- Discover how you can market intangibles and keep your Zoom meetings fun and engaging
- Find out why you need to invest in good entertainment for your Zoom meetings
- Learn more on what kinds of entertainment fits for your corporate Zoom meetings and translates well virtually
- Wanting to Know How You Can Keep Your Zoom Meetings Fun and Engaging? Learn more on how magic can be one of the best virtual entertainment experiences you can give at your Zoom meetings: Danchanmagic.com
Have you been feeling like your Zoom meetings are boring and your audience is not engaging?
Do you want to know how you can spice up your Zoom meetings and keep your audience hooked up on what you have to say?
Are you ready to find out how magic is one of the best virtual entertainments you can invest in?
Daniel Chan is an internationally renowned, award-winning magician and mind-reader. He presents world-class magic and mind-reading. Dan has performed 5000 plus shows worldwide. He provided the perfect entertainment solution for savvy corporate audiences.
In this episode, Daniel talks about the difficulties brought by virtual meetings– from learning how to get your message through the screen to keep your audience engaged. He also shares his insights on how magic is the best online entertainment you can invest in for your Zoom meetings.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:34 – Daniel’s ideal client: “Corporations or anyone looking to make a zoom event more engaging.”
- 01:43 – Problem Daniel helps solve: “Boring zoom events. Often people are not engaged. They’re thinking, “Oh, it’s the same meeting. It’s the same boring thing.”
- 02:28 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Daniel: “Often you’re going to do meetings, and you’ll see people with their cameras off. Those are some symptoms. Often people are muted, or they’re not sharing their screen. You can tell they’re probably not engaged.”
- 03:14 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Daniel’s solution: “Virtual cooking shows, and many other things that don’t translate. For example, you can see videos of magicians engaging, and you can actually see full demos, but, imagine, how is a cooking show better virtually than in person?”
- 04:05 – Daniel’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “Call for a free demo that we could do over Zoom so that you can actually experience it. Watching a video of someone doing magic over Zoom isn’t as engaging as me directly reading your mind.”
- 04:34 – Daniel’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Check out Daniel’s Website: Danchanmagic.com
- 05:10 – Q: How did you get to so many billionaires and corporations? A: Targeted ads that were done by zip code and many other marketing strategies.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Find out what your goal is and find steps to reverse engineer it.” -Daniel Chan Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Greetings, everyone, and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. I’m Tom Poland beaming out to you from little Castaways Beach in Queensland, Australia, joined today by Daniel Chan. Danchan.com. I say Danchanmagic.com is his website. A very warm welcome, Daniel.
Daniel Chan 00:26
Thanks for having me, Tom.
Tom Poland 00:27
You’re welcome! Where are you actually calling in from?
Daniel Chan 00:30
Fremont, California, where all the Teslas are made.
Tom Poland 00:33
Where all the Teslas are made. Oh, that’s handy! Okay, so for those of you who don’t know Daniel, he’s an internationally renowned award-winning magician and mind reader. Wow! He presents absolutely world-class magic and mind-reading acts. He’s performed, get this, 5000 plus shows worldwide. That is simply extraordinary! Dan, I’ve done over 500 public speaking events, I cannot add a zero onto that. I’d be dead! He provides-
Daniel Chan 01:04
Last year since March, I did 400 virtual events.
Tom Poland 01:08
400 virtual events! So that’s the other thing that I really liked and admired about what you’ve done with COVID and the pandemic. You’ve pivoted from stages to virtual events. And, people are very surprised how well magic can work on Zoom. He provides the perfect entertainment solution for savvy corporate audiences. And our subject today, provided by Dan, is, “How to Market Intangibles” and Daniel’s going to share with us how to do that in just seven minutes. Dan, our time starts now. So who’s your ideal client?
Daniel Chan 01:34
Corporations or anyone looking to make a zoom event more engaging.
Tom Poland 01:39
Thank you, sir. And what’s the problem you solve, and that’s question two.
