The One Mistake Everyone Makes on Webinars that Cost Them 50% of Sales – In Just 7 Minutes with Steve Werner

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  • Discover the promising techniques that will always keep your audience present and engaged whether live or online
  • Find out what mistakes you should drop from your webinars before it costs you 50% of your sales
  • Learn why building a relationship with your audience through a webinar guarantees a better result than just teaching about your presentation


  • Wanting to Know How You Can Separate Yourself from the Boring “Cardboard Cut-out” Presentations and Sell with Your Heart? Learn More on how you can make an amazing webinar that will guarantee you sales:


Have you found yourself being stuck in awkward silence or inescapable tension when it comes to hosting your own online webinar?

Are you constantly having a hard time trying to keep your talk engaging and your audience hooked on your story?

Do you want to know the promising techniques on how to maximize your webinar’s potential, and turn your audience to potential new clients?

Steve Werner went from failing at holding live events to holding over 50 live events for himself and his clients. He has spoken on more than 200 stages and critiqued over 160 sales presentations. During COVID, he pivoted to helping 27 coaches and online entrepreneurs launch webinars during COVID with more than $3.6 million in sales in the last 12 months.

In this episode, Steve debunks the do’s and don’ts of webinars and shows how you can step up your webinar game, keep your audience hooked, and turn them into potential clients!

Check out these episode highlights:

  • 01:29 – Steve’s ideal client: “Coaches, consultants, anyone who sells something online or drives people to calls.”
  • 01:42 – Problem Steve helps solve: “I help people build one too many sales presentations. One too many can be one to five. It can be one to 50. It can be one to 500. But I help people get their message out in a way that isn’t boring.”
  • 02:53 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Steve: “if you tried holding a webinar, or any kind of web presentation in the last year, and you haven’t gotten sales from it, or you’ve seen people falling off, right? You see a lot of people turn their camera off, then you see the number of people on fall down, or you’ve tried doing Facebook Lives and you’re not getting any engagement.”
  • 03:37 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Steve’s solution: “Usually, it’s that they’re just trying to do a webinar, right? So, the number one thing that everyone defaults for- defaults to, and the title of this talk is- everybody, the number one mistake is they start off and they say, “Hey, guys, what’s going on? I’m glad you’re here.” They might not be that excited.”
  • 05:24 – Steve’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “Two things, one, use way more stories. So, the minute people- you’re starting your presentation, launch right into a story. So, you want to phrase your story in three key areas- pain that they experience, the lightbulb moment that changed everything, and a big asterisk here, this should link to what you sell or what you do for people.”
  • 06:43 – Steve’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Check out Steve’s 5-Step Course:
  • 07:09 – Q: When is somebody ready for a webinar or a presentation? A: As soon as you get started.

Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:

“It is much better to teach one small meaningful thing and engage with people than to teach, teach, teach. Because people buy from people they know, like, and trust.” -Steve Werner Share on X

(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)

Tom Poland 00:09
Welcome, everyone, to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. My name is Tom Poland beaming out to you, as always, from little- the white sand of Castaways Beach next to the Big Blue Ocean called the Pacific, here at little Castaways Beach in Queensland, Australia, joined today by Steve Werner. Steve, good day! Sir, how are you doing? Where are you hanging out?

Steve Werner 00:26
I’m doing great. Thank you. I am in Reno, Nevada today.

Tom Poland 00:29
How’s the surf today in Reno?

Steve Werner 00:31
Not very good.

Tom Poland 00:34
Well, you do stand surfing, probably. So, folks, if you don’t know Steve, he went from failing at holding live events, which is pretty easy to do actually. That’s not the sensational part about his bio. He went from there and didn’t freakin well give up to holding over 50 live events for himself and his clients. And if you think that 50 live events is not a lot, just go ahead and try it because it is a motherload! He’s spoken on more than 200 stages. He’s critiqued over 160 sales presentations. During COVID, he helped 27 coaches pivot to online. Entrepreneurs launch webinars during COVID with more than $3.6 million in sales in the last 12 months alone. Great to have you on the show, Steve! A real expert. Our title today is, “The One Mistake that Everyone Makes on Webinars that Cost Them 50% of Sales”. Steve, sir, our time starts now. Question number one, who is your ideal client?

Steve Werner 01:29
Coaches, consultants, anyone who sells something online or drives people to calls.

Tom Poland 01:36
Perfect! Thank you, sir. Question number two, six minutes- seven minutes left, almost, because that was so succinct. What’s the problem you solve for them?

Steve Werner 01:42
So, I help people build one too many sales presentations. One too many can be one to five. It can be one to 50. It can be one to 500. But I help people get their message out in a way that isn’t boring. Who in here has been on a webinar or seen a web presentation in the last six months? Who in here has fallen asleep on one? Everyone, right? Because they suck 95% of people had to pivot to online during COVID, and all of them just thought, “Well, I’ll just get on and teach.” They don’t understand that your energy gets sapped by this thing we call a “camera”. They don’t understand that it’s not about teaching, it’s about building relationships. They make all the mistakes, which has led to Zoom fatigue, but I have news. Everybody can still have an amazing one too many sales presentation and skyrocket your sales using just that.

