- Know more on how to turn your product or service’s complexity to simplicity without losing its value
- Learn why you need to make an effort to express the profound and hidden value of your product and service in a simple way through visual
- Discover how to turn your big ideas into a ‘sight-bite’ that expresses the idea in a simple, powerful and with less overwhelm
- Check out Simon’s Website: http://www.modelsmethod.com
Does it feel difficult for you to market your product?
Is your market able to visualize the value of your product through the help of visual models that simplifies the complex?
It’s time for you to show your genius through visual content.
Simon Bowen is the founder of The Models Method and creator of The Genius Model. Simon’s forte is using visual models to simplify what would otherwise perhaps be a complex value proposition and elevate your influence in doing so.
In this episode, Simon talks about the importance of really expressing your product or services in the simplest way possible rather than making everything complex. He shares his insights on the value of expressing your product or services with the help of his own website, Models Method.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 1:39 – Simon’s ideal client: “Companies that are selling a complex product or service to a complex customer. The complex customer is someone who doesn’t really, they’re not really clear, not necessarily about what they want, but they’re not clear about what’s available to actually solve that for them.”
- 3:13 – Problem Simon helps solve: “The problem is, most businesses don’t put anywhere near enough effort to understand how to express the profound and hidden value of their product and service in a simple way.”
- 4:19 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Simon: “They’ll be feeling like they’re getting, they’re having to charge a lower price than they believe the product is worth. And probably what’s fueling that is they sell their product to the client at a price the client loves the product, and they say, “This is worth way more than what you’re charging for it.” That should be a red flag for everybody.”
- 6:02 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Simon’s solution: “The biggest problem or the biggest cause of problems is people in sales are failing to understand that every sale is an insurance policy. So, a customer comes to you to see if you can help them out of interest-based on the situation they’re experiencing.”
- 7:33 – Simon’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Check out Simon’s website: http://www.modelsmethod.com
- 8:00 – Q: Hey, Simon, if I gave you more time than seven minutes, could you draw me some models? A: Hell yes!
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“All value is determined by your ability to express it.” -Simon Bowen Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 0:09
Greetings everyone, and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. My name is Tom Poland, joined today by Simon Bowen. Simon, a very warm good day, sir. Welcome, and where you’re hanging out?
Simon Bowen 0:20
Yes, I’m in Perth, West Coast of Australia. Beautiful place.
Tom Poland 0:24
On the other side of the big country down under. And I’m on, for those of you who don’t know location-wise, I’m on the East Coast, so hands across the land.
Tom Poland 0:33
Simon is, in my humble opinion, a frickin genius so it’s appropriate that he’s also the founder of The Models Method and creator of The Genius Model. And if you don’t know this, get your digital butt over to www.modelsmethod.com because you’re in for a revelation. Simon’s forte, if you like, is using visual models to simplify what would otherwise perhaps be a complex value proposition and elevate your influence in doing so.
Tom Poland 1:09
Now, his particular methodology has literally generated, I would guess, countless millions of dollars in sales and revenue. And it’s really changed the game of presentations, marketing, and sales. I would think we’ve got a new normal once you understand the models, The Models Method, you will have a new normal and it’ll elevate your marketing and sales results to a different level. It’s pretty exciting stuff.
Tom Poland 1:36
I was on Simon’s webinars, and I’ve been following his stuff for quite some years. And this is a game-changer, folks, so let’s get on with it. The title of the interview is, “How to Use Powerful, Million-Dollar, Visual Models to Drive Revenue and Growth Up.” And Simon’s going to tell us how to do that in just seven minutes. Simon, question number one, without further ado, who is your ideal client?
Simon Bowen 1:39
So typically, companies that are selling a complex product or service to a complex customer. The complex customer is someone who doesn’t really, they’re not really clear, not necessarily about what they want, but they’re not clear about what’s available to actually solve that for them. And so, they don’t really know how to look for the value. And then you have this issue where the company actually doesn’t know how to express the value. And so, we take that complex kind of equation and we turn it into a really powerful visual model that allows that exchange to happen in just minutes if you like.
Simon Bowen 2:35
So, the ideal clients are, you know, companies with a complex product or service typically higher ticket item, you know, not a few hundred dollars, but typically thousands of dollars. And the customer almost needs to experience the product before they get the product in a model, or least experience the product.
Tom Poland 2:54
I can think of a friend of mine who needs you desperately because I sat down for dinner and asked him, made the mistake of asking, for what he did for a living. And an hour later I was none the wiser. Whereas, if I’d had one of your models, every one of your models, it would have been a 30 seconds conversation. Question number two, sir, and you might have already answered this, what’s the problem you solve? Five and a half minutes left. Anything you want to add to that?
