- Learn why you just can’t do everything on your own especially in your business
- Find out more about the value of emotions and relationships with customers as a business
- Discover how the price isn’t as important anymore once you’ve developed a great and understanding customer service system
- Wanting to Learn More on How to Improve and Grow Your Business Through the Magic of Customer Service? Find out the Why’s, the How’s, and the What’s of Customer Service: ultimateCXexperience.info/freeyellowbook
Have you been putting aside your customer service systems and prioritizing other parts of your business instead?
Are you constantly struggling with making valuable and deep connections and relationships with your clients?
Do you want to know more about why doing everything on your own isn’t the best and right way on growing your business?
Dr. David Moffet and Jayne Bandy are respected speakers and writers on customer service systems and processes. They coach private SME clients on how to improve their businesses by focusing on customer retention and providing World Class customer service.
In this episode, David Moffet shares his insights on why customer service systems are very crucial in business and in increasing profit. He also talks about how asking for help and guidance is one of the stepping stones to becoming successful and growing your business.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:28 – David’s ideal client: “My ideal client is any small business ranging, in turnover, from 3 million to 50 million with between 5 and 50 or 60 employees, and they want to grow their business.”
- 02:00 – Problem David helps solve: “Well, the problem I solve is that these businesses want to increase their revenue. They want to increase their top line. They want to increase their bottom line.”
- 02:50 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to David: “Well, I think the easiest way to identify that you’ve got a problem is that your sales are either dropping, or they’re stagnating. Every business should grow year after year after year. That’s a given if you want to survive or just keep up with inflation.”
- 04:01 – Common mistakes that people make before they find David’s solutions: “I think I see plenty of mistakes all the time. But I think one of the most common mistakes I see is business owners trying to do everything on their own. And that’s just an error that just compounds upon itself.”
- 05:18 – David’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “Well, I think they need to reflect. Yeah, sometimes people are just too busy chopping wood to stop and sharpen the saw. You know, they need to reflect and stop micromanaging, as I said, you know and start delegating.”
- 06:13 – David’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Get a FREE PDF Copy of David’s Best-Selling Book: ultimateCXexperience.info/freeyellowbook
- 07:13 – Q: You’re a dentist. How can you help my business? A: Customer service is in my blood. It’s always been in my blood.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“If you've got a great business, price becomes irrelevant. They won't care what your competitors charge because they get such great value and great relationships from dealing with you.” -David Moffet Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:09
Welcome, everyone, to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. My name is Tom Poland beaming out to you from little Castaways Beach here in Queensland, Australia, joined today by another Australian, David Moffett. Good day, sir. A very warm welcome. Where are you- where are you based?
David Moffet 00:22
Hey, Tom! Thanks for having me. I’m based in Burrawang, New South Wales, which is a little village halfway between Sydney and Canberra. And the 150 residents and famous worldwide have been the site where the movie “Babe: Pig in the City” was filmed.
Tom Poland 00:38
David Moffet 00:38
And so that’s what I look at, all those beautiful green hills, all day long.
Tom Poland 00:42
Stunningly beautiful part of the world. For those of you who don’t know David professionally, he is Dr. David Moffett and with his partner Jayne Band, they’re globally respected speakers and writers on customer service systems and processes. Keyword. So, they coach private SME clients on how to improve their businesses by focusing on customer retention and providing world-class customer service. Which brings us nicely, David, to the title of this interview, which is, “How Can You Use Customer Service Systems to Grow Your Business Profits, Increase Customer Satisfaction, and Reduce Client Complaints to Virtually Zero”. David, sir, our seven minutes starts now. Question number one is who is your ideal client?
David Moffet 01:28
Well, Tom, my ideal client is any small business ranging, in turnover, from 3 million to 50 million with between 5 and 50 or 60 employees, and they want to grow their business.
Tom Poland 01:41
David Moffet 01:42
And they’re concerned about the leaks in their business and they want to grow their business.
Tom Poland 01:45
And I guess they understand that, before you start pumping the business with new clients, you’ve got to figure out how to keep the existing ones happy. So that might lead us nicely into question number two. Six and a half minutes left. What’s the problem you solve?
David Moffet 02:00
Well, the problem I solve is that these businesses want to increase their revenue. They want to increase their top line. They want to increase their bottom line. They want to have, as you just mentioned, they just want to have the customer service systems that retain their customers. Because customers are the lifeblood of every business, and if you’ve got a great reservoir of customers who love your product, and are happy to come and visit your business and refer people to your business and spend more each time they come and come more often, then you’ve got a fantastic foundation to your business. And that’s what they want.
Tom Poland 02:35
Perfect. Thank you, sir. So, question number three, and we’ve got five and a half minutes left. What are some of the typical symptoms that someone listening to this would sort of hear and go, “Oh, my goodness, that’s me!” They’re kind of indicating that they need to look closer or what you’ve got.
