- Discover what’s the strategy that will guarantee you more sales, qualified leads, and frequently booked out
- Learn why you should stop wasting your money on ads and start investing in a good copywriter
- Find out how you can effortlessly craft a one-liner that will keep your audience hooked and you fully booked
- To find more on how you can get more sales and be effortlessly booked out, click here: www.dawnapuan.com/copykeys
Do you feel like your ads are getting you nowhere anymore? Feeling the stress of trying to get booked out and increasing your sales? Want to know how you can effortlessly achieve those?
Your product isn’t the only one that matters in your business. Your marketing- specifically crafting your message- plays a crucial role in magnetizing your clients and keeping your business at a constant high in sales.
Dawn Apuan is an expert copywriter and funnel strategist who helps coaches sell out even their most expensive offers.
Sit back and listen in as Dawn shares how crafting your message and giving more attention to your copywriting increases your chances of getting booked out by thousands with little to no effort at all!
Check out these episode highlights:
- 02:02 – Dawn’s ideal client: My ideal clients are online coaches who have digital courses and group programs like a mastermind.
- 02:36 – The problem she helps solve: The biggest problem that I solve for people is not getting the right messaging, not knowing how to say what they do in a concise way that actually inspires people to take action. We call it conversion copy.
- 03:34 – The symptoms of the problem: It’s business owners who often have launched a program a couple of times or their digital course, and they’re just not getting the sales that they want. You know, there’s this idea that funnels are like unicorns, and they’re just, you know, you build it, and they will come.
- 04:54 – Clients’ common mistakes before consulting Dawn: Now the two biggest ones I see are either not hiring a copywriter or hiring a cheap and expensive one like at an agency. That’s the first big mistake. The second big mistake is Facebook ads.
- 06:22 – Dawn’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): I would say get super clear on what I call your “one-liner”. So, the ability to say what you do in 10 words or less. Yes, I promise it’s possible. I’ll give you the simple formula right now. It is just “I help “person” be, do or have “XYZ result”.
- 07:12 – Dawn’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): To find more on how you can get more sales and be effortlessly booked out, click here: www.dawnapuan.com/copykeys
- 07:52 – Q: What am I most proud of in life and business? A: I’m most proud of being a mom, but that is closely integrated into my business because I started my business because of becoming a mom. I used to be a pastor with my husband. We also were executive directors of a non-profit.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Get super clear on what I call your ‘one-liner,’ the ability to say what you do in 10 words or less. Once you get clear on that, it makes everything easier.” -Dawn Apuan Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Greetings, everyone. A very warm welcome to, yet, another edition of Marketing the Invisible. I’m Tom Poland beaming out to you from the sunny Sunshine Coast in Australia, joined today by Dawn Apuan. Dawn, good day from Down Under. Where are you hanging out?
Dawn Apuan 00:24
Hey, Tom! I live near Seattle, Washington. So West Coast of the US.
Tom Poland 00:28
Seattle, so you’ve got what? Springs sprung, coming into summer.
Dawn Apuan 00:33
Oh, we’re getting there. Not quite as sunny as your neck of the woods, but-
Tom Poland 00:38
Seattle’s one of those places that has to be dragged out of winter, sort of kicking and screaming and-
Dawn Apuan 00:42
Pretty much. We’ve had, I think, the wettest and coldest spring on record. So, we’re a little drenched up here.
Tom Poland 00:51
We just had one of the hottest weather summers up here in the north of Australia. But let’s get off climate and onto you. For those of you who haven’t heard of Dawn, she’s an expert copywriter and funnel strategist, which is just a fabulous specialty, where you can craft the right marketing messages and have the people that are actually your ideal clients notice the marketing message and motivate them to take action. She helps coaches sell out even their most expensive offers. Dawn, you have a gift, a skill, a capability that the world desperately needs because so many people have 10 out of 10 coaching ability or consulting ability, but 2 out of 10 marketing messages. So, folks, we’re going to help you with that today with Dawn. I’m just going to sit back and ask the questions. The title is, “How to Craft Marketing Messages that Moves People to Action”. And, folks, this is just so critical because if you’re sick of being at networking meetings and people, you know, they ask you what you do, and you try out your elevator pitch, your USP, and you know, their eyes glaze over, then you need to talk with Dawn. So, let’s kick off, Dawn. Question number one, our time starts now, who’s your ideal client?
Dawn Apuan 02:02
My ideal clients are online coaches who have digital courses and group programs like a mastermind.
Tom Poland 02:09
Which is-
Dawn Apuan 02:13
There is a lot in that space. And I have niched down mostly to the business and the spiritual space. But I’ve helped our clients with everything from wedding planners to horse trainers and everything in between. So, I love the variety that it brings!
Tom Poland 02:28
Alright, that keeps you stimulated. So, let’s go to question number two, six and a half minutes left. What would you say is the problem that you solve for these folks?
Dawn Apuan 02:36
Yeah, the biggest problem that I solve for people is not getting the right messaging, not knowing how to say what they do in a concise way that actually inspires people to take action. We call it conversion copy. So, your words actually convert into a sale. In a more concise way, I make my clients a whole lot more money. It’s what I love to do. I love getting messages from them that says, “Hey, I mean 9k overnight”, or “Hey, I made 22 overnight.” Those are super fun to get. And I know that they’re happy making more money, and they’re making a bigger impact on the world.
