How to Build a Productive Remote Team to Scale Your Business Growth – In Just 7 Minutes with Jeff Hunter

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  • Discover how having a remote team can help move your business forward
  • Know more about the benefits of having a remote team for your business
  • Learn how to delegate menial tasks to your virtual assistant or remote team


  • Discover the secret weapon of highly productive people. Instantly scale your business with 80+ virtual assistants.: Check-out


As an entrepreneur, are you struggling to manage your business? Are you having difficulties in managing your time because you have so many things to do?

Jeff J. Hunter builds personal brands for people that are pretty successful, accomplished CEOs and founders who already deliver their business achievements to become influencers in their category. He also happens to have a virtual assistant company. He has hired hundreds of people remotely to not only power his own business but also businesses all over the world.

In this episode, Jeff shares his insights on how having your own remote team and a virtual assistant can not only help you manage your time wisely but can also help grow and improve your business.

Check out these episode highlights:

  • 01:04 – Jeff’s ideal client: “My ideal client is usually someone who is scaling their business.”
  • 02:17 – Problem Jeff helps solve: “I think the biggest challenge that we as entrepreneurs have, and by the way, a lot of our clients are intrapreneurs.So, they’re team leaders, they might be sales leaders, they might be marketing teams at companies that need help within the company, but they’re not given the budget to hire a full $50,000, $60,000 a year team member, right? So, it’s all about time management. How can you start leveraging your time to get the most out of it? And how can you delegate things to other people to do the things you shouldn’t be doing?”
  • 03:17 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Jeff: “Business owners dwelling in doing the repetitive, neglected and challenging menial task.”
  • 04:42 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Jeff’s solution: “Not having defined roles. Not having things set up in their business. They don’t have any procedures.”
  • 05:28 – Jeff’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): The easiest way to delegate, especially if you’re not delegating right now, is to do what you want to delegate. And if it’s digital, use a recorder, use Zoom, like this. Open it up, press the record button, share your screen, and then talk about what you’re doing. So, you’re giving visible and audio instructions of things that you’re trying to get off your plate.”
  • 06:02 – Jeff’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Discover the secret weapon of highly productive people. Instantly scale your business with 80+ virtual assistants.: Check-out
  • 07:06 – Q: How do you manage it all? A: I have an executive assistant team. They run it all.

Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:

“For every one minute of planning will actually save about 10 minutes of execution, that adds up quick.” -@jhunter101 Share on X

(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)

Tom Poland: 0:09

Hello everyone, and a very warm welcome to another episode of Marketing The Invisible. My name is Tom Poland, joined today by Jeff J. Hunter. Jeff, good day, sir. A very warm welcome. Where are you hanging out?

Jeff J. Hunter: 0:19
I’m out here in California, Tom. Thank you.

Tom Poland: 0:22
California, whereabouts in California? It’s a big place, California.

Jeff J. Hunter: 0:25
Yeah, Northern California near the Bay Area. I’m actually in-between San Francisco and Sacramento. If you draw a line between them, there I am.

Tom Poland: 0:32
Nice spot. Okay. Well, welcome to the show. For those of you who don’t know, Jeff, Jeff J. Hunter, just to distinguish them from the others, Jeff J. Hunter, builds personal brands. He’s actually, he doesn’t have this in his bio, but he’s actually a serial entrepreneur. He just can’t help himself starting new businesses, which is very interesting from my perspective.

Jeff J. Hunter: 0:52
Yeah. And the gritty moment for you guys on the seven questions is, I also happen to have a virtual assistant company. I’ve hired hundreds of people remotely to, not only power my own business but also businesses all over the world.

Tom Poland: 1:04
And that is going to play nicely into our title. So, Jeff actually builds personal brands for people that are pretty successful, accomplished CEOs and founders who already deliver their business achievements to become influencers in their category. I’ve seen him on TV shows and on radio shows, as podcast guests. He knows social media inside out, upside down. But the subject today, I told you he’s a serial entrepreneur, is, “How to Build a Productive Remote Team to Scale Your Business Growth,” and we all need that in the COVID-19 environment. If not now, then when? And he’s going to show us how to do that in seven minutes. Jeff, our seven minutes starts now. Question number one is, who is your ideal client?

Jeff J. Hunter: 1:04
Wow. My ideal client is usually someone who is scaling their business or, well, there’s two. One is a business that’s like in a growth mode and they just can’t keep up with things that they need to get off their plates. The other is actually solopreneur, so the other side of the spectrum. Someone who maybe doesn’t have time to hire a dedicated person or put things together so they can start with, like, you know, an hour a day, 20 hours a month type thing, so.

Tom Poland: 1:45
Right. And so, question number two, six and a half minutes left, what’s the problem you solve for them?

Jeff J. Hunter: 2:17
Well, the biggest problem is that we have very limited resources called time, right? So, I think the biggest challenge that we as entrepreneurs have, and by the way, a lot of our clients are intrapreneurs. So, they’re team leaders, they might be sales leaders, they might be marketing teams at companies that need help within the company, but they’re not given the budget to hire a full $50,000, $60,000 a year team member, right? So, it’s all about time management. How can you start leveraging your time to get the most out of it? And how can you delegate things to other people to do the things you shouldn’t be doing?

