- Unlock how any expert and entrepreneur can add group coaching to their existing revenue centers seamlessly
- Learn tools you can spend less time managing your programs and do more of what you love
- Discover how to deliver your group coaching programs with ease
- Checkout Milana Leshinsky’s Group Coaching Genie – a platform that allows you to deliver a great coaching experience to more clients in less time: Visit http://groupcoachinggenie.com
Group coaching is one of the best ways to serve more clients in less time.
Without the right tools, however, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and get lost in the details of managing your coaching groups.
When you have a growing coaching business, you need a simple way to bring your ideas to life quickly.
Milana Leshinsky is an entrepreneur, business strategist, and a marketing mentor to coaches, authors, and speakers. She is the author of “Coaching Millions” and “Simplicity Entrepreneurship: Escape Burnout, Find Flow, and Discover Your Shortest Path to Profit”. When she’s not working on her business, Milana writes music and enjoys Latin ballroom dancing.
In this episode, Milana talks about how coaches can be in complete control of their group coaching programs with maximum retention, results, referrals, and re-enrollment using one magic button called ‘Group Coaching Genie.’ And why is it important to focus on simplicity when you have a growing coaching business in order to bring your ideas to life quickly.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:28 – Milana’s ideal client: “The ideal client is a coach or trainer who offers live group coaching programs to their clients on any topic.Or the ones that want to leverage their business and expertise into a group program format.”
- 01:53 – Problem Milana helps solve: “The problem with a group coaching program is that they allow you to work with more clients in less time and as a result, make more money. But the setup and the delivery can get really complicated. So, it stops a lot of people from even coming up with a group coaching program and really experiencing the benefit of a lifestyle that group coaching can give you.”
- 02:42 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Milana: ” So, many coaches end up burned out. They’re experiencing, they’re over-delivering, they’re overworking, when they’re working with a group.”
- 03:31 – What are some of the common mistakes that folks make before finding Milana and her solution?: “The first one is they keep their group size small, like a manageable size. So, they never actually get to scale their business.”
- 04:29 – Milana’s Valuable Free Action(VFA): “Focus on simplicity. What is the simplest way for you to deliver your program. The simplest for you and the simplest for your clients, that’s it.”
- 05:51 – Milana’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR):Checkout Milana Leshinsky’s Group Coaching Genie – a platform that allows you to deliver a great coaching experience to more clients in less time: Visit http://groupcoachinggenie.com/
- 06:42 – Q: How did you come up with the idea for group coaching genie? A: I was just about to deliver a program that I had just delivered six months before and I realized that I already have all this stuff, but it’s all over the place, all over the hard drive and everywhere, my notes and my replays and all of that. And I thought there’s got to be a magic button that I can push and my program will appear in front of me again, magically. And so, group coaching genie has that button, we call this button clone your program. Deliver the program your clone and, “Bam,” it is available to you again.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Focus on simplicity. What is the simplest way for you to deliver your program? The simplest for you and the simplest for your clients, that's it.'” -@MilanaLeshinsky Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland: 0:09
Hello everyone, and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. My name is Tom Poland, joined today by Milana Leshinsky. Milana, good day, welcome, and where are you hanging out?
Milana Leshinsky: 0:20
Thanks so much, Tom. I’m in Pennsylvania.
Tom Poland: 0:23
Pennsylvania, US of the A, in the middle of the Democratic primaries. Good luck with that.
Milana Leshinsky: 0:29
Thank you.
Tom Poland: 0:31
For those of you who don’t know Milana, she is an entrepreneur, a business strategist, which means she can think strategically and see the big picture, and get all those very important issues in place before we get to tactics. She’s a marketing mentor to coaches, authors, and speakers. She’s also the author of “Coaching Millions” and “Simplicity Entrepreneurship: Escape Burnout, Find Flow,” love that Milana, “and Discover Your Shortest Path to Profit.” Very clever. Clearly an exceptional marketer as well. When she’s not working on a business, Milana writes music and enjoys Latin ballroom dancing. Wow, what a diverse individual you are.
Tom Poland: 1:11
So Milana, our title today is, “How to Design and Deliver Group Coaching Programs for Maximum Retention, Results, Referrals, and Re-enrollment,” very important, in just seven minutes. So, our time starts now. Question number one is, who is your ideal client?
Milana Leshinsky: 1:28
The ideal client is a coach or trainer who offers live group coaching programs to their clients on any topic.
Tom Poland: 1:38
Or the ones that want to, as well?
Milana Leshinsky: 1:41
Or the ones that want to leverage their business and expertise into a group program format. Absolutely.
Tom Poland: 1:46
Perfect. And so, question number two, six and a half minutes left, what is the problem you solve?
Milana Leshinsky: 1:53
The problem with group coaching program is that they allow you to work with more clients in less time and as a result, make more money. But the setup and the delivery can get really complicated. So, it stops a lot of people from even coming up with a group coaching program and really experiencing the benefit of a lifestyle that group coaching can give you.