Daniel Chan 01:43
Boring zoom events. Often people are not engaged. They’re thinking, “Oh, it’s the same meeting. It’s the same boring thing.” And often, you just need to spice things up and do something different and actually give them entertainment instead of telling people to work, work, work. People need to relax. And often you want to engage them by asking questions, but also throwing in that entertainment.
Tom Poland 02:08
I can just imagine the razzle-dazzle that the energy and the laughter and just the whole level of attentiveness will go up! So let’s talk about the symptoms. Question number three, and we’ve got six minutes left. Let’s say there’s a corporate leader, how would they know they need your services? What are the symptoms? What’s going on? Boring meetings were one of them, right?
Daniel Chan 02:28
Yeah, often you’re going to do meetings, and you’ll see people with their cameras off. Those are some symptoms. Often people are muted, or they’re not sharing their screen. You can tell they’re probably not engaged, perhaps they’re washing dishes or doing something else. And you can force them to turn on the screens, but also change things up and show that you care.
Tom Poland 02:52
Right. And probably also the person is actually looking at a completely different screen over somewhere else. So let’s talk about some of the common mistakes. Question four, and five and a half minutes left. Going great for time! You’ve got this corporate leader who’s holding these virtual events, and they’re going, “You know, I don’t think I’ve got the attention of my people.” They’re going to try stuff. So what are some of the common mistakes that people try, and should they really avoid?
Daniel Chan 03:14
Virtual cooking shows, and many other things that don’t translate. For example, you can see videos of magicians engaging, and you can actually see full demos, but, imagine, how is a cooking show better virtually than in person? Certain things can’t be replicated, at least in my opinion. I’ve seen Zoom cooking shows, and I’ve just kind of checked out because the production value is a lot lower. It’s a new space. It’s really not workable at this point on.
Tom Poland 03:46
You have to have a full production set for that which most corporate board meetings or sales meetings, or whatever, don’t have. So let’s talk about one valuable free action. Question five, four and a half minutes left. What’s one thing that a corporate leader could do with Zoom meetings, etc, that it’s not gonna solve the whole problem, but it might just be a tip that helps them a little bit?
Daniel Chan 04:05
Call for a free demo that we could do over Zoom so that you can actually experience it. Watching a video of someone doing magic over Zoom isn’t as engaging as me directly reading your mind. And then you want to pass that experience that you just had, personally, to your team members.
Tom Poland 04:23
I think that’s a great idea! And you’ve mentioned that before the interview started, you have a five-minute Zoom call, which is kind of like a demo of how this could- it’s completely free. So where can people go to book that?
Daniel Chan 04:34
You can go to Danchanmagic or millionairesmentalist.com.
Tom Poland 04:39
So Danchanmagic.com. Book, a five-minute Zoom call. Folks, this is not like a paid advertorial type thing. I’m interviewing Daniel because I think it would be a fantastic opportunity for those of you running meetings and you’ve got Zoom happening and people are fading out and they’ve got their webcam off. Big hand there. Thanks, Dan. So it’s Dan, D-A-N, Chan, C-H-A-N, magic.com. The final question, Dan, is- and we’ve got three minutes left, so plenty of time to answer if you want. What’s the one question I should have asked you, but didn’t?
Daniel Chan 05:10
How did you get to so many billionaires and corporations?
Tom Poland 05:15
And how did you?
Daniel Chan 05:16
Targeted ads that were done by zip code and many other marketing strategies. For example, if Mountain View has Google, you can actually target specifically the zip code of Google and target people who are searching for corporate events. So I actually have worked for Google 40 times, Airbnb over six times, Lift Salesforce, Netflix, Uber, all these companies were specifically targeted, and I had an end goal in mind. Find out what your goal is, which mine was to become the top corporate entertainer in the world, and find steps to reverse engineer it.
Tom Poland 05:54
Perfect! Daniel Chan, thank you so much for your time and your insights. Folks, Danchanmagic.com. Book yourself a five-minute demo of how you can spice up your meetings using some Dan Chan magic! Thanks, Dan.
Tom Poland 06:08
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