Tom Poland: 2:51
Right. Thank you. Question number three, five, and a half minutes left. What would you say some of the typical symptoms of this solopreneur, entrepreneur, or intrapreneur, someone who’s working in someone else’s organization, but it’s still very entrepreneurial, how do they know they’re going to need to hire, to build a remote team? Be it one hour a week to start with, or 100 hours a week. What are some of the typical symptoms they’re going to be experiencing where they go, “Oop, yep, that’s me! I need to talk to Jeff.”

Jeff J. Hunter: 3:17
So, I separate things into four columns. One is repetitive, what are the most repetitive things that you do in your business? Those are usually the easiest to delegate. So, like, for example, doing for me, how you and I met. I have a VA, her name’s Nicole, who logs into my LinkedIn account, and she identifies podcast host of people that have really interesting podcasts. She actually engages with them. She sent you the message that you read that got me on your show. So, these are things that are repetitive that maybe isn’t the best use of my time, so repetitive.

Jeff J. Hunter: 3:49
The second column is, what are the things you’re not doing because you’re doing a lot of repetitive things? Neglected, right? The third column is probably my favorite, which is, what are the challenging things? What are the things that are, like, funnels, and things like that? Those are very challenging. The last one is value, and this is where we should focus our time on. What are the most valuable uses of our time, and how can we get rid of everything else? I call it the 90/10 rule. How do we get rid of the 90% of things in our life holding us back from the 10% that’s the most valuable?

Tom Poland: 4:21
Absolutely. Thank you, sir. So, question number four is, and we’ve got four minutes left, coincidentally. So, people are going to be identifying a lot of the things they could be outsourcing. They’re probably going to be time-poor, stressed, not know where to start, but they will try stuff. So, what are some of the common mistakes that your clients telling you they made before they found your solution?

Jeff J. Hunter: 4:42
Not having defined roles. Not having things set up in their business. They don’t have any procedures. They don’t have clear instructions on what they’re supposed to be doing. They don’t even have an idea of what that person is supposed to do before they hire them. So, the first step to do before you hire anyone, whether it’s me helping you or you hiring someone yourself, is determine what can I have them do that’s really going to move the ball forward? And that’s the first step. For every one minute of planning will actually save about 10 minutes of execution, that adds up quick.

Tom Poland: 5:18
Okay. Thank you. Question five is one valuable free action that people could take that’s not going to solve the whole problem, but it’s going to help them a bit. And three minutes left.

Jeff J. Hunter: 5:28
This is the simple one. A lot of people struggle with delegation. The easiest way to delegate, especially if you’re not delegating right now, is to do what you want to delegate. And if it’s digital, use a recorder, use Zoom, like this. Open it up, press the record button, share your screen, and then talk about what you’re doing. So, you’re giving visible and audio instructions of things that you’re trying to get off your plate.

Tom Poland: 5:55
Perfect. Thank you, sir. And question number six, a valuable free resource we could direct people to that’s going to help them even more.

Jeff J. Hunter: 6:02
Oh, well, on my website,, for that serial entrepreneurial world,, I have a guide that you can see right on the homepage, it’s called the 17 things you can delegate to a virtual assistant. These are things that every business should be thinking about delegating. And if you’re like me, six years ago saying, “What the heck, I don’t even know what to delegate,” or if you’re listening right now, this is a great way to just start getting the wheels spinning on things that you could actually start getting off your plate.

Tom Poland: 6:32
Perfect. So that’s, go and get the 17, because that’ll start simulating and thinking about what you can delegate. And Jeff has just given us some great ideas on how to delegate, which is screen recording using zoom or something similar. So, question number seven, we’ve got one and a half minutes left, which is pretty good. What’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t? And the answer as well would be nice.

Jeff J. Hunter: 6:56
Oh my god, that’s a good question. I wasn’t ready for that one. The question you should have asked me…

Tom Poland: 7:02
How do you get your hair so nice every morning? Maybe not?

Jeff J. Hunter: 7:06
Have an electric razor. Yeah. How about this, something that we started out with that we didn’t go on about being a serial entrepreneur, you know, how do you manage it all?

Tom Poland: 7:15
That’s a great question. How do you manage it all? We got 70 seconds to tell folks. How do you do that?

Jeff J. Hunter: 7:20
Well, I have to, again, this is an acknowledgment and thanking my team. I have a strong team of six project managers. They’re really, not really project managers, they’re more like team leaders. Each of them has their own team. I’ve got a graphic design team, a web design team. I have an executive assistant team. I have an inbound sales guy, Julio, like, if it wasn’t for my leadership team, I wouldn’t be able to do any of this. And it’s the same people that run all three of my businesses, Branded Media, VA Staffer, and my Savage Marketer Podcast. They run it all, so.

Tom Poland: 7:55

Jeff J. Hunter: 7:56
You have to have clearly defined people and roles; it comes back to that.

Tom Poland: 8:01
And I love your tip about doing this thing yourself first before you delegate it, and then just recording how you did it. Fantastic.

Jeff J. Hunter: 8:09
Well, that’s because there’s a lie, Tom. The lie that we all tell ourselves is that we don’t have time to delegate. We don’t have time, right? Well, you’re doing it anyway. So, if you record it, you remove that excuse.

Tom Poland: 8:20
Oh, yes, yes, step up to scale. Jeff J. Hunter, thanks so much for your time.

Jeff J. Hunter: 8:25
Thank you, Tom.

Tom Poland: 8:27
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