- Understand why your individual brilliance isn’t enough when it comes to scaling up your business
- Find out how you can achieve the “business owner joy” that can guarantee help in growing your business profitably and sustainably
- Learn what are the three components that you should watch out and work on to achieve business growth
- Wanting to Find Out How to Put Joy Into Your Business, Smile on Your Clients’ Faces, and More Profit on Your Pocket? Learn out how to scale your business using your own individual brilliance: www.abundance.global
Do you have all these life and business goals but feel like you’ve been stuck at a business plateau?
Have you been wanting to know how to scale up our business fast and sustainably?
Are you ready to know more about how you can generate more clients, more profit, and more joy in your business?
Dr. David Dugan is a highly sought-after Business Coach, Mentor, and Co-author of “Bullet Proof Business”. He has personally guided over 2000 business owners towards a better lifestyle.
In this episode, Dr. David talks about how you can grow out your business sustainably and profitably through achieving the “business owner joy”. He also shares what are the top three common mistakes that you should be stopping or avoiding that can affect your business and self-growth.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:25 – David’s ideal client: “Ideal clients are entrepreneurs or business owners who have well-established businesses. They’ve got a proven concept. So they’re already good at what they do.”
- 01:48 – Problem David helps solve: “The biggest challenge that we see for the well-established business is the question they ask themselves, “How do I scale my business?” and not really scale it, because no one’s going to grow or scale their business into the plain.”
- 02:38 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to David: “Well, I’d like to start with a little bit of a story. Because in the business world, when you do an amazing job at helping tell a different story that– you know, you’ve heard it even in the last 12 months, there are business owners who have really struggled over the last year.”
- 04:52 – Common mistakes that people make before they find David’s solution: “Three things that really stand out to me. Number one is they don’t know how to read the scoreboard of business.”
- 06:11 – David’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “I think the first thing is what we’ve talked about right now, Tom, is to be intentional. Be intentional around your business. And then there is, even though, initially, I can seem a little bit warm and fluffy, there’s a real specific structure.”
- 07:06 – David’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Check out David’s Website: www.abundance.global
- 07:44 – Q: How do you choose the best coach, someone to support you? A: And that is making sure they’ve got results and they can help you in what you’re doing. Results-based.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Be intentional around your business.” -David Dugan Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Welcome, everyone, to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. I’m Tom Poland beaming out to you from little Castaways Beach here in Queensland, Australia, joined today by David Dugan. David, good day, sir. Welcome.
David Dugan 00:22
Good day, Tom!
Tom Poland 00:22
Where are you hanging out? Where are you calling in from?
David Dugan 00:24
I mean, Brisbane, so just down the road from your place.
Tom Poland 00:27
Bris-Vegas, as we call it here. Voted on more than one occasion the world’s most livable city, by the way, folks, so nice part of the world to be in. For those of you who don’t know David, he’s actually Dr. David Dugan. He is a highly sought-after Business Coach. He’s got a global business. He’s a mentor and co-author of “Bullet Proof Business”. And he’s personally guided over 2000 business owners and entrepreneurs to create a better lifestyle and a better business. So brings us nicely, David, to the title of this interview which is, “How to Generate More Clients, More Profit and”- drum roll, “More Joy in Your Business”. And personally, I just love the fact that we’ve got someone out there like David who’s injecting joy into business because so many people feel like their business is a grind. And it doesn’t have to be that way. So in seven minutes, David is going to share with us how to transform your business into one that gets more clients, more profit, and more joy. David, our time starts now. Sir, question number one, seven minutes, who is your ideal client?
David Dugan 01:25
Ideal clients are entrepreneurs or business owners who have well-established businesses. They’ve got a proven concept. So they’re already good at what they do. That’s the first part. The second part is they have a very high commitment to growth– growth in themselves, and especially growth in their business, Tom.
Tom Poland 01:41
Beautiful! And why wouldn’t you want to grow both yourself and your business? Question number two, six and a half minutes left, what’s the problem you solve?
David Dugan 01:48
For, I think, the biggest challenge that we see for the well-established business is the question they ask themselves, “How do I scale my business?” and not really scale it, because no one’s going to grow or scale their business into the plain. And that’s the biggest thing and people hit this plateau. So the problem we solve is we help people to scale their business to create a true asset that can work without them. And without having to jump on the flavor of the month, marketing thing, or being overstressed, or running out of cash, but how to do it sustainably and profitably.
Tom Poland 02:19
And joyfully, by the sound of it!
David Dugan 02:21
And joyfully, well it’s a big deal, exactly.
Tom Poland 02:23
So six minutes left, sir. Question number three, what I’m up to here are the typical symptoms that your ideal clients experience before they start working with you. What’s going on in their life, or their business that might give listeners here a bit of a heads up that they should find out more about what you do?
