- Find out what is OSI and how can it help you shift your system and growth into something sustainable and predictable
- Analyze what different marketing strategies can you incorporate into your business to avoid overreliance
- Understand what are the strategies and habits you need to drop in order to achieve sustainable scalability
- To get more FREE resources and awesome tips on building a sustainable profit, click here: get.predictableprofits.com/business-assessment
Do you feel like your profit is just one roller coaster ride– you never know when it’s going to get high or if it’s going to get low?
Are you itching to find out how to generate predictable profits that will assure and guarantee you stable and even better profit all the time?
Charles Gaudet is the CEO of Predictable Profits. International Business Times regards him as the Go-To Business Coach for 7- and 8-figure businesses. Disrupt Magazine ranked him as one of the Top 15 Business Coaches in the World.
Sit back and tune in to find out how Charles has helped thousands of people, and maybe even you soon, achieve sustainable business growth and generate predictable profits through a promising system.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:21 – Charles’ ideal client: Seven and eight-figure CEO founders.
- 01:28 – The problem he helps solve: We help business owners who are asking themselves one to three questions, “How do I grow my company faster?” Or some months are feasts, some months are famine, “How do we generate more predictability in our revenue?”
- 02:07 – The symptoms of the problem: Most business owners are able to take their company to a certain level based on hard work, word of mouth, and referrals. They genuinely only have one or two areas that are generating leads and sales.
- 03:04 – Clients’ common mistakes before consulting Charles: The most common mistake actually is tied in with one of the symptoms, which is there’s an overreliance on word of mouth and referrals instead of building a more robust strategy of creating at least one new profit center per quarter.
- 04:23 – Charles’ Valuable Free Action (VFA): Along the lines of everything that we talked about scalability. When people look at the results that we’ve been able to bring other companies and they say, “You know, we just took a company from 1 million to 40 million, over 40 million, within five years”, and they want to know, “How the heck do you do that? You must have some sort of like, magic strategy and blah, blah.” None of that is actually true.
- 06:10 – Charles’ Valuable Free Resource (VFR): To get more FREE resources and awesome tips on building a sustainable profit, click here: get.predictableprofits.com/business-assessment
- 06:44 – Q: Why do growing companies fail? A: The thing is, you know, a lot of people will ask the question, “What do I need to grow my company faster?” and they think “Grow at all costs”.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“You have to build that scalable process of sustainability, predictability, and robustness into an organization if you want to continue growing for years and years and years to come.” -Charles Gaudet Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Greetings, everyone, and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. I’m Tom Poland beaming out to you from the sunny Sunshine Coast in Australia, joined today by Charles Gaudet. Charles, good day! Welcome from Down Under. Where are you hanging out?
Charles Gaudet 00:24
Portsmouth, New Hampshire.
Tom Poland 00:25
New Hampshire, sounds like a lovely laid-back, sort of, little nook out there on the East Coast. Folks, Charles is a pretty awesome dude in all sorts of manners, not least of which he trains in Brazilian jujitsu and has won two gold medals, three times wrestling state champion. Yeah, if you get into an altercation outside a restaurant, Charles is the guy. He’s also the CEO of Predictable Profits. International Business Times regards him as the “The Go-To Coach” for seven and eight-figure businesses who are wanting more predictable profits and more growth. Disrupt Magazine named him one of the World’s Top 15 Business Coaches. So, Charles, absolute pleasure and privilege to have you on the show. Let’s get going. Our title today is, “How to Generate Predictable Profits for Your Business” in just seven minutes. Charles, our seven minutes start now. Sir, question number one, who is your ideal client?
Charles Gaudet 01:21
Seven and eight-figure CEO founders.
Tom Poland 01:25
Perfect! Question two, what’s the problem you solve?
Charles Gaudet 01:28
We help business owners who are asking themselves one to three questions, “How do I grow my company faster?” Or some months are feasts, some months are famine, “How do we generate more predictability in our revenue?” Or the third one is, “The company’s too dependent on me, how can I scale this thing?”
Tom Poland 01:42
So faster growth, more predictable revenue, and scalability?
Charles Gaudet 01:46
You got it.
Tom Poland 01:47
Okay! So, let’s talk about the symptoms. Question three, six and a half minutes left, we’re firing through them. What would you say would be the typical symptoms of the- we talked about your ideal client, before they meet you, they’re in the business, what’s going on in the business that gives them the heads up that they should really be reaching out and finding out more about what you do?
Charles Gaudet 02:07
Most business owners are able to take their company to a certain level based on hard work, word of mouth, and referrals. They genuinely only have one or two areas that are generating leads and sales. And that’s where they tend to plateau a little bit and they realize that they need additional, more scalable strategies in order to get to the next level. That’s typically where we come in. The company is too dependent on them. Oftentimes, you also see the founder who’s doing most of the sales. They’re stuck working in the business instead of on the business. Those are pretty difficult symptoms.
