- Find out why understanding your natural decision-making style is important
- See how decision-making isn’t just one-man’s job
- Learn why conflict is a crucial aspect of decision-making
- Wanting to Make the Best Decisions for You, Your Team, and Your Business? Learn more about What Your Natural Decision Style Is and Understand Where You Are Right Now: https://www.truthwarriors.ca/assessment
Have you always felt tired and consumed by the different decisions you need to make in your business?
Do you feel stuck and overwhelmed by this? Do you want to know how to make the best decisions that can guarantee you and your team to move forward?
Are you ready to know how you can make great decisions faster, confidently, and with clarity?
Christi Scarrow writes, speaks, coaches, trains, and guides. She empowers leaders to find their voice and listen to the voices of others. She helps individuals, teams, and organizations make decisions that count.
In this episode, Christi shares why the decision-making process is critical for you, your team, and your business. She also shares her ideas and techniques on how you can make decisions that would help and welcome your team and build your business.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:35 – Christi’s ideal client: “My ideal client is really- I’ve worked with entrepreneurs, small businesses who are trying to really find new ways to grow their business, and as you said, sort of be confident in the fact that they’re making choices that are going to be right for them, and right for their business as well as for the teams and people they partner with.”
- 01:56 – Problem Christi helps solve: “I find as people are trying to go through that stage of going from maybe solopreneurs, and bringing in new people and thinking about new ways to grow their business, it really is a challenge to know, what direction do I need to take? And how do I do the right things to enable the people around me?”
- 03:07 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Christi: “A lot of times, I find that they’re feeling kind of stuck or overwhelmed, right? It’s just like, you know, entrepreneurs and small businesses, they’re idea people, right? They’re empowered. They’re passionate about what they do.”
- 04:31 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Christi’s solution: “I think one of the things that, and I’ve been caught in this myself, is that they try to do it themselves, right? They try to lean into it and figure out how to do it. In fact, at that point, when you’re in that pivotal point of growing your business, that is the time to think about the resources that you need.”
- 05:39 – Christi’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Check out Christi’s Website: https://www.truthwarriors.ca/assessment
- 07:33 – Q: Why is conflict actually important to decision-making? A: It’s important that leaders recognize the need for more conflict actually means I’m going to lead into difficult conversations, and I’m going to create positive tension in my teams. And I’m going to seek out different perspectives, which actually feels uncomfortable.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“If you have a better understanding of the way you think, then you can be open to ways of actually strategically thinking differently and acting in a different way.” -Christi Scarrow Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:09
Greetings everyone and a warm welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. My name is Tom Poland, as always beaming out to you from, on the sand, in the sunshine, Little Castaways Beach here in Queensland, Australia, joined today by Christi Scarrow. Christi, good day! A warm welcome from down under. Where are you hanging out?
Christi Scarrow 00:26
Thank you. I’m here in Toronto, Canada. So nice and warm here, as well, right now in the summer.
Tom Poland 00:31
Perfect. For those of you who don’t know Christi, we’ve worked together for a little while now. She writes. She speaks. She coaches. She trains. She guides. She looks after the three kids and a dog. Not in her bio, I just kind of threw that in there because I know it’s true. But Christi’s specialty is empowering leaders. And I know that that word is sometimes a bit overused, but she really energizes and equips leaders to find their voice, and listen to the voices of others. And so, she works with those individual leaders. She works with teams, works with organizations so that they can be in a position to feel confident, to influence, and to make the right decisions. Decisions that are really going to count and have impact. And our title today is, “How to Make Decisions That Will Move You and Your Team Forward Faster and With Greater Confidence and Clarity”. Christi, our seven minutes starts now. Question number one is who is your ideal client?
Christi Scarrow 01:35
My ideal client is really- I’ve worked with entrepreneurs, small businesses who are trying to really find new ways to grow their business, and as you said, sort of be confident in the fact that they’re making choices that are going to be right for them, and right for their business as well as for the teams and people they partner with.
Tom Poland 01:52
Perfect. Thank you. And what’s the problem you solve for them?
Christi Scarrow 01:56
Well, I find as people are trying to go through that stage of going from maybe solopreneurs, and bringing in new people and thinking about new ways to grow their business, it really is a challenge to know, what direction do I need to take? And how do I do the right things to enable the people around me? So, the problem I solve is really giving them clarity in the strategy and the choices and also confidence in the fact that you know, the way we all make decisions is slightly different. And they need to kind of embrace the strength in that, but also find ways to consider other perspectives. And that’s why kind of find that balance between being confident in your voice, but bringing in other perspectives. So, it’s all about enabling them with the right techniques to think about their decision-making style, make the right choices for their business and enable others to also make the decisions.
Tom Poland 02:42
Perfect. So, let’s have a look at, question number three, we’ve got just over five and a half minutes left. Let’s put the spotlight on this leader, on this person who would, you know, typically be your client. What’s going on in their business, in their role at work that would kind of give them a clue that they need to find out more about what you do? And what are sort of some of the symptoms they’ll be noticing?
