- Discover the impact of goal setting on your planning and executing stage
- Learn the importance of a concise goal instead of multiple at once
- Know more about how you can avoid stress with the right marketing plan
- Check out Mostafa’s FREE $2000 Course: Simple Marketing Formula
Are you sure you’ve got the right marketing plan for your business?
Did you know you can have your own marketing formula as easy as counting from one to three? Do you want to know what’s the Simple Marketing Formula and how it can end all your frustration, and confusion?
Mostafa Hosseini specializes in helping coaches, consultants, and experts create and implement their 1-page marketing plan in 7 days or less!
In this episode, Mostafa shares the importance of sticking to one goal, and how it can affect the planning, executing, and marketing stages in your business.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:07 – Mostafa’s ideal client: “I work with coaches, consultants, and experts who have their heads in 12 different things when it comes to marketing, and they’re not seeing results, and they’re frustrated, you know, they’re experiencing anxiety, frustration, confusion, and depression because of lack of results.”
- 01:17 – Problem Mostafa helps solve: “They’re not seeing results, and they’re frustrated, you know, they’re experiencing anxiety, frustration, confusion, and depression because of lack of results”
- 01:53 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Mostafa: “So they’ve been poking around with different marketing ideas, tools, systems, programs, software and, you know, playing around, and they’re not seeing results. They’re not good at any simple one thing, and they get frustrated because they experienced that daily setback or failure. They’re like, “Oh, my God, I’ve been giving it my all, but I’m not seeing results.”
- 02:42 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Mostafa’s solution: “The number one mistake is they don’t have a clear set of goals. And if you don’t know what you want, it’s impossible to get it. And so, the second mistake is, even if they have a goal, they don’t have a plan to reach their goal.”
- 03:53 – Mostafa’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “One thing you should do is write down a clear goal and concise that exactly what you want from your business. And I would write the goal in terms of the number of people that you need to serve and support, so money is a natural by-product of your main goal. The main goal should not be money, it should be the number of people you need to serve.”
- 05:46 – Mostafa’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Check out Mostafa’s FREE $2000 Course: Simple Marketing Formula
- 07:09 – Q: Why are you giving away a $2,000 course for free? A: We don’t believe in going in first. So instead of trying to convince you to pay me to teach you how to do it, I’m like, “I’ll go in first. Come see and experience us and hang out with other business owners.”
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“The main goal should not be money; it should be the number of people you need to serve.” -Mostafa Hosseini Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:09
Hello, everyone, a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. I’m Tom Poland, beaming out to you, as always, from Little Castaways Beach here in Queensland, Australia, joined today by Mostafa Hosseini. Mostafa, a very, very warm welcome. Good day, and where are you hanging out?
Mostafa Hosseini 00:25
Thank you. Thanks for having me. I’m in Calgary, Alberta in Canada.
Tom Poland 00:29
Calgary, Alberta, and Canada to Castaways Beach here in Australia. Folks for those of you who don’t know Mostafa, he specializes in helping coaches, consultants, and experts who are- I’ve just got all the people listening to this, Mostafa, so that’s pretty ideal, he helps you to create and implement a one-page marketing plan in seven days or less. Now get that, please, helps you to create and implement the plan within seven days. Nice and simple! So that’s- I’m excited to hear about this. Let’s kick-off! Mostafa, our time starts now. Question number one is who is your ideal client?
Mostafa Hosseini 01:07
I work with coaches, consultants, and experts who have their heads in 12 different things when it comes to marketing, and they’re not seeing results-
Tom Poland 01:17
Mostafa Hosseini 01:17
And they’re frustrated, you know, they’re experiencing anxiety, frustration, confusion, and depression because of lack of results.
Tom Poland 01:24
You’ve probably just asked questions two and three, but let’s have a look at them anyway!
Mostafa Hosseini 01:28
Tom Poland 01:29
Question number two is what’s the problem you solve? And let’s do question number three, maybe double-barrelled there, but the symptoms of that problem. So, we talked about the- you’ve talked about the fact that they’re doing lots of- probably doing lots of marketing, or they tried lots of other stuff, it really hasn’t worked that well. Would you want to define that problem any further, and if so, what are some of the symptoms that might be associated with that? In other words, how do people know they need what you do? What’s going on in their business?
Mostafa Hosseini 01:53
So, they’ve been poking around with different marketing ideas, tools, systems, programs, software and, you know, playing around, and they’re not seeing results. They’re not good at any simple one thing, and they get frustrated because they experienced that daily setback or failure. They’re like, “Oh, my God, I’ve been giving it my all, but I’m not seeing results.”
Tom Poland 02:02
Yeah. Right. And, as you said, frustration, and possibly anxiety as well, with the going up or down or with flatlining or dying, or whatever else. So, these are smart people, they’re entrepreneurs, they’re going to be wanting to- they’re going to keep going until they find a solution, perhaps your solution, hopefully, they’re smart enough to get your solution sooner rather than later, but before they do, what are some of the common mistakes that they’re probably going to make along the way?
Mostafa Hosseini 02:42
The number one mistake is they don’t have a clear set of goals. And if you don’t know what you want, it’s impossible to get it.
