- Find out why your behavior matters on the brink of success
- Learn more how understanding what you want first is the starting point to success
- Understand why working too hard isn’t always the best approach
- Wanting to Achieve Quantum Leaps in Your Wealth, Health and Happiness? Learn more on How to Unlock the Power of Your Mind and Achieving Your Dreams: codybutler.com/quantumleap
Are you tired of working hard but not just getting the results you want?
Do you always find yourself worrying about the “what-ifs” in life?
Are you ready to let go of your internal blockage and finally allow yourself to find fulfilment in your success?
Cody Butler is the #1 Best Selling Author of Got Attitude and The 90 Day Marketing Plan. Cody is widely accepted as one of the world’s leading experts on small business marketing and business growth.
In this episode, Cody shares how you actually have the capacity to be greater in business and in life. He also talks about his insights on what is stopping you from truly fulfilling your success.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:25 – Cody’s ideal client: “My ideal client is a business owner or a coach or a consultant that knows kind of what they want. They’re very hard-working, and they’re just not getting the results they want too quick enough.”
- 01:51 – Problem Cody helps solve: “So the biggest problem is not- getting results is not about getting more information, it’s about aggressively seeking out new behavior. People think that the results are going to change by getting access to new information.”
- 02:52 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Cody: “Well, are you frustrated? Do you know that you have the capacity to experience more in life? Do you know you have the capacity to have a bigger business to hold more, to carry more, to appreciate more?”
- 03:53 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Cody’s solution: “So the biggest problem they’re going to make is they’re going to work on the business harder than they work on themselves. The solution is not working on your business.”
- 05:10 – Cody’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “Peel the onion. I call it peeling the onion. Figure out the emotion that’s driving what you want, not what you want.”
- 06:12 – Cody’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Check out Cody’s 4 Part Video Series: codybutler.com/quantumleap
- 06:59 – Q: If I could go back and give some advice to a 20-year-old me what would it be? A: Enjoy the journey.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“What you focus on, you get more of. And if you're focused on tasks, guess what you're going to get more of?” -Cody Butler Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Greetings everyone and a warm welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. My name is Tom Poland joined today by Cody Butler. Cody, good day, sir. Where are you hanging out?
Cody Butler 00:19
I’m in Sydney, Australia.
Tom Poland 00:20
Sydney, Australia. So, yeah, not too far from me for this particular interview, but I sense you might have flown in from somewhere else prior to that. Where’s your country of origin?
Cody Butler 00:31
I’m originally from England, spent 10 years in America, went back to the UK, and then off to Australia. So hence, the England accent.
Tom Poland 00:37
Mr. Everywhere, man. For those of you who haven’t heard Cody, you’ve been living in a cave because he is the number one bestselling author of Got Attitude and The 90 Day Marketing Plan. Cody is one of these rare birds that have a foot in both worlds of business development, a successful track record with that, and personal development. And the latter is going to be more the subject of this interview. He’s widely regarded and accepted as one of the world’s leading experts on small business marketing and business growth. Little known fact, he’s also the leading expert on personal development. So, this particular subject title, I should say interview, is going to, as I said, have a foot in both worlds, “How to Find Fulfilment in Success”. And Cody’s going to share with us how to do that in less than seven minutes. Cody, our time starts now. Sir, question number one is who is your ideal client?
Cody Butler 01:25
My ideal client is a business owner or a coach or a consultant that knows kind of what they want. They’re very hard-working, and they’re just not getting the results they want too quick enough. They’re putting the effort in, and they’re getting up early. They’re working late, but the results are just not coming as fast as they would like for them to come.
Tom Poland 01:44
Yeah, I hate it when that happens. So, question number two is, tell us more about the problem you solve for them. Six and a half minutes left.
Cody Butler 01:51
So, the biggest problem is not- getting results is not about getting more information, it’s about aggressively seeking out new behavior. People think that the results are going to change by getting access to new information. It’s not new information that’s going to change your life, it’s new behavior that’s going to change your life. So, the way that I help people generally, is it’s how to assimilate that information. It’s not actually the fact that you need new information. It’s about closing that knowing-doing gap. So, at the end of the day, if I said, “We’ve got your kids and you’re not getting them ever again unless you make a million dollars in the next year.” You’ve probably did it. You have the information you need; you’re just not applying that information.
Tom Poland 02:25
It depends on which one of my kids you’re talking about right now. Okay?
Cody Butler 02:29
Yeah, so it’s like- there’s a gap between what you’re knowing and what you’re doing. And closing that gap is the easiest way to get to what you want.
Tom Poland 02:36
To know and not to do is not to know when you’re getting them to do so they know. Thank you, sir. Question number three, five and a half minutes left, what are some of the typical symptoms? And what I’m looking for here is, if someone’s listening to this, how do they know they need to know more about what you do?
