How to Outsmart Your Brain – In Just 7 Minutes with Marcia Reynolds

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  • Discover the importance of being emotionally intelligent and its benefit to your well-being and business
  • Learn how to clear out your thoughts and get the best out of your mind and into your business
  • Find out about the importance of having a clear mind in order for your business to progress and be more organized



Has your mind been feeling foggy recently that you can’t seem to think straight or focus on things? Have you been feeling overwhelmed and stuck because you can’t think properly? Are your emotions getting the best of your ideas and thinking time?

Dr. Marcia Reynolds is an expert on how to use your emotions to manage your mind. She has four award-winning books, has taught in 41 countries, and reached thousands more online.

In this episode, Marcia shares her insights on the importance of having a clear mind in the midst of all the stress, work, and issues happening around us. She also shares how to clear up the fog in your mind to help you think more clearly and straight and help with your productivity!

Check out these episode highlights:

  • 01:04 – Marcia’s ideal client: “I work with leaders, potential leaders, high achievers, and people with big dreams but working in organizations, whether large or small.”
  • 01:23 – Problem Marcia helps solve: “You know, they get stuck in their brain. It gets all foggy and the more emotions we have, the less we can see through the fog. And so, what I help them to do is just to bring their thinking out and take a look at it. And if we can look at it out here, then they can see what’s getting in the way of them making their choices taking action.”
  • 02:27 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Marcia: “They feel stuck. They often feel these days overwhelmed. I don’t know where to start. And so, they come to the call, my coaching call with, like, tons of things, “I need you to do this, I need you to do this.”
  • 03:07 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Marcia’s solution: “They take either the easy way out like they have a difficult conversation coming up, and they find all the reasons not to do it. Or they do what they’ve always done in the past and even though it doesn’t work, it’s the known and not the unknown.”
  • 03:46 – Marcia’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “Even though we’re not even out in the world yet fully with the pandemic, people are still moving too fast. And so really, it’s just taking a pause.”
  • 04:47 – Marcia’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Check out Marcia’s Website:
  • 05:31 – Q: What triggers my emotions in the first place? A: So, I never asked the question, “What are you feeling?” because most people don’t know. I want to know what’s going on, and I’ll show you what I noticed. You know, and we’ll talk about it. But the trigger is usually a social need. “I’m not being heard, I’m not being valued, I don’t feel safe.

Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:

“It's not just shifting the emotions, it's getting your needs met.” -Marcia Reynolds Share on X

(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)

Tom Poland 00:10
Hello, everyone, and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. I’m Tom Poland, joined today by Dr. Marcia Reynolds. Marcia, good day! A very warm welcome. Where are you hanging out?

Marcia Reynolds 00:21
I’m in Phoenix, Arizona.

Tom Poland 00:23
Where the sun always is shining, I’m sure. So, from Phoenix, Arizona, a little castaways beach here in Queensland, Australia. Let’s get started. For those of you who don’t know Dr. Marcia Reynolds, she’s an expert on how to use your emotions to manage your mind. She has four award-winning books, has taught in 41 countries, and reached 10s of thousands of people online. So the subject today is How to Outsmart Your Brain and Dr. Marcia is going to tell us how to do that in just seven minutes. So, Marcia, our question starts now, seven minutes. Question number one is, who is your ideal client?

Marcia Reynolds 01:04
Hmm. I work with leaders, potential leaders, high achievers, and people with big dreams but working in organizations, whether large or small.

Tom Poland 01:16
Perfect, thank you. And so, question number two, six and a half minutes left still, what’s the problem you solve for them?

Marcia Reynolds 01:23
You know, they get stuck in their brain. It gets all foggy and the more emotions we have, the less we can see through the fog. And so, what I help them to do is just to bring their thinking out and take a look at it. And if we can look at it out here, then they can see what’s getting in the way of them making their choices taking action. So, it really is just clearing the fog and thinking more straight.

Tom Poland 01:49
Could you describe that as a process of getting very conscious about what’s happening?

Marcia Reynolds 01:53
It is very conscious, but in a way, we can’t do for ourselves. We don’t. Our ego stops us from truly assessing and challenging our thinking. And so, I want to challenge if it’s an old belief I hear that they’re holding on to or they’re making up what’s going to happen in the future or they’re stuck in what other people think. Yeah.

