Coaching Isn’t Therapy, It’s About Product Development with You as the Product – In Just 7 Minutes with Babette Bensoussan

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  • Discover how to improve yourself and your choices through proper guidance, coaching, or counselling
  • Learn more on the importance of having guidance and clarity as a mean to understand your choices and which are right for you and your life or business
  • Find out how to overcome your limiting beliefs and make the right choice when you allow yourself to be guided



Are you in the midst of making a great decision but aren’t sure if it really is the right decision? Are you looking for some clarity with how you’re handling your promotion, or work, or anything that feels like a big thing for you? Do you want to make sure that your choices are what’s meant for you and your business, brand, or life?

Babette Bensoussan is a decision-making Maverick. She supports organizations to make better competitive decisions and support individuals to make better decisions about their life, careers, and leadership.

In this episode, Babette shares the importance of having clarity when it comes to the decisions that you make in your work, business, or life. She also shares the benefits and importance of having a mentor, counsellor, or coach to guide you in your choices, business, or life. Make the right choices you won’t regret with the correct guidance!

Check out these episode highlights:

  • 01:23 – Babette’s ideal client: “My ideal client is anyone who’s going through a transition of some kind and needs clarity. So, anyone who has a decision to make, going through a transition, or whatever it is.”
  • 01:42 – Problem Babette helps solve: “Generally, it’s about clarity around the decision they have to make. Being promoted to a new field, being promoted to leadership roles, moving out of leadership roles to director roles, moving from one kind of career to another career.”
  • 02:45 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Babette: “They tend to be a little confused, unsure, they could feel a bit lost. Some of the women, they might feel that they’re not good enough, who would listen to them, if they’re going into consulting.”
  • 03:50 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Babette’s solution: “There are two key things for me, first of all, is what I call “the bail”, your blind spots, your assumptions, your interpretations, and your limiting beliefs. We all have them. But the problem is, how do you help yourself when you don’t know or don’t understand what your bail is, what your blind spot, your assumptions?”
  • 05:34 – Babette’s Valuable Free Action: “I think, you know, there is nothing more invaluable than having a mentor, someone, that you respect, or admire, or a coach. I really, I’m a coach, and I have two coaches. One for my coaching supervision, and one for my business.”
  • 06:21 – Babette’s Valuable Free Resource: Check out Babette’s Website:
  • 06:58 – A: You asked me some great questions but I guess my key learning is to let people know, listen to your advice, and plan. You create your own reality. So, if you want to create a reality that’s different to what you’ve got, get someone to work with you, help you, and plan, plan, plan!

Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:

“There is nothing more invaluable than having a mentor, someone that you respect, or admire, or a coach.” -Babette Bensoussan Share on X

(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)

Tom Poland 00:10
Greetings everyone and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. My name is Tom Poland joined today by the Babette Bensoussan. Babette, very warm welcome. Where are you hanging out?

Babette Bensoussan 00:20
Thank you. You won’t believe this. I’m in Mooloolah Valley, the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia.

Tom Poland 00:27
And for those of you who don’t know, that means she’s 35 minutes’ drive from me was normally my guess so about 35 hours flight for me, so welcome. Welcome, neighbor!

Babette Bensoussan 00:37
Thank you. Pleasure to be here!

Tom Poland 00:39
For those of you who don’t have a bet, she’s a decision-making Maverick. She supports organizations to make better competitive decisions and individuals to make better decisions about their life, careers, and leadership. And she’s got some very interesting intellectual property, she’s developed around coaching, which leads us nicely to the title, which is “Coaching Isn’t Therapy, It’s About Product Development with You as the Product”. So, if you’re a coach or if you’re a consultant, or you’re an advisor, you’re going to get a lot of benefit from this mind shift, which Babette is going to share with us in just seven minutes. Babette, our time starts now. Question number one, who is your ideal client?

Babette Bensoussan 01:23
My ideal client is anyone who’s going through a transition of some kind and needs clarity. So, anyone who has a decision to make, going through a transition, or whatever it is.

Tom Poland 01:35
Perfect! So that probably leads us into question number two, which is what’s the problem you solve for them? Six and a half minutes left.

Babette Bensoussan 01:42
Generally, it’s about clarity around the decision they have to make. Being promoted to a new field, being promoted to leadership roles, moving out of leadership roles to director roles, moving from one kind of career to another career. So being a product manager going into coaching or consulting, those kinds of things.

Tom Poland 02:04
They’re actually their influences, aren’t they, your clients? And you know, that people have to make decisions, not only for themselves but also for their teams?

