- Learn why reconnecting back with your “why” and reflecting on your purpose will help you grow your brand better
- Understand why doing and performing too much can become a roadblock to you and your brand’s growth
- Find out more about how to magnetize clients and make your audience want you through the art of storytelling
- To get more FREE advice and resource on how to shine in the crowd and make your audience want you, click here: www.celinnedacosta.com/freemasterclass
Do you feel like it’s time to grow your brand but just end up struggling with how to do it?
What do you think are you doing wrong– is it the ads, your branding, or your message?
So, how do you grow your brand without the expense and with only the power of your story?
Celinne Da Costa is a Brand Story expert and Deep Transformation coach who works with high-achieving, purpose-driven experts and executives to help them become confident, fully expressed leaders with transformational stories, an influential brand, and a tribe of raving fans.
In this episode, Celinne shares how you can grow your brand by reconnecting back with your true purpose, and aligning who you are with what you can contribute to the world through the power of storytelling.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:41 – Celinne’s ideal client: So, my ideal client is a visionary, a leader, and somebody who’s really passionate about making a big change in people’s lives. And they want to put themselves out there and essentially create a program or service that will really elevate the quality of others’ life.”
- 02:12 – The problem she helps solve: I help them reconnect back to their true purpose and actually share a message of change, transformation, and growth from an aligned place.
- 03:06 – The symptoms of the problem: Well, the first is impostor syndrome no matter what level they’re at. I’ve worked with people in the 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10-figure categories. And I can tell you that consistently, no matter how successful they are, how much money they’ve made, how many people they’ve helped, there is this deeply rooted dissatisfaction of “I’m not enough.”
- 04:23 – Clients’ common mistakes before consulting Celinne: The biggest one is too much doing and not enough being and most people who are in that high achieving, high performing space just by through sheer past conditioning, and the way that society has programmed us, we have not learned how it is to actually become the version of ourselves that we want to do.
- 05:52 – Celinne’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): I’m going to give you a journaling prompt, which is to really sit down in a meditative space and ask yourself, “What is the message that I want to share with the world? And what specifically is keeping me from sharing it?”
- 06:55 – Celinne’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): To find out and practice the art of storytelling to magnetize your clients for FREE, click here: www.celinnedacosta.com/freemasterclass
- 07:40 – Q: What kind of results can you really get when you unleash the power of your story? A: And when clients did the work that we’ve talked about in the past six minutes, what they’ve been able to create is- I had a client, for example, who went from not being able to do an Instagram story on his phone to speak on a Tony Robbins stage in front of 10,000 people.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“When you watch other people step into their power, what happens, you are inspired to step into your power as well.” -Celine Da Costa Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Greetings, everyone, and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. I’m Tom Poland beaming out to you from the Sunshine Coast here in Australia, joined today by Celinne Da Costa. Celinne, a very warm welcome. Whereabouts are you hanging out? It looks very tropical from where you are!
Celinne Da Costa 00:26
I’m quite close to you. I’m in Bali, Indonesia.
Tom Poland 00:29
Bali! North, south, whereabouts?
Celinne Da Costa 00:32
In Uluwatu, so beach town.
Tom Poland 00:35
Beautiful! Fabulous part of the world. Folks, for those of you who don’t know Celinne, she’s a brand story expert. She’s also a deep transformation coach, which is fascinating work. She works with high-achieving, real purpose-driven experts, people who want to make a difference in the world, including executives, and helps them to become more confident, fully expressed leaders, with, empowered, if you like, or equip, with really transformational stories. Stories that they can tell that will transform people’s lives and business and confidence. She’s got a tribe of raving fans. That’s what she helps her clients to create as well. Her work has been featured in top media, including Forbes, Entrepreneur Magazine, and Business Insider. She’s, in her own right, a best-selling author, a very popular speaker. She’s delivered TEDx speeches on the power of human connection. Can’t wait for me to shut up, and for you to open up! Celinne, the subject today is, “How to Grow Your Brand by Telling Your Story”. Our seven minutes is going to start now. Question number one, who is your ideal client?
Celinne Da Costa 01:41
So, my ideal client is a visionary, a leader, and somebody who’s really passionate about making a big change in people’s lives. And they want to put themselves out there and essentially create a program or service that will really elevate the quality of others’ life. And the way that they’re going to do that is by sharing their message and building a premium legacy brand that will last for years to come.
Tom Poland 02:04
Beautiful! Thank you. Question two, six and a half minutes left, what’s the problem you solve for your ideal clients?
Celinne Da Costa 02:12
I help them reconnect back to their true purpose and actually share a message of change, transformation, and growth from an aligned place. So, what I mean by that is that I’m really helping them understand this is who I am, this is a change that I have to make in the world, this is how I talk about it, and this is how it comes through my brand and messaging. And by doing that they can put themselves out there in a bigger way. And they can help more people as well as do that from a place of being centered and fulfilled within themselves.
Tom Poland 02:40
Right, and not having to feel like they have to bend their personality or ethics out of shape just to fit into someone else’s template.
Celinne Da Costa 02:46
Exactly, authentically 100% themselves.