Tom Poland 02:18
Okay, that’s great because that leads us quite nicely into question number three and five and a half minutes left. What are some of the typical symptoms that people experience with that problem?

Marcia Reynolds 02:27
They feel stuck. They often feel these days overwhelmed. I don’t know where to start. And so, they come to the call, my coaching call with, like, tons of things, “I need you to do this, I need you to do this.” You need to tell me what to do. And I don’t, I just need to, you know, sort through the mess. Yeah.

Tom Poland 02:47
So question number four then, thank you, and we’ve got five minutes left, people become aware that their emotions are getting away, perhaps that they have this sort of clarity and level of thinking that they need and lower those symptoms, they’re going to probably try stuff, what are some of the common mistakes that you see people making before they find your solution?

Marcia Reynolds 03:07
They take either the easy way out like they have a difficult conversation coming up, and they find all the reasons not to do it. Or they do what they’ve always done in the past and even though it doesn’t work, it’s the known and not the unknown. And so, they’ll continue to make the same mistakes, because they just, you know, aren’t willing to step into what they don’t know will happen.

Tom Poland 03:33
Right, thank you for that. We have four minutes left. Question five, let’s give folks a valuable free action they can take that’s probably not going to solve the whole problem, but it might take them a step in the right direction.

Marcia Reynolds 03:46
Even though we’re not even out in the world yet fully with the pandemic, people are still moving too fast. And so really, it’s just taking a pause. And doing this throughout the day and saying, “What am I feeling? What is it I want to feel instead of what I’m feeling?” and what you saw me just do, take a breath. Take a breath.

Tom Poland 04:08

Marcia Reynolds 04:09
That’s the best thing is to, you know, and it’s about the exhale, take it in, but give it a nice long exhale, because that’ll start to shift your emotions and your perspective, even before you start thinking again.

Tom Poland 04:24
Extraordinary. It’s so simple.

Marcia Reynolds 04:26
Mm-hmm. But we don’t do it. We actually hold our breath when we’re scared or we’re irritated. We hold our breath, and we do that all day long!

Tom Poland 04:38
Thank you. Question six, and we still have three minutes left, what’s one valuable free resource we could direct people to that’s going to help them even more?

Marcia Reynolds 04:47
Well, I have a ton of things on my website. I have videos. I have a visualization to open up our three intelligences, our head, our heart, and our gut. There are all kinds of resources on my website, that they are free and they can download even if the first chapter of the book “Outsmart Your Brain” is available on the website.

Tom Poland 05:11
Perfect. So,

Marcia Reynolds 05:15

Tom Poland 05:16
So, folks go to You can also look for “Outsmart Your Brain”. You get a part of that completely free, videos, visualization, exercises. Marcia, question seven, two minutes left, what’s the one question I should have asked you, but didn’t?

Marcia Reynolds 05:31
I think what most people want to know is what triggers my emotions in the first place. For one thing, most people don’t know what they’re feeling. So, I never asked the question, “What are you feeling?” because most people don’t know. I want to know what’s going on, and I’ll show you what I noticed. You know, and we’ll talk about it. But the trigger is usually a social need. “I’m not being heard, I’m not being valued, I don’t feel safe. I feel like I’m losing control, and I don’t have any predictability about what’s going to happen tomorrow.” So, there are real typical triggers. If I understand my most common triggers, then at the moment that I’m feeling an emotion, I can also go to what is it I really need right now that will help ease what I’m feeling. So, it’s not just shifting the emotions, it’s getting your needs met. So again, I have on the website lists of triggers and an exercise on how you can identify that. And if you Google it, it’s all over. My articles are all over the internet on emotional triggers.

Tom Poland 06:39
They are sprinkled around the internet, like confetti at a wedding. And that was- I thought that was priceless, what you said. It’s not just about shifting your emotions, it’s also about getting your needs met. There’s a ton of life-transforming value just in that phrase, I’m sure. So, folks, or Google Search “Dr. Marcia Reynolds”, M-A-R-C-I-A, Dr. Marcia Reynolds and transform your life. Dr. Marcia Reynolds, thank you so much for your time.

Marcia Reynolds 07:08
Yeah, thank you, Tom.

Tom Poland 07:11
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