- Discover how partnerships can help you save less, and market more
- Find out how creating an affiliate partner program can grow out your revenue 10x more
- Learn more about the value of building business relationships with your list
- Check out Laura’s Website: laurasprinkle.com/tom
Are your expenses on marketing more than your profit or revenue? Do you want to know the secret on how you can make 10x more revenue while spending less to none on ads?
Have more students in your course, more money in your pocket, and more fun in your launches!
Laura Sprinkle is an affiliate partnerships strategist who specializes in working with digital course creators. She has helped seven-figure industry leaders and budding entrepreneurs garner over $14 million in partner revenue.
In this episode, Laura talks about how you can spend less, or zero, on ads and increase your revenue through referrals and partnerships.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:19 – Laura’s ideal client: “It’s a great question. My ideal client is somebody who has a proven product or program, so they have a digital course or they have a digital membership that has getting people results and has already made them money.”
- 01:38 – Problem Laura helps solve: “I help them 10x their revenue through creating an affiliate partner program. That’s a dead giveaway on how to 10x the revenue.”
- 02:13 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Laura: “I would say one of two things. They either are not getting enough leads in the door. So that’s, you know, a typical marketing thing. They want more eyeballs on their free stuff, they want more eyeballs on their paid programs, so just more volume.”
- 03:09 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Laura’s solution: “some of the common mistakes are simply setting up an affiliate link and sending it out to people and thinking, “Oh, magic. Done.” You’re laughing cause- for a reason, probably. The other thing that they do is maybe spend a ton of money on Facebook ads and testing in that way when they could use partnerships instead, to grow without putting a bunch of money into it.”
- 03:47 – Laura’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “I would make a list of everybody that you already know because oftentimes people will think, “Oh, well, I need to go find the person with the biggest audience. I don’t know anybody yet.” So, make a list of who are your current students that are already referring you? Who are your clients that love you? Who are your best business friends that could refer people to you? And start to build those relationships even deeper.”
- 04:28 – Laura’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Check out Laura’s Website: laurasprinkle.com/tom
- 05:18 – Q: Why I do what I do? A: For me, everything that I do is values-based. So, for me, not only does my ideal client have an amazing product that’s getting people results, and they care about the people that are getting results.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Start to build those relationships even deeper. Now, do not wait until you've got an affiliate program for them. Start to build relationships.” -Laura Sprinkle Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:09
Greetings, everyone. Another very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. My name is Tom Poland, beaming out to you from Little Castaways Beach here in Queensland, Australia, joined today by Laura Sprinkle. Laura, good day. Very warm welcome. Where are you hanging out?
Laura Sprinkle 00:23
I am in Portland, Maine, in the US.
Tom Poland 00:26
Portland, Maine, and congratulations on your brand spanking new prison. Well, let’s not go there. I know we definitely won’t get there. Stop it, Tom. Alright. So, for those of you who don’t know Laura, she’s an affiliate partnerships strategist who has worked with some of the biggest names in the industry, and I know a lot of those names, so they are absolutely monster names. She specializes in working with digital course creators. She’s helped seven-figure industry leaders and budding entrepreneurs generate over 14 million US dollars in partner revenues. She kind of really knows her onions on this. So, the subject is, “How to 10x Your Launch Without Growing Your List or Spending Money on Ads”. So, Laura, our seven minutes starts now. Question number one is who is your ideal client?
Laura Sprinkle 01:19
It’s a great question. My ideal client is somebody who has a proven product or program, so they have a digital course or they have a digital membership that has getting people results and has already made them money.
Tom Poland 01:32
Perfect. Thank you. What’s the problem itself? That’s question two, six, and a half minutes left.
Laura Sprinkle 01:38
I help them 10x their revenue through creating an affiliate partner program. That’s a dead giveaway on how to 10x the revenue.
Tom Poland 01:47
Right. And even if they don’t have this monster email list.
Laura Sprinkle 01:52
Tom Poland 01:53
Because we use an email list of the partners. So, questions three, and just over six minutes left. Tell me about some of the symptoms that people have, they’ve got a proven course or product online, and they really want to grow up. How do they know they need you? What’s happening in their marketing or in their business?
Laura Sprinkle 02:13
Yeah, I would say one of two things. They either are not getting enough leads in the door. So that’s, you know, a typical marketing thing. They want more eyeballs on their free stuff, they want more eyeballs on their paid programs, so just more volume. And the second thing is they might be getting a lot of referrals, but they don’t have a system in place of how to actually capture them and turn them into sales. Or they’re getting random referrals that they don’t really know what to do with. Like I remember, I would get referrals for affiliate management when I didn’t do that anymore. So, they don’t have a system in place for capturing those referrals.
