- Discover how to acquire a sustainable client base that can guarantee you continuous revenue
- Find out the five important steps to successful business growth through the proven formula for building your business
- Learn more about why you should be growing along with your business
- Wanting to Build Your Business and Double Your Revenue? Learn How You Can Double Your Turnover in Less Than a Year with The Proven Formula that Will Guarantee You Promising Results: thecompleteapproach.co.uk/fivestepsbook
Have you been wanting to build your business the right way but just don’t know how?
Do you want to know the secrets to sustainable business growth and client base?
Are you ready to learn more about the proven formula that will guarantee you double revenue in less than a year?
Stuart Webb has started and sold multiple businesses and now helps business owners double their turnover in under a year using his Proprietary Formula for Exponential Growth. His background is in medical research.
In this episode, Stuart shares what mistakes you should avoid when trying to build up your business. He also talks about the secrets and his proven formula that will help you double your revenue in less than a year and help you achieve a sustainable client base.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:34 – Stuart’s ideal client: “My ideal client is that growth-hungry business leader who has had some success in building their business, to provide them with a sustainable client base. But they’re now looking to grow that business to seven-plus figures.”
- 02:10 – Problem Stuart helps solve: “You mentioned the fact that it’s in a formula and repeatability, I think, is absolutely the key to this, and that was the key to my scientific research. So, I help them solve common problems that the five steps to successful growth and they need to have a vision, what I call scalability, deliverability, collectability, and governance ability.”
- 04:23 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Stuart: “They often tell me that they can’t understand why they spend so much on advertising with so little to show for it. Or the team they have working for them don’t get it and they have order book’s full but there’s no satisfied customer.”
- 04:56 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Stuart’s solution: “They often find that they’re doing the same things which got them to where they are and expecting it to be different. But as the business grows, you need to grow with it.”
- 06:24 – Stuart’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “I always advise people to take the first 30 minutes of each day to really ask what went well yesterday and what do you need to take a look at. And I tell them, don’t view the things which were not as you want them to be as a failure, see them as an opportunity to improve.”
- 07:01 – Stuart’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Check out Stuart’s Book: thecompleteapproach.co.uk/fivestepsbook
- 07:27 – Q: Is it time to move my idea or business forward? A: My answer would be yes! Now’s the time. Nothing is more exciting than developing your business. Find the tribe that will help you get the partners you need to make you remain accountable for moving that forward.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“See delegating work to someone as a way to help them grow personally and professionally.” -Stuart Webb Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:09
Greetings, everyone! Another warm welcome to Marketing the Invisible, joined today by Stuart Webb. Stuart, good day. Sir, where are you hanging out?
Stuart Webb 00:18
Morning, Tom! Yeah, I’m currently in the United Kingdom, and in about middle Burton upon Trent is the name of the place- apparently the brewing capital of the UK.
Tom Poland 00:27
Stuart Webb 00:28
Get to see-
Tom Poland 00:29
How handy!
Stuart Webb 00:31
How handy indeed.
Tom Poland 00:34
On a day as hot as you’re going to have, which is probably 80 Fahrenheit or 34 degrees, it might come in handy later on.
Stuart Webb 00:41
Yeah, you might find me sort of bit coughing something.
Tom Poland 00:43
Off that rather delicious subject, now on to today’s subject. For those of you who don’t know Stuart, he started and sold many businesses. He now helps business owners apply his proprietary formula for exponential growth to their businesses. So essentially, he’s passing on the knowledge and experience that he’s gained. He’s got it in a formula. So, it can be applied to pretty much any business. And his background, which is, I think is very interesting, is actually in medical research, which speaks to the idea of having this very clinical, so to speak, approach, the scientific approach to doubling revenue. So, Stuart, that brings us nicely to the title which is, “How to Double Your Turnover in Less Than a Year”. Stuart’s going to tell us how to do that in just seven minutes. Stuart, so our time starts now. Question number one, who is your ideal client?
Stuart Webb 01:34
Tom, my ideal client is that growth-hungry business leader who has had some success in building their business, to provide them with a sustainable client base. But they’re now looking to grow that business to seven-plus figures. Sometimes, because of my background in scientific research, those guys come from building their technology business from the university research product, but that’s certainly not always the case. Many don’t have that background at all.
Tom Poland 01:58
Perfect. So, question number two, six and a half minutes left. Tell us about the problem you solve. Dive a little bit into that, if you would. Maybe they’re on a plateau. But what else? What else? What other problems do you look at?
