- Discover how to grow your revenue, and connect with your audience in the most interactive way online
- Learn how to have an easy, face-to-face interaction just like in real life in this time of the ‘new normal’
- Find out how to foster interactive collaborations, networking opportunities, and a great attendee experience from the comfort of your home with Remo
- Join and experience an Online Interactive event at Next Gen Online Events: https://www.ungoldfish.com/interactive-online-event-academy
In this time of the new normal, do you struggle to humanize your connections when organizing online events and remote work?
With lives are becoming more digital, looking for something that’s more real feels like a revolution.
Hoyin Cheung is a serial entrepreneur with an 8-figure Amazon business, a mobile agency, and also a $1M Annual Recurring Revenue B2B SaaS company. Hoyin has 7+ years of experience building remote teams and has worked with Fortune 100 companies like Nike, Best Buy, and many others. His new venture is Remo, the next-gen video-first workspace for remote teams and virtual events.
In this episode, Hoyin shares how to harness the power of interactive online events to increase attendees online engagement among participants and take advantage of the sales conversions in the process.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:40 – Hoyin’s ideal client: “My ideal client is anyone who runs webinars, online events.”
- 02:26 – Problem Hoyin helps solve: “The problem is nowadays, when you do webinars, it’s like a one-dimensional experience. You can’t talk to anyone else, it’s just you sitting there by yourself listening passively.”
- 03:15 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Hoyin: “They’re not always engaged. That’s one thing. The second thing is in webinars, like people may come in, they may attend and they may engage but maybe there’s not enough follow on activity.”
- 04:08 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Hoyin’s solution: “They think that the current platform that they’re on is sufficient enough. So, they keep on putting effort in it. They keep on putting more posts just say in a Facebook group, or in a money network. Or maybe they just keep on doing webinars and try to get more like, tell more people about it during the webinars. But the problem itself may not be the marketing of it, or the content, it’s just the format.”
- 05:02 – Hoyin’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “They need to experience what an interactive event is..”
- 06:09 – Hoyin’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Join and experience an Online Interactive event at Next Gen Online Events: https://www.ungoldfish.com/interactive-online-event-academy
- 06:40 – Q: What is an interactive event? A: Imagine that you have a top-down map and you can see small circles. And each circle has each person’s profile face, and so it’s kind of like a game. It gives you the freedom to join any conversation you want, and the freedom to go wherever you want. And that is a huge difference to allowing people to feel like they’re in control, and talk to everyone. “
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“ Our lives are becoming more digital. We're looking for something that's more real. There needs to be the next revolution. And Interactive online event is the next revolution. ” -@hoyinc Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland: 0:09
Hello everyone, a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. My name is Tom Poland, joined today by Hoyin Cheung. Hoyin, a very warm welcome, sir.
Hoyin Cheung 0:19
Thank you so much, Tom.
Tom Poland: 0:20
Where, where are you based?
Hoyin Cheung 0:22
I’m currently based in Hong Kong.
Tom Poland: 0:23
Hong Kong. Folks, you’re in for a treat, Hoyin is a serial entrepreneur. And a lot of people say that but he actually is one. I think some people have their mother write their bio or something, you know, Tom’s a serial entrepreneur. But Hoyin is actually one. And get this, he’s got an eight figure Amazon business. He’s got a mobile agency. He also got a $1 million Annual Recurring Revenue business to business SaaS company. But wait, that’s not all. As a marketer I love saying that. He’s got seven years, actually more than seven years, experience building remote teams. He’s worked with Fortune 100 companies like Nike, Best Buy, lots of others.
Tom Poland: 1:07
His new venture, which we’re going to talk about today, is Remo. It’s the next-gen video-first workspace for remote teams and virtual events. We’re very excited to have you here. This has been about nine months in the making, Hoyin, I think we met in Bali at the Running Remote conference, but we got there. So, our title today is, “How to Create Online Interactive Events that would Triple Your Revenue.” Hoyin is going to tell us how to do that in just seven minutes. Hoyin, our time starts now. Question number one is, who is your ideal client?
Hoyin Cheung 1:40
So, my ideal client is anyone who runs webinars, online events. You could be a coach, a solopreneur, an influencer, or anyone also who has a community and you’re trying to nurture that community. Anyone who’s also trying to get leads to bring in as well, or startup who also has a community or even a small-medium business that has the community as well.
Tom Poland: 2:02
And folks, if you have not seen Remo.co, R-E-M-O for Remo.co, go check it out, it’s extraordinary. Anyone who’s run an online community and has pulled their hair out as I have, as you can see there’s none left, trying to get engagement, you have got to check this out. And my mind is just boggling with a marketing opportunity as well. Okay, just over six minutes left. Question number two, what’s the problem that you solve?