Tom Poland 02:33

Steve Werner 02:33
Just natural charisma, getting through to people and- you don’t need natural charisma. That’s what I meant to say. Just talking to people.

Tom Poland 02:40
Cool. So, question number three is- let’s say you got five and a half minutes left. What are some of the typical symptoms? So, if someone’s listening to this, it’s kind of like their heads up? How do they know that they need to reach out and find out more about what you do? What’s going on?

Steve Werner 02:53
Sure. So, if you tried holding a webinar, or any kind of web presentation in the last year, and you haven’t gotten sales from it, or you’ve seen people falling off, right? You see a lot of people turn their camera off, then you see the number of people on fall down, or you’ve tried doing Facebook Lives and you’re not getting any engagement. It’s because you’re doing the wrong things.

Tom Poland 03:15
Okay. So, if you’re listening to this, folks, and you try to do events, and you feel like people are fading out, then you want to listen up to this. We’re talking about smart people. They’re being proactive. They’re doing marketing. They’re giving it a fair crack of the whip. Five minutes left. Question number four, they’re going to try stuff, so what are the common things that they are trying to increase engagement that, frankly, are just mistakes?

Steve Werner 03:37
Usually, it’s that they’re just trying to do a webinar, right? So, the number one thing that everyone defaults for- defaults to, and the title of this talk is- everybody, the number one mistake is they start off and they say, “Hey, guys, what’s going on? I’m glad you’re here.” They might not be that excited. And then they go right into how great they are.

Tom Poland 03:59

Steve Werner 03:59
That is the worst possible thing you can do. The second worst possible thing you can do is to teach, to launch into teaching. So really quick, Tom, I want you to think back to high school or college. I want you to think of your favorite teacher. And I want you to think of your least favorite teacher. Your least favorite teacher, you probably walked in. They were standing at the board. If it was like me, they were on a chalkboard with that noise. If you’re a little bit younger, maybe it’s a dry erase board, but they’re teaching, teaching, teaching! They look over their shoulder. They give you a ton of homework, and they teach, teach, teach. If you were like me, you put your head down, you pass notes or you ran out the back door. Now give your favorite teacher. Your favorite teacher taught less but engaged more. It’s not about what you teach. Our ego tells us, “We have to teach everything we know in order for people to pay attention to us”. But it is much better to teach one small meaningful thing and engage with people than to teach, teach, teach. Because people buy from people they know, like, and trust. They’ll get on calls with people that they like having a conversation with, not somebody who is boring as crap.

Tom Poland 05:09
Thank you, sir. So that’s question number four, done! Question number five and three minutes left. A valuable free action, like a top tip. We’ve talked a lot about what people should not be doing, give us a “how-to” or step forward. May not solve the whole problem, but it’d be a really good head start for folks.

Steve Werner 05:24
Two things, one, use way more stories. So, the minute people- you’re starting your presentation, launch right into a story. So, you want to phrase your story in three key areas- pain that they experience, the lightbulb moment that changed everything, and a big asterisk here, this should link to what you sell or what you do for people. And then what is it like after the problem. So, at the very start of your webinar, your Facebook Live, your presentation, you want to talk about a client who struggled with the same thing that your audience is struggling with briefly. “So, I was able to start working with them, and we help them get x, y, z results.” That gets people to say, “Oh my God, that’s amazing!” The second really big tip I’ll give you, you can use a state break at the beginning. If I tell you I had an amazing spinach and sun-dried tomato omelette this morning, with melted runny cheese. What are you thinking about? Nothing but what I’m saying. You can describe a scene. This is what authors do, this is what movies do to grab your attention in the first five seconds. Describe something, anything, then tell them that story we just laid out and you will have their attention.

Tom Poland 06:34
Perfect! Thank you, Steve. And we’ve got 95 seconds left, two questions to go. Question number six is a valuable free resource we could direct people to that’s going to help them more.

Steve Werner 06:43
Sure! Deathtobadwebinars. That is my free course. So, this isn’t just a PDF, it is a course. It has five videos, five worksheets, and five walkthroughs of how to build an amazing presentation. It’s yours for FREE,

Tom Poland 07:00
Perfect. Thank you, Steve. And question number seven, we’ve got 67- no, 70 seconds left. What’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t?

Steve Werner 07:09
When is somebody ready for a webinar or a presentation?

Tom Poland 07:13
And the answer?

Steve Werner 07:14
As soon as you get started. When you build a great presentation, you’re starting- you always start with the offer. What is the offer? What’s the- that is different from the call to action. Offer is, is it a course? Is it coaching? Is it working one on one with me? Look at the outcome that that gets. From there, you then go into, what’s the CTA? How are they going to do that? Are they going to a landing page to buy it? Or are they getting on a call? From there, from the pain points that you solve, you can build all the stories and the one, two, or three key teaching points that you need in your presentation. A good presentation has more than 50 stories in it. That is a 30-minute presentation. If you go back and listen to this seven minutes, I gave you at least six different stories in here.

Tom Poland 08:00
Perfect. Steve Werner, thank you so much for your time.

Steve Werner 08:03
My pleasure.

Tom Poland 08:04
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