- Learn how to execute remarketing protocols from insights gleaned from your customer data
- Learn how Artificial Intelligence helps in improving customer experience
- Discover how to use data-driven marketing campaigns to optimize performance through more accurate predictions about customer behavior
- Schedule a Demo and See if Extreme Data-driven Campaigns is Right For Your Business: Book-a-Demo: https://standardinsights.io/
Is your business looking to become competitive in a data-driven world?
Data-driven marketing campaigns use customer data to optimize performance, by enabling more accurate predictions about customer behavior. By offering enhanced insights into your audience, you can use this data for more precise targeting, personalized customer experiences, and improved return on investment (ROI).
Jerry Abiog is the Co-Founder and CMO of Standard Insights – an AI as a Service growth marketing platform that helps small, mid, and enterprise-level companies run data-driven omnichannel campaigns.
In this episode, Jerry shares how he helps empower businesses to become more competitive in the data-driven world with marketing precision, executing re-marketing campaigns from customer data.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:52 – Jerry’s ideal client: “So, our ideal client is either an online or offline business or a brick and mortar business, with three things. Number one, this business has to generate $1 million-plus in revenue or comparable currencies. Number two, they have to have a minimum of 250 customers. And number three, they have to be open to being data-driven.”
- 02:56 – Problem Jerry helps solve: “So, two problems. Number one is the prioritization and execution of data-driven omnichannel campaigns. And number two is the ability to monetize your data.”
- 03:25 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Jerry: “Yeah. Four problems that we’ve seen typically. Number one, loss of revenue. Number two is increased customer churn, customers going someplace else. Number three, decreased average order value. And number four is decreased return on ad spend.”
- 04:30 – What are some of the common mistakes that folks make before finding Jerry and his solution?: “Yeah. Three common mistakes. Number one, these businesses are not scoring their customers on their potential profitability. Number two, they’re not segmenting their customers on geographic, demographic, psychographic, or behavior characteristics. And number three, these businesses are not studying the level of their customer engagement.”
- 05:32 – Jerry’s Valuable Free Action(VFA): “Take ownership of your data.”
- 06:49 – Jerry’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Schedule a Demo and See if Extreme Data-driven Campaigns is Right For Your Business: Book-a-Demo: https://standardinsights.io/
- 07:28 – Q: What is the future of AI? A: The answer, it’s being used in a lot of things right now. It’s being used in marketing, sales, forecasting, customer experience, to name a few. But listen to this, according to a study by Accenture, failure to scale AI could put 75% of organizations out of business by 2025.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Take ownership of your data.You have to know what makes your customers tick. Analyze the recency and frequency that the customers' purchase, as well as look at the money that each of their customers spent.'” -@SmartChoiceAI Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland: 0:09
Hello everyone, and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. My name is Tom Poland and joined today by Jerry Abiog. Jerry, good day, a very warm welcome, sir. Where are you hanging out?
Jerry Abiog: 0:20
I am in Atlanta, Georgia.
Tom Poland: 0:23
Atlanta, Georgia. We’re all hunkered down in the middle of COVID-19. God bless the virus. Okay.
Jerry Abiog: 0:30
The whole world hunkered down.
Tom Poland: 0:31
Pretty much, yeah, amazing. So, folks, if ever there was a time you should be listening to Jerry, it’s now, because he’s going to show you how to get better at lead gen, and marketing, and business growth without leaving your home. So, let me give a bit more insight into that.
Tom Poland: 0:51
Jerry is the Co-Founder and CMO of Standard Insights – an AI, or artificial intelligence, platform as a service growth model marketing platform. Oh, I think those words are very carefully chosen. Listen to them again, folks, service growth marketing platform, which is going to be applicable pretty much 99% of the people listening to this show. They empower businesses to become more competitive in a data-driven world and everything is math. I learnt that from a movie once, so it must be true. Actually, it is true, everything is math.
Tom Poland: 1:24
It’s a data-driven world, in particular, when it comes to marketing, so many people, as I’ve been. Somebody who’s been in marketing for 39 years, I’ve been guilty myself. So many people do not pay attention to the data and the data doesn’t lie. So, that’s what Jerry does, that’s what we’re going to be talking about. The title is, “How to Drive Repeat Buyers using Artificial Intelligence.” Jerry, thanks for being on the show. The time starts now. Seven minutes. Question number one is, who’s your ideal client, sir?
Jerry Abiog: 1:50
Yeah, Tom. So, hey, thanks for having me on.
So, our ideal client is either an online or offline business or a brick and mortar business and three things. Number one, this business has to generate $1 million-plus in revenue or comparable currencies. Number two, they have to have a minimum of 250 customers. And number three, they have to be open to being data-driven.
Tom Poland: 2:17
And those three things that you said, revenue volume, customer volume, being open, I presumed that as a prerequisite to they’re getting sufficient volume and getting enough engagement to make the whole thing really kick the kickback. Would that be right?
Jerry Abiog: 2:32
Yeah, you’re correct. AI thrives on data, a lot of cause, and effect data. And the minimum that we’ve seen is 250 plus customers. So, 250, 2 million, the more the better, but the minimum is 250.
Tom Poland: 2:44
Perfect. Well described. Thank you. Very clear. So, folks, if that’s not you, keep listening because you’re going to get some great tips. And if it is you, listen even harder. Question number two, and we’ve got six minutes left, what’s the problem you solve for those folks?