David Moffet 02:50
Well, I think the easiest way to identify that you’ve got a problem is that your sales are either dropping, or they’re stagnating. Every business should grow year after year after year. That’s a given if you want to survive or just keep up with inflation. So, if your sales are stagnating, then I think- you’re kind of in a rut. You’re going through the motions. And really, what you need to be doing is you need to be investing in the e-motions of your business and building those relationships with your customers so that your customers actually want to come and do business with you. That when it’s time to do business with you, no matter what your product is, your business is the brand that they can’t live without. And if you’ve got a great business, price becomes irrelevant. They won’t care what your competitors charge because they get such great value and great relationships from dealing with you.
Tom Poland 03:39
Get them addicted! Thank you, sir. And I love that “e-motions”. Very clever! Question number four and we’ve got four and a half minutes left. We’re talking about business owners who are growth orientated. They’re probably ambitious. They’re going to try stuff. So, what I’m interested in now is what are some of the common mistakes that you hear about that people have made before they become clients of yours?
David Moffet 04:01
Well, Tom, I think I see plenty of mistakes all the time. But I think one of the most common mistakes I see is business owners trying to do everything on their own. And that’s just an error that just compounds upon itself. You know, if you’re sick, you’ve got to seek medical attention. If you want to get fit, the easiest way to get fit is to hire a personal trainer and work with them to improve. You know, you can’t- a great Australian saying, yeah, “You don’t own a dog and then bark yourself”. And a lot of these guys do. You know, they try and do everything themselves, like in the field- that where I came from in dentistry. You know, they’re trained at drilling teeth, but all of a sudden, they start trying to teach people how to answer the phone, yet they’ve never answered the phone. They never learned how to answer the phone. And the people they’re teaching know that they’ve never done it.
Tom Poland 04:50
David Moffet 04:50
And another one falls on deaf ears. So, seek help.
Tom Poland 04:55
David Moffet 04:56
Yeah, that’s what they need.
Tom Poland 04:57
Little known secret of success is that you don’t have to be smart. In fact, you only have to be smart enough to know how dumb you are. So, reach out, ask for help, for those areas you don’t really know about. Thank you, sir. Question five, and we’ve got three minutes left. Flowing nicely. One valuable free action, kind of like a top tip that someone could put into place as it may not solve the whole problem, but it might take them a step in the right direction?
David Moffet 05:18
Well, I think they need to reflect. Yeah, sometimes people are just too busy chopping wood to stop and sharpen the saw. You know, they need to reflect and stop micromanaging, as I said, you know and start delegating. Get a board of trusted advisors. Get people who you can trust their opinion. People who’ve done it, not just people with an opinion.
Tom Poland 05:40
David Moffet 05:40
-But people who’ve done it because as you just mentioned, none of us are smarter than all of us. And you can really benefit from outsourcing the things that you aren’t good at and just keep doing the things that you are good at.
Tom Poland 05:52
Right. It’s just an absolute key. It’s the essential ingredient for growth is outsourcing. It’s the delegation. It’s the external advisory board, and so on. Thank you for that. Lots of top tips there. Two minutes left. Question six is, can you give us a valuable free resource, maybe our website address where people can go to and find out more?
David Moffet 06:13
Well, I think the best resource I can give people on this podcast, Tom, is to go to my website and download a free PDF copy of my best-selling book. Now, this best-selling book was a bestseller in its category for 37 months in a row.
Tom Poland 06:29
David Moffet 06:29
It’s not just a dental book, it’s actually a book about customer service. Because really, you know, customer service is a constant. You know, it’s not unique to certain industries, it’s universal. And I think that the number of non-dentists who have read this book and said, “You know, I really got some stuff for my business out of that book.” So, it’s a great book.
Tom Poland 06:49
Inevitable, they get value from that. Thank you. So ultimateCX, stands for customer experience, ultimateCXexperience.info/freeyellowbook. Go get it. Thank you, sir. Question number seven, and we got 55 seconds left. Plenty of time! What’s the one question I should have asked you, but didn’t, and the answer too, please?
David Moffet 07:13
Well, I guess a lot of people are thinking, you know, “You’re a dentist. How can you help my business?” And I’ve got this to say that, really, customer service is in my blood. It’s always been in my blood. Even when I was at university, you know, I worked in retail. I worked in hospitality. I knew that if I didn’t get the tips for serving the drinks, I wasn’t going to, you know, pay my bills or pay my way through university. And, you know, dentistry was what I did. It was just the vehicle that I was in, and I built a great business based on customer service in dentistry. And so, I say to people, “You know, if I can build that in a grudge-by like industry”, you know, grudge bys are like paying your taxes and buying new tires, you’ve just got to do them. Same with dentistry. What could I do in a business where people actually want your products and enjoy buying your products? What do you think I could do to help you grow your business better?
Tom Poland 08:06
David Moffet, thank you so much for your time.
David Moffet 08:08
Thank you, Tom.
Tom Poland 08:10
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