How to Make the Changes You Know You Need to Make – In Just 7 Minutes with Barry Moltz

Check out episode
  • Understand why rewarding yourself is important when wanting to change
  • Discover the reasons why change is very important and crucial for your business
  • Learn more on why you need to focus on starting small rather than starting big


  • Wanting to Make the Change that You Know You Need but Just Find It Too Difficult? Learn the secrets on How to Make Change Easier, More Fun, and More Promising:


Have you been feeling stuck and exhausted whenever you try to make a change in your business and in your life?

Are you struggling with trying to make changes in your business even though you know you need those changes?

Do you want to know the promising secrets on how you can really make a change and make your business better without fear and exhaustion?

Barry Moltz gets owners growing again by unlocking their long forgotten potential. With decades of entrepreneurial experience in his own business ventures as well as consulting countless other entrepreneurs, Barry has discovered the formula to get stuck business owners unstuck and marching forward.

In this episode, Barry talks about how you can understand change and its importance and overcoming the fear of uncertainty that change can bring. He also shares the psychology and value of a rewards system when trying to make the change you know you need in your business.

Check out these episode highlights:

  • 01:48 – Barry’s ideal client: “Our ideal client is anybody that needs to make a change. Too many times in business, people have enough success where they can pay themselves, but they haven’t had enough success, really, for their business to be exactly where they dreamed of it when they actually started this journey.”
  • 02:20 – Problem Barry helps solve: “Well, I work with people to actually make a change, and making a change is incredibly difficult. You know, the reason I wrote this next book was because we brought in a consultant.”
  • 03:42 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Barry: “Well, first of all, what I want to give people to make the change is not a change that they think they need, or someone else has told them they have to make a change, but a change they already need- they know they need to make.”
  • 04:45 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Barry’s solution: “Well, the biggest hurdles are they say it’s too difficult or they actually try it a little bit and they say, ” Ah! I tried it. I told you it wasn’t going to work anyway, so let me go back to the way it was.”
  • 05:59 – Barry’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “Start small. And then when you’re successful, give yourself a reward that you actually make that change.”
  • 06:48 – Barry’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Grab the first free chapters of Barry’s Book:
  • 07:42 – Q: Are you vaccinated? A: Yes!

Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:

“We spend a lot of time complaining about our failures but we never celebrate our successes. And that's a problem.” -Barry Moltz Share on X

(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)

Tom Poland 00:09
Greetings, everyone, and a warm welcome to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. My name is Tom Poland beaming out to you, as always, from little Castaways Beach here, on the white sand, next to the big blue Pacific Ocean- hands across the water, joined today by Barry Moltz. Barry, good day. Sir, where you’re hanging out?

Barry Moltz 00:25
Wow! You’re hanging in a much nicer place than I am. I’m on a high rise in Chicago where no one wants to live these days.

Tom Poland 00:31
Yeah, okay, fair enough. Yeah, that’s definitely different to the beach in little Castaways Beach, uh the high rise in Chicago. But your cafes there are probably pretty good compared to what we’ve got on Castaways Beach because we don’t have any. So-

Barry Moltz 00:42
Well, now that they’re open. But when they were closed, it really wasn’t a lot of fun.

Tom Poland 00:45
Oh, no. No, you’ve heavily invested in your own espresso machine at that point, I think. Folks welcome again. For those of you who don’t know Barry, his specialty, which he’s been doing now for probably more decades than he cares to remember, is getting owners growing again by unlocking their long forgotten potential. It’s so easy in business to get so busy. And to feel like you’re just on this hamster wheel running harder and farther and forgetting about that genius acquire, the thing that you bring to the world that transforms lives and businesses. So, he reminds you of that and unlocks it again. He’s got decades of entrepreneurial experience with his own business ventures, as well as, consulting countless other entrepreneurs. He’s discovered a formula to get stuck business owners unstuck and marching relentlessly forward. Brings us nicely to the title of our interview today, Barry, which is, “How to Make the Changes You Know that You Need to Make”. Barry’s going to show us- how to tell us how to do that in just seven minutes. Barry, our time starts now. Sir, question number one who is your ideal client?

Barry Moltz 01:48
Our ideal client is anybody that needs to make a change. Too many times, Tom, in business, people have enough success where they can pay themselves, but they haven’t had enough success, really, for their business to be exactly where they dreamed of it when they actually started this journey. So, they’re stuck somewhere. They don’t know where and they got to get unstuck.

Tom Poland 02:09
Perfect! Thank you, sir. So that also helps to describe the problem you solve, which is the answer to question number two. So, let me give you this anyway, question number two, anything else about the problem that you solve that you can tell us about?

Barry Moltz 02:20
Well, I work with people to actually make a change, and making a change is incredibly difficult. You know, the reason I wrote this next book was because we brought in a consultant. I sit down with the CEO. We talk about all these changes they want to make. We’d have, you know, here’s what you got to do first, second, third, fourth, and then I go away, and what would happen? Absolutely nothing! They wouldn’t make any of those changes. So, I looked into science, why don’t we make change. And it turns out, our brain doesn’t want us to make a change because it’s a matter of survival. We just want to keep doing the same thing we’ve always done. We only change when we’re in an incredible amount of pain, and we have no choice. And I’m talking about now, where the steps to actually make that change, so you can get it done.