Tom Poland 02:50
Mostafa Hosseini 02:50
And so, the second mistake is, even if they have a goal, they don’t have a plan to reach their goal.
Tom Poland 02:56
Very different things.
Mostafa Hosseini 02:58
Tom Poland 02:58
Mostafa Hosseini 02:59
Let’s say that you want $20 million? That’s great. How are you going to get it, right? And so, setting up exactly how I’m going to get there is the next piece that people don’t do, and then most people that have a goal and a plan, don’t execute the plan. The plan and the goal are collecting dust somewhere.
Tom Poland 03:16
So true!
Mostafa Hosseini 03:17
So, the results are in the execution of the plan and the constant pursuit of the goal and it’s the execution of the plan, which is the top three mistakes in business and marketing,
Tom Poland 03:30
No goal, or no plan, or-
Mostafa Hosseini 03:33
No execution.
Tom Poland 03:34
No execution or inconsistent or inadequate execution. Well summed up, very succinct. We’ve got four minutes left. Question number five is what’s one, kind of like your top tip, just one thing someone could take action on that’s not going to solve the whole problem, but it might take them a step in the right direction?
Mostafa Hosseini 03:53
One thing you should do is write down a clear goal and concise that exactly what you want from your business. And I would write the goal in terms of the number of people that you need to serve and support, so money is a natural by-product of your main goal. The main goal should not be money, it should be the number of people you need to serve.
Tom Poland 04:16
Number of people you need to serve and the by-product of that, the scoreboard might be the revenue. Is that right?
Mostafa Hosseini 04:20
Tom Poland 04:21
Okay, and since we’ve got time, because we got three and a half minutes left, and only two questions. Can I ask you a little- and a curve here, a little bit of extra question.
Mostafa Hosseini 04:28
Tom Poland 04:28
I’ve heard people talk about having the sort of the minimum or ‘survival goal’, and then a ‘nice-to-have goal’ and then ‘awhile goal’, how do you feel about the three different levels for the number of people you’re serving? Is that going to be confusing for people? Or is that something you would invite people to think about? Or what’s your take on that?
Mostafa Hosseini 04:47
I don’t know. I usually set one goal. My main goal is, say to have 30 customers this quarter, and that’s all I focus on.
Tom Poland 04:54
Mostafa Hosseini 04:55
Now, if I get there, whether it’s higher or lower, I mean-
Tom Poland 04:59
Mostafa Hosseini 04:59
We do set that as our KPI, but you got to fix your mind on one thing.
Tom Poland 05:04
Mostafa Hosseini 05:04
You don’t want to stay confused.
Tom Poland 05:06
And, folks, I just want to tell you, I’ve been privileged to have a little bit of a peak, and now a bit more about Mostafa’s business than you probably do, and he’s very successful. And a part of their success, I believe, has come from the relentlessness of the planning, the goals, and the execution. So worth listening to. On that note, having invited people to set that goal, that KPI for each month of how many people that they can begin to serve new clients, if you like, let’s give folks some more. So, let’s- this is my challenge for you, is question six, and we’ve got two minutes left, a valuable free resource we could offer folks that’s going to help them even more. Where would people go to find that?
Mostafa Hosseini 05:46
Sure, I would like to offer you my signature course, Simple Marketing Formula, which is a $2,000 course and you can take it for free. Here’s the catch, you need to show up.
Tom Poland 05:58
Mostafa Hosseini 05:59
That’s the catch!
Tom Poland 06:00
Wow. $2,000. Free?
Mostafa Hosseini 06:03
Yes, it’s a three-day live event, and you get to hang out with entrepreneurs, mastermind, expand your network and walk out with your one-page marketing plan completed, and you will know exactly what you should do to grow and scale your business.
Tom Poland 06:18
Wow. And folks, if you don’t do anything else for any other reason, go check out the landing page because the way it’s set up is the lesson in itself. So that’s a www.persyo.com/join-smf. What does the SMF stand for, Mostafa?
Mostafa Hosseini 06:42
Simple Marketing Formula.
Tom Poland 06:43
Simple Marketing Formula. It’s persyo.com/join-smf. Simple Marketing Formula, go get it! $2,000 program, Mostafa has sold this for $2,000, you get to sit in the room, zero cost. Fantastic, amazing, brilliant! One question, we have 42 seconds, what’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t?
Mostafa Hosseini 07:06
One question you should’ve asked me that you didn’t?
Tom Poland 07:09
Why are you giving away a $2,000 course for free?
Mostafa Hosseini 07:13
So, I mean, the world is in chaos, that’s a good question, and we don’t believe in going in first. So instead of trying to convince you to pay me to teach you how to do it, I’m like, “I’ll go in first. Come see and experience us and hang out with other business owners.” And you get to experience that the fact that you’re not alone in whatever you’re experiencing. Experience the community, experience the simplicity, walk out with your plan completed.
Tom Poland 07:38
Mostafa Hosseini 07:39
And then if you like us, maybe we’ll end up working together.
Tom Poland 07:42
Mostafa, thanks so much for your time.
Mostafa Hosseini 07:44
Thank you.
Tom Poland 07:46
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