Hoyin Cheung 2:26
So, I think you just kind of hit the nail on the head there, which is like, nowadays, when you do webinars, it’s like a one-dimensional experience. You can’t talk to anyone else, it’s just you sitting there by yourself listening passively. Webinar engagements going down. Attendance rates are going down. Community engagement from money networks all the way down to Facebook groups are also going down. People are not as engaged as before. How do you really bring people in to increase your authority, increase engagement, really provide a real intimate authentic experience that drives trust, and ultimately that drives leads and revenue.
Tom Poland: 3:02
So well said, so well-articulated. Thank you. Just under five and a half minutes left. Question number three, you’ve already mentioned a bit, but what are some of the typical symptoms that people like me are experiencing who have this problem of lack of engagement?
Hoyin Cheung 3:15
I think when you’re in a slack community, you know, sometimes you see that typical life cycle where everyone comes in and all like talking and chatting a little bit, and then people drop off. They’re not always engaged. That’s one thing. The second thing is in webinars, like people may come in, they may attend and they may engage but maybe there’s not enough follow on activity. Maybe they don’t react to your call to actions very effectively. And so, or maybe the webinars you just, this is difficult for you to get attendees and you’re not engaging them enough to bring to the next level. So that’s, those are the symptoms.
Tom Poland: 3:46
Super-duper. So, people have got this one-dimensional experience, they’re trying to get communities engaged, trying to get their clients working together, collaborating, marketing, everything else. What are some of the common mistakes, this is question number four, just four and a quarter minutes left. What are some of the common mistakes they make in trying to get that problem solved before they find your solution?
Hoyin Cheung 4:08
Well, I think one of the common problems is that they think that the current platform that they’re on is sufficient enough. So, they keep on putting effort in it. They keep on putting more posts just say in a Facebook group, or in a money network. Or maybe they just keep on doing webinars and try to get more like, tell more people about it during the webinars. But the problem itself may not be the marketing of it, or the content, it’s just the format.
Hoyin Cheung 4:32
And so, changing the format needs, the format needs to be changed. We’re living in a world where our lives are becoming more digital where we’re so used to webinars and Facebook and all that kind of stuff. We’re looking for something that’s more real. We’re going into web 3.0 or 4.0, whatever that number is. There needs to be the next revolution. And this is what we believe, it is the next revolution.
Tom Poland: 4:51
I think we might have something there. Thank you. Three and a half minutes left. Question number five, what’s one valuable free action that a listener could take that’s not going to solve the whole problem but it might take them a step in the right direction?
Hoyin Cheung 5:02
The number one thing they need to do is they need to experience what an interactive event is. So, we have a lot of Interactive Events on our event calendar, which we can put in the show notes. Attend an event. Attend one of the events, it’s free, it only takes one hour. Feel how it feels like to be the attendee, and prepared to be, to feel extra dimensionality of interaction.
Tom Poland: 5:25
Fantastic. So, folks, we will put the link in the show notes. If you’re listening to this on a podcast go to leadsology.guru/podcast, have a search for this interview and you’ll find all the links there. Question number six, two and a half minutes left, what’s a valuable free resource that we could direct people to that’s going to help them even more?
Hoyin Cheung 5:44
So right now, we are partnering with a company called Ungoldfish where they are producing a course for us on how to create an interactive online event. So, I would direct you guys to that course to take a look, understand what it is. We’re introducing it very different, and you need to know from beginning to end how to create it. It’s like back in the day when webinars where first introduced. Right now, we’re introducing something very different.
Tom Poland: 6:09
So www.ungoldfish.com/interactive-online-event-academy. Ungoldfish.com/interactive-online-event-academy with hyphens in the middle of those words. Thank you, sir. One minute 45 seconds left. Oodles of time for question number seven, our last question. What’s the one question I should have asked you, but didn’t?
Hoyin Cheung 6:35
I think the question that should have been asked is what is an interactive event? So, I would love to share with that a little bit. So, an online interactive event is, imagine that you have a top down map and you can see small circles. And each circle has each person’s profile face, and so it’s kind of like a game. And you see all these different tables, and you can double click into a table and your circle can move from one table to the table that you double clicked on. And each table is like its own little Skype call. And you only view the videos and the audios of the people within that table.
Hoyin Cheung 7:14
So, it gives you the freedom to join any conversation you want, and the freedom to go wherever you want. And that is a huge difference to allowing people to feel like they’re in control, and talk to everyone. So, it’s like a bunch of Skype calls are happening in parallel, that you as an individual can join and pick and choose whichever you want, at any point in time. So, it’s not about just me passively listening to someone, I can go and talk to someone just like at a normal event.
Tom Poland: 7:42
So, folks, if you have a community and you want to get them engaged. Or you’re tired of doing marketing where there’s a lack of engagement from attendees online, you got to go and check this out. Go to ungoldfish.com/interactive-online-event-academy or you can also check out Remo.co Thanks Hoyin.
Tom Poland: 8:05
Thanks for checking out our Marketing The Invisible podcast. If you like what we’re doing here please head over to iTunes to subscribe, rate us, and leave us a review. It’s very much appreciated. And if you want to generate five fresh leads in just five hours then check out www.fivehourchallenge.com.