- Discover why search engine rankings should greatly matter to you and your business’s visibility
- Learn how SEO is ever-changing and is not something to be done by a one-man team
- Find out how you can spend less to no money on SEO while making the most out of it
- Wanting to Know More About Search Engine Optimization and Help Your Business Change Its Visibility Game Online? Learn what are the best digital marketing strategies that can guarantee an up in your search engine rank while spending lesser money and time: getvisible.com/buy-the-book/
Do you often feel like your business isn’t gaining much traction and visibility online?
Have you been struggling to look for a digital marketing strategy that would best fit your business online?
Are you ready to find out the power of search engine optimization for a lesser expense and lesser time?
Jason Ciment was, formerly, an attorney and CPA. He runs a digital marketing agency out of Phoenix and Los Angeles that focuses on SEO, Social Media Marketing and Web Design for WordPress and eCommerce powered websites.
In this episode, Jason talks about how SEO will guarantee you more clients, more views, and more profit for your business online at a low expense and lesser time. He also shares what are the common mistakes when it comes to starting and handling SEO that you should be avoiding.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:03 – Jason’s ideal client: “Someone who values their time at $300 or more per hour is my ideal client.”
- 01:15 – Problem Jason helps solve: “So it’s to help them understand that no matter how much they try, they’re not going to be as good as our team at getting them ranked on Google or Bing. So the first step in our traffic solution is to get them rankings on the search engines.”
- 01:50 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Jason: “Well, first of all, if they go to Google and type in the search, and they see their competition beating them, that’s the first sign they have a problem.”
- 02:26 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Jason’s solution: “So the first thing is they tried to do it themselves, which almost, remember, if my ideal client is the $300 or more per hour earner, they shouldn’t be spending time doing SEO. The arbitrage is just too amazing for them.”
- 03:30 – Jason’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “ So there’s one idea, it’s called an “expert roll-up”, or a “leaderboard” is another way of understanding it, which gives you the power of two for one action. So if, let’s say you, find 10 people in your Rolodex that are good referral sources, or they add to the credibility because you’re part of the conversation that they’re having online.”
- 04:36 – Jason’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Check out Jason’s Book: getvisible.com/buy-the-book/
- 05:45 – Q: What makes you different or better than people who do what you do? A: Well, first of all, I’ve lived on the other side of the table as the client for years running an eCommerce business. So I’ve been an entrepreneur. I’ve been the guy fighting budgets and figuring out how to do things.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“The algorithm is moving fast. The whole idea of just having a staged set of deliverables to do SEO, that's very, as that song goes, 2008.” -Jason Ciment Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Welcome, everyone, to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. My name is Tom Poland beaming out to you from little Castaways Beach in Queensland, Australia, joined today by Jason Ciment. Jason, good day! Sir, a very warm welcome. Where are you based?
Jason Ciment 00:23
I am in Los Angeles, California. Good to meet you!
Tom Poland 00:25
It’s great to have you here. For those of you who don’t know Jason, he’s formerly an attorney and CPA, which is pretty amazing in and of itself, double degrees. He runs a digital marketing agency out of Phoenix and Los Angeles that focuses on SEO. For those of you that don’t know, that’s Search Engine Optimization, so how to get found easily on Google, organically. Also, social media marketing and web design for WordPress and eCommerce powered websites. The title today, folks, you’re going to learn, “How to Get Search Engine Rankings Without Spending a Dime”. Jason’s going to share with us how to do that in just seven minutes. Jason, sir, our seven minutes starts now. Question number one, who is your ideal client?
Jason Ciment 01:03
Someone who values their time at $300 or more per hour is my ideal client.
Tom Poland 01:09
Perfect! Thank you. Question number two is what is the problem you solve for that $300 an hour or more person?
Jason Ciment 01:15
So it’s to help them understand that no matter how much they try, they’re not going to be as good as our team at getting them ranked on Google or Bing. So the first step in our traffic solution is to get them rankings on the search engines.
Tom Poland 01:30
Perfect. Thank you. So they can get found, get visible and get traffic and get conversions.
Jason Ciment 01:36
Tom Poland 01:37
Question number three, we’ve got just under six and a half minutes left. What are some of the typical symptoms that people who need your service, before they get the service, they’re going to be experiencing? What’s going on in their business? What are their frustrations? How do they know they need you?
Jason Ciment 01:50
Well, first of all, if they go to Google and type in the search, and they see their competition beating them, that’s the first sign they have a problem.
