- Learn how to generate leads and enquiries in 2021 using LinkedIn
- Discover what content you should avoid and what matters to gain traction for your LinkedIn
- Find out why you should choose to elevate your own influenceon Linkedin for your business
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Are you struggling with traction to your LinkedIn and your business?
Do you want to know about the promising LinkedIn strategies that can guarantee you to become more influential in your industry?
Adam Houlahan is an International Keynote Speaker specializing in LinkedIn strategies for entrepreneurs, and the CEO of the highly successful LinkedIn agency, Prominence Global. He hosts arguably the world’s largest free online LinkedIn training event with thousands of people registering 5 times each year and is considered to be one of the world’s leading experts in harnessing the power of LinkedIn for business. Adam is also the author of three Amazon best-selling books– Social Media Secret Sauce, The LinkedIn Playbook, and Influencer.
In this episode, Adam shares his techniques and strategies on what can bring traction to your LinkedIn and business. He also talks about the common mistakes you should avoid that could lessen your inquiries and LinkedIn traction.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:27 – Adam’s ideal client: “It would be somebody that serves the B2B marketplace, and that the people they serve would spend at least $10,000 with them over the course of 12 months.”
- 01:47 – Problem Adam helps solve: “The key thing that we solve for them is that we make them the “Trusted Site” as we like to call it in the marketplace. And we implement a strategy for them so they’re getting consistent inbound inquiries about what it is they do.”
- 02:33 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Adam: “They’re pretty much invisible on LinkedIn. So, nobody knows that they’re there. Well, certainly nobody’s engaging with them. They’re also lacking in the ability to put together a consistent predictable marketing methodology that’s attracting those people.”
- 03:45 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Adam’s solution: “you know, the 80-20 rule, the biggest problem is one, they’re either not creating any content, or if they are creating content, it’s the wrong type of content. The right type of content, what they really need to do, is kind of what we call, “Know-How with Know-How”
- 04:41 – Adam’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “when you’re creating your content, the biggest way to start that ball rolling of getting the engagement you need simply makes every piece of content end in a question.”
- 05:33 – Adam’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Check out Adam’s Book: adamhoulahan.com/influencerbook
- 06:09 – Q: Why is it that some people seem to get massive traction on LinkedIn, and I see someone else kind of doing the same thing, and they don’t get any traction? A: Those people that are getting that really good traction, have what we call, “algorithm intelligence”. And what that means is that they actually understand that the real way to get results on LinkedIn is you have to serve LinkedIn’s needs first, before you serve your own.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“The real way to get results on LinkedIn is, you have to serve LinkedIn's needs first before you serve your own.” -Adam Houlahan Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:09
Greetings everyone and a warm welcome to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. My name is Tom Poland, beaming out to you from Little Castaways Beach in Queensland, Australia, joined today by Adam Houlahan who is actually not too far away. Good day, Adam! Where are you hanging out, sir?
Adam Houlahan 00:22
Good day, Tom. Just down the road, in the beautiful Gold Coast. A couple of hours from you.
Tom Poland 00:26
From the Sunshine Coast to the Gold Coast. That’s all coast down here. For those of you who haven’t met Adam before, he’s an international luminary, if you like. He’s been a Keynote speaker all around the world. He specializes in LinkedIn strategies for entrepreneurs. He’s CEO of the highly successful LinkedIn agency, Prominence Global. And he hosts what I think would arguably be the world’s largest free online LinkedIn training event, with literally thousands of people rocking up to hear him speak five times every single year. He’s considered to be one of the world’s leading experts in harnessing the power of LinkedIn for business. He’s the author of three Amazon best-selling books– Social Media Secret Sauce, The LinkedIn Playbook, and Influencer. Adam, it’s a great pleasure to have you on the show. Our title today is, “How to Establish a LinkedIn Presence and Generate New Clients”. And you’re going to tell us how to do that in just seven minutes which starts now, sir. Question number one is who is your ideal client?
Adam Houlahan 01:27
Tom, it would be somebody that serves the B2B marketplace, and that the people they serve would spend at least $10,000 with them over the course of 12 months.
Tom Poland 01:38
Perfect. Thank you, sir. Six and a half minutes left. So, what’s the problem you solve for these B2B people whose clients are spending $10,000 for them or more?
Adam Houlahan 01:47
Yeah, good question. Like trust, the key thing that we solve for them is that we make them the “Trusted Site” as we like to call it in the marketplace. And we implement a strategy for them so they’re getting consistent inbound inquiries about what it is they do.
Tom Poland 02:01
Perfect. So, let’s go to question three, six minutes left. We’ve got this person, a B2B, their clients are typically spending $10,000 or more within a year, and you’re helping them solve the trust issue because, on LinkedIn, we don’t really know too many people and someone new comes along, and how would we know we want to work with them and trust them. Tell us about the typical symptoms that your ideal client is experiencing prior to engaging with Prominence Global? What’s going on that would give them kind of a heads up to go, “I need to find out more about what Adam does.”?
