- Why TRUST has become the new currency and why you don’t need a pre-existing relationship to create trust
- How to stop “chasing” potential clients and start getting callbacks from those who are ready to come on board with you
- New ways to create deep trust in your sales process, so you don’t have to sell, persuade or “close” anymore
- Want to learn the secrets of trust-based selling? Check out Ari’s Webinar: unlockthegame.com/webinar
Have you always struggled when it comes to selling?
Want to discover the magic of trust-based languaging and why slowing down your sales process (not speeding it up) is the key to unlimited sales opportunities?
In a day and age where technology rules the selling world, for many growth-oriented business owners and sales consultants, authenticity and trust have taken a “back seat” to the sales process.
Ari Galper is the world’s number one authority on trust-based selling and has been featured in CEO Magazine, Forbes, INC Magazine, SkyNews, and the Australian Financial Review.
In this episode, Ari talks about the importance of trust in sales and how it is a magnet for success! He also shares the secrets of language in sales and its promising increase in sales.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 02:01 – Ari’s ideal client: “Ideal client is someone who basically isn’t what I call a low volume, high price point, high margin model, using the visor, an entrepreneur, someone who has a large transaction long sale cycle, but trust is the core component, for them to make the sale actually happen.”
- 03:00 – Problem Ari helps solve: “The core problem that we solve is to help people learn how to stop chasing the deal. Stop closing the deal and stop chasing what I call “ghosts”. Ghost people who say things like, “Sounds good. Send me information. I’m definitely interested.” And they end up chasing them in a dehumanizing process that really is so dysfunctional.”
- 03:37 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Ari: “Here’s a core scenario. They’re on a call with a potential client. A first conversation. And they asked the person on the phone, “So tell me about your business and what your problems are.” And they describe their problems, and the minute you hear the problems your whole body and chemistry goes, “Oh, I can solve that for them.”
- 04:42 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Ari’s solution: “I’m going to ask your listeners who are watching this right now to remove one key phrase vocabulary as of today forever in their world, and here it is. Never again use the phrase, “Follow up” ever again in your business life! What’s the only industry in the world to use “Follow up”? Sales!”
- 05:44 – Ari’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “Let’s do a scenario right now. It may give somebody a really good idea. So, let’s say in our first call with somebody. First sales conversation. The call is going well. They’re qualified. Looks like it could be a good fit. Towards the end of the call, it comes to a close. Normally, we’re taught to say things like, “Hey, how can we move forward? Let’s have a cup of coffee. Let’s do a demo. Let’s go forward.”
- 07:37 – Ari’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Check out Ari’s Webinar: unlockthegame.com/webinar
- 08:09 – Q: What has driven me on this mission for 20 years to help people get out of this dysfunctional situation? A: My son Toby, when he was born, we were told he had Down Syndrome. Well, I realized what a gift of heaven on my hands when I had this beautiful boy. I wrote a book about him called, Lessons from Toby. If you know Down Syndrome, they’re beautiful, they’re transparent.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Stop giving value. Instead, provide clarity on their problem!” -Ari Galper Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:09
Greetings, everyone, and another very warm welcome to yet another edition of Marketing the Invisible. My name is Tom Poland beaming out to you from Little Castaways beach in Queensland, Australia. I’m joined today by Ari Galper. Ari, good day. A very warm welcome, sir! Where are you hanging out?
Ari Galper 0:24
Sydney, Australia today and for the last 20 years!
Tom Poland 0:27
So, the last 20 years. And before that, where did you- you flew over the ditch, and where did you come from?
Ari Galper 0:31
Originally from San Diego, California. A West Coast guy and a wife on a dating site pre-swiping, and just took me over here!
