- Discover how you can systematically and operationally scale your business through your employees
- Find out how to build your management team into a leadership team you can trust
- Learn more on why bringing in skilled employees to your business is better than the “jack of all trades”
- Wanting to Find Out How to Make an Exceptionally Skilled and Good Leader Out of Your Managers? Learn more on how to scale your business through the right investment for growth: Investinyourleaders.com
Have you been feeling stressed and worked out with managing your business and your team?
Do you wish you knew how to turn your managers into better leaders that you can trust?
Are you ready to find out how to grow your people by growing their skills while growing your profits and business?
Cameron is the mastermind behind hundreds of company’s exponential growth and has earned his reputation as the business growth guru. He has built a dynamic consultancy with clients that include a monarchy and a Big 4 wireless company. The author of 5 books, Cameron is also a top-rated international speaker and the founder of the COO Alliance, the World’s Leading Network for Seconds in Command.
In this episode, Cameron talks about how to flip your business to get more clients, more profit, and more growth at the expense of zero stress and better employees. He also shares his tips and insights on the importance of investing in the right employees and making them better leaders you can trust.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 02:11 – Cameron’s ideal client: “The ideal client is a real company, typically, 50 to 500 employees, minimum $5 million in revenue, where they’re looking to scale the organization, and the CEO has realized that they need to empower their second-in-command or their COOs.”
- 02:38 – Problem Cameron helps solve: “The biggest problem I solve is that most entrepreneurs are quite incapable of getting operational and growing the company. And at some point, they need to hire that second-in-command, and they don’t tend to have the skills or the leadership chops to actually build the scale of the company and they get stuck.”
- 03:23 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Cameron: “They’ve usually had their first management team in place. And they’re trying to build that team into a leadership team. You know, they need to get more of the season the leaders.”
- 04:49 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Cameron’s solution: “A lot is the lack of focus. A lot of it is because, more than ever, we’re really being bombarded with information, right? Whether it’s a podcast, or books, or eZines, or magazines, or seminars, or mastermind groups.”
- 05:31 – Cameron’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “The reality is that the core job of the entrepreneur is to grow people, and it’s to grow their confidence and to grow their skills. So I like people to imagine, let’s say that your leaders are climbing up two ladders.”
- 06:21 – Cameron’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Check out Cameron’s Website: Investinyourleaders.com
- 07:17 – A: I think I even want to flip it differently, which is none of this really matters. That at the end of the day, we’re all just walking each other home. And at the end of the day, I think if we focus more on having fun and enjoying the journey and hanging out with good people and spending time with our employees and enjoying their lives and helping them if we can just enjoy the journey, we’ll be successful.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“You're really looking for the true counterpart, a second-in-command, who you can really trust and who's great at the stuff that you suck at, and who doesn't want to get into the stuff that you're really good at.” -Cameron Herold Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Welcome, everyone, to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. My name is Tom Poland beaming out to you from little Castaways Beach here in Queensland, Australia, joined today by another Aussie, Cameron Herold. Good day, sir. Welcome! Where are you hanging out?
Cameron Herold 00:23
Hey, Tom! I’m in Scottsdale, Arizona right now, but I’m going to be over in Italy for the next six weeks starting Friday.
Tom Poland 00:28
Oh, I’m jealous. Obviously far, I have to say, but full respect to those also in Scottsdale. Wonderful place.
Cameron Herold 00:35
I think I’ve been to Castaways Beach. Is that the Airlie Beach area?
Tom Poland 00:38
No, it’s just south of Noosa.
Cameron Herold 00:40
Noosa, okay. Okay, I’ve been to Noosa, as well. No, I stayed at a Castaways resort at Airlie Beat in 1990 December, when we got hit with some cyclone.
Tom Poland 00:51
What perfect timing!
Cameron Herold 00:53
It was a backpacker’s resort called “Castaway”.
Tom Poland 00:55
We are a little further south than that, but still sunny and lots of white sand and blue ocean. Folks, for those of you who don’t know Cameron, he’s one of the most giving people I know. We probably met five or eight years ago for another interview series that I keep stalking around the internet. And he’s just always giving talks and giving free things away. I don’t know if he knows how to say no. I’m sure you do, Cameron, but I’ve seen you say yes to a lot of opportunities. For those of you, however, who have not had the privilege of following Cameron in his footsteps, he’s the mastermind behind hundreds of company’s exponential growth. And before you think you have kind of heard that bio before, he actually is, unlike others who get their mothers to write their bio. This one’s actually being written in the real world. He’s earned his reputation as the business growth guru. He’s built dynamic consultancy with clients that include monarchy, and a Big 4 wireless company. Author of five books, he’s also a top-rated international speaker, founder of the COO Alliance, the World’s Leading Network for Seconds in Command. The title, well qualified to contribute on this subject, is, “How to Invest in Your Leaders and Yourself for Growth”. Cameron, our seven minutes starts now. Sir, question number one is who is your ideal client?
Cameron Herold 02:11
The ideal client is a real company, typically, 50 to 500 employees, minimum $5 million in revenue, where they’re looking to scale the organization, and the CEO has realized that they need to empower their second-in-command or their COOs. So, the COO knows how to grow the company, while the CEO knows what needs to get done.
Tom Poland 02:31
Perfect! Not your first rodeo. Question number two, what is the problem you solve? Six and a half minutes left.
Cameron Herold 02:38
Yeah, the biggest problem I solve is that most entrepreneurs are quite incapable of getting operational and growing the company. And at some point, they need to hire that second-in-command, and they don’t tend to have the skills or the leadership chops to actually build the scale of the company and they get stuck. And if we give them a path kind of over that hurdle, then they can really grow the company.
