- Discover how to stop being everything all at once and start assigning tasks to specific people
- Understand why you should have a marketing blueprint in place as soon as you start
- Find out how to get yourself out of the business hell space with marketing
- Want more FREE tips on how to have that business breakthrough you’ve always wanted? Click here: activate.breakthrough3x.com
Have you been trying to juggle everything in your business all at once? Are you sick and tired of looking for the perfect strategy for your business?
Planning out your marketing strategies can either make or break your business and here’s how you can use it to exponentially grow your biz!
Dan Kuschell is a husband, dad, serial entrepreneur, angel investor, football coach, and the Founder and Chairman of Breakthrough3x. He helps business owners like you get more clients, and grow 3 to 10x so you can have a bigger impact, reach, and contribution.
Take a seat with Dan and learn how you can exponentially grow your business without the stress through the power of a marketing blueprint!
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:49 – Dan’s ideal client: Ideal clients are founders and CEOs, you know, who typically have three core values. Number one, they’re hyper-growth-minded, Tom. And, you know, they really want to exponentially grow.
- 02:59 – The problem he helps solve: The problem we solve, right, lots of people take a lot of different approaches in business. And one of the things that we look to do is we like to find the one domino that can knock over 1000 dominos.
- 05:45 – The symptoms of the problem: A quick symptom is start at the beginning. You know, begin with the end in mind, which a lot of visionary founders are great at doing, Tom. As you know, one of the things that we find, the number one reason, the Department of Labor did a study and found the number one reason most businesses fail is they don’t have a marketing plan blueprint in place.
- 06:48 – Dan’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): the first step is to get a marketing plan blueprint in place is the beginning stage because it sets the course for everything else.
- 07:10 – Dan’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Want more FREE tips on how to have that business breakthrough you’ve always wanted? Click here: activate.breakthrough3x.com
- 08:15 – Q: Why the heck do you coach high school football? A: Well, my son is just going into high school, truth be told, but I love building young men. And you know, I think there’s a lot of reasons but for sake of time, I’ll just say I love building leadership in young people and inspiring the future generation.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Start with a marketing plan blueprint to get you and your team in alignment.” -Dan Kuschell Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Greetings, everyone, and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. I’m Tom Poland, joined today by Dan Kuschell. Dan, good day from Down Under, sir. Where are you hanging out?
Dan Kuschell 00:20
I’m out here in Arizona. I’m on the west side. Goodyear, Arizona.
Tom Poland 00:23
Arizona. And how is the weather in Arizona right now? I heard from a lot of folks this morning, that North America was pretty warm.
Dan Kuschell 00:30
Yeah, so it’s been averaging between 105 and 113 degrees in the last three to four weeks.
Tom Poland 00:36
Oh my goodness! Yeah. We’re high to summer there and deep in the winter here. Folks, for those of you who don’t know Dan, he’s something of an all-rounder. He’s a husband. He’s a dad. He’s a serial entrepreneur. He’s an angel investor. He’s a football coach. He’s also the Founder and Chairman of Breakthrough3x. This is part of the subject we’re going to be talking about today. Essentially, what Dan does is he helps business owners, like you, get more clients. The goal is to three to 10 times your growth, so you can have a much bigger impact, a much deeper and broader reach, and a much greater contribution. The title, though, has an interesting twist. It’s, “How to Exponentially Grow 3 to 10x and Escape the Traps of Your Business” because growing 3 to 10 times is wonderful. But if you end up trapped and losing your life in the process, it’s not so great. Dan, thanks for being here. This is not your first time on the show. It’s a pleasure to have you back again! Our seven minutes start now. Question one is who is your ideal client?
Dan Kuschell 01:49
Ideal clients are founders and CEOs, you know, who typically have three core values. Number one, they’re hyper-growth-minded, Tom. And, you know, they really want to exponentially grow. They’re not interested so much in like just little bitty bits of growth, but they really want to have an exponential impact in their world. So that’s the first core value. The second core value, they’re very collaborative and teamwork driven. And number three is they’re very contribution oriented and impact. In other words, you know, they’re not trying and stress to like, make money, per se for themselves, or make payroll or those sorts of, they’re really about making a bigger dent, you know, leaving a legacy, boarding a legacy, that sort of thing. So, founders and CEOs of growing companies.
Tom Poland 02:40
Growing companies who have something that’s going to make a difference in people’s lives, or businesses and understand the value of teamwork.
Dan Kuschell 02:49
Tom Poland 02:50
So, folks, let’s move on there. Question two, six minutes left, what would you say is the problem that you solve for these entrepreneurs?
Dan Kuschell 02:59
Well, you might be wondering, Tom, why the heck am I holding this thing in my hand, this Domino, right?
Tom Poland 03:05
The Domino.
