- Discover why customer complaints don’t necessarily mean the end for you
- Learn how to build a sustainable pipeline for more guaranteed revenue at a lesser expense
- Find out how to move forward by doing things based on your customers’ reasons instead of yours
- Want more tips on how to make sales less stressful and more bearable? Click here: Eastonuniversity.com
Do you want to know how you can easily close deals and get guaranteed streams of revenue without the hassle and stress?
Marketing isn’t about you; it’s supposed to be about who you serve. Closing the deal shouldn’t be as stressful as you think it is.
Sales are hard, but Matt Easton makes it a whole lot easier, more predictable, less stressful, and more fun.
Sit back and grab a drink while you tune in with Matt as he shares his secrets that can help give you a quick fix on your sales game plan and guarantee you more closed deals!
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:59 – Matt’s ideal client: Ideal clients can be sales reps, managers, business owners, and entrepreneurs. Anybody, Tom, who wants to increase sales and top-line revenue. Those are two different things because I can increase sales and give my products away, you know, as a marketing genius.
- 02:33 – The problem he helps solve: Well, I would define it this way. And hopefully, it will resonate with some of the audience out there. Really, this is a terrible statistic, but it’s accurate. 98.4% of people in charge of sales, people in charge of business development, don’t have a simple process.
- 03:38 – The symptoms of the problem: So yeah, the obvious is, “I don’t know how to close” and I’ll teach you guys how to do that right here on this call, okay? Don’t know how to close it.
- 05:44 – Clients’ common mistakes before consulting Matt: They think they know everything, right? They think they’ve got it down. They underestimate the amount of people that they’re going to have to talk to, to sell their product.
- 06:43 – Matt’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): Well, I’m going to show you how to close both in your business career and in your life. Tom, let me ask you this. What do you say to close the deal?
- 08:16 – Matt’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Want more tips on how to make sales less stressful and more bearable? Click here: Eastonuniversity.com
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“People are exponentially more likely to move forward to do things based on their reasons and not your reasons.” -Matt Easton Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Welcome, everyone, to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. I’m Tom Poland beaming out to you from the Sunshine Coast in Australia, joined today by Matt Easton. Matt, good day, sir. Welcome to Down Under. Where are you hanging out, buddy?
Matt Easton 00:22
A pleasure to be here, Tom. Thank you so much for having me!
Tom Poland 00:25
You’re very welcome! It’s a pleasure to have you here. How did you go with the midterms yesterday? It looks like your candidates are getting elected.
Matt Easton 00:32
Well, I’m a salesperson, Tom. So, what I figured out is, no matter who gets elected, or what’s going on, if I can control my business and my top-line revenue, it’s all good. So, I don’t need to worry too much about elections.
Tom Poland 00:45
Amen, I mean, my wife says to me, “You know, we’re in Mercury Retrograde. Your market isn’t going to go so well this week.” I said, “I’ll do it anyway.” You’re going to go and start a war in Ukraine, I’m still going to keep going with my marketing. Yeah, 100%. So, folks, one of the reasons that Matt is a pleasure to have on the show is that he does things differently. Yes, he’s a sales warrior, but he also understands balance in life. And I think he has a value set that’s a whole lot wider than just sales and marketing. And it’s always music to my ears, Matt. One of the shortest buyers in the world, which I’ll read to you now. Matt Easton makes it a whole lot easier, more predictable– God, I love that word– less stressful, and more fun to get sales happening.
Matt Easton 01:31
Sounds like a great guy. I want to meet this guy!
Tom Poland 01:34
Yeah! But that’s the whole predictability thing, isn’t it? And that’s what’s so much listing and sales., People wake up with anxiety. They practice random acts of sales. They have roller coaster revenue. And so, it’s the predictability. And it’s less stressful and easier. So, let’s rock and roll. Matt, the title today is, “How to Close the Deal in Business and Life”. Our seven minutes is going to start right now. Question number one, sir, who is your ideal client?
Matt Easton 01:59
Ideal clients can be sales reps, managers, business owners, and entrepreneurs. Anybody, Tom, who wants to increase sales and top-line revenue. Those are two different things because I can increase sales and give my products away, you know, as a marketing genius. You know, there comes a point where we’re giving too much away there. Anyone who wants to increase sales and top-line revenue without having to spend their entire budget on advertising or giveaway their profitability and discounts?
Tom Poland 02:27
Right. Perfect! Thank you, sir. So, question two, how would you define the problem that you solve?
Matt Easton 02:33
Well, I would define it this way. And hopefully, it will resonate with some of the audience out there. Really, this is a terrible statistic, but it’s accurate. 98.4% of people in charge of sales, people in charge of business development, don’t have a simple process. “What do I say? When do I say it? How do I do it to close business?” And it would literally be like, here in the United States with the national football team, the league, that would be like 31 of the 32 teams just show up on Sunday, and try really, really hard, but they don’t have a game plan. They don’t have an offensive coordinator. They don’t have a playbook. It would be a complete disaster in sports yet. That’s how 98.4% of businesses are managing their offense. That’s how they’re handling their offense is, “We’re just going to work really hard and hope for the best.”
Tom Poland 03:26
Yeah, that’s so true. And if there’s a game plan, they don’t stick to it.
Matt Easton 03:29
Tom Poland 03:30
So, what would you say, this is question three, what would you say are some of the symptoms of this salesperson or the sales leader, or the sales team?
