How to Get More Leads and Sales from Your Website – In Just 7 Minutes with Peter Sandeen

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  • Discover how to make the most out of your website in order to increase site interactions and sales
  • Learn how to put your clients in your email list through the right marketing strategy
  • Know more on how to keep your clients engaged in your business and soon add money to your bank account



Are you struggling to get sales no matter how good your website looks? Does your website make people understand that your offer would be valuable for them?

People buy things when they understand that those things are valuable to them. It has little to do with marketing tactics or strategies. It’s about what you say with your marketing.

Peter Sandeen is called the marketer’s marketer because so many of his clients are marketing experts. After years of copywriting and conversion optimization, he helps people get more leads and sales from their website.

In this episode, Peter shares his insights on how to increase your sales not through spending your money and time in crafting an expensive website that doesn’t get you your sales, but through having a proper marketing strategy for your website that can get you more customers and more money in your bank.

Check out these episode highlights:

  • 01:18 – Peter’s ideal client: “Well, as you mentioned, more than half of my clients are other marketing experts. But I would say that my ideal clients are coaches, consultants, and other service providers. I’m very happy to work with anything from e-commerce to traditional local businesses and so on. But I have the easiest time, I think, with service providers, expert service providers. It somehow just feels like the easiest crowd for me to help.”
  • 01:54 – Problem Peter helps solve: “Well, within this context, it is that they have a website. They get visitors there but they don’t get leads and sales or at least not any reasonable amount of them.”
  • 02:21: “Typical symptoms clients do before reaching-out to Peter: “I think the usual symptom is sort of silence. They don’t hear from people or if they do, it’s often from unqualified people who didn’t really understand what they’re even offering or there’s overall, the silence is the obvious symptom that they do see from Google Analytics or something that, “Hey, people are coming to my site,” but that’s it. Like they can see people are there but nothing else happens or maybe they get some social shares or comments or these things that can feel nice but don’t affect your bank account in any way.”
  • 03:45 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Peter’s solution: “The most common thing is doing a redesign project. I’ve asked now, hundreds of business owners, most people have been in business for years and like spent 10s of thousands on website design. And I’ve asked how many of you have done a redesign project, and I think there hasn’t been yet a person who didn’t put their hand up. Maybe one or two.”
  • 05:06 – Peter’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “Really recognize that, especially if you’re a coaching consultant, that type of business, most, like a very huge majority of your visitors will not buy immediately. So, you shouldn’t even try to make them buy immediately. Some people will, and you can create ways to do that, but like, that’s really not the goal of your website. The goal of your website is to get them on your email list, or otherwise take one step closer to buying.”
  • 06:03 – Peter’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Check out Peter’s Website:
  • 06:58 – Q: Well, what about those people who are ready to buy? Like, am I supposed to just forget them? A: No, not at all. You can have sort of these shortcuts to buying on the website. So even if the primary focus is obviously like, go this way, join the email list, it can be a small science like, “Oh, by the way, if you’re ready to like, just jump in the deep end of the hole? and like, take the shortcut

Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:

“The goal of your website is to get them on your email list, or otherwise take one step closer to buying.” -Peter Sandeen Share on X

(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)

Tom Poland 00:09
Hello everyone and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. My name is Tom Poland, joined today by Peter Sandeen. Peter, good day. A very warm welcome, sir. Where are you hanging out?

Peter Sandeen 00:21
I’m still in Finland.

Tom Poland 00:22
Finland! From Finland to Australia, out to the rest of the world. Peter and I have known each other for some time, we’re in the same joint venture mastermind group together. And I’ve interviewed Peter before, but I really wanted to get him back this time to focus on, I would say, one of your two specialty subjects, Peter, because you’re known as the marketer’s marketer, I think, because you’ve helped so many marketing experts over the years. And in particular, your copywriting and your conversion optimization is why a lot of marketers seek you out. And it’s more the latter that we wanted to have a conversation around with this one. So, it’s all around getting more leads and more sales from websites. So that’s the title of the interview, “How to Get More Leads and Sales from Your Website.” Peter’s going to tell us how to do that in just seven minutes without any fancy tools or a lot more traffic. So, Peter, if you’re good to go, I’m going to kick off our timer. Our seven minutes start now. Question number one is, who is your ideal client?

Peter Sandeen 01:18
Well, as you mentioned, more than half of my clients are other marketing experts. But I would say that my ideal clients are coaches, consultants, other service providers. I’m very happy to work with anything from e-commerce to traditional local businesses and so on. But I have the easiest time, I think, with service providers, expert service providers. It somehow just feels like the easiest crowd for me to help.

Tom Poland 01:44
Excellent. Well, our listeners are full of those people so this will be great value for them. Question number two, six and a half minutes left, what’s the problem you solved for them?

Peter Sandeen 01:54
Well, in this context, it is that they have a website, they get visitors there, but they don’t get leads and sales or at least not any reasonable amount of them.

Tom Poland 02:03
Right? So, let’s dive a bit deeper into that thing. So, question number three is, people, they’ve got a website, they’re getting visitors, but other than that not much is happening. Other than no leads coming in from the website, no sales, what are some of the other typical symptoms that they are experiencing?