Adam Houlahan 02:33
Yeah, so essentially, you kind of- you nailed it, Tom, there. They’re pretty much invisible on LinkedIn. So, nobody knows that they’re there. Well, certainly nobody’s engaging with them. They’re also lacking in the ability to put together a consistent predictable marketing methodology that’s attracting those people and essentially, they’re not getting 25,000 to 50,000 people seeing you on LinkedIn every month, then you’ve got a problem. That’s the problem that we solve. And then, of course, the final part of that is that when they do finally get into conversations, the conversations always about price instead of the value that they deliver.
Tom Poland 03:11
Right. So, sort of a chase to the bottom of the price.
Adam Houlahan 03:16
Yeah. It all becomes about price. When you’re a trusted sage, then people don’t question the price of what you do.
Tom Poland 03:24
Because they understand the value. So, we’ve got this person, B2B, ever sell 10,000 a year, feeling invisible on LinkedIn, probably making one of the mistakes. So, question four is some of the common mistakes people make, and I guess pricing is one of them. We got four and a half minutes left. What are some of the other common mistakes that people make when they’re trying to get a presence on LinkedIn, get trusted, and get some new clients out of it?
Adam Houlahan 03:45
Tom, essentially, in the, you know, the 80-20 rule, the biggest problem is one, they’re either not creating any content, or if they are creating content, it’s the wrong type of content. The right type of content, what they really need to do, is kind of what we call, “Know-How with Know-How”, meaning essentially, you got to position yourself through your content that you know how to solve their problem without actually showing them how to solve their problem. And a lot of people fall into the trap of, you know, actually solving that problem in their content online, and then, of course, nobody needs to have another next step.
Tom Poland 04:18
Right. Why would you buy the cow, if you can get the milk for free? Giving away the farm. So, let’s go to question five, we’ve got three and a half minutes left. What’s one valuable free action that you could recommend someone listening to this could take that’s going to help them, it’s not going to solve the whole problem maybe, but it might help them go a step in the right direction with LinkedIn?
Adam Houlahan 04:41
So, it’s following on from what we just said about the biggest problem being, you know, no content or wrong type of content, what I’d highly recommend and the easiest way to kind of grasp this is to just go and have a look at my LinkedIn profile and have a look at the content that I’m sharing and you’ll- if you scroll back far enough, you’ll see a very consistent thing that happens, which is that every piece of content I create asks a question. So, when you’re creating your content, the biggest way to start that ball rolling of getting the engagement you need simply makes every piece of content end in a question.
Tom Poland 05:18
Terrific tip! Thank you, sir. That’s going to help folks get engagement and get cut-through. So, question six, one valuable free resource that we can direct people to that’s going to help them even more. You got a URL somewhere, a landing page where people can go and get something pretty special?
Adam Houlahan 05:33
Yep, yep. That’s the one! So adamhoulahan.com/influencerbook. I’m sure you’ll share it with everyone as well. Just updated a few months ago, so very current, very topical, and I’m sure everyone will get a great deal of value out of getting access to that one.
Tom Poland 05:48
It is packed full of value! Thanks, Adam. So, it’s adamhoulahan, H-O-U-L-A-H-A-N .com/influencerbook. Go get it! Nine-step guide to becoming highly influential in any industry. Question number seven, sir, and we’ve got two minutes left, so plenty of time. What’s the one question I should have asked you, but didn’t?
Adam Houlahan 06:09
Yeah, it’s always a good one, isn’t it? I think, Tom, that question would be, why is it that some people seem to get massive traction on LinkedIn, and I see someone else kind of doing the same thing, and they don’t get any traction? I’m sure you want the answer to that. So, the answer is, essentially, that those people that are getting that really good traction, have what we call, “algorithm intelligence”. And what that means is that they actually understand that the real way to get results on LinkedIn is you have to serve LinkedIn’s needs first, before you serve your own. And it’s in fact, your own should be number three. The order should be, it should serve LinkedIn’s needs because LinkedIn is not a level playing field. This is something a lot of people don’t understand. They play favorites! And they play favorites to the people who are the really good content creators. So, you got to serve their needs first. And of course, the second part is certain needs of your clients with that “Know-How with Know-How” type of content. And then finally, that will serve your needs, because you’re getting that 25,000 to 50,000 people seeing your content new online every month. They’re seeing you as a trusted sage because your content is, you know, getting them to understand, one, that they have a problem and most importantly, that you’re the solution to that problem, and then, of course, that serves your needs. In very simple terms, that’s the Holy Grail! If you can get that happening, then life’s pretty good.
Tom Poland 07:39
So much wisdom in that! Adam Houlahan, thank you so much for your time.
Adam Houlahan 07:42
My pleasure.
Tom Poland 07:44
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