Tom Poland 01:57
Jason Ciment 01:58
The second thing may be that just from a reputational standpoint, not necessarily just the lead if they want to own certain phrases, and they’re walking in, and they’re trying to compete in a conversation, having a top-ranking helps build their credibility as a leader in the industry.
Tom Poland 02:15
Perfect. Thank you, sir. So question number four, what are some of the common mistakes that people make in trying to get found on the internet before they find your solution? Five and a half minutes left.
Jason Ciment 02:26
Right. So the first thing is they tried to do it themselves, which almost, remember, if my ideal client is the $300 or more per hour earner, they shouldn’t be spending time doing SEO. The arbitrage is just too amazing for them. But the most common mistake is thinking that they understand SEO because they’re using tactics that they read about years ago. And they think, “Okay, I gotta get keywords. I got to get some rank, some backlinks to my site.” And they just don’t understand that the algorithm has 3000 ranking factors. The algorithm is moving fast. The whole idea of just having a staged set of deliverables to do SEO, that’s very, as that song goes, 2008.
Tom Poland 03:09
Amen to that! I’ve learned that from experience. You got to have an expert looking at this stuff, folks. You can’t expect to do SEO yourself. So let’s talk about- let’s flip on to question number four with four and a half minutes left. Plenty of time! One valuable free action. Well, it’s like a top tip. They’re gonna need you to solve this problem, but what might be a step that’ll take them in the right direction?
Jason Ciment 03:30
So there’s one idea, it’s called an “expert roll-up”, or a “leaderboard” is another way of understanding it, which gives you the power of two for one action. So if let’s say, you find 10 people in your Rolodex that are good referral sources, or they add to the credibility because you’re part of the conversation that they’re having online. If you approach the 10 of them with a question, ask them to give you an answer, you can create an article. If they give you a video answer, you can create a video out of that. And you can put together an article that you’re not only posting on your website, but you’re distributing it to those 10 people who will redistribute it to their own audiences and their own social channels. So you’re getting, potentially, a backlink, credibility, and exposure all from what takes, maybe, two hours.
Tom Poland 04:22
Very, very clever! Scalable solution. So question number five, thank you for that, sir. Question six, I should say, where can people go to find out more about how to do all this and how to reach out to you as well. A valuable free resource, three and a half minutes left.
Jason Ciment 04:36
So I wrote this book, “I Need More Clients” a couple of years back. So if they go to the website for our company called Get Visible, they go to getvisible.com/buy-the-book/, buy-the-book. They can, first of all, sign up for my newsletter which is very unique and peculiar. And in one sense it’s about marketing, but really, it’s about gaming the system. It’s almost like you wrote in the 1970s about taking on the man. So we’re taking on the dollar bill. How do we stretch that dollar and compete against the big gorillas? So there’s always something in my newsletter that is- it’s a- what do you call it? A life hack on business. So on top of it, if you email me through that, I can send you a copy of the book. You don’t even have to buy it on Amazon, I’ll send it to you personally.
Tom Poland 05:24
So, folks, go to getvisible.com/buy-the-book/. Sign up for the newsletter. Get the book or email Jason, and you’ll get a free copy. Thanks for that, sir. We’ve got two minutes left, so plenty of time for the last question, which is, what’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t?
Jason Ciment 05:45
I think the question we get asked the most in a service business, and maybe you get it as well, is “What makes you different or better than people who do what you do?” Because people try to commoditize service providers all the time, and they forget, like in the car business, you can get from here to there, but do you want to drive a Hugo? Or do you want to drive a Mercedes? Or do you want to drive a Tesla? So it’s not just a means to an end. The means are very important. So in regard to what we do, why do we think we’re different? Well, first of all, I’ve lived on the other side of the table as the client for years running an eCommerce business. So I’ve been an entrepreneur. I’ve been the guy fighting budgets and figuring out how to do things. So I say what we’ve tried to do is create transparency in the business. So instead of giving a black box and saying pay us five grand a month, we lay out the details about what’s involved, how much for the content, how much for spending efforts to acquire backlinks, how much to do what we call correlation analysis. So I think the difference is more about attitude and relationship and about skills because a lot of people have the skills but do they really know how to apply those skills that your budget level is? That’s another aspect of it. So hopefully that answers your question.
Tom Poland 06:59
Does indeed. Jason, thank you so much for your time and your advice.
Jason Ciment 07:03
Thank you.
Tom Poland 07:05
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