur in Boston doing between one to 10 million US in revenue per year, who sees thought leadership and personal branding as an avenue to grow his or her business.
Tom Poland: 1:46
Perfect. Thank you. Question number two, we’ve got six and a half minutes left, what’s the problem you solve for that person?
Josh Steimle 1:52
I help entrepreneurs grow their businesses. This is the same problem I found myself in a number of years ago. I had a business that was on the brink of failure and going under, and I discovered thought leadership and PR, and influence, and personal branding. And I was able to use that to save my business and then generate millions and grow my business around the world so that now we’re an international agency. So now I’m helping other entrepreneurs to do the same thing.
Tom Poland: 2:17
So, is the problem one of flatlining growth or just kind of like, it sounds like they might feel like they’re the world’s best kept secret.
Josh Steimle 2:24
Yeah. They might be in trouble like I was, or they might be flatlining or maybe they just think they can grow faster. And they’re looking at thought leadership and personal branding and saying, “Hey, this is what I want to invest in.” And they probably feel like they have a message that they want to get out as well, something that they want to share.
Tom Poland: 2:41
Something important, right, and purpose full and profitable. So, let’s describe the symptoms, that’s question number three, and we got five and a half minutes left. The symptoms that this person is going to be experiencing in their life or their business before they find your solution.
Josh Steimle 2:57
They might just be saying to themselves; I need more sales or they might be saying I need to grow faster. But one of the common threads I see with my clients is a lot of them are saying, I’ve got this experience, I’ve got this knowledge, and I really want to get this out there and help people and serve people. And I just don’t know how to get that message out there.
Tom Poland: 3:16
Right. So, they’re going to be feeling a little frustrated, perhaps, or maybe it’s not frustration, maybe it’s just aware that there’s a bigger opportunity. And they want to scale, and you’re already giving them the leverage to be able to do that, by the sound of it.
Tom Poland: 3:31
So, question number four, and we’ve got just under five minutes left. These entrepreneurs are a surge of growth or intelligent individuals. They’re going to be trying stuff and they’re going to be trying to do things before they find your solution. So, a lot of the things aren’t going to work so well. So, question number four is, what are some of the common mistakes that folks make before they find your solution?
Josh Steimle 3:52
Perhaps the biggest mistake they make is to jump right into the content creation process.
So, they say, “Hey, I’ve got a message I need to get out there.” And then the first idea that comes to them is, “Well, I’m going to write a book,” or, “I’m going to start blogging.” And maybe that’s the right decision, maybe it’s not. But there are some foundational steps that should come ahead of that to determine if that’s the right way to get that message out if that’s going to get it in front of that entrepreneur’s ideal audience.
Josh Steimle 4:19
And so, before creating content, it’s important to go through steps and figure out, what’s your dream? Why are you the person to do this? Who’s your audience? What kind of content is going to connect with them? Where do they hang out so that you know where to deliver that information to them? So, there are a lot of questions that come before you jump in and start actually putting pen to page or start speaking.
Tom Poland: 4:42
Okay, so it sounds like that a lot of you will jump into the text because they figured out the answer to those strategic questions. Thank you for that. So, question five, three and a half minutes left, what’s one valuable free action that someone listening to this could take that is not going to solve the whole problem, but it might take them a step in the right direction?
Josh Steimle 5:01
Well, the first step is to figure out your identity, because identity determines everything that comes afterward. So, if you grab a piece of paper, and you write down five of your top values, things like honesty, integrity, love, service. These are the values that you have. Things that are important to you to find in yourself as well as to see in other people.
Josh Steimle 5:22
And then you take five roles that you have. And if we’re talking about professional roles, you might be an entrepreneur, you might be a programmer, or a designer, or a writer. There are these different professional roles that you have.
Josh Steimle 5:35
And then you start matching up those values with those roles. So, if you say, honesty and entrepreneur, then you match those up and you say, “Okay, how am I doing at this? Am I entirely as honest as I want to be as an entrepreneur?” That’d be better. Maybe growth is another value. So, you look at growth and entrepreneur and you say, “Okay, am I as growth-oriented as I could be or am I kind of relaxing and just letting the money come in, but I could be doing so much more.”
Josh Steimle 6:02
So, when you join those values and those roles together, you get your core identity, who you really are. And this is what’s going to guide people to create the right content to connect with the right audience, and live out their biggest dreams. Otherwise, we tend to let life tell us what our identity is. And we follow that down a path. And we often end up not exactly where we want to be.
Tom Poland: 6:25
Chasing shiny things. I love that. So, you’re really going inward and you’re figuring out what’s most important to you and yourself in life and matching it up with your respective roles. That’s an extraordinarily, I would imagine extraordinary, powerful exercise. Question number, so thank you for that, two questions left, 90 seconds left. Plenty of time. One valuable free resource that we could direct people to that’s going to help them even more.
Josh Steimle 6:48
Sure. You go to my website, JoshSteimle.com, I’ve got a detailed page about The Seven Systems of Influence there. And so, people can go there, they can read that. I’ve also got some downloads on my website, like free downloads on how to optimize your LinkedIn profile based on The Seven Systems of Influence. So, there are a bunch of freebies there on the website that people can grab.
Tom Poland:7:07
Fabulous. So that’s Josh, J-O-S-H, Steimle, S-T-E-I-M-L-E, dot com, go get it. Question seven, a whole whopping one minute left. What’s the one question I should have asked you, but didn’t?
Josh Steimle 7:20
Whether I’ve recovered from my latest skateboard accident or not?
Tom Poland: 7:26
And the answer?
Josh Steimle 7:27
I think I’m about halfway there. You get to my age and it takes a little bit longer to recover these things.
Tom Poland: 7:32
What did you break, apart from the board?
Josh Steimle 7:35
I didn’t, it was more of bruises and such. I hope I didn’t break anything but I cracked a rib a little while ago, maybe. And I was dropping in on one of these big half-pipes and got pretty banged up and bruised. And so, it’s not like when you’re a kid and you’re made of rubber, you know?
Tom Poland: 7:51
You don’t bounce so good. All right. Josh, thanks so much for your time. It’s been great.
Josh Steimle 7:55
Thank you, Tom.
Tom Poland: 7:57
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