Jerry Abiog: 2:56
So, two problems. Number one is the prioritization and execution of data-driven omnichannel campaigns. And number two is the ability to monetize your data, data monetization.
Tom Poland: 3:09
Oh, I love the sound of that. So, questions three, and five and a half minutes left, someone who doesn’t have your services, I want to know what are the symptoms? How do they know they need what you’ve got? Well, what’s going on in their businesses where they’re going, “Heck, I need help with this.”
Jerry Abiog: 3:25
Yeah. Four problems that we’ve seen typically, number one, loss of revenue. Number two is increased customer churn, customers going someplace else. Number three, decreased average order value. And number four is decreased return on ad spend.
Tom Poland: 3:43
So, decreasing revenue, don’t know why. Decreasing client purchase, you know, declining, client retention declining. And the other two words again?
Jerry AbiogJerry Abiog:Decreasing average order value and decrease return on ad spend.
Tom Poland: 3:58
Right. Perfect. Very clear again. Boy, anyone will think you were an analytics. Four and a half minutes left. Let’s say we’ve got this person experiencing, you know, they’ve got the million dollars plus 250 transactions, etc. And they’re experiencing, let’s say, two out of those four things. They’re not going to sit there and do nothing. They’re going to try stuff and because they’re not an expert, they’re probably going to make some mistake. So, to save folk making those mistakes, question four is, what are some of the common mistakes people are making when they’re trying to solve that problem before they find your solution?
Jerry Abiog: 4:30
Yeah. Three common mistakes. Number one, these businesses are not scoring their customers on their potential profitability. Number two, they’re not segmenting their customers on geographic, demographic, psychographic, or behavior characteristics. And number three, these businesses are not studying the level of their customer engagement.
Tom Poland: 4:53
Guilty as charged.
Jerry Abiog: 4:54
And what this does, when they’re not doing this, they’re leaving everything to chance. They’re using their best guess instead of executing marketing campaigns based on facts and science.
Tom Poland: 5:07
It’s a difference between a stab in the dark versus a precision strike.
Jerry Abiog: 5:13
You got it.
Tom Poland: 5:14
Jerry Abiog: 5:15
Sniper like, yeah, absolutely.
Tom Poland: 5:17
Okay. So, question number five, and three and a half minutes left, what’s one valuable free action that even if someone didn’t work with you, they could still take? It’s not going to solve the whole problem but it’s going to take them a step closer. A top tip, if you like.
Jerry Abiog: 5:32
Yeah. So, as a business owner, the number one thing I could recommend is take ownership of your data. What does that mean? You have to know what makes your customers tick. One thing they could do is analyze the recency and frequency that the customers purchase, as well as look at the money that each of their customers spent. So that’s the one key thing I would, you know, tell them to do or advise them to do.
Tom Poland: 5:57
Absolutely. And I want to add a little caveat to that, folks. If you are an entrepreneur and you’ve started businesses, then you probably will run yourself ragged running around in circles trying to do this. For goodness sakes, get an expert. I’m not saying that just to promote Jerry because he’s on my show, I was saying because I’ve made that mistake. And you end up with spreadsheets and tabs and formulas and my eyes glaze over and I get a headache, and I just come to, I came to the wrong conclusions. For goodness sakes, get someone who’s got the analytical skills in, to do that stuff for you. I mean, if you’ve got a small business, you could probably do it yourself. But if you’ve got multiple channels or multiple segments, you’re targeting with multiple marketing campaigns, forget it. Go speak with Jerry.
Jerry Abiog: 6:40
Yeah. You don’t want to be stuck in spreadsheet hell.
Tom Poland: 6:42
No, spreadsheet hell. And, Jerry, you can confirm this, there’s no affiliate commission, no kickbacks or anything. I’m just saying now because it’s the right thing to do.
Jerry Abiog: 6:50
Tom Poland: 6:50
Two minutes left, a little under. Question number six is, what’s a valuable free resource that we could send people to that’s going to help them even more? You’ve got a website, a landing page or something?
Jerry Abiog: 6:59
Yeah. So, they can go to our website, Standard Insights, that’s all spelled out, dot I-O. They can schedule a demo and see if extreme data driven campaigns is right for them.
Tom Poland: 7:10
Oh, that’ll be interesting. Standardinsights.io, there’s an S on the word insights. Standardinsights.io, thank you. Not dot com, dot I-O. Question seven’s a curveball. Question seven, what’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t? We’ve got 50 seconds to answer please.
Jerry Abiog: 7:28
Yeah. What is the future of AI?
Tom Poland: 7:30
Oh, tell us, and 45 seconds are left.
Jerry Abiog: 7:33
Yeah. The reason why? The answer, it’s being used in a lot of things right now. It’s being used in marketing, sales, forecasting, customer experience, to name a few. But listen to this, according to a study by Accenture, failure to scale AI could put 75% of organizations out of business by 2025.
Tom Poland: 7:54
I believe that 100%. It’s like, you know, it just feels like steamroller, you know, it changes like a steamroller. You’re either going to be on the steamroller, or you’re going to be part of the road. Take your pick, that’s AI.
Jerry Abiog: 8:04
Be part of steamroller, that’s my advice.
Tom Poland: 8:05
Yeah, get on board. Get on board.
Jerry Abiog: 8:07
Get on board.
Tom Poland: 8:08
Jerry, thank you so much for your time. You delivered extraordinary value and incredibly succinct, well-articulated, sir. Cheers.
Jerry Abiog: 8:15
Hey, thank you. Honor to be here.
Tom Poland: 8:40
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