Tom Poland 0:39
Oh, it’s a real old-fashioned meeting where you didn’t have to swipe, you just met on a dating site, right? Fabulous! And I hear it’s worked out pretty darn well for you. So, for those who don’t know Ari, you’re probably living in a cave because he’s a bit of a legend in the sales and marketing world. And, you know, before I had a modicum of success, I always aspired to be someone like Ari. You know, someone who spoke with authority, could seem to be magnetically attracting new clients. And to me, it was always a bit of a mystery. But there is- it was not actually magic, there was a science behind it. And Ari has broken that down. He’s widely regarded as the world’s number one authority on trust-based selling, so not the manipulative style of seven ways to close a sale, and if you don’t do that, then you’ll have to pay another $10,000 after midnight. Not that sort of selling, but trust-based selling! And he walks the talk. I’ve been to conferences with Ari. I’ve attended his workshops, his meetings, and he’s been personally very generous and helpful to me when I really needed it. So, Ari, I’m eternally grateful for your support and your wisdom, as well. In addition to helping me out, he’s appeared in CEO Magazine, Forbes Magazine, INC Magazine, you name it! The SkyNews, Australian Financial Review, which is a very prestigious organization. So, pleasure to have you here, Ari. Our title today is, “How to Double Your Sales with Trust-Based Selling”. And our time starts now, sir. Question number one is, Ari, who is your ideal client?
Ari Galper 2:01
Ideal client is someone who basically is in what I call a low volume, high price point, high margin model, using advisor, an entrepreneur, someone who has a large transaction long sale cycle, but trust is the core component for them to make the sale actually happen.
Tom Poland 2:19
And here’s a couple of specific examples of the industry types. We’re talking, for example, consultants?
Ari Galper 2:24
Consultants, advisors, business owners, entrepreneurs who have a longer sales cycle. Patients- clients for life. That kind of customer.
Tom Poland 2:34
Right. And might they have multiple decision-makers that they have to work with?
Ari Galper 2:39
Absolutely. There’s this- decision-makers, which of course makes things more complicated to get a yes, but absolutely anybody who really is in a high trust sales environment, but they hate the idea of selling.
Tom Poland 2:51
Perfect, which is most of those people. Very good! So, six minutes left. Question number two, tell us about the problem that you solve?
Ari Galper 3:00
Well, the core problem that we solve is to help people learn how to stop chasing the deal. Stop closing the deal, and stop chasing what I call “ghosts”. Ghost people who say things like, “Sounds good. Send me information. I’m definitely interested.” And they end up chasing them in a dehumanizing process that really is so dysfunctional. At the end of the game, you feel like you were taken advantage of.
Tom Poland 3:23
So true. Thank you, sir. Well described! Sounds like this is not your first rodeo. Well, so let’s dive a little deeper on that. Question number three, and we got five and a half minutes left. What are some of the typical symptoms that- and what I’m after here, someone listening to this, they’re hearing what you’re about to describe, and they’re going, “Yep, that’s me. I need to speak with Ari.” What are those symptoms that people are experiencing before they find your solution?
Ari Galper 3:37
Here’s a core scenario. They’re on a call with a potential client. A first conversation. And they asked the person on the phone, “So tell me about your business and what your problems are.” And they describe their problems, and the minute you hear the problems your whole body and chemistry goes, “Oh, I can solve that for them.” And what do you start doing? You start doing what I call, “free consulting”. You start educating, giving information, sharing ideas, sharing case studies. At the end of the call, you know what the person says to you, “Let me think about it.”
Tom Poland 4:11
Right. The big symptom! That probably sums up just about-
Ari Galper 4:16
Basically, I tell my clients stop giving value, instead provide clarity on their problem!
Tom Poland 4:21
Clarity on their problem and- okay. Thank you. So that’s clearly one of the mistakes that people make. So that leads us to question four quite nicely. Four and a half minutes left. Tell us more about, maybe a couple of other mistakes that your prospects- they’re making before they become your clients, and when you tell them about it, it’s like a light bulb, and they go, Oh gosh. I made that mistake.”