Babette Bensoussan 02:13
Generally, yes. Some people, though, tend to make decisions. They could be running a small business that they’re stuck in one little area.

Tom Poland 02:22

Babette Bensoussan 02:23
Say they’ve got a consulting practice.

Tom Poland 02:25

Babette Bensoussan 02:26
They may be, how do you expand the business? How do I move into other areas?

Tom Poland 02:32
So, question number three, and five and a half minutes left, what are some of the typical symptoms that your clients have before they find your solution? What’s going on in their life, or perhaps what was going on in their career or their business?

Babette Bensoussan 02:45
They tend to be a little confused, unsure, they could feel a bit lost. Some of the women, they might feel that they’re not good enough, who would listen to them, if they’re going into consulting. A lot of clients are looking to find where they can stand, where they can become a brand in their own right, and that’s why I talk about product development because a lot of clients are looking, how do you become a brand.

Tom Poland 03:17
Right and hence, you know, if you are an influencer, or a coach or an advisor, don’t think of yourself so much as a therapist, but more as a product of establishing identity, brand, confidence, clarity?

Babette Bensoussan 03:32

Tom Poland 03:32
Let’s say we’ve got one of these folks not listening right now, hopefully. The smart people, so they’re going to try stuff. They’re aware they’ve got a decision to make that they may not be quite as clear as they want. Question number four is, in four and a half minute, what are some of the common mistakes that folks make before they find your solution and attempting to solve that problem?

Babette Bensoussan 03:50
There are two key things for me, first of all, is what I call “the bail”, your blind spots, your assumptions, your interpretations, and your limiting beliefs. We all have them. But the problem is, how do you help yourself when you don’t know or don’t understand what your bail is, what your blind spot, your assumptions? So, it’s really hard for someone to work with that. So, you need an outsider for that. The second thing is some people will go to their family and friends, but family and friends come back with advice and support in how they see you should be, not how you want to be. And that’s why I always suggest if there’s a mentor that you admire or someone that you really like that is not, doesn’t know you that well, or even a coach, go down that path. That’s what I would highly-

Tom Poland 04:49
Your own life, and-

Babette Bensoussan 04:50

Tom Poland 04:51
There might be opinion but they’re not just- not objective enough.

Babette Bensoussan 04:55
Correct, and you can’t do it yourself because we all have assumptions. We have interpretations about who we are. We have limiting beliefs. It’s normal human nature. And we need to unpack this to become, what I say to a lot of clients, the true product brands you want to be!

Tom Poland 05:15
Indeed, very hard to read the label when you’re inside the job.

Babette Bensoussan 05:19
Oh, that is so good. That is true. You did right!

Tom Poland 05:23
Question five, two and a half minutes left, what is one valuable free action that someone listening to this could take, it’s not going to solve the whole problem, but it might take them a step in the right direction?

Babette Bensoussan 05:34
I think, you know, there is nothing more invaluable than having a mentor, someone, that you respect, or admire, or a coach. I really, I’m a coach, and I have two coaches. One for my coaching supervision, and one for my business.

Tom Poland 05:51
So, you’re walking the talk and we know every top- every top performer in the world, whether on sports or the arts, has a mentor or a guide or a coach, so-

Babette Bensoussan 06:02
Even Robbins, Tony Robbins had one.

Tom Poland 06:04
Right, and yeah, well, champions all have coaches, and they-

Babette Bensoussan 06:09
They do!

Tom Poland 06:11
And all the things you were talking about. Question six, one minute, 46 seconds left, what’s a valuable free resource we could direct folks to that’s going to help them even more?

Babette Bensoussan 06:21
You know what I’d like to suggest that they go to my website, www.mindshifts, with an s, dot Go to the blog page and register to get our newsletter because we send out a newsletter every two weeks, and there’s full of tips, downloads, whatever you need.

Tom Poland 06:41
Fantastic. Right.

Babette Bensoussan 06:43
You know, it’s a great resource.

Tom Poland 06:44
All right, fantastic. So mind shifts with an S-

Babette Bensoussan 06:50

Tom Poland 06:53
Perfect. Thank you. And so, question number seven, one minute left, what’s the one question I should have asked you, but didn’t?

Babette Bensoussan 06:58
You did. You asked me some great questions but I guess my key learning is to let people know, listen to your advice, and plan. You create your own reality. So, if you want to create a reality that’s different to what you’ve got, get someone to work with you, help you, and plan, plan, plan!

Tom Poland 07:20
Babette, thank you so much for your time.

Babette Bensoussan 07:23
Pleasure, thank you, Tom.

Tom Poland 07:25
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