- Discover where your current money habits come from and why you feel the way you do about money and success
- Find out how to get out of the scarcity mindset and how to stop financial self-sabotage and procrastination
- What true financial independence looks like and how to discover the millionaire within
- Check out Leisa’s Website: mindfulmillionairebook.com
Is wealth building just about positive thinking and “manifesting” things into reality
Do you want to be financially secure so that you can live prosperously?
Leisa Peterson is a coach, author, business growth strategist, and founder of WealthClinic, She helps people elevate their financial consciousness by realizing their true value and creating financial security for themselves.
In this episode, Leisa shares her insights on how you can grow with your business by knowing your true value and elevating your financial consciousness. Unlocking your value, changing your mindset, and creating a financially secure future for you and your business will lead you to success and prosperity!
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:43 – Leisa’s ideal client: “My ideal client is about 40 years old, is a coach, consultant, or expert.”
- 01:55 – Problem Leisa helps solve: “The problem I solve for them is to get them out of the scarcity mindset, first and foremost, which is this thing that shrinks your IQ and causes you to make bad decisions and causes you to live in a silo and all kinds of bad stuff.”
- 02:42 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Leisa: “The big thing is the profit just isn’t there for their business. That’s our big fast one to, you know, know, like, I think, when we can reach a place where we’re like looking at that bottom line and knowing that the profit is where we want it to be, that’s a big shift.”
- 03:51 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Leisa’s solution: “the big thing is, is they’re not saving money for their retirement. They’re not saving money to be able to build the legacy. They’re not maybe creating passive income sources in addition to the business that they run.”
- 05:22 – Leisa’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “The big thing for business owners and all the research that I’ve done is that there is one thing and that is around who we work with. And I know you talk about this in your book, Tom because I’m working my way through it. It’s like, if you are not super aligned with the people that you are serving and that you want to work with, you’re probably not reaching the potential of your business, you’re probably- it’s like a slog in your business.”
- 06:35 – Leisa’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Check out Leisa’s Website: mindfulmillionairebook.com
- 07:25 – Q: Why is prosperity so important in one’s life? A: It’s a game-changer. We live in a world of scarcity. We’ve been programmed around scarcity from our earliest memories, and until we realize that we are living a story that is bullshit like we can’t get out of it.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Anything is possible when we change our mindset.” -Leisa Peterson Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:09
Greetings everyone and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. My name is Tom Poland, beaming out to, as always, from Little Castaways Beach in Queensland, Australia, joined today by Leisa Peterson. Leisa, good day, a very warm welcome, and where are you hanging out?
Leisa Peterson 00:24
I am in Flagstaff, Arizona right now.
Tom Poland 00:27
Arizona, the day before the presidential elections. Have you voted?
Leisa Peterson 00:32
Tom Poland 00:32
You have? Okay. Well, good luck for your pick and let’s hope it goes smoothly and seamlessly, which I’m sure it won’t. But anyway, it’ll be interesting if nothing else. Folks, Leisa is- got this really interesting thing she does. She’s written this bestselling book called The Mindful Millionaire, which is this fascinating crossover between consciousness and awareness and making the world a better place, but also, kind of having your cake and eat it, too is having enough money to make life interesting and enjoyable. She’s a coach. She’s an author. She’s a business growth strategist and founder of WealthClinic. She helps people elevate their financial consciousness by realizing their true value. Wow. That’s worthy of a pause because a lot of people don’t realize the true value and creating financial security for themselves at the same time. So Leisa leads us nicely into the subject of this interview, which is “How to Launch Your Book and Grow Your List at the Same Time. Gonna tell you how to do that in just seven minutes. Our seven minutes starts now, Leisa. Question number one, who is your ideal client?
Leisa Peterson 01:43
My ideal client is about 40 years old, is a coach, consultant, or expert.
Tom Poland 01:50
Perfect. And what’s the problem you solve for them, that’s question number two?
Leisa Peterson 01:55
The problem I solve for them is to get them out of the scarcity mindset, first and foremost, which is this thing that shrinks your IQ and causes you to make bad decisions and causes you to live in a silo and all kinds of bad stuff. So I help people get out of that way of thinking and into what you already said in the beginning.
Tom Poland 02:16
Right. So that leads us to question number three, and we’ve got six and a half minutes left. How does someone know that they have this issue to do with realizing their true value? What are some of the symptoms, another way of putting this is how does someone know they need what you’ve got? What’s going on in their life for the business?