Cody Butler 02:52
Well, are you frustrated? Do you know that you have the capacity to experience more in life? Do you know you have the capacity to have a bigger business to hold more, to carry more, to appreciate more? If you’re able to experience more of life, and you’re able- right now, you’re not experiencing that because there are blockages in your life and your business, whatever, then that is what we work on. That is when you know that you need some help. Because we’re not given a desire that we can’t fulfill. We’re not given a passion that we’re not able to express and experience. So, if you have a passion for something, and you have a desire or an ability to experience something, and you’re not experiencing that yet, it’s because there’s some internal blockage that’s stopping that. And it’s going to be very quick to get that unblocked and get you living the life that you know you were born to live.
Tom Poland 03:37
Thank you, sir. Four and a half minutes left. Question four, some of the common mistakes that people make. So, they’re frustrated, but they’ve got the desire. They don’t want to give up on the dream. They’re smart, ambitious people. They’re going to try stuff. What are some of the mistakes they’re going to make probably before- they’ve already made before they find your solution?
Cody Butler 03:53
So, the biggest problem they’re going to make is they’re going to work on the business harder than they work on themselves. The solution is not working on your business. There are people that are making millions of dollars doing exactly what you’re doing with your skillset with the same amount of effort, with the same amount of resources. The reason that if you’re not having the success that you want is because you’re working far too hard on the mechanics of the business when actually, that’s only 10%, and that’s, you know, very easy to fix those problems. If you’re not getting the results, and anybody listening to this, I’m sure has a fairly well-developed skillset already, it’s because there are blockages in the individual. And if you want to carry more water, you got to get a bigger bucket, right? There’s no point pouring more and more water into a bucket that can’t hold it. The key is to get a bigger bucket, to become a bigger container. That’s the biggest mistake. That’s the first biggest mistake. And the second biggest mistake is that people are focused. They’re focused on their problems, not their outcome. They’re not visualizing what they want, they’re visualizing what they have to do on a daily basis. And of course, what you focus on, you get more of. And if you’re focused on tasks, guess what you’re going to get more of?
Tom Poland 04:57
The things that aren’t working. Thank you, sir. Three and a half minutes left. Question number five is one valuable free action that you could suggest an audience member might take that’s probably not going to solve the whole problem, but it could take them a step in the right direction?
Cody Butler 05:10
Yeah, peel the onion. I call it peeling the onion. Figure out the emotion that’s driving what you want, not what you want. So, for example, I had a session with a client yesterday and he said he wants $100,000 a month, passive income. “Well, why do you want $100,000 a month, passive income?” “It’s because I want to be able to put my family through private school and I want to put them in the right neighborhood.” “Okay, why do you want to put them through private school?” “Because I want my children to be happy.” “Why do you want your children to be happy?” “Because I want them to live a great life. I want them to fit. I want them to be secure.” I was like, “Well, why do you want that?” It’s like, “Because that’s what I feel like I need to do to be a successful human being.” It’s like, “Okay, so what you want is being a successful human being. Let’s pursue that. Let’s pursue the feeling of being a successful human being and see what manifests around you.” Peel the onion.
Tom Poland 05:55
Very interesting. So, the why, the why, the why’s! Taking another layer of the onion skin off. So, 10 minutes left, Cody. Question number six, what’s one valuable free resource that we can direct people to that’s going to help them even more with this problem?
Cody Butler 06:12
So, I do a five-day free workshop at codybutler.com/quantumleap. And that’s going to go into figuring out what you want, figuring out why you haven’t already got what you want. Really, the most important part is the day called, “Moving from Fear to Faith”. Fear is the destroyer. Faith is the creator. And if we want to become creators and create a reality we want to live in, we’ve got to learn to move from fear to faith. And then finally, we got to develop the money consciousness. I cover all of that in that five-day course.
Tom Poland 06:38
Oh, love it! Cody Butler, C-O-D-Y, butler.com/quantumleap. What’s that going to cost them?
Cody Butler 06:46
It’s going to cost them dearly. It’s going to cost them their time to go through the videos.
Tom Poland 06:49
No financial charge for that, folks! Go get it. 80 seconds left. Wow! Lots and lots of time. Question number seven, sir, what’s the one question I should have asked you, but didn’t and the answer, please?
Cody Butler 06:59
The question is, “If I could go back and give some advice to a 20-year-old me what would it be?”
Tom Poland 07:08
And what would it be?
Cody Butler 07:08
The answer would be, “Enjoy the journey.”
Tom Poland 07:10
Enjoy the journey.
Cody Butler 07:11
There are so many things that I worry about, that stressed me out, that kept me awake at night when I look back. And it’s like, that was God putting something in place that was absolutely essential for me getting what it was that I was asking for. There’s nothing that’s happened in my life that wasn’t essential for me getting what it is that I want. And everything that I’ve experienced was significantly less traumatic than I thought it was at the time with retrospect.
Tom Poland 07:34
So, enjoy the journey, folks, because there ain’t no destination. It just keeps going! Cody Butler, thanks so much for your time and the wisdom and insights that you’ve given us. Cheers!
Cody Butler 07:45
Thank you, Tom.
Tom Poland 07:45
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