Simon Bowen 3:13
Well, all value is determined by your ability to express it. It’s not actually, the product is not valuable, it’s your expression of the product that is valuable. And the problem is, most businesses don’t put anywhere near enough effort to understand how to express the profound and hidden value of their product and service in a simple way.
Simon Bowen 3:34
And, you know, people try to sell complexity with a complexity that just can’t work. You can only solve complexity with simplicity, and that’s the problem we’re actually solving. We’re stopping people with a complex product, you know, relying on their complex jargon and intellect to try and sell that thing because it just never works. So, we want to replace complexity with simplicity, without losing the power of the value that’s inside it.
Tom Poland 4:00
Boy, there’s a couple of showstoppers in there. All value is created by your ability to express it, and you can only sell complex products with simplicity. Thank you. So, question number three, and we’ve got a whopping four and a half minutes left. How does someone know they’ve got the problem that you can solve? What is the sort of typical symptoms they’re going to be experiencing?
Simon Bowen 4:19
Sure. They’ll be feeling like they’re getting, they’re having to charge a lower price than they believe the product is worth. And probably what’s fueling that is they sell their product to the client at a price the client loves the product, and they say, “This is worth way more than what you’re charging for it.” That should be a red flag for everybody.
Simon Bowen 4:38
They’ll be frustrated with perhaps low conversion rates, yet the people that buy from them love what they’re doing. And they have this unconscious or subconscious value in the business that’s often founder based, and the founder in the business is the best salesperson. And what that means is the business doesn’t have a transferable sales story that is scalable. You can only scale your business if you can scale your selling. And scale selling is when salespeople that are two or three generations beyond the founder sell just as well as the founder.
Simon Bowen 5:11
But here’s the problem, the founders in the world that say, “Hey, I’m the best salesperson in the business,” there’s a reality you have to face. You’re probably the best salesperson only because you have the authority to be the best salesperson. Meaning you have the authority to do whatever you need to do in the deal to make the sale. We’ll give you a payment term, more discount, we’ll try some extra stuff in. You might not be a better salesperson. But we need to get your salespeople to be as good without the authority to make deals on the fly. Without you, yes. So, we’re going to package that into a model that is transportable, a simple expression of value.
Tom Poland 5:47
And your models, I mean, they lead a salesperson through the articulation of the value. I better not digress of question four, what are some of the common mistakes that people make when trying to solve that problem? Two and a half minutes left.
Simon Bowen 6:02
The old adage in sales, right, is, you know, have the customer talking more than you and ask them a lot of questions, and things like that. And, you know, why is more important than how. There’s all of this sort of stuff going on at the moment. But the biggest problem or the biggest cause of problems is people in sales are failing to understand that every sale is an insurance policy. So, a customer comes to you to see if you can help them out of interest-based on the situation they’re experiencing. They actually choose you to insure them against mistakes of the past. People they’ve used have failed them in their own error in trying to solve this problem.
Simon Bowen 6:42
So, every sale, when they buy you, they’re hoping you’re an insurance policy, and it’s risk reversal. And if you don’t get that they’re not looking for you too, I mean, sure they want to be consulted with everything else, but they’re waiting to hear one thing and that is a tipping point of confidence where you say, “Here’s what it is,” and they go, “Great.” And here’s enough of the How-to for you to get really confident that we can do this thing because you’re buying an insurance policy. And people don’t understand how to deliver the How-to without either slipping into teaching or giving all of the How-to away and the custom goes, “Oh, I think I could do that by myself now.” So, we package it into a framework.
Tom Poland 7:24
Thank you. One minute left, three questions, so I’m going to go to question six. One valuable free resource we could direct people to this can help them even more.
Simon Bowen 7:33
So, I think at modelsmethod.com, models with an S, modelsmethod.com, there’s a little three video series right on the home page that they can download. But we’ve also got a bunch of quick videos on there where we share a bunch of models that they could use right now.
Tom Poland 7:48
Absolutely perfect. A three-video series, models, plural, method dot com. We’re going to go question number seven, 25 seconds left. What’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t? And the answer, please.
Simon Bowen 8:00
If the question was, “Hey, Simon, if I gave you more time than seven minutes, could you draw me some models? I would have said, “Hell yes!”
Tom Poland 8:15
Simon, there’s just so much value there to unpack. Folks, I hope you replay this three, four, five, seven times and get the gold out of it. Simon Bowen, thank you so much for your time.
Simon Bowen 8:24
It’s a pleasure.
Tom Poland 08:26
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