Stuart Webb 02:10
You mentioned the fact that it’s in a formula and repeatability, I think, is absolutely the key to this, and that was the key to my scientific research. So, I help them solve common problems that the five steps to successful growth and they need to have a vision, what I call scalability, deliverability, collectability, and governance ability. So, vision, they have to have a clearly defined idea of what the solution is that they sell for their customer. Business owner must be crystal clear about the problem, and who has that problem. It’s never, “My product or service can be used by anyone.” They have to have what I call saleability. And that’s to align the sales and marketing effort with their expenditure and target market. So, they don’t sell, they just ensure their message is delivered to the customer that has the problem they solve. That way they don’t spend money on marketing that will never work for them. Deliverability, they deliver their customers’ expectations set by the marketing, so they get repeat customers. It’s no good marketing your product or service as five-star hotel quality if you did over a two-star service. That message is discordant and customers will notice, I can promise you. And they will tell you and the world about it. And the final two, the collectability. They have to ensure cash flow sustains the business. Actually critical. I never have yet come across a business that runs out of ideas than I’ve found plenty that has run out of cash. And that’s made even worse in this digital world. If you have a great website and products to sell on a website, but you don’t get the sale system right or you somehow failed to capture everything, you need to process the order. It costs way too much. And you need to resolve that. And then finally, what I call, governability. All of this will fall foul of tax and regulations if you don’t get it right. And you’ve got to have a management team who are working together with the business owner. Too often this is the poor cause and hoping that the management team gets it and are working together, but they got different goals, even different ones which conflict, and hoping it will just work itself out is foolish.
Tom Poland 04:05
So often overlooked. It’s a terrific articulation of a model, which delivers that repeatable revenue growth in a profitable and sustainable matter. Chewed through a bit of time though, but we still got four minutes left. Question number three, how does someone know they need the formula? What are the symptoms?
Stuart Webb 04:23
Yeah, they often tell me that they can’t understand why they spend so much on advertising with so little to show for it. Or the team they have working for them don’t get it and they have order book’s full but there’s no satisfied customer. Or the order book is full, but they’re running out of cash. Those are the common symptoms, Tom.
Tom Poland 04:39
Fantastic. So well articulated! The voice of experienced, folks. Question four, we’re talking about growth-hungry, assertive individuals who know what they want. They’re not sure how to get it maybe. They’re going to try stuff is what I’m saying. What are some of the common mistakes that they might make prior to finding your solution? Three and a half minutes left.
Stuart Webb 04:56
So, they often find that they’re doing the same things which got them to where they are and expecting it to be different. But as the business grows, you need to grow with it. Let me give you an example. One client, they got their business going. Then they had to hire a team to deliver the product to a lot of new customers. They didn’t ensure that clearly defined the problem they solve for customers, and the new marketing manager started marketing it to the wrong target market and that cost them a huge amount.
Tom Poland 05:18
Stuart Webb 05:19
To make matters worse, they had built their business delivering great customer service, but a lot of what they delivered, they didn’t charge customers for it. As they scaled, that started to really escalate their costs. And that became a massive problem. And then they had real problems with the fact that they couldn’t deliver what their investors had expected of them. And that started to really sort of became a problem. So, they became the bottleneck in all of this. They were the person who tried to solve all of the problems of the company.
Tom Poland 05:48
Stuart Webb 05:49
We turn that around by just having some really targeted advice and templates and guides I gave them. And having a well-defined marketing plan or weekly check-in meetings with the team, they now have got what they need to have honest conversations with customers and keep those costs under control.
Tom Poland 06:05
And so, what? What worked well for this particular client, at a certain level, wasn’t going to work. Well, in fact, the problems were compounded when they started to grow in scale. Thank you for that. Two minutes left, question five, what’s one valuable free action that someone listening to this could take that’ll- it’s going to take them a step in the right direction? Won’t solve the whole problem, but it might help them a little bit?
Stuart Webb 06:24
So, I always advise people to take the first 30 minutes of each day to really ask what went well yesterday and what do you need to take a look at. And I tell them, don’t view the things which were not as you want them to be as a failure, see them as an opportunity to improve. And if I may add a second, see delegating work to someone as a way to help them grow personally and professionally. And your job is to be the Grower-in-chief.
Tom Poland 06:47
Nice. Grower-in-chief, I love that! So, let’s go to question six, we’ve got 90 seconds left, one valuable free resource. Where can we direct people to get more on this? To find out more about those five steps?
Stuart Webb 07:01
Well, as you alluded to, Tom, there’s a book I wrote, and you can get a free PDF copy of that by going to thecompleteapproach.co.uk/fivestepsbook. So that’s thecompleteapproach.co.uk/fivestepsbook, and you’ll get my book, “Five Simple Steps to Growing Your Business”.
Tom Poland 07:18
Perfect. I’ve been there. I’ve looked at it. I love it! Go get it, folks. 50 seconds left. Question number seven, what’s the one question I should have asked you, but didn’t?
Stuart Webb 07:27
So, I think at the moment, Tom, we’re exiting a pandemic, and now is the time to ask yourself, “Is it time to move my idea or business forward?” So many people are getting to that stage where they need to scale. If not, now, when? And my answer would be yes! Now’s the time. Nothing is more exciting than developing your business. Find the tribe that will help you get the partners you need to make you remain accountable for moving that forward. Go for it! Building your business isn’t rocket science, but it is a science. You need that repeatability to make it a success.
Tom Poland 07:58
Stuart Webb, thank you so much for your words of wisdom and for your time.
Stuart Webb 08:02
Tom, I’ve appreciated your time very much. Thank you very much, indeed, for having me on.
Tom Poland 08:06
Tom Poland 08:07
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