How to Move From 1:1 Services to Leveraged Income – In Just 7 Minutes with Christine Gallagher

Check out episode
  • Discover how to roll out a solid, doable plan for leveraged income without always focusing on 1:1 services
  • Learn how to create a business model that gives you all the time and clients you want
  • Learn how to leverage client work in a way that feels good to you moving from 1:1 services to leveraged income


  • 5 Surefire Strategies to Escape the Dollars For Hours Trap and Cut Your Work Hours by 30% (or More) While STILL Generating a GREAT Income: Visit to learn more.

The most successful business owners know that in order to achieve success, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel.

You would love to enjoy a business that consistently grows, allows you to pay yourself generously, gives you the freedom you crave, AND helps a lot more people. But, up until now, it’s only been a pipe dream.

Christine Gallagher is a speaker, trainer, bestselling author, and award-winning business coach. She founded in 2009, a company dedicated to teaching women around the globe how to get clients online and grow and scale their businesses.

Christine is also an in-demand speaker and has been featured as an online marketing and social media expert in numerous publications such as We Magazine For Women, NewsDay, BlogHer, The Huffington Post, Social Media Examiner, and many more.

In this episode, Christine shares how she helps female service-based entrepreneurs escape dollars for hours income, move to a 1-to-many model, and scale their business online for more freedom and impact.

Check out these episode highlights:

  • 01:35 – Christine’s ideal client: “My ideal client is usually a female service-based entrepreneur who already has a business, they already have clients, but they’re really ready to take it to the next level.”
  • 02:27 – Problem Christine helps solve: “I solve the problem of women really just not knowing how to grow and scale their business with offers that are considered leveraged including how to create them, how to get those offerings out there in front of right people, how to hit their income goals.”
  • 03:08 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Christine: “There are definitely some specific ones. One would be like your income feels like it’s capped. You can’t go any further. You might be feeling burnout because you have clients again, but you’re trading time for money. You might be bored, I know that I got to a point where I was bored, right? And I wanted to, you know, shake it up and do different things and so leverage offers is one way to do that. And then the other thing is people feel like they don’t live up to their potential because there are all these other people they want to help.”
  • 03:55 – What are some of the common mistakes that folks make before finding Christine and her solution?: “One thing is not really understanding how to do a proper launch. So, you can’t just throw, you know, an offering out there and hope that people buy it.”
  • 04:47 – Christine’s Valuable Free Action(VFA): “What I came up with was this idea of virtual workshops. I think that virtual workshops as an offer is something a lot of people can do and they’re like a really cool concept. It’s a good place for people to start when they’re trying to go to that more one to multiple people. “
  • 06:01 – Christine’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): 5 Surefire Strategies to Escape the Dollars For Hours Trap and Cut Your Work Hours by 30% (or More) While STILL Generating a GREAT Income: Visit to learn more.
  • 06:32 – Q: Do you need to have a quote list to create these kinds of offerings and put them out there? A: And my answer is, maybe? The reason why is because if you have a list of, you know, one person, you know, and it’s your mom. That’s where we all start somewhere. So, I guess what I’m saying is, does having a list make it easier to make something like this an offer because you already have people on your list who are following you? Yes, but you can also just go to your maybe private clients that you already work with, and get them to, you know, sign up for your virtual workshop, right? So, in that case, you don’t necessarily need a list. It just makes it easier.

Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:

“You can't just throw an offering out there and hope that people buy it.'” -@ChristineG Share on X

(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)

Tom Poland: 0:09
Hello everyone, and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. My name is Tom Poland, joined today by Christine Gallagher. Christine, good day, very warm welcome. Where are you hanging out?

Christine Gallagher: 0:20
I am in Florida, in St. Petersburg.

Tom Poland: 0:22
So, is it a sunny Florida today?

Christine Gallagher: 0:25
Super sunny. Yeah, that’s why I’m here.

Tom Poland: 0:27
Just about always sunny Florida.

Christine Gallagher: 0:29

Tom Poland: 0:29
Well, folks, for those of you don’t know, Christine, she’s a very interesting person because she’s got a very strategic mind. This is not in her bio; this is my observations. But looking at what she does on a day to day basis, she is a speaker, she’s a trainer. She’s also a best-selling author and award-winning business coach. She founded in 2009. It’s a company dedicated to teaching women around the globe how to get their clients online and how to grow and scale their businesses. So, if you’re listening to this so you can get more clients, more revenue, but also help more people.

Tom Poland: 1:05
Christine is also an in-demand speaker and she’s been featured as an online marketing and social media expert in a whole bunch of publications such as We Magazine For Woman, NewsDay, BlogHer, The Huffington Post, very impressive, Social Media Examiner, and a whole lot more. So, Christine, pleasure to have you on the show.

Tom Poland: 1:23
Our title today is, “How to Move from One on One Services to Leveraged Income,” and you’re going to share with us how to do that in just seven minutes. Our time starts now. Question number one, who is your ideal client?

Christine Gallagher: 1:35

My ideal client is usually a female service-based entrepreneur who already has a business, they already have clients, but they’re really ready to take it to the next level.

They want to get away from like the one on one model. They want to do like the one-to-many model. So, I teach them how to make that transition online. And I help them come up with their offers, you know, for example, booth programs, masterminds’ online courses, workshops, something that’s, you know, group and you don’t have to be, that doesn’t have to be dollars for hours trading.

