- Discover how to increase the impact of your business to your customers through your own three-word rebellion
- Learn how having a five-second rule can increase your business’ potential
- Discover the importance of having your own one-of-a-kind message to help you improve the influence of your business and possibly start a movement
- Check out Michelle’s Book:3 Word Rebellion: Create a One-of-a-Kind Message that Grows Your Business Into a Movement:https://www.amazon.com/Word-Rebellion-One-Kind-Business/dp/0578421119
Does it feel like your business isn’t making an impact on your customers no matter how much money you’ve spent on marketing it?
Michelle Mazur has worked with multiple, game-changing business owners who have difficulty in having a clear and concise message for their business. She helps business owners craft a powerful and captivating message by combining successful social movements with qualitative research.
In this episode, Michelle talks about the importance of having your own unique three-word rebellion or the classic five-second rule in your business. She explains how having your own solid message can help your business and start a movement.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 1:55 — Michelle’s ideal client: “ My ideal client is, they’re innovative business owners who have typically created their own framework, their own methodology, or they have multiple tools in their toolbox that get people amazing results. They have the ability to revolutionize their industry in some way and really help and change people. But they can’t really talk about what they do.”
- 2:31 — Problem Michelle helps solve: “So, they can’t talk about what they do, which causes a lot of confusion and overwhelm in the eyes of the people they could help and impact. The people that are receiving the message are like, “I don’t get it, I don’t understand what you’re about, what you do.” “Why you’re different from anyone else.” Like, “You make no sense to me, I’m just not dropping it.”
- 3:19 — Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Michelle: “ One big symptom is they usually spent a crap ton on marketing that hasn’t worked in their business. So, they’ve hired a marketing team, or they’ve taken all these courses that haven’t paid off, or they hired a PR person or speaking agent or they thought, “Oh, I’m going to write this book and it’s going to get the word out. I’m going to get all these speaking gigs.” And then nothing happens because the message isn’t there. It’s not intriguing the people it should be intriguing, and people just aren’t getting it. They’re not interested. So that’s one clear sign.
- 5:02 — Common mistakes that people make before they find Michelle’s solution: “Jumping to marketing before working on their message is a common mistake, I feel like 99% of business owners make. We work really hard on creating a great offer. And then we’re just like, “Okay, I’m going to market this,” and we don’t have any solid messaging. Not positioning ourselves in the marketplace.”
- 6:24 — Michelle’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “Get out of your head and get your ideas out of your head and onto paper. A three-word rebellion, a one of a kind message is never found by thinking about it. It’s found by getting your idea out of your head and onto paper where you can actually see what you’re dealing with. See the words, see the ideas.”
- 7:51 — Michelle’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Check out Michelle’s Website: threewordrebellion.com
- 8:21 — Q: What happens after you find your three words? A: So, after you find your three words, you have to find the messages that will sell those three words into the masses. It’s not like Simon Sinek stood on the streets of Seattle and said, “Start with why, start with why,” and started his movement and his business that way. Nope, he had to sell them in.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“ See the words, see the ideas.” -@DrMichelleMazur Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland: 0:10
Hello everyone, and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. My name is Tom Poland, joined today by Michelle Mazur. Michelle, good day, welcome. Where are you hanging out?
Michelle Mazur 0:20
I’m hanging out in Seattle, Washington.
Tom Poland: 0:23
Seattle, Washington, the USA, at the time of recording, epicenter of the corona virus. I hope you’re safe and well.
Michelle Mazur 0:30
Yes, we are. And we’re bathing in Purell.
Tom Poland: 0:34
Sounds, actually, a good plan to me.
Tom Poland: 0:36
For those of you don’t know, Michelle, she works with brilliant business owners who are shaking things up. I went out and got a copy of her book which is fan-dang-tastic. One of the most interesting, engaging and helpful reads that I’ve had in many, many years. And what Michelle won’t tell you and a nice surprise out of her., she’s got a PhD in communication. It shows up in the book.
Tom Poland: 0:59
So, the book is Three Word Rebellion. This is impromptu, I just thought I’d show you folks that it’s there. It’s fantastic.
Tom Poland: 1:07
So, she works with brilliant business owners who are shaking things up but are having trouble talking about it. And that’s like 99% of business owners, I suspect it’s the messaging of the magic. She combines the tools of successful social movements with the qualitative research that she earned in her communication PhD to help them craft a powerful, captivating message.
Tom Poland: 1:31
Featured in Fast Company, Entrepreneur and Inc., she knows that speaking about what you do in a clear, concise and captivating way is the key to reaching the people you could help the most. Oh, I got tingles down my spine. So, the title, Michelle, is, “How to Discover Your Three Word Rebellion.” We’re going to show people how to do that in just a minute. So, question number one is, who is your ideal client?
Michelle Mazur 1:55
Yeah, so my ideal client is, they’re innovative business owners who have typically created their own framework, their own methodology, or they have multiple tools in their toolbox that get people amazing results. They have the ability to revolutionize their industry in some way and really help and change people. But they can’t really talk about what they do.
Tom Poland: 2:23
Right. So that probably is a nice segue to question number two. So, what’s the problem you solve? That’s the problem you solve.