Tom Poland 03:04
Well, I’m all ears because I got a big change I’m trying to make.

Barry Moltz 03:07
What’s that?

Tom Poland 03:08
They’re on financial management. So, let’s move on because this is about the audience, not primarily about me, but I guess-

Barry Moltz 03:15
That’s what my wife tells me! “It’s not all about you, Barry.” I don’t understand that.

Tom Poland 03:20
So, the only reason I raised that is I’m sure everyone, right now, listening to this has something that they would like to change, whether they’ve given up on previously, whether they’ve just being annoyed by it, whether they’re in pain. We’ve all got something. So, tell us, question three, and we’ve got five minutes left, what are some of the typical symptoms? How does someone know they need to listen up to the rest of this interview?

Barry Moltz 03:42
Well, first of all, what I want to give people to make the change is not a change that they think they need, or someone else has told them they have to make a change, but a change they already need- they know they need to make. Because the motivation for change can’t be from an outside consultant, can’t be from one of your spouses, it has to be internally. And the important thing is to start really, really small. People try to start with these big changes and it never happens. Think about, what is the first part. What is the first step? What does 1 A look like? What is zero look like? To actually make that change, try to do that first with the help of a mentor or some kind of support person, and then do the next one, then the next one. You got to start really, really small because change is hard and you got to forgive yourself for your brain badly against them.

Tom Poland 04:30
Right. Thank you, sir. It’s question four, and we’ve got four minutes left. We all want to change something at some point in time, probably going to make some mistakes. So, what are some of the common mistakes you see when people try to make changes? What are the big hurdles they trip over?

Barry Moltz 04:45
Well, the biggest hurdles are they say it’s too difficult or they actually try it a little bit and they say, ” Ah! I tried it. I told you it wasn’t going to work anyway, so let me go back to the way it was.” A lot of people also tried to trick themselves into believing that the change is unnecessary, that the devil they know is better than the devil they don’t know. Or, you know, “The problem isn’t as bad. I can totally deal with it.”

Tom Poland 05:10

Barry Moltz 05:10
There are all these reasons why not to move forward or if they do move forward and fail, they use that failure as a reason. “Never go look at that change again. That’s never going to work.” I was meeting with a client the other day. It’s a family business. I told them what the solution was. He said, “It’s never going to work.” I said, “What’s your alternative? You’ve been doing this way for 10 years.” As Albert Einstein said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result.” You’ve got to make that change.

Tom Poland 05:38
Right. And, being aware of those self-sabotaging beliefs that get in the way of making those changes is key for that. So that brings us on to question number five, and we got three minutes left. You gave us a top tip before about making changes. Have you got another one you could give us? It’s like a valuable free action someone else- You said start small, what else?

Barry Moltz 05:59
Yeah, start small. And then when you’re successful, give yourself a reward that you actually make that change. And so, for me, if I make a change, I give myself a reward which is french fries, which I’m never supposed to eat, but I just love french fries. Or you know, whatever, go out and take a walk or bike or whatever you think you really- what you really enjoy. Give yourself a reward because, you know, this whole idea of getting rewards, we get that a lot when we’re younger. As we get older, we don’t match success with the rewards. We spend a lot of time, Tom, complaining about our failures, but we never celebrate our successes. And that’s a problem.

Tom Poland 06:33
And that’s probably quite important for the unconscious mind to get this idea that if we make the change, it gets rewarded. Thank you for that, sir. So, question number six, and we’ve got just under two minutes left. A valuable free resource. Where can people go to find out more about your work?

Barry Moltz 06:48
Well, you don’t have to buy the book. You can get free chapters of the book at And next month, I’ll send you the first free chapters of the book including the 20 steps to making change that you can do yourself.

Tom Poland 07:03
Perfect. And we’d be delighted to share that with our audience. So barrymoltz,

Barry Moltz 07:11
Change masters.

Tom Poland 07:11
Change master or masters?

Barry Moltz 07:15
Change masters.

Tom Poland 07:16
Plural. Thank you, sir. Question number seven, lots of time left. 70 seconds, in fact. Question number seven is what’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t?

Barry Moltz 07:24
I thought you’re going to ask me if I was vaccinated.

Tom Poland 07:27
About what, sorry?

Barry Moltz 07:28
If I was vaccinated! People keep asking me that question every time I see them. And the answer is yes.

Tom Poland 07:34
Yes! Both shots. Oh, well, thank you for letting us know about that.

Barry Moltz 07:38
You’re very welcome. It’s on everyone’s mind now, Tom.

Tom Poland 07:41
It is right now. It is. Yeah. All right.

Barry Moltz 07:43
And how upset am I that the Cubs trade away their entire team? Very.

Tom Poland 07:48
Yeah. My second shot’s happening next week. Looking forward to it. Barry Moltz, thanks so much for your time.

Barry Moltz 07:53
Tom, thank you so much for having me.

Tom Poland 07:56
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