Tom Poland: 2:02
Sounds like it’s very profitable but also quite a lot of fun.

Christine Gallagher: 2:06
It is fun. And they also need to know how to market and launch typically. So not only do it, yeah, so I help them with crafting the offers but also getting it out there in front of the right people.

Tom Poland: 2:15
So, both on the marketing and the value delivery, and the client work, how to structure that. Terrific. So, I might have preempted this but question number two, and six minutes left, what’s the problem you solve?

Christine Gallagher: 2:27

Yeah. So, I solved the problem of women really just not knowing how to grow and scale their business with offers that are considered leveraged, right?

Including how to create them, how to get those offerings out there in front of right people, how to hit their income goals? Essentially, as I said, they want to escape dollars for hours and they want to actually build, you know, build real wealth and they want to reach more people. So, when they work with me and they go through my processes, I show them step by step exactly how to do that and we actually build it together.

Tom Poland: 2:55
Together, or like that. So, question number three, let’s have a look at this one, five and a half minutes left. What are some of the typical symptoms, someone listening to this, how do they know that they would be a fit for what you’re doing? What are they experiencing? What are the symptoms?

Christine Gallagher: 3:08
Yeah. There are definitely some specific ones.

One would be like your income feels like it’s capped.

You can’t go any further. You might be feeling burnout because you have clients again, but you’re trading time for money. You might be bored, I know that I got to a point where I was bored, right? And I wanted to, you know, shake it up and do different things and so leverage offers is one way to do that. And then the other thing is people feel like they don’t live up to their potential because there are all these other people they want to help. And so far, they haven’t been able to do that. So, they feel like they’re not done yet, right? They want to help even more.

Tom Poland: 3:38
Right. Perfect. Thank you. So, question number four, four and a half minutes left, what are some of the common mistakes that people make when they’re trying to get out of that time for money trap, and build, they’re going to wake up and they go, I need to scale this thing. So, in your experience, what are the things that people have tried that where mistakes before they find your solution?

Christine Gallagher: 3:55

Yeah. There are a few things, one thing is not really understanding how to do a proper launch.

So, you can’t just throw, you know, an offering out there and hope that people buy it. There’s an actual systematic process to doing a lot. Yeah. And then the other thing is really like not marketing enough. They think they have to market less than they really do. It’s always more than you probably think. And then the other thing I see is that people make the mistake of worrying that they’re bugging people too much when they’re putting their stuff out there. And so, yeah, that’s a big one. And then the other thing is, you know, not knowing what you don’t know, you know, you don’t know what you don’t know, you need guidance. When people try this, you know, by themselves, they can do it but it takes a lot longer.

Tom Poland: 4:36
Perfect. Thank you. So, let’s go to question number five, three and a half minutes left, what’s a valuable free action that someone listening to this can take? It’s not going to solve the whole problem but it might take them a step in the right direction.

Christine Gallagher: 4:47
Yeah. I was thinking about this.

And so, what I came up with was this idea of virtual workshops. I think that virtual workshops as an offer is something a lot of people can do and they’re like a really cool concept. It’s a good place for people to start when they’re trying to go to that more one to multiple people. And so as long as you have a topic that you’re an expert in, you have like a platform online, like a zoom, right, to do, you know, connect everybody. And you have people who want to learn about that topic, you could do like a half day or full day workshop virtually online.

Christine Gallagher: 5:19
So, what I would suggest to people is that they start thinking about how they could do that in their own business, right? Like, maybe they could use an idea like this as a bonus for one of the products they already have. Or, you know, maybe they just want to really get started with like a group of six or eight people so that they can either go to their clients and say, “What would you love to do a virtual workshop on,” and get some of that feedback. So, I think that those are really good places to start.

Tom Poland: 5:42
Terrific place to start. And from what I’m hearing, sort of listening between the lines there is just start, right, but a virtual workshop would be a terrific place to start. Get cracking. So, question number six, and two minutes left, what’s a valuable free resource that we could direct people that’s going to help them even more?

Christine Gallagher: 6:01
Yeah. So, a perfect resource for our conversation is something that I have, that’s a free guide. And it’s called, “Five Surefire Strategies to Escape the Dollars for Hours Trap.” And so, people can grab that at

Tom Poland: 6:18, one word. Thank you. So, question number seven, and we’ve got, well, over a minute and a half left, what’s the one question I should have asked you, but didn’t? And the answer, please.

Christine Gallagher: 6:32
Yeah. So, I would say that the question is, do you need to have a quote list to create these kinds of offerings and put them out there?

Tom Poland: 6:40
Great question.

Christine Gallagher: 6:41
And my answer is, maybe? The reason why is because if you have a list of, you know, one person, you know, and it’s your mom. That’s where we all start somewhere. So, I guess what I’m saying is, does having a list make it easier to make something like this an offer because you already have people on your list who are following you? Yes, but you can also just go to your maybe private clients that you already work with, and get them to, you know, sign up for your virtual workshop, right? So, in that case, you don’t necessarily need a list. It just makes it easier.

Tom Poland: 7:11
And in doing so you start building your list. Fantastic. Christine Gallagher, thanks so much for your insights.

Christine Gallagher: 7:16
Thank you.

Tom Poland: 7:18
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One thought on “How to Move From 1:1 Services to Leveraged Income – In Just 7 Minutes with Christine Gallagher

  1. Thanx Tom. I can see virtual workshops would be a very workable place for me to start. Very helpful. Thanx to Christine too. ?

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