Tom Poland 02:50
Which in itself is going to be transformational. Let alone the ripple impact it would have on the lives of others. Let’s go to question three, five and a half minutes left. What would you say are the typical symptoms that your ideal client is experiencing before they start this transformational work with you?
Celinne Da Costa 03:06
Well, the first is impostor syndrome no matter what level they’re at. I’ve worked with people in the 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10-figure categories. And I can tell you that consistently, no matter how successful they are, how much money they’ve made, how many people they’ve helped, there is this deeply rooted dissatisfaction of “I’m not enough. I don’t know how to get myself out there. People don’t care about what I have to say.” And it’s a huge issue that these people in leadership positions who have so much power to really change the world are not recognizing their own sense of self-worth. And they’re not actually connected to the power of their story and their experiences and what they can create in the world. And so, I help people really wake up to that and be able to articulate that to the rest of the world. Because when you watch other people step into their power, what happens, you are inspired to step into your power as well. And that’s what they can do for their audience.
Tom Poland 03:55
Spine-tingling stuff! And I imagine a lot of these people have this nagging idea in the back of their mind that there’s more, that they can be more. Not quite sure how to get there, perhaps. So that brings us nicely the question four, four and a half minutes left, what would you say are some of the common mistakes that- because these are aspirational people. They’re often inspirational people. They’re often very successful. They’re going to be trying stuff. What would you say are some of the common mistakes they make before they find your solution?
Celinne Da Costa 04:23
The biggest one is too much doing and not enough being and most people who are in that high achieving, high performing space just by through sheer past conditioning, and the way that society has programmed us, we have not learned how it is to actually become the version of ourselves that we want to do. So, a lot of mistakes that I see them doing is that they’re doubling down on a bunch of strategies, or, you know, like, “I need to do this framework and apply this other framework” and they’re doing so much from their mind, from their head and they’re so stuck in their head that then they lose access to their heart. And their heart and their emotional intelligence is actually how they’re going to create that deeper connection and really connect what it is that they want to say. And that powerful brand story that is irresistible and really draws people in like bees to honey, is going to be a story that comes from your heart. It is going to be a story that has an emotional narrative to it. So, if you are in your head, you’re cutting yourself off from actually becoming that premium brand instead of just talking about it, which is actually not going to advance you after a certain point.
Tom Poland 05:24
Yeah, for a lot of us, the longest journey we ever made was from the head to the heart. Question number five, thank you for that! Very well articulated and also incredibly succinct, which is just as well, given we’ve got three minutes left. Question five is what I want from you now is a top tip, a valuable free action, someone could take. It’s not going to take them down the whole journey or lead them to the end destination, but it might take them a step in the right direction. What’s the top tip you can give people?
Celinne Da Costa 05:52
I’m going to give you a journaling prompt, which is to really sit down in a meditative space and ask yourself, “What is the message that I want to share with the world? And what specifically is keeping me from sharing it? What are the fears, or the limiting beliefs that I am having that is keeping me from showing up fully, and sharing what I want to share with my audience, with the world?” Whether it is a story, whether it is a program, or a service, what is it that needs to come out of you? And why is it not coming out? Journal on that. You’re going to get a lot of clarity.
Tom Poland 06:26
So, what is it that I want to share with the world? What might be holding me back? And what form might that thing take once I launch it?
Celinne Da Costa 06:33
Tom Poland 06:34
Terrific questions! And potentially, folks, transformational life, transformational questions. So many changes start with profound questions like this. Question six, one minute and 45 left. Want to direct people to a free resource where they can find out more about your work. Give us a landing page somewhere. Where should folks go?
Celinne Da Costa 06:55
Absolutely. As you know, we have only seven minutes. So, I would really love to walk you through the A to Z of how is it that you can use the power of your story and the art of storytelling to magnetize your ideal clients and stand out in an overcrowded space. So, I have created a free masterclass that you can go and watch. It’s less than an hour. It’s going to give you all the secrets on how you can start and go execute this on your own. And so, the URL is www.celinnedacosta.com/freemasterclass. And my name is spelled C-E-L-I-N-N-E D-A C-O-S-T-A.
Tom Poland 07:30
Perfect! Save me saying it. Thank you so much, Celinne. We got a minute left. Question seven, what’s the one question I should have asked you, but didn’t, and maybe the answer as well?
Celinne Da Costa 07:40
What kind of results can you really get when you unleash the power of your story? And when clients did the work that we’ve talked about in the past six minutes, what they’ve been able to create is- I had a client, for example, who went from not being able to do an Instagram story on his phone to speak on a Tony Robbins stage in front of 10,000 people. I had another client who was sitting on a launch idea for 18 months, when she was able to tell her story, she launched a $100,000 launch. And she went on to have three more of those. I had another client who went off and told her story through a book, published it– best-selling book. So, the point is that when you actually go out there and tell your story and you’re in full alignment with the authenticity of who you are, you can create massive results in your life, in your business and you can grow your brand exponentially!
Tom Poland 08:26
Beautiful! Can’t wait to get this interview out there. Celinne, thanks so much for your time.
Celinne Da Costa 08:29
My pleasure.
Tom Poland 08:31
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