Tom Poland 02:49
Thank you. So, we’ve got these people they’ve got this crackerjack course online program or something. They haven’t really systemized their marketing, not sure how to really scale their online course, but they know they can. They’re going to try stuff. So, what are some of the common mistakes they make before they find your solution?
Laura Sprinkle 03:09
So, some of the common mistakes are simply setting up an affiliate link and sending it out to people and thinking, “Oh, magic. Done.” You’re laughing cause- for a reason, probably. The other thing that they do is maybe spend a ton of money on Facebook ads and testing in that way when they could use partnerships instead, to grow without putting a bunch of money into it.
Tom Poland 03:32
Right. Could be very expensive. And so, question five is, four and a half minutes left, what’s one valuable free action that you could recommend that someone listening to this could take that’s not going to solve the whole problem, but it might move them a step forward in the right direction?
Laura Sprinkle 03:47
I would make a list of everybody that you already know because oftentimes people will think, “Oh, well, I need to go find the person with the biggest audience. I don’t know anybody yet.” So, make a list of who are your current students that are already referring you? Who are your clients that love you? Who are your best business friends that could refer people to you? And start to build those relationships even deeper. Now, do not wait until you’ve got an affiliate program for them. Start to build relationships.
Tom Poland 04:15
Great. Great valuable free action. Thank you very much. We got four minutes left and two questions so we’re doing really well on time. What’s one valuable free resource we could direct people to that’s going to help them even more?
Laura Sprinkle 04:28
Definitely, yeah, so I have the ultimate guide to creating aligned affiliate partnerships. It’s in that laurasprinkle.com/tom because I use my own system with affiliate and it is going to walk you through the next steps after you create that list and start to create those relationships.
Tom Poland 04:48
Perfect and I should say, folks, we have a big launch coming up and Laura has given me some absolutely invaluable advice. I’ve had a look at her stuff and it’s exceptional because it’s crisp and clean and simple. It just all makes sense, and it’s all laid out for you step by step. So, let’s go to question seven, and we got three minutes left, so take your time. What’s the one question I should have asked you, about what you do, but failed to ask you?
Laura Sprinkle 05:18
For me, the most important question is, why I do what I do? And, you know, this actually goes back to a conversation we were having before we started recording or your comments about our president and not that we’re going to get into that, but for me, everything that I do is values-based. So for me, not only does my ideal client have an amazing product that’s getting people results, and they care about the people that are getting results, but it’s also, like, for me, my values are partnerships first, fun always, celebrating diversity, and quality time, and being transparent and authentic and sharing the good, the bad, the ugly, the lessons, the wins.
Tom Poland 05:59
Laura Sprinkle 05:59
And so, I only want to work with people that believe in those things that are helping to move those things forward in the world. Because when you create an affiliate program, you are sharing the wealth. You’re sharing resources, right, with your partners? They’re making money through your program. And so, I want to make sure that the wealth that I’m spreading is lifting up the voices that I want to be lifted. So, for me, that’s the most important thing.
Tom Poland 06:24
And given- so I think there’s a lot of misconceptions about affiliate marketing, which is, you know, everyone’s there to make money, and it’s kind of like, you know, some sort of online mercenary group. But in my experience, people are very careful about who they promote because they want to make sure the product is quality, and that the person behind it has some integrity. And I think a lot of people don’t get into the game because they simply think that it’s all about money, and they can’t offer enough money or something. But what would you say would be the biggest thing for folks to focus on? Is it their personal relationship with potential affiliates, building that credibility report, etc., and/or the quality of the product?
Laura Sprinkle 07:06
Oh, I would definitely say both. And, yeah, I mean, definitely. It’s the people and the product, for sure. And the people that are going to go all in and really care about supporting you and helping you, because people really do want to see you succeed, are the same people that are going to care that you’re providing a quality product,
Tom Poland 07:25
Right, right. And it’s about building that relationship of quality and integrity and trust and a reputation of being able to deliver value long term.
Laura Sprinkle 07:36
Tom Poland 07:37
The affiliate marketing business, so joint venture business is not a one-hit-wonder. Laura Sprinkle, thanks so much for your wisdom and insights. Folks, go to laurasprinkle.com/tom and go to the next step. Move this thing forward because there are potentially seven figures waiting for you there. Cheers.
Tom Poland 07:55
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