David Dugan 02:38
Well, I’d like to start with a little bit of a story. Because in the business world, when you do an amazing job at helping tell a different story that– you know, you’ve heard it even at the last 12 months, there are business owners who have really struggled over the last year– the uncertainty of business, how to get leads, there’s a why what you do, what you do, how to lead their team and how to get more cash flow. Then there are other people that because of the industry they’re in, they’ve really cranked it. They’ve done really, really well. What ends up happening, though, is they get to a place and go, “Oh, my hell! You know, what am I doing here? I’ve got a bit of an imposter syndrome.” And then they start struggling to lead their team. They start to feel overwhelmed with all the things that they need to do. I think it’s time we tell a different story, a story of hope, a story of confidence, and a story of true sustainable success, and what we talked about, which is “business owner joy”. So, for example, one of our members runs a construction tight in the construction space, was a bit over the seven-figure business, in business for quite a few years, and he came to us stressed around what, you know, he reached a plateau of his individual brilliance. And it was about two and a half years that we’ve helped to shape that business so it doesn’t need having worked in it. He’s created a true asset that gives him money, gives him time, and gives him the place to make a bigger impact on the planet. And those three things together are what we call “joy”. And right now, as we’re speaking, he’s in negotiations, and again, this was just a relatively small seven-figure business. He’s going to sell that business for $13.4 million, well technical all-around that. In the process of doing that, we unpacked his intellectual property. We always leave the genius in, pull that out as a second business, and then about three months’ time that business is going to sell for over $40 million. He’s only 35. So that gives you a bit of an idea. Once you are intentional around the business and go in and go, “What do I want to have out of it?” around those three categories– money, time, and impact. And you join those together, that’s how you create true joy. And for him now, he never needs to work again. He’s got what we call “intergenerational wealth”.
Tom Poland 04:37
Great story! Question number four, we’ve got three and a half minutes left. Some of the common mistakes. So folks like this, obviously, sounds like he was struggling a bit- successful business but still feeling stressed, etc. What would you say are some of the common mistakes that folks like that have made before they find your solution?
David Dugan 04:52
Yeah, three things that really stand out to me. Number one is they don’t know how to read the scoreboard of business. There are five financial dials that everyone needs to know– what they are, and know what they are, and then they need to know how to read. And that’s the first thing! If you can’t read the scoreboard- there’s a one by, “If you can’t read the scoreboard, then how do you know if you’re winning or losing.” And so that’s a very big one, and also helps you to shape up your product offerings. So that’s big. And the second thing is that people need to go to principles around their lead generation. This is what you help at, Tom, with what you’re doing. All we see is people are jumping from one bright, shiny object to the next one. And they have “flavor of the month” marketing rather than things that are more sustainable. That’s the second one. And then the third one is, most of the people we work with have either a tertiary qualification or they’ve gone through many years of the University of hard knocks, they’re highly skilled at what they do. They think that their own individual brilliance is going to help them because it got them to be successful, but they think that “Well, I should know how to do it. And that I need to do a little bit more to get to the next one.” So those are the three things around are, the scoreboard, how to do effective, consistent lead generation, and, number one, thinking that their own individual brilliance will be the thing that will get them to the next level.
Tom Poland 06:02
So true! Thank you for that. Two minutes left. Question number five, what’s one valuable free action like a top tip, not going to solve the whole problem but might get people to head in the right direction?
David Dugan 06:11
Yeah, totally! Well, I think the first thing is what we’ve talked about right now, Tom is to be intentional. Be intentional around your business. And then there is, even though that, initially, I can seem a little bit warm and fluffy, there’s a real specific structure. I’ve done 18 years in the military, served in the Middle East, was in the tsunami when hits. So we have a structure that we have which is understanding how do you map the financial goals into the time goals and into the impact goals. And all three of them need to be matched. So that you start off with that whole Stephen Covey, begin with the end in mind. Really begin with the end in mind so that you can have the business- you tell the business what you want out of it.
Tom Poland 06:48
And that’s what you mean by being intentional, being clear about what you want the business to look like, what’s going to come out of it, what you’re going to put into it. Get very conscious, very clear. Thank you for that! We’ve got one minute left, two questions to go. One valuable free resource. Where can we direct people to so they can find out more about this? I believe you have a joy playbook.
David Dugan 07:06
We do! We have a Joy Builder Roadmap Playbook. So what we’re going to do, on our website, www.abundance.global. If you jump on the website there, there is an “Explore & Learn”. There’ll be a heap of videos but, specifically, there’s one that has the “Joy Build a Roadmap”. It’s a PDF. It’s very structured. It’s going to take you from 3, 2, and 1 year. It’s going to connect everything from your team, right through to your promotions. Really, anyone can do it.
Tom Poland 07:32
So abundance.global. Look for the “Explore & Learn” tab and then have a look for the “Joy-”
David Dugan 07:38
“Builder Roadmap.”
Tom Poland 07:39
Well, thank you, sir. We’ve got 12 seconds left. What’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t?
David Dugan 07:44
How do you choose the best coach, someone to support you? And that is making sure they’ve got results and they can help you in what you’re doing. Results-based.
Tom Poland 07:53
Look for evidence. David, thanks so much for your time.
Tom Poland 07:57
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