How to Get More Value From Your Podcast – In Just 7 Minutes with Tom Hazzard

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  • Discover how to be seen, heard and found in a noisy digital world through podcasting
  • Learn how to tap into a largely underserved market that’s hungry for fresh content, especially in niche areas of interest through the power of podcasting
  • Learn how to monetize a podcast even if you don’t have hundreds or thousands of downloads or listeners



The popularity of podcasts is booming. Is it time for you to jump on-board?

The goal of any product, service, marketing or business is to make “it” sell itself.

As a business owner, starting a podcast is something you should consider to help you be seen, heard, and found in a noisy digital world and be able to do what you do best — to ‘edu-tain’ an engaged audience.

Tom Hazzard is a forward-thinking entrepreneur with great sales conversion skills. He supports major publications, sports stars, and entrepreneurial influencers to be seen, heard, and found by “Brandcasting” their original messages.

In this episode, Tom shares how he reinvents podcasting with an obsessive focus on the host, building simple, easy-to-use solutions helping business owners brand and sound like pros, resulting in solid authority and visibility, more leads and more business.

Check out these episode highlights:

  • 01:35 – Tom’s ideal client: “My ideal client is online entrepreneurs who want to make the world a better place. They have a message to get out there that they need help with writing and speaking. So that’s their message that they want to get out. But then they also need help with turning that into a business. “
  • 01:57 – Problem Tom helps solve: “clearly getting found but the problem we really solve is getting it done for you.”
  • 03:33 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Tom: “They’re usually trying to do too much themselves.”
  • 05:22 – What are some of the common mistakes that folks make before finding Tom and his solution?: “They misinterpret the results. And maybe they’re paying too much attention to what I call the vanity metrics of, you know, how many downloads is my podcast at, or where do I chart on iTunes. “
  • 06:16 – Tom’s Valuable Free Action(VFA): “Get a taste of the power of podcasting, even if you’re not a podcaster yet.”
  • 06:49 – Tom’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Access to Podetize’ Podcast Guests and Hosts Directory : Download for Free Here:
  • 07:32 – Q: Can I monetize a podcast even if I don’t have hundreds or thousands of downloads or listeners? A: Yes, you absolutely can, especially if you are in the business of one kind or another. When you’re in business and you have a product, a service, a course, something that you sell, some value you offer people, as long as what you’re podcasting about is in alignment with that business, the subject matter at least, then you absolutely can monetize it. That’s the fastest way.

Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:

“Get a taste of the power of podcasting, even if you're not a podcaster yet.'” -Tom Hazzard Share on X

(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)

Tom Poland: 0:09
Hello everyone, and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. My name is Tom Poland, joined today by another Tom, Tom Hazzard. Tom, very warm welcome, sir. Good day. Where are you hanging out?

Tom Hazzard: 0:21
Thanks so much for having me, Tom. I am in Southern California.

Tom Poland: 0:24
Southern California. Sounds like a nice spot, where abouts more specifically?

Tom Hazzard: 0:29
So, I’m in actually Orange County of the City of Irvine, which is really, not quite the midway point but the sort of halfway between LA and San Diego.

Tom Poland: 0:38
Disneyland every weekend, I’m sure. For those of you don’t know Tom, he supports major publications, sports stars, and entrepreneurial influencers to be Seen, Heard, and Found by “Brandcasting” their original messages.

Tom Poland 0:53
Tom and I were introduced by Stefan, I think, Stefan Spencer, who was a consummate connoisseur of entrepreneurs. So, the very fact that Stefan introduced us was good enough for me to catch up, figure out what Tom was up to. And I was so impressed, I’ve thought, I got to see if I can get Tom into this podcast.

Tom Poland: 1:12
So, Tom reinvents brand innovation to build in authority and most importantly, I believe the results of that being, high converting revenue streams. So, Tom, your title today is, “How to Get More Value from Your Podcast.” He’s going to show us how to do that in just seven minutes. Our seven minutes starts now. Question number one, sir, who is your ideal client?

Tom Hazzard: 1:35

Our ideal client is really in any specialty in terms of their genre or their area of expertise.

But it is either usually speakers, authors, entrepreneurs, business owners, who need to be found by their ideal clients.

Tom Poland: 1:51
Thank you. Question two, six and a half minutes left, what’s the problem you solve for them? Getting found is obviously a big one.

Tom Hazzard:1:57

Yeah. I mean, clearly getting found but the problem we really solve is getting it done for you. We are not just a guru that teaches you how to do something and then you have to go, you know, hire resources, find people to do it, manage it yourself. No, we are a comprehensive resource that does it for you.

Tom Hazzard: 2:17
All you have to do is record, upload, and you’re done. And then we do it all. You know, and we know that it works because 90% of our new customers come from referrals from existing customers. So, they’re getting success. They refer us to their peers, their friends, their business associates, and that’s how we grow.

Tom Poland: 2:39
And for any of you listening to this who’s saying, “Yeah, that’s fine that I don’t have a podcast, I understand Tom’s going to distribute, publish, get leads coming in, get email subscribers, get inquiries, but I don’t have a podcast.” Well, frickin, “Get one!” Because they’re fun, and they’re interesting, and you meet cool people. And I mean, Tom will get you goals to download but from my side, I just love meeting new people, have interesting ideas that I can share with the network.