Tom Poland: 2:15
That sounds like quite a big obstacle for a lot of people is, how do I get it from everything I know up here into a curriculum program? It’s the technical side as well, like it, what does the curriculum look like? So, let’s look at question number three, just out of six minutes left. So, what are the symptoms of that problem? Someone wants to do a group coaching program or they’re doing what’s not working well, what’s going to be going on that’s going to give them the signal they need to talk with you or find out more about your work?
Milana Leshinsky: 2:42
Yeah, that’s such a great question. So, many coaches end up burned out. They’re experiencing, they’re over-delivering, they’re overworking, when they’re working with a group. Their clients end up unhappy and leave the programs, often ask you for a refund. So those are the main two. And then the other one is, many people feel that the logistics are so complex that they never get to even create a group program and experiencing all the benefits of leveraging their expertise that way.
Tom Poland: 3:11
So true. So, question number four, five minutes left, what are some of the mistakes that these folks are going to make before they find your solution? They’re going to try and break out of the issues and the obstacles and the problems and their symptoms, but they might be doing stuff that’s not actually going to work so well. So, what are those mistakes so we can save them?
Milana Leshinsky: 3:31
Yeah. So, I was thinking about that, and I think there are two things that I see people are going about incorrectly. And the first one is they keep their group size small, like a manageable size. So, they never actually get to scale their business. In their mind, this is how small the group or how big the group I can handle, and that is it. And then the second thing they’re trying to do is they’re trying to piecemeal their programs using multiple technologies like Google Drive, spreadsheets, membership software, email software, and then their clients get lost in that jungle as well. And it’s very inconvenient, it makes you look unprofessional and scattered and clients are frustrated and that’s why they leave.
Tom Poland: 4:12
Right. So true. Okay. So, question number five then, let’s get them some solutions, and we’ve got four minutes left. What’s one valuable free action, a tip, that you could recommend that people take that’s not going to solve the whole problem, but it will take in a step in the right direction?
Milana Leshinsky: 4:29
I always like to suggest to people focus on simplicity, obviously, because that’s the name of my book and that’s the name of my company, right?
Tom Poland: 4:34
You wrote the book on that, right?
Milana Leshinsky: 4:36
Simplicity, what is the simplest way for you to deliver your program and do that. The simplest for you and the simplest for your clients, that’s it.
Tom Poland: 4:45
That’s fantastic. And it’s so simple.
Milana Leshinsky: 4:49
It is very simple.
Tom Poland: 4:51
How apt. Question number six, and three and a half minutes left, so have plenty of time. I will slow down my questions. No, not really. I’m looking for a resource that we could direct people to that’s going to help them even more. Something completely free that they can go and indulge themselves and, again, not going to solve the whole problem, but it’s going to give them a step in the right direction.
Milana Leshinsky: 5:11
Actually, it might solve their problem. You know, one of the things that you definitely want to do is look at all the things that you’re offering and structure in a way that makes it easily consumable, easily implementable, that doesn’t overwhelm people. That allows people to really go through the program in a way that puts them into a good flow so that they are feeling the progress, not overwhelmed. And you get great referrals, re-enrollment, results, and reputation because nobody likes a coach that doesn’t bring results.
Tom Poland: 5:47
Lots of R. So where can I go to find out more?
Milana Leshinsky: 5:51
Yeah. So, I have delivered over 100 coaching programs, group coaching programs over the last 20 years, and I’ve experienced the same kind of issues. And then I thought there must be a better way. And so, I developed the solution and it’s called, “Group Coaching Genie,” and it’s a platform that allows you to deliver a great coaching experience to more clients in less time. All of those things that we just talked about; it brings everything together. It simplifies and streamlines your programs; it wows your clients. It keeps your entire program in one place. And it’s groupcoachinggenie.com.
Tom Poland 6:26
Perfect. groupcoachinggenie.com, G-E-N-I-E, dot com.
Milana Leshinsky: 6:30
Genie, like, the glow lamp, genie of the lamp.
Tom Poland: 6:33
Right. Groupcoachinggenie.com. And we’ve got a minute and a half left. So, question number seven is, what’s the one question I should have asked you, but didn’t?
Milana Leshinsky: 6:42
I guess one of the questions I thought I was, you know, people like to ask me, how did you come up with the idea for group coaching genie? And I had this final straw happened to me, where I was just about to deliver a program that I had just delivered six months before and I realized that I already have all this stuff, but it’s all over the place, all over the hard drive and everywhere, my notes and my replays and all of that. And I thought there’s got to be a magic button that I can push and my program will appear in front of me again, magically. And so, group coaching genie has that button, we call this button clone your program. Deliver the program your clone and, “Bam,” it is available to you again.
Milana Leshinsky: 7:21
And by the way, if you are not familiar with, if you’re not sure what the difference is between group coaching programs and courses. In courses, clients okay just receiving information. In coaching programs, clients do not want to be invisible. They don’t want a do-it-yourself course; they want a real human connection. They want to feel progress, results, attention, feedback, that’s the difference. And no other software offers that except for group coaching genie.
Tom Poland: 7:46
Perfect. Milana, thank you so much for your time.
Milana Leshinsky: 7:49
Thank you, Tom.
Tom Poland: 7:51
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