Tom Poland 03:12
Yeah, and helping people while making money is twin objectives that seem to often go together. So, question three, five and a half minutes left, what would you say are the typical symptoms that someone who would be an ideal client for you is experiencing in their business right now? What’s going on where they might get the heads up, and go, “Yeah, I need to find out more about what Dawn’s teaching.”
Dawn Apuan 03:34
Yeah, it’s business owners who often have launched a program a couple of times or their digital course, and they’re just not getting the sales that they want. You know, there’s this idea that funnels are like unicorns, and they’re just, you know, you build it, and they will come. And really, you need a good copy to sell things online. And so, a lot of my clients have their products, have their offers, they’ve sold them, but they want to sell more. And so that is where I come in, and they just are frustrated. They don’t have the time to put into it, and they don’t have the skill set, quite honestly, to have a trained copywriter. And that’s okay! I really believe that they should stay in their zone of genius and hire a copywriter to be in their zone of genius.
Tom Poland 04:16
Right. And based on my experience, albeit if anyone had this experience, but it’s something that’s developed, of course, but it also is something that just comes more naturally to some people than others. And so, I guess what I’m saying, folks, is that if you really struggle with words, you should probably, as Dawn has put it so well and stay in your zone of genius and get someone else to help that. What would you say, question four, four minutes left, what would you say are some of the common mistakes that people make? They’re not getting noticed. Their funnels aren’t getting filled if you like, but they’re going to try stuff because they’re ambitious and goal orientated and they do want to help people, they do want to make more money. What would you say are some of the common mistakes people make?
Dawn Apuan 04:54
Now the two biggest ones I see are either not hiring a copywriter or hiring a cheap and expensive one like at an agency. That’s the first big mistake. The second big mistake is Facebook ads. Investing in Facebook ads, before you’re actually ready. people think, “Oh, I’ll just throw money at ads, and then I’ll make more money.” And it’s not as magical as it seems. And a lot of money can get wasted. When you just, at the end of the day, you could make so much more money, if you just took what you were initially going to invest in ads, and invest in a copywriter. The thing is, you know, ads like all the cool kids are running ads, it’s the sexy things to do. It’s not awesome to hire a copywriter. But it’s really awesome when you start making way more money. So that’s the biggest mistake, I think.
Tom Poland 05:43
Facebook advertising is like California and got rushed. You know, it’s the people making the money, not the people doing the digging. They’re not people that are building the funnels, they’re people supplying the tools and platforms. So, folks, take half of what you are going to invest in advertising and go find someone like Dawn to get the message right before you waste money on advertising. Let’s talk about moving forward. Question five, three minutes left, one valuable free action. Give us a top tip. People probably want to reach out to you and, folks, we don’t do any affiliate commissions here. So, this is just my recommendation. You do reach out to Dawn, tell you a bit in a moment. But in the meantime, Dawn, something that’ll take people a step in the right direction and give them a bit of a hand up?
Dawn Apuan 06:22
Yeah, I would say get super clear on what I call your “one-liner”. So, the ability to say what you do in 10 words or less. Yes, I promise it’s possible. I’ll give you the simple formula right now. It is just “I help “person” be, do or have “XYZ result”.” So some examples of that would be like, “I help new moms fit their skinny jeans again”, “I help homeowners eliminate their electric bills”, “I help coaches get sales within 24 hours.” Those are a couple of examples. So, once you get clear on that, it makes everything easier.
Tom Poland 06:58
Each of those three is pure genius! So, there’s the formula, folks. Dawn’s going to help you some more. Dawn, question six, 90 seconds left, is a valuable free resource. Where can people go to find out more about your work and get even more great ideas?
Dawn Apuan 07:12
Yeah, at my website, which is www.dawnapuan.com/copykeys, you’ll find my high-ticket Copy Keys eBook, where you’ll get 15 proven keys to help you sell more. And when you opt into that you get a five-video training series that is going to help your copy so much.
Tom Poland 07:32
Excellent! So that’s Dawn, as in the sun’s coming up, A for airport, P for pivot, U-A, N for Nigel, .com. Dawnapuan.com/copykeys as in, put it in the door and open the door. Fifty seconds left, Dawn. What’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t?
Dawn Apuan 07:52
What am I most proud of in life and business?
Tom Poland 07:55
And what is Dawn Apuan most proud of?
Dawn Apuan 07:59
I’m most proud of being a mom, but that is closely integrated into my business because I started my business because of becoming a mom. I used to be a pastor with my husband. We also were executive directors of a non-profit. And we gave up the security of that job, a fully furnished home, cars provided for us, basically our whole entire life, we walked away for me to build my business so that I could raise my daughter. And I took my copywriting business from zero to six figures in 11 months and then doubled that in my second year, retired my husband, wrote an Amazon best-selling book telling the story so that I could inspire others.
Tom Poland 08:40
Brilliant! Dawn, thanks so much for your time.
Dawn Apuan 08:43
Absolutely. Thank you!
Tom Poland 08:45
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