How to Discover Your Very Own Money DNA – In Just 7 Minutes with Daniel Mangena

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  • Find out how to bring in together your passion, mindset, and vibe while leveraging your money
  • Learn why playing by the rules and that cookie-cutter approach is never going to work for you
  • Understand how money is just a tool and how to leverage it using your money DNA


  • Wanting to Find Out What’s Your Money DNA to multiply your profits? Learn how you can enjoy your creation, leverage your business and make multiples with your money DNA:


Do you want to grow more and get the recognition you deserve without the cost?

Have you been feeling like you’re not finding joy anymore with what you’re creating?

Do you want to know more on how you can enjoy what you’re doing and having time while getting the profit you deserve?

Are you ready to drop that cookie-cutter approach and find out what your money DNA is to maximize potential and get 10x results?

Daniel Mangena is an International Speaker, Best-Selling Author, Broadcaster, and Coach. He is best known for his highly successful Micro2Millions program, being the author of Stepping Beyond Intention and his Do it With Dan and Beyond Success podcasts. He is completely self-made and has spent decades perfecting his world-class coaching methodology.

In this episode, Daniel talks about how to see money as a powerful and important tool that you can leverage and maximize through finding your money’s DNA. He also shares his insights on why you should focus more on having fun and feeling fulfilled with what you’re creating.

Check out these episode highlights:

  • 01:13 – Daniel’s ideal client: “My ideal client is people who are into personal development, are entrepreneurially minded, and, generally speaking, don’t want money for money’s sake.”
  • 01:36 – Problem Daniel helps solve: “Entrepreneurially minded people, often, if they’ve got anything to do with personal development can get caught up in some of the other pieces. So, you get people that are obsessed with whatever the latest courses, the latest program, the latest new hack or gizmo, or the latest new fan Google from the world of spirituality, and they just don’t get as much done.”
  • 02:43 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Daniel: “Well, there are a couple of different angles that we find being symptomatic for people that really are supported by what we do. Number one is if you find that you’re not making as much money as you could be making.”
  • 05:04 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Daniel’s solution: “I’ve got one that will just, you know, put a nail in the coffin– the cookie-cutter approach. We’re all different. Trying to follow exactly what somebody else is doing, exactly that the way that they’re doing it.”
  • 05:48 – Daniel’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “Definitely get to know yourself. And the answer to the next question will be a resource for them to do that.”
  • 06:05 – Daniel’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Check out Dan’s Website:
  • 06:57 – Q: What’s the most important thing in all of this? A: I’d say have fun. Make it meaningful. Don’t get caught up in money– not being the most important thing or it being the most important thing. It’s just a tool.

Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:

“If you find that you're not making as much money as you could be making, you had to leverage your money today.” -Daniel Mangena Share on X

(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)

Tom Poland 00:10
Welcome, everyone, to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. I’m Tom Poland beaming out to you from a little sunshine coast in Queensland, Australia, joined today by Daniel Mangena. Daniel, a very warm good day from Down Under. Sir, where are you hanging out?

Daniel Mangena 00:23
I’m hanging out in Cabo Mexico. Lovely to be from one sunny place to another.

Tom Poland 00:28
Yes, lots of sand and surf– love it! For those of you who don’t know Daniel, he’s literally an international speaker, Best-Selling Author, and broadcaster. He’s a coach. He’s best known for his very successful Micro2Millions program, being the author of Stepping Beyond Intention. I love that title! Stepping beyond intention. And his Do It with Dan and Beyond Success podcast. He is completely self-made and has spent decades perfecting his world-class coaching methodology. And he’s about to share it now with this podcast. And the title is, “How to Discover Your Very Own Money DNA”. Yes, there is such a thing, and it’s critical that you discover it. Daniel, sir, our seven questions are going to start now. Question number one is who is your ideal client?

Daniel Mangena 01:13
My ideal client is people who are into personal development, are entrepreneurially minded, and, generally speaking, don’t want money for money’s sake. There is something bigger to it, but they’re not caught up in the idea of the bigger thing and still not enough of their money too.

Tom Poland 01:28
Love it! Thank you, sir. So, let’s go to question number two, what’s the problem you solve for these entrepreneurs?

Daniel Mangena 01:36
Entrepreneurially minded people, often, if they’ve got anything to do with personal development can get caught up in some of the other pieces. So, you get people that they obsessed with whatever the latest courses, the latest program, the latest new hack or gizmo, or the latest new fan Google from the world of spirituality, and they just don’t get as much done. All the stuff that does get done ends up happening not as much efficacy as could be done. You get people on the other side of that hustle, hustle, hustle, and lose sight of the other pieces. The problem we solved is we bring people to the middle, bringing in together all the mindset and personal development– all that good stuff, bringing together the emotional relationship to money and all the frequency and the vibe and the woo-woo. But also, powerful strategies, specifically, leveraging their money DNA.