Tom Poland 02:58
Strategically critical. Never leave an entrepreneur in charge of his or her own idea, right?
Cameron Herold 03:04
Yeah, it’s not an insult against them. I’ve been one my entire life where we play in a different sandbox.
Tom Poland 03:09
We have a different brain. I agree, 100%. Question three, sir, six minutes left, what are some of the typical symptoms that someone needs what you’ve got? What thing’s going to be going on in their business or their life, kind of give them a heads up and go, “Yeah, that’s me”?
Cameron Herold 03:23
Yeah, they’ve usually had their first management team in place. And they’re trying to build that team into a leadership team. You know, they need to get more of the season the leaders. They need to bring on people that have really done it before– less of the “Jack of all Trade”, more of a real solid, skilled people. They don’t know how to attract them. They don’t know how to align them. They don’t really understand that stage. And they’re now turning a lot of the reins over in the business on areas, maybe in the areas that they suck at, or the areas that drain them of energy. They’re turning that over to someone else, and they’re not really sure how to build that relationship as well.
Tom Poland 03:55
Do you find that they often express the sentiment that these people, you know, “Why don’t they think like me?”
Cameron Herold 04:02
They do until they realize that the better opportunity is to have almost the yin and yang. It’s kind of like the “Men are from Mars, women are from marriage”, or “Women are from Venus and a traditional marriage”. You’re really looking for the true counterpart, a second-in-command, who you can really trust and who’s great at the stuff that you suck at, and who doesn’t want to get into the stuff that you’re really good at. So that’s really what they’re looking for. And then they realize that the person isn’t supposed to think the same, but they’re really supposed to get along well together.
Tom Poland 04:28
Right. Perfect! Well-articulated. Thank you, sir. Four and a half minutes left, question number four. You work with a lot of high achievers. They’re going to try stuff. They’re not sitting on their day, going, “You know, I have a problem but I’m not going to do it”. So, what I’m interested in here is what are some of the common mistakes that some of your new clients tell you that they have made, and that might save some of our listeners some years of frustration?
Cameron Herold 04:49
A lot is the lack of focus. A lot of it is because, more than ever, we’re really being bombarded with information, right? Whether it’s a podcast, or books, or eZines, or magazines, or seminars, or mastermind groups. There are all these amazing ideas coming at us, but they’re not necessarily aligned with the vision of where we’re going. And entrepreneurs tend to get attracted to big shiny objects. Instead of focusing on the critical few things, they end up focusing on the important many things. So, it’s really if they can get themselves focused on what is truly going to steal the company, that’s where they went.
Tom Poland 05:18
Right. Thank you, sir. Question number five, three and a half minutes left, we’re up to one top tip. This is like a valuable free action. It’s not going to solve the whole problem, but it might very well take people a step in the right direction?
Cameron Herold 05:31
Well, I think the reality is that the core job of the entrepreneur is to grow people, and it’s to grow their confidence and to grow their skills. So, I like people to imagine, let’s say that your leaders are climbing up two ladders. And in one ladder, they have their left foot and their left hand climbing up. That’s “the skills ladder”. And right beside it, they have their right foot and their right hand climbing up “the confidence ladder”. Your job is to grow their confidence and grow their skills. It’s not to tell them what to do. It’s not to hold them accountable. Flip the org chart upside down, and your job is to support them as they climb up these two ladders, growing their confidence and growing their skills.
Tom Poland 06:09
Terrific analogy! Thank you for that. Question number six, after one valuable free resource, where can we direct folks to so they can get some more value from your spectrum of goodies?
Cameron Herold 06:21
Sure. Well, lots of it is available, for sure, on The Second in Command Podcast, but I think if we send them to the Invest in Your Leaders Course. If they go to Investinyourleaders.com, if they scroll down to just below the FAQs, there is a free module. One of the 12 modules is given away there. And it’s all of the top systems on how to actually have inbox zero with your email every single day so that you’re actually not losing customers. You’re not frustrating your employees and you’re staying on top of the business. But I would have them also not only watch that themselves but have their employees watch it, as well. Grow your people in that area too.
Tom Poland 06:56
Terrific! Get rid of some of the clutter so you can focus on the big picture. Thank you, sir. Two minutes left. The last question, question number seven is, what’s the one question I should have asked you, but didn’t?
Cameron Herold 07:07
One question you should have asked me but didn’t.
Tom Poland 07:10
That’s going to be a head-scratcher. You can actually take a minute to think of the question and then take your time to answer it if you want.
Cameron Herold 07:17
I think I even want to flip it differently, which is none of this really matters. That at the end of the day, we’re all just walking each other home. And at the end of the day, I think if we focus more on having fun and enjoying the journey and hanging out with good people and spending time with our employees and enjoying their lives and helping them if we can just enjoy the journey, we’ll be successful. Because at the end of the day, we’re all going to die. You know, this is just what we do to make money. I think we often forget that in business where we’re so hard-charging, and we’re so driving towards our goals, we forget that we’re all just walking each other home.
Tom Poland 07:52
And that there really isn’t a destination, so we might as well enjoy the journey.
Cameron Herold 07:56
Tom Poland 07:56
Wise words, indeed! Thank you, Cameron Herold. Thanks for those insights and your wisdom, especially putting a perspective on things. Cheers!
Cameron Herold 08:04
Thanks, Tom. Appreciate it!
Tom Poland 08:07
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