Michelle Mazur 2:31
Oh, yes. So, they can’t talk about what they do, which causes a lot of confusion and overwhelm in the eyes of the people they could help and impact. The people that are receiving the message are like, “I don’t get it, I don’t understand what you’re about, what you do.” “Why you’re different from anyone else.” Like, “You make no sense to me, I’m just not dropping it.”
Tom Poland: 3:00
Tell me again. Yeah. Okay. So that leads us again nicely to question number three, five and a half minutes left. What are some of the typical symptoms that people are going to experience who’ve got this problem? They’re going to say, “Can you say that again, what is it that you do again?” But what else is going on in their life or their business where, how do they know they need you?
Michelle Mazur 3:19
Yes. How do they know they need me? One big symptom is they usually spent a crap ton on marketing that hasn’t worked in their business. So, they’ve hired a marketing team, or they’ve taken all these courses that haven’t paid off, or they hired a PR person or speaking agent or they thought, “Oh, I’m going to write this book and it’s going to get the word out. I’m going to get all these speaking gigs.” And then nothing happens because the message isn’t there. It’s not intriguing the people it should be intriguing, and people just aren’t getting it. They’re not interested. So that’s one clear sign.
Michelle Mazur 4:03
And usually their business isn’t doing as well as it should be, that’s another clear sign. Or it’s doing pretty well but their audience is small. They’re not being asked to speak. They see their competitors being asked to speak at large events and they’re like, “I should be doing that, I’m so much better than that guy.”
Michelle Mazur 4:24
And then there’s the imposter complex that seeps in because they are high achievers, and all of a sudden, they’re thinking like, “Oh, well, maybe I’m not that good.” Like, maybe I’m not as smart and maybe this isn’t as great as I think it is. Maybe my clients are just being nice, and they’re not getting that great of results. So, they start doubting themselves because nothing is working. So that’s some of the things I’m seeing with my clients and customers who come to me and are struggling.
Tom Poland: 4:50
Thank you for that. So, four minutes left and question four, what are some of the common mistakes that people are making before they find your solution? The things they thought were good work but they wouldn’t ever going to work.
Michelle Mazur 5:02
Yes. So, jumping to marketing before working on their message is a common mistake, I feel like 99% of business owners make. We work really hard on creating a great offer. And then we’re just like, “Okay, I’m going to market this,” and we don’t have any solid messaging. Not positioning ourselves in the marketplace. And I think for people who are really rebels, who are shaking up the industry, we try to position ourselves in like this one size fits all, like, Donald Miller, The Story Brand, and think, “Oh, if I just do that, then that’s going to set me apart.” And it’s not, it’s going to make you sound like everybody else.
Michelle Mazur 5:42
And so, you have to find your own start with why? Your own five second rule that other people can share and spread and talk about. And you can’t be in that formula and in that blueprint because you’re an innovator, because you’re the rebel. But I think they try to do that into, like, jam themselves in into that marketing framework for that messaging framework and it doesn’t work for them.
Tom Poland: 6:11
Right. Thank you. So, question five, two and a half minutes left, heaps of time. One valuable free action that someone listening to this could take. It’s not going to solve the whole problem, but it might take them a step in the right direction. What’s your top tip for that?
Michelle Mazur 6:24
Yes. So, if you are a rebel, if you are an innovator, you’ve got to get out of your head and get your ideas out of your head and onto paper. A three word rebellion, a one of a kind message is never found by thinking about it. It’s found by getting your idea out of your head and onto paper where you can actually see what you’re dealing with. See the words, see the ideas.
Michelle Mazur 6:55
And so, I’m a big fan of free writing, and so a great place to start that will create (A) a lot of good ideas and a lot of content for you to share in other places is write on the question, what am I rebelling against? Think about your industry, what are you rebelling against in your industry, and just write. And if you don’t like to write, record yourself and then get it transcribed, but just get it out of your head so you know what you’re dealing with.
Tom Poland: 7:26
Right. And so, it’s three word rebellion. You finished a couple, I just wanted to shine a spotlight on the concept because I think it’s brilliant. You know, start with why, five second rule, and the classic, of course, three word rebellion, is a three word rebellion. Terrific. So, let’s go to question number six. We’ve got a whopping one minute left, only two questions to go. What’s one valuable free resource we could direct people to that’s going to help them even more?
Michelle Mazur 7:51
Yes, if you want a taster of what it’s like to create your own three word rebellion and start creating a one of a kind message that other people can share and that will grow your business, you can go to threewordrebellion.com to do that. And you can either go to the number three or spell out three, it goes to the same place.
Tom Poland: 8:12
Well thought out. So, threewordrebellion.com. Question number seven, 30 seconds left, what is the one question I should have asked you but didn’t? And the answer, please.
Michelle Mazur 8:21
Yes. What happens after you find your three words?
Tom Poland: 8:25
Oh, great question. So, what does happen after you find your three words?
Michelle Mazur 8:28
Y es. So, after you find your three words, you have to find the messages that will sell those three words into the masses. It’s not like Simon Sinek stood on the streets of Seattle and said, “Start with why, start with why,” and started his movement and his business that way. Nope, he had to sell them in.
Tom Poland: 8:45
Thanks, Michelle.
Michelle Mazur 8:47
You’re welcome.
Tom Poland: 8:48
Tom Poland: 8:49
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