Leisa Peterson 02:42
Yeah, the big thing is the profit just isn’t there for their business. That’s our big fast one to, you know, know, like, I think, when we can reach a place where we’re like looking at that bottom line and knowing that the profit is where we want it to be, that’s a big shift. A lot of people can be in business and actually have a lot of revenue, but not have the profit. And so I would say that’s the symptom more than anything that this kind of work helps people with.
Tom Poland 03:11
So there’s not enough lift in their bank account after they’ve paid everyone.
Leisa Peterson 03:17
Tom Poland 03:17
That’s an interesting distinction you make between the revenue could be terrific, but the profits just not there. So were talking about people who are buying large, intelligent, they’re wanting to grow, wanting to serve more people, and they want to make more money, and they realize they don’t have enough profit left at the end of the day, not enough to cash in their bank account for them and to get rewarded adequately. They got to try stuff, so question number four is, five minutes left, what are some of the common mistakes that people make, your clients, make before they find your solution?
Leisa Peterson 03:51
So I think the big thing is, is they’re not saving money for their retirement. They’re not saving money to be able to build the legacy. They’re not maybe creating passive income sources in addition to the business that they run. And what I have seen working with people and their money for almost 30 years and this is why I felt like I had to write the book was that it isn’t an easy overnight fix, folks, like this isn’t something you just change overnight. You have a mindset that is keeping you- let’s just call it broke to summarize, and in order to turn the ship in the direction you want to head in, there’s going to be some work that needs to happen and I love helping people with that. And, it’s interesting that it tied into my book because, you know, we’re talking about books, if you can have your message be in alignment with the book, it is amazing what happens as an attractor, right, to the message that we’re trying to create and I just happen to be super passionate about keeping people from being broke.
Tom Poland 04:54
And a super expert at that. So the minds manifesting the money if you want the money to change, you gotta change the mind. That’s the way it works?
Leisa Peterson 05:02
Tom Poland 05:03
And that takes a little bit of time? Okay, that makes sense. So question five, three and a half minutes left, what’s one valuable free action that someone listening to this could take, it’s probably not going to solve the whole solution, they probably need to get the mindful millionaire for that will work for you to get that but it’ll at least take him a step in the right direction?
Leisa Peterson 05:22
The big thing for business owners and all the research that I’ve done is that there is one thing and that is around who we work with. And I know you talk about this in your book, Tom because I’m working my way through it. It’s like, if you are not super aligned with the people that you are serving and that you want to work with, you’re probably not reaching the potential of your business, you’re probably- it’s like a slog in your business. So the one thing that I encourage everyone to do is go back, do a quick exercise, who is the worst person that you’ve been working with lately? Who’s the best person? And compare what’s going on, like what’s happening in those relationships because you need more of the people you love, and that’s just part of the business and the world that we live in. You deserve that!
Tom Poland 06:09
Terrific exercise. Compare the worst and the best. Find out what the difference is defending the target. That’s fabulous. And I would imagine even just that exercise, could open the mind to get clearer, and therefore attract more of the right people but some people are going to want more. So question six, two minutes left, can you direct folks to a valuable resource that’s going to help them even further?
Leisa Peterson 06:35
So I definitely recommend the lead page that you would go to is mindfulmillionairebook.com. On there, you’ll have a trailer about the book and about what I’m teaching, but also you can get all kinds of freebies that go with the book. And I think it’s a great exercise because you’re not just learning for yourself as you read the book, go ahead and see what I’ve built and all the PR that I’ve created for free without a publicist because of what I’ve created and this launch and it was professionally published. It wasn’t actually a self-published book, and I still did it.
Tom Poland 07:10
Yeah. And the books like 15 bucks, right, off Amazon?
Leisa Peterson 07:13
Tom Poland 07:13
So, yeah. Compare that $15 investment plus all the bonuses. Alright. Enough said. Thank you! 75 seconds left. Question seven, last question, what’s the one question I should have asked you, but didn’t?
Leisa Peterson 07:25
Why is prosperity so important in one’s life?
Tom Poland 07:30
So why is prosperity so important in one’s life, Leisa?
Leisa Peterson 07:34
It’s a game-changer. We live in a world of scarcity. We’ve been programmed around scarcity from our earliest memories, and until we realize that we are living a story that is bullshit like we can’t get out of it. Yeah, and I am living proof that anything is possible when we change our mindset because I did not come from what you see here and what you’re experiencing in this conversation. Yeah. Potential is limitless.
Tom Poland 08:09
Fantastic. Leisa Peterson, thank you so much for the inspiration.
Leisa Peterson 08:12
Thank you.
Tom Poland 08:14
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