Christi Scarrow 03:07
Yeah, a lot of times, I find that they’re feeling kind of stuck or overwhelmed, right? It’s just like, you know, entrepreneurs and small businesses, they’re idea people, right? They’re empowered. They’re passionate about what they do. A lot of times, it’s like, “I just don’t know where to take the next step, and I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed” And you know, “Different advice coming to me from different areas. I’m finding I want to bring in other people, but I’m not sure how to manage that. There are different viewpoints, different ways of interacting.” And so that’s the kind of the time where you’re taking your business to a point where maybe you’re just doing it on your own, to where you need to involve others. So that’s some of the symptoms of feeling kind of that anxiousness of, “I’m not sure that I’m doing it properly. I’m not sure if I’m making the right choices. I’m not sure if I’m enabling others, or bringing them along with me and motivating them the way I need to.”
Tom Poland 03:53
Right. Because in leadership training, and management training, there’s actually not a lot of time devoted to the decision-making process. And yet, it’s the core of the most influential thing that’s going on in any business.
Christi Scarrow 04:05
Tom Poland 04:06
So, let’s go to question number four, four and a half minutes left. These are smart people. They’re generally ambitious people and they’re people who do care about making a difference. So, they’re going to be trying stuff, what I’m interested in learning from you is what are some of the common mistakes they make when they’re trying to get decisions right, but before they’ve found your resources?
Christi Scarrow 04:31
Yeah, I think one of the things that, and I’ve been caught in this myself, is that they try to do it themselves, right? They try to lean into it and figure out how to do it. In fact, at that point, when you’re in that pivotal point of growing your business, that is the time to think about the resources that you need. And it’s also because you’re surrounded by lots of different advice, you have to find a way to cut through that clutter. Cut out the noise, focus on what is your core purpose and meaning and think about how you’re going to find the stepping stones to bring people along in that process. Because that’s what I find is, you get a bit lost and all of that, and you think you can figure it out, but without some support, and some clarity and some of the help pull that out of you, I think it’s really hard to get out of that.
Tom Poland 05:12
Clutter, clarity. Right. And so often the blind leading the blind, you know, so often, we’re all happy to jump in and try and help some, but we may not actually know what we’re talking about.
Christi Scarrow 05:24
Yes. Exactly.
Tom Poland 05:24
Thank you for that. One valuable free resource, so we got three minutes left. What I’m interested here is, is there someplace that listeners could go to find out more about becoming more confident through a robust decision-making process?
Christi Scarrow 05:39
I’ve created an assessment that actually helps to define how you make decisions that starts from a foundation of understanding yourself, right? If you have a better understanding of the way you think, then you can be open to ways of actually strategically thinking differently and acting in a different way. So, the assessment that I’ve created actually helps define, are you a more rational decision maker? Or are you more intuitive? You’re the kind of person that gets lost in the data? Or you can jump ahead of it, you know because you’ve got that experience? And maybe you’re missing key information? I think it’s always a balance in the spectrum. And I also, as part of that kind of consider, are you more conflict averse or conflict assertive? I think conflict is a key part of decision-making. And if you can speak your voice, you may actually not be listening as well. And if you’re a good listener, you may need to think about how you express yourself better. So, it’s a balance. And the assessment will tell you exactly where you sit on that. And I offer a GPU to say, what are the strategies against that? How can you actually improve against that?
Tom Poland 06:37
Very interesting. I’ve been to the page, folks, it’s fascinating. It’s like a matrix. And I think if you go there, you’re going to have the curtain is going to be pulled back on your personality and your values and your style. And that’s going to give you much higher confidence in the decisions that you are making because it’s going to feel more like a hand in a glove, rather than a square peg in a round hole.
Christi Scarrow 07:00
Yeah, exactly.
Tom Poland 07:02
So, thank you for that. So www.truthwarriors, with an A, not with an O. Truth warriors. Truthwarriors.ca/assessment. A, double S, E, double S, M-E-N-T. For those who are like me and can’t spell. So, thank you for that, Christi. Question number seven, we’ve got just under a minute left. What’s the one question I should have asked you, but didn’t? And the answer would be nice too, please.
Christi Scarrow 07:33
Yeah. And the only thing I wanted to share as part of that is I get the question a lot in terms of the Truth Warrior model, why conflict is actually important to decision-making. And I wanted to share, I think it’s important that leaders recognize the need for more conflict which actually means I’m going to lean into difficult conversations, and I’m going to create positive tension in my teams. And I’m going to seek out different perspectives, which actually feels uncomfortable. At the same time, I think there’s sometimes a need for less conflict. So, it’s always that balance for me about finding about where you are, and how do you sort of think about strategies to move another way. And that’s exactly what my intention is in Truth Warriors is to get people to think about that
Tom Poland 08:13
Incredibly insightful. Christi, thanks so much for your time.
Christi Scarrow 08:17
Thank you, Tom.
Tom Poland 08:20
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