Tom Poland 02:41
Gotcha! So, there’s pretty heavy dependency on new revenue flows on the founder. So, what would you say- question four, five and a half minutes left. These are pretty growth-oriented people, I mean, they’re doing seven or eight figures already, so they’re assertive. They’re proactive. They’re going to be trying stuff. What would you say are some of the common mistakes you see that they make before they find your solution?
Charles Gaudet 03:04
Well, the most common mistake actually is tied in with one of the symptoms, which is there’s an overreliance on word of mouth and referrals instead of building a more robust strategy of creating at least one new profit center per quarter. So, you have a whole bunch of different ways that are generating new leads, and sales. And the way that I look at it, I just got back from an F1 race. And the way that the pistons work in an engine is they go up, and they go down, and they go up, and they go down. Rarely do you say, all the pistons go up at the same time, or you would never say all the businesses go up at the same time, and all the pistons go down? The same exact thing ends up happening in leads and sales– when one thing’s working, another thing usually comes down and vice versa. So, you want to build robustness into the organization by having multiple different pillars.
Tom Poland 03:55
And that’s a terrific analogy, isn’t it? You know, the pistons– one’s going up, one’s going down. And I imagine that diversification builds not only more secure, predictable profitability but it gives the founder the ability to sleep well at night. Their example is on one basket, so to speak. Let’s flip it. Four minutes left, question five is one valuable free action, like a top tip, not going to solve the whole problem, but it might take folks a step in the right direction. What do you get?
Charles Gaudet 04:23
Well, you know, along the lines of everything that we talked about scalability. When people look at the results that we’ve been able to bring other companies and they say, “You know, we just took a company from 1 million to 40 million, over 40 million, within five years”, and they want to know, “How the heck do you do that? You must have some sort of like, magic strategy and blah, blah.” None of that is actually true, except for how fast we’re able to grow the company. It just follows a three-step process. It’s called OSI. The first one is optimization. So, you figure out where we’re currently generating momentum in the business and how do we do more of what’s working and less of what’s not. Once you optimize those processes and you turn them into a well-fine oiled machine, then you want to systematize it. That’s the “S” part– systematize that process. So that now things can begin to happen, less dependent on you, where you can have people or automation take over. And then the last part is innovation. And that’s when you create something new. And then you repeat that cycle. Once you create that, then let’s optimize it. Let’s systematize it. And let’s go back and let’s innovate and do that again. And the optimization process alone is what took us from, you know, a million too, I think, it was $11.2 million, or something like that, within three years or so. So, you know, there are a lot of really wonderful benefits for building that scalability following OSI.
Tom Poland 05:44
Right, and that sounds like that’s not a destination, it’s a continuous journey. And that just makes them upset. You see, suddenly businesses stagnate through lack of innovation. You see, so many businesses never even get the scale through a lack of systemization. Great model! Thank you for that. Two minutes left, sir. We want a valuable free resource. A bunch of people is going to want to know more about your work, where can they go to, kind of, you know, dip their toe in the water in the world of Charles Gaudet?
Charles Gaudet 06:10
Well, I mean, we do have a business assessment, which, I don’t know, you may or may not be able to provide a link within the video resource.
Tom Poland 06:16
We will! Yep.
Charles Gaudet 06:17
Awesome! They can also go to predictableprofits.com. And there are going to be additional resources at predictableprofits.com.
Tom Poland 06:23
Okay, so, folks, have a look, if you’re listening to this on the audio. If the video, there’s a link below the video. But get.predictableprofits.com/business-assessment. Go there and do the assessment and find out where your growth opportunities are. Charles, we’ve got 70 seconds left. What’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t?
Charles Gaudet 06:44
It would be about growth. Why do growing companies fail?
Tom Poland 06:48
Why do growing companies fail, Charles?
Charles Gaudet 06:51
Well, great question. Glad you asked! The thing is, you know, a lot of people will ask the question, “What do I need to grow my company faster?” and they think “Grow at all costs”. What a lot of people don’t realize is that according to a study performed by the Kauffman Foundation on the companies that made it on the Inc. 5000 Fastest Growing Companies list, is that within five to eight years of first getting listed, 66% of those companies will be disadvantaged sold, go out of business, or shrink in size. And that happens because they’re only focused on, you know, growth. They’re not thinking about predictability. They’re not thinking about sustainability. They’re not thinking about robustness. You have to build that scalable process of sustainability, predictability, and robustness into an organization if you want to continue growing for years and years and years to come.
Tom Poland 07:37
These are words of wisdom and the result of decades of experience, I imagine. Charles, it’s been an absolute privilege to have you on our show. Thank you for sharing your insights and your experience and your wisdom.
Charles Gaudet 07:49
Thank you very much. It’s been an honor.
Tom Poland 07:51
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