Peter Sandeen 02:21
I think the usual symptom is sort of silence. They don’t even hear from people or if they do, it’s often from unqualified people who didn’t really understand what they’re even offering. Or there’s, overall, the silence is the obvious symptom. That they do see from Google Analytics or something that, “Hey, people are coming to my site,” but that’s it. Like they can see people are there but nothing else happens or maybe they get some social shares or comments or these things that can feel nice but don’t affect your bank account in any way.

Tom Poland 02:52
So probably wondering, are they wondering why they’re not getting opt-ins?

Peter Sandeen 02:57
Usually, yes. Like usually people are aware of approximately what they are supposed to expect either sales or opt-ins, but nothing’s happening.

Tom Poland 03:08
Alright, so the website’s not growing their email significantly. It’s not generating leads of high quality, if at all, and therefore, there are no new clients coming from the website as such. So, this sounds like it might be familiar for a lot of our listeners. And you know, our listeners are predominantly pretty smart people. So, question number four is, with four and a half minutes left, someone’s got a website, they’re not getting the email opt-ins they want, they’re not getting leads, or if they are, there’s not high-quality leads. They’re going to try stuff. So, what are some of the common mistakes that people make trying to fix this problem before they find your solution?

Peter Sandeen 03:45
The most common thing is doing a redesign project. I’ve asked now hundreds of business owners; most people have been in business for years and like spent 10s of thousands on website design. And I’ve asked how many of you have done a redesign project, and I think there hasn’t been yet a person who didn’t put their hand up. Maybe one or two.

Tom Poland 04:06

Peter Sandeen 04:06
And then I’ve always asked, “Well, how many of you have made more sales thanks to one?” And one hand, if I remember correctly, one hand has gone up. And then he clarified that’s because the previous version of the website didn’t sell anything. So, the design is really what people usually focus on. But once they get sort of through that, then they go into the sort of overwhelming people with trying to say so much about what they sell, and what are the outcomes and the benefits that it just becomes hard to digest for visitors and doesn’t usually work at all better, or at least not much better than just the very pretty website that people usually start off with.

Tom Poland 04:43
So, a lot of money, a lot of creative effort, a lot of physical effort, probably digital efforts gone into redesigning a website, relaunch and then still nothing. So, let’s help folk out a bit here. Question number five, just over three minutes left, what’s one thing, a valuable free action, that an audience member could take that’s not going to solve the whole problem, but it could take them a step in the right direction?

Peter Sandeen 05:06
Really recognize that, especially if you’re a coaching consultant, that type of business, most, like a very huge majority of your visitors will not buy immediately. So, you shouldn’t even try to make them buy immediately. Some people will, and you can create ways to do that, but like, that’s really not the goal of your website. The goal of your website is to get them on your email list, or otherwise take one step closer to buying. A meaningful step. So not like follow you on Twitter, that doesn’t count as a meaningful step in almost any case. Exceptions exist but usually not. So, like, recognize, “what is the goal?” And then focus everything on that.

Tom Poland 05:44
Right. Okay, thank you. So, get clear on the objective. So, question number six is, and we’re two and a half minutes left, we’re after a valuable free resource that we could direct people to that’s going to help them a whole lot more. You got a landing page somewhere that people can go and get more great ideas?

Peter Sandeen 06:03
Well I just published a free training video, a little over half an hour of just training, and then there is something for sale at the end if you want but that goes really into what are the key things that get people to your list, and to buy from your website as well. You can get it from, and that’s at least for now available. I’ll make sure it is available until you’ve published this in a few days at least.

Tom Poland 06:28
Alright so, and if not go to petersandeen anyway. Peter,, Now, I’ve been to one of your webinars, I know how valuable they are. So, folks, if you want a website that’s going to build your email list, that’s going to generate high-quality leads, go to Thank you, Peter, for that. 75 seconds left. What’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t? And the answer, please?

Peter Sandeen 06:58
Well, at least a lot of people always tend to ask when I say, “Well, you should just get people to your email list.” They asked, “Well, what about those people who are ready to buy? Like, am I supposed to just forget them?” No, not at all. You can have sort of these shortcuts to buying on the website. So even if the primary focus is obviously like, go this way, join the email list, it can be small signs like, “Oh, by the way, if you’re ready to, like, just jump in the deep end of the hole and like, take the shortcut.” So, it doesn’t mean that you start losing sales, losing the people who would be ready to buy immediately or that if you talk with people at an event or something, and they’re totally ready to buy and you direct them to the website, it’s not like it’s going to slow them down.

Tom Poland 07:38

Peter Sandeen 07:38
Rather, it’s just that, recognize how the website is really supposed to do, like what is it supposed to do for the majority of the visitors. And then gives ways for the minority who are willing to take the fast action the way to do it.

Tom Poland 07:51
Right. So, recognize the majority of visitors are on a validation mission, see if they can get some value perhaps to validate professionalism, credibility, reliability, and so on. And then, but cater for those who want the shortcut, and just want to buy. Peter Sandeen, thanks so much for your time.

Peter Sandeen 08:06

Tom Poland: 08:08
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