Tom Poland 02:23
Perfect! Nice sweet spot. Thank you for that. And the world needs that. So, question number three is can you describe the symptoms that your ideal client would be experiencing before they start working with you? So, what’s going on in their business or their life where- kind of give an audience member right now a heads up and go, “Yeah, I need to find out more about dreaming with Dan”?

Daniel Mangena 02:43
Well, there are a couple of different angles that we find being symptomatic for people that really are supported by what we do. Number one is if you find that you’re not making as much money as you could be making. Great symptom for us to cover, so you had to leverage your money today. Because money DNA, the power behind that, is you can- we see people 10x, 20x, 50x their results, but using a fraction of their energy, a fraction of the resources because you’re not pushing against the tide. You’re going with the flow. Another thing, as well, is that people are not enjoying the experience of what they’re creating. Far too many people maybe have financial success, but it’s at the cost of burnout. It’s at the cost of time with family, time with loved ones, hobbies, things that you really care about doing. Well, you’re just not having fun anymore. Those are the key symptoms– you either got the money, and it’s costing you. Or maybe you’re okay with the other stuff, but the money is not where it needs to be. We bring you again to the middle, getting the best of both worlds, leveraging money DNA for the most part.

Tom Poland 03:39
So, it sounds like money DNA is about finding the way that fulfills you that also generate fulfills clients and therefore generates a fair bit of money. The sweet spot, as you call it, or the middle ground, I think? That’s not trying to be an-

Daniel Mangena 03:55
But the simple analogy that was given that makes it really easy to understand and will give us the really sharp thing that people have come to listen to this podcast today is, imagine a child. When a child’s in the belly, you don’t know what configuration is going to come out– hair color, eye color, unless you’re both blonde or you’re both redhead or whatever. For the most part, you don’t know. My wife’s blond-haired, blue-eyed. I’m brown-skinned, brown-eyed. We didn’t know what my son was going to turn out and there was nothing that we could do. That was going to unfold naturally. Your financial situation is unfolding naturally right now from a series of different things that you’ve identified down to pretty much a tee. If you’re not having fun, then forget it anyway. If you’re not fulfilled, forget it anyway. But understanding where that flow is for you, to have a natural unfolding, that feels fun, is full of meaning, and is profitable– that’s what we support them to do with money DNA.

Tom Poland 04:46
That’s the sweet spot! Nice. So, question four, we’ve got three minutes left, what are some of the common mistakes that people make when they’re trying to find that sweet spot? You know, we’re talking about entrepreneurial people that are asserted. They’re growth orientated. They’re going to try stuff to find that sweet spot. So, what would you say are some of the common mistakes that folks make?

Daniel Mangena 05:04
I’ve got one that will just, you know, put a nail in the coffin– the cookie-cutter approach. We’re all different. Trying to follow exactly what somebody else is doing, exactly that the way that they’re doing it. How many people are trying to do Elon Musk’s morning routine because they think they’re going to make him a billionaire is ludicrous. We’ve all got our strengths. We’ve all got our natural dispositions. We’ve all got our natural flow. Drop the cookie-cutter approach. Find your money DNA. Dive into that and get the results.

Tom Poland 05:04
It sounds like a lot of this is about listening to ourselves, about doing the things which we intuitively know we were born to do. Let’s help people move forward now. Question number five is one valuable free action. We’ve got two minutes left. What’s a top tip you can give someone to move forward with this?

Daniel Mangena 05:48
Definitely get to know yourself. And the answer to the next question will be a resource for them to do that. We actually give the listeners just four tests, four simple tests you can go and do that will give you such an insight into who you are and what you’re about, that it will definitely move you along in terms of understanding that it’s famous for you.

Tom Poland 06:05
Well, let’s go to that. Question six is a valuable free resource. And it’s, folks if you go to, you might want to tell folks. Dan, we’ve got 90 seconds left. What are they going to find there? In that, there might be another top tip, as well?

Daniel Mangena 06:21
Yeah, what we’re going to do is we’re going to give you the link to four tests, and a quick basic rundown on those four tests on how they lead to identifying your money DNA. They want to book a consultation after that for us to help them, you know, go a bit deeper point. You get those four tests and you’ll understand a very, very high level, some great insights into you and where your flow exists.

Tom Poland 06:41
Where listening to yourself could be as simple as making a diary note of your thoughts that are coming in. That’s probably a good start. So, folks, the resource is One minute left, Dan, question number seven is what’s the one question I should have asked you, but didn’t?

Daniel Mangena 06:57
I thought I knew what I was going to say for this, but I didn’t. I’m going to say, you know, what’s the most important thing in all of this? I’d say have fun. Make it meaningful. Don’t get caught up in money– not being the most important thing or it being the most important thing. It’s just a tool. And having your money DNA will help you to take that tool, leverage it and be a contribution to the world. And that’s the kind of person that I like hanging out within certain.

Tom Poland 07:20
Perfect! Daniel, thank you so much for your time and your insights.

Daniel Mangena 07:23
Thanks for having me, buddy.

Tom Poland 07:50
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