Matt Easton 03:38
Yeah. So yeah, the obvious is, “I don’t know how to close” and I’ll teach you guys how to do that right here on this call, okay? Don’t know how to close it. Don’t know the difference between objections and complaints. Just because somebody has a complaint doesn’t mean they’re not going to buy from you. Just because they’re complaining doesn’t mean they won’t go out on a date with you. If that were the case, my wife would have never married me, right? And we end up, a big symptom of this in the business world, is we end up trying to overcome a complaint because somebody from back in the day trained us on how to overcome objections, in most cases, the worst possible thing you could ever do. But we’re trying to overcome complaints. And we’re having these microaggressions and micro arguments with our customers that don’t need to have to be there. The last piece, the last symptom, is they don’t have a sustainable pipeline. So, they’re getting geniuses like you on the marketing side to fill their funnel with leads. And they’re saying things like, “Oh, they’re not qualified. They’ll never buy. I won’t call them back again.” You should have a sustainable pipeline where you can reach back into that pipeline at any time and reinvigorate it and pull revenue out of it.
Tom Poland 03:38
So, it sounds like the actual sales process is a point of conflict, therefore a point of stress and not having predictability. That pipeline is also a source of stress. So, predictability.
Matt Easton 04:55
Yeah. 100%, Tom. Yeah
Tom Poland 04:57
It might be pretty boring, but it’s certainly not stressful.
Matt Easton 04:59
Correct! And unfortunately, in a lot of the game plans that people are having, the common mistake that they’re making is using an old game plan. It’s like taking the playbook from a football team from the 1920s when they wear leather helmets and smoked cigarettes during the football game. Right? It just doesn’t work. Just doesn’t work today.
Tom Poland 05:20
Yeah, I see. 100%. I see that from the sales systems from the 1950s, for God’s sake, being, you know, lipstick on a pig and using it again. So, real quick, give us a couple of other- so we’re talking about people that are sales-oriented. They’re growth orientated. They want to try new stuff. They realize they’ve got this problem. But before they find your solution, what would you say are a couple of the common mistakes that they make?
Matt Easton 05:44
They think they know everything, right? They think they’ve got it down. They underestimate the amount of people that they’re going to have to talk to, to sell their product. And we see these Cold Wars, if you will, between marketing departments, if it’s a large organization and sales, or if you’re an entrepreneur, solopreneur, a cold war between you and whoever you’re buying your leads from, where you think it’s them, and they think it’s you. It might be both, but unless you specifically know, “Here’s exactly what I say. Here’s exactly how I close deals.”, you’re a big part of that problem.
Tom Poland 06:21
Right. Perfect! Thank you, sir. Two minutes left. Let’s go to a top tip. Question five, what can you offer people? It won’t solve the whole problem, they might need you for that, but it might get them started and step in the right direction.
Matt Easton 06:31
Yeah, I’ve changed their life right now and changed your life right now too, Tom. How about-
Tom Poland 06:34
I’m up for that!
Matt Easton 06:36
How about I teach everybody, including yourself, how to close right here, right now?
Tom Poland 06:39
This is the part I’ve been waiting for! Drumroll. Go for it!
Matt Easton 06:43
Okay. All right. Well, I’m going to show you how to close both in your business career and in your life. Tom, let me ask you this. What do you say to close the deal?
Tom Poland 06:51
Would you feel comfortable about moving ahead?
Matt Easton 06:53
Okay, would you feel comfortable about moving ahead? I like that. It’s very, very good! Okay, you’ve clearly been around. But let me tune that up a little bit more for you. And to rewind a lot of people who aren’t where you’re at right now, if they say things like, “Hey, do you want to sign the agreement?”, “Can we get this in front of the board?”, “Do you want to have lunch together?” Okay. People are exponentially more likely to move forward to do things based on their reasons and not your reasons. So, what I’d like everybody to start saying is, “Does it make sense to (blank)?” because I might not feel comfortable doing something, but it might make sense. Every time I go to my doctor, they get me to do stuff that I’m not comfortable doing, but it makes sense. So, if we just change that wording to “Does it make sense to (blank)?” Tom, does it make sense to sign the contract? Does it make sense to get this in front of the board? Does it make sense for you and I to have lunch together? If that person says no, it positions you perfectly because you’ve asked them a timing question. Right? To go, “No, no, it doesn’t make sense.” “Got it! What’s a good next step, then?”
Tom Poland 07:56
Oh, love it!
Matt Easton 07:57
Yeah, so shut up and let them lay an answer, right? If they don’t know, say, “Point the question at yourself. What’s a good next step for me? Or what’s a good next step on my end?” And at that point, if they still don’t know, you can set the next step. Hey, Tom, I’ll call you Friday if I haven’t heard from you before then. Fair enough?
Tom Poland 08:12
10 seconds left. Where can people go to find out more about what you do?
Matt Easton 08:16
Eastonuniversity.com. E-A-S-T-O-N, university.com.
Tom Poland 08:22
And what are they going to find there, Matt?
Matt Easton 08:23
They can jump on my free video tips mailing list. I will be sending them useful tips just like the one we went over right now on a very regular basis. No cost to them.
Tom Poland 08:32
Matt Easton, you’ve brought a lot of value in a very short space of time. Thank you so much for your wisdom and your insights. You’re just oozing with experience. Thanks! It makes sense.
Matt Easton 08:41
Tom, thank you so much. Pleasure being here! Yeah, it makes sense. If it ever makes sense for us to talk again, let me know.
Tom Poland 08:46
We should do that. Thank you.
Tom Poland 08:48
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