Ari Galper 4:42
All right, let’s drop a bomb right now. How about that? Okay, I’m going to ask your listeners who are watching this right now to remove one key phrase vocabulary as of today forever in their world, and here it is. Never again use the phrase, “Follow up” ever again in your business life! What’s the only industry in the world to use “Follow up”? Sales! “I am going to follow up!” And now put you in the wrong perception.
Tom Poland 5:09
Ari Galper 5:09
So, never use “follow up”, “touching base”, there was a classic one now, oh, yeah, it’s “checking in”. These are all 1980s sales languaging. Instead, say this, “I’m giving you a call to see if you have any “feedback” on our previous conversation?” Any feedback on our previous meeting? Feedbacks going away from the sale, not towards the sale. And that is the momentum out and builds trust.
Tom Poland 5:33
Perfect! Thank you, sir. Question five, three minutes left. One valuable free action that someone listening to this can take that’s probably not going to solve the whole problem, but it might take them a step in the right direction?
Ari Galper 5:44
Sure! Let’s do a scenario right now. It may give somebody a really good idea. So, let’s say in our first call with somebody. First sales conversation. The call is going well. They’re qualified. Looks like it could be a good fit. Towards the end of the call, it comes to a close. Normally, we’re taught to say things like, “Hey, how can we move forward? Let’s have a cup of coffee. Let’s do a demo. Let’s go forward.” But what happened is, if you do that with somebody, and they’re not ready yet, you break trust with them right from the beginning. Now, same scenario, our mindset, our approach, our languaging. Call is going well. Call comes to an end. Rather than saying, “Hey, how about we move forward?” Well, we say instead is this. We say, “Where do you think we should go from here?”
Tom Poland 6:23
Nice. Beautiful! And you taught me that many years ago, and I’ve used that and its magic.
Ari Galper 6:31
And that shifts the whole power to them. And usually, they’re in a state of shock! They can’t believe somebody would actually have the humanity to ask them what they want to do. You know what comes out of that? They say things like, “Well, I’ve got one more question.” Oh, well, I’ve said what comes out is the truth at the beginning of your process versus the end wondering what happened once they left the building.
Tom Poland 6:56
And sometimes they go, “Oh, I think I’d like to move ahead.”
Ari Galper 7:01
Tom Poland 7:01
I was like- and I- you know, I started using that phrase and I was the one who was shocked. I was going, “Oh, really? Oh, okay!”
Ari Galper 7:10
That’s the magic when they say to you, “Let’s move this thing forward.” You’re like, “Oh my God!”
Tom Poland 7:16
Yeah. And it’s such a gentle question to ask and it empowers them and ask them to make a decision, which adds so much magic in that one phrase. So, thank you, sir! We’ve got 75 seconds left. One valuable free resource we could direct people to that’s going to help them even more, a landing page or something we can give stuff away.
Ari Galper 7:37
Sure. As long as you’re open mind and you’re willing to let go of the past, then come forward. There’s a free intro course you can take at www.unlockthegame.com. Right on the home page, you want to go direct, go to unlockthegame.com/webinar, but watch the recording. If it resonates with you, don’t be afraid to reach out to us and have a dialogue with us, and watch what it’s like to have a chat with us without being sold. It’s a crazy experience, but you’re going to love it!
Tom Poland 8:00
Yes! You might just learn something. Alright, so thank you, sir. 40 seconds left. Question number seven, the last question, what’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t?
Ari Galper 8:09
What has driven me on this mission for 20 years to help people get out of this dysfunctional situation?
Tom Poland 8:14
And what has driven you the last 20 years?
Ari Galper 8:18
What’s my role- what’s my role, as well as a quick story. My son Toby, when he was born, we were told he had Down Syndrome. Well, I realized what a gift of heaven on my hands when I had this beautiful boy. I wrote a book about him called, Lessons from Toby. If you know Down Syndrome, they’re beautiful, they’re transparent, they’re honest, they’re so pure in their agenda. If we can be like Toby, we’ll be super successful in selling because it’s all about trust enough to sale.
Tom Poland 8:41
Beautiful. Thanks, Ari.
Tom Poland 08:43
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