Dan Kuschell 03:06
The Domino, right? So, the problem we solve, right, lots of people take a lot of different approaches in business. And one of the things that we look to do is we like to find the one domino that can knock over 1000 dominos, right? Or the one key strategy that solves 1000 other things in the business, right, and simplifies things, when it’s all said and done. So, the problem we solve is a lot of founders and CEOs, you know, they’re wearing nine hats in their business. You know, it’s pretty common, like one of our clients we’re working with right now, when we met, you know, about two years ago, this founder, all those criteria I mentioned, Tom, about our ideal client, he’s in the hell space. And what he was doing is he was the one overseeing his marketing. So, he’s in his ad accounts for, you know, Google and Facebook and this sort of thing. And on top of that, he was designing his marketing, and inside and building his models. And on top of that, when appointments would come in, he was actually- not all the appointments, but a majority of the appointments, he was also talking to people to enroll them in what he does. So, wearing a lot, and then on top of that, he was involved in an admin. And we said, “Well, what if we could help free you up?” You know, in other words, tilt one domino. He said, “So what’s the one domino?” The one domino is getting a marketing system in place to run without you or me. Right. So, in other words, you know, we’re not in a place where we’re the one having to be the main Rainmaker in our business anymore, right? Where typically we can go from like a couple of appointments a month to 100 appointments a month but then have other team members that are part of the system that are enrolling them or the system itself enrolls them, right? And getting free from the day-to-day back, what we find is a lot of the founders we work with get free from the day to day or they set the stage because they want to sell or exit the business just depending on their personal desires as well as we’ve got some clients we’ve helped set the stage even go public. So those are a couple of key things. It’s the domino related to getting a marketing and selling system in place to generate leads and clients without you or me.
Tom Poland 05:26
Thank you, sir. Just over three minutes left. Five questions to go. So, you’ve already touched on some of the symptoms, right? The owner is the bottleneck. They’re trying to do everything. Any other quick symptoms, lack of time, I mentioned, would be one. Very busy, maybe a bit stressed. Anything else you want to touch up in terms of symptoms? Three minutes left.
Dan Kuschell 05:45
A quick symptom is start at the beginning. You know, begin with the end in mind, which a lot of visionary founders are great at doing, Tom. As you know, one of the things that we find, the number one reason, the Department of Labor did a study and found the number one reason most businesses fail is they don’t have a marketing plan blueprint in place. And this shows up in a lot of ways! You know, lack of alignment on the team, lack of direction, you know, people operating on all these different pods. So, I would say start with a marketing plan blueprint to get you and your team in alignment, and then also set the course of direction for your vision for the next one to three years. That’s a really critical mistake that most make. They don’t have that in place! In fact, 100% of our clients have not had that in place when we started working with them upfront. And we’ve surveyed thousands, and we found that over 98.6% don’t have that in place.
Tom Poland 06:20
Pretty close to 100%. Thank you. So that covers question number four very well, too. And question number five is like a top tip. We’ve got two minutes left. And I guess your top tip is going to be to get that marketing plan in place or is there something else you want it to offer?
Dan Kuschell 06:48
No, I think the first step is to get a marketing plan blueprint in place is the beginning stage because it sets the course for everything else.
Tom Poland 06:56
Perfect! Alright.
Dan Kuschell 06:57
One down.
Tom Poland 06:58
Thanks, Dan. 80 seconds left. Question number six is can we direct people to a free resource that they might be able to find out more about the marketing blueprint? What do you do? Where will people go to find out more?
Dan Kuschell 07:10
Yeah, so really simple, we put together a simple package, Tom, for people that are going to watch this and listen. You can go get access to it, where you can get a simple two-page, fill-in-the-blank marketing plan blueprint template that we’ve been using for over a decade. We’re going to give that to you free. In addition, some of you may be more advanced than that. So, we also are going to include a free tool called “the SEO Checklist”. It’s really geared for people like maybe me or maybe you, listening because maybe you’re a creative visionary. You’re not an administrative type of CEO. Maybe you weren’t trained in a professional school of being a CEO. We’re going to give you that CEO checklist. We also have our hiring toolkit. I’ve actually employed over a thousand full-time employees.
Tom Poland 07:54
45 seconds left. Where do they go, Dan?
Dan Kuschell 07:56
Go to activate.breakthrough3x.com to get access to the free tools that we’ve made available at this moment.
Tom Poland 08:06
Activate.breakthrough3x.com. Perfect! 30 seconds left. Plenty of time for the last question, which is what’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t?
Dan Kuschell 08:15
Why the heck do you coach high school football?
Tom Poland 08:18
Yeah! I’m guessing you got some kids in high school football, have you?
Dan Kuschell 08:22
Well, my son is just going into high school, truth be told, but I love building young men. And you know, I think there’s a lot of reasons but for sake of time, I’ll just say I love building leadership in young people and inspiring the future generation. That’s all.
Tom Poland 08:37
Lovely! Dan Kuschell, thank you so much for your time.
Dan Kuschell 08:40
Thanks, Tom.
Tom Poland 08:42
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