Tom Poland: 3:02
So, if you’re doing podcasts, you need to look at, I’d go no affiliate commissions. There’s no, like, kickback for anything to this. I’m just saying, this is an awesome service, go check it out. But it’s, I apologize for that advertisement on your behalf, Tom, it wasn’t pre-arranged. And I don’t need to do it but I think it’s important just to press the pause button and say, if you don’t have a podcast, you should be listening up as well.

Tom Poland: 3:24
Question number three is, what are the typical symptoms that people are experiencing who don’t have your service? What’s going to be going on with their podcast or their business generally?

Tom Hazzard: 3:33

Well, they’re usually trying to do too much themselves.

Classic, you know, entrepreneur, solopreneur, or, you know, business owner. You know, they think, “Oh, let’s start a podcast. Okay, great. So how do we do that?” And they research it to try to figure out how to do it themselves or they want to know how to do it. And the big mistake is, you know, you don’t have the time to become an expert in something you’re going to do once.

Tom Hazzard: 4:02
Launching a podcast is something you’re going to do once or after you’ve done it once, maybe going to do it a second or third time down the road. But you don’t need to become an expert in how to do this, don’t reinvent the wheel. That’s the biggest mistake I think, people just try to do it themselves and then they fall into one of a number of traps that cause them to be dissatisfied and to not have the success that they really need to get out.

Tom Poland: 4:26
Whereas the strategy is actually a very solid one, it’s an effective one, it’s a profitable one, but they didn’t execute it. So, the tactics were poor and they think the strategy is not right, which the strategy is great. Having a podcast is great. So, stick to core values stick to the stuff you love to do that you know how to do, the client work etc. and outsource everything else, including this.

Tom Poland: 4:44
So, question four, we’ve touched on this in part but there might be more, what are some of the common mistakes people make? They go, “Okay, I need to have a podcast, I’m going to have a podcast.” What are the mistakes they’re making before they discover Podetize?

Tom Hazzard: 4:57
Or before they achieve success, maybe, is another way to think about it, is that, well, because they have reinvented the wheel, and they have not gotten an expert to just do it for them, they don’t know what’s changing in the technology. What one guru might tell you worked five years ago when they launched their podcast, or two years ago, or even last year may not be true today.

Tom Hazzard: 5:22
And so, they end up, you know, their big mistake is they misinterpret the results. And maybe they’re paying too much attention to what I call the vanity metrics of, you know, how many downloads is my podcast at, or where do I chart on iTunes. And some of these things which quite honestly are not important at all. And they aren’t going to help you make money or grow the market or grow your brand. So, they pay attention to the wrong things because of the symptoms we talked about before.

Tom Poland: 5:52
Right. So, let’s get on to the value-add stuff. We’re clear now what the problem is, that there is an opportunity with podcasts, that the technical stuff and the distribution, etc., ideally will be outsourced. But let’s, let’s get to question five, and there are two minutes left, what’s a valuable free action, a tip that you could offer to people that can take them a step in the right direction?

Tom Hazzard: 6:16

I would say, get a taste of the power of podcasting, even if you’re not a podcaster yet.

And put yourself out there to be a guest on podcasts because you’re probably an expert in something and you have a viable story to tell, so you can be a guest. And the valuable free action would be that you can go and become a part of a free resource, a directory of guests that podcasters would be able to find you and invite you to be a guest on the show. And we’re going to have a link to where they can do that here later.

Tom Poland: 6:47
Fantastic. All right, we’ll publish that link. So, question number six, and one and 20 seconds left, what a valuable free resource we could direct people to that’s going to help them even more?

Tom Hazzard: 6:49
Sure. So that would be, P-O-D-E-T-I-Z-E, dot com forward slash MTI for this podcast.

Tom Poland: 7:06
Marketing The Invisible. So, M for marketing, T for the, I for invisible. Thank you, sir. So, what are they going to find there?

Tom Hazzard: 7:14
So, they’re going to find a link to our free guest directory. Also, if they are already a podcaster, our host’s directory, you can be listed there completely free.

Tom Poland: 7:22
Oh, fabulous. Oh, wow, gold mine. Thank you. Question number seven, we’ve got a whopping 40 seconds left, what’s the one question I should have asked you, but I didn’t? And the answer, please.

Tom Hazzard: 7:32

Well, the question really is, you know, can I monetize a podcast even if I don’t have hundreds or thousands of downloads or listeners?

And the answer is yes, you absolutely can, especially if you are in the business of one kind or another. When you’re in business and you have a product, a service, a course, something that you sell, some value you offer people, as long as what you’re podcasting about is in alignment with that business, the subject matter at least, then you absolutely can monetize it. That’s the fastest way.

Tom Poland: 8:10
Perfect. Thanks, Tom Hazzard.

Tom Hazzard: 8:14
You’re welcome.

Tom Poland: 8:16
Thanks for checking out our Marketing The Invisible podcast. If you like what we’re doing here please head over to iTunes to subscribe, rate us, and leave us a review. It’s very much appreciated. And if you want to generate five fresh leads in just five hours then check out