- Discover how to increase the value of your business without losing so much money
- Learn the importance of connecting and communicating with your customers to convert them into clients
- Find out why you should switch from transactional selling to relationship buying
- Want to learn more about how you can improve your sales overnight? Click here: http://www.13pointsaleschecklist.com/
Have you been losing so much money that you’re drowning in expenses and not profit?
Do you feel like you’re making enough sales but barely enough profit?
Sales aren’t all about transactions. Connecting and understanding your customers is crucial in turning them from just customers to loyal and high-paying clients!
Adam Bude is a sales guru, published author, and course creator who helps SME’s realize untapped sales and profit opportunities with their business.
Get a start on how Adam helps business owners kick up their conversion rates and make the switch from transactional selling to relationship buying– a crucial change you should do in your business.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:23 – Adam’s ideal client: The ideal client is SMEs with a minimum of two years in business, making a profit, and turning over at least 350,000 up to 10 million. But more importantly, they are in a growth phase and want to scale their businesses up that are still owner driven.
- 01:49 – The problem he helps solve: Look, the biggest problem that I find is that most small business owners do not understand how to increase the value of their business. And the reason for that is because they are losing so much money in expenses.
- 02:47 – The symptoms of the problem: The biggest symptoms are always, “we need more sales, we need more time, and we need more profit.” They’re the biggest issues that I find.
- 04:28 – Clients’ common mistakes before consulting Adam: If they have done any form of sales training, Tom, which ironically, most small business owners have not. They fall into business.
- 06:19 – Adam’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): The first thing I would do is a complete audit of your whole systems and procedures and processes. Most small business owners don’t have that in play. So do a complete audit of that. Look at how you’re getting your leads.
- 06:47 – Adam’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Want to learn more on how you can improve your sales overnight? Click here: http://www.13pointsaleschecklist.com/
- 07:19 – Q: How do I get my customers to want to buy from me instead of me having to sell to them? A: Authenticity.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“At the end of the day, it's the profit that keeps us in business, not the sales.” -Adam Bude Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Greetings, everyone, and a warm welcome to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. I’m Tom Poland, beaming out to you from the Sunshine Coast in Australia, joined today by Adam Bude. Adam, g’day sir, I believe you’re not too far down the road from me. Where are you hanging out?
Adam Bude 00:23
Hey, Tom! Yes, so I am on the Gold Coast, so only a couple of hours away.
Tom Poland 00:27
Yeah, a few hours south on this big strip of white sand beaches we got running around our part of the world. And, folks, Adam is a sales guru. He’s a published author. He’s a course creator who helps small-to-medium-sized enterprises. And that’s really important because a lot of people we have on the show are helping sales teams, but Adam can help you to realize untapped sales and profit opportunities within your business. So, it’s the untapped ones that we really want to focus on! Our title today, Adam, is, “How to Create Raving Fans Who Want to Buy from You”. So, folks, so often, we see you, me, everyone sees people just missing sales opportunities. And Adam is going to show us how to generate sales opportunities so that we can capture the full potential of your network and all the contacts in your business. Adam, let’s kick-off! Our time is going to start just as soon as I find the app. Here we go! Our time starts now. Question number one, sir, who is your ideal client?
Adam Bude 01:23
The ideal client is SMEs with a minimum of two years in business, making a profit, and turning over at least 350,000 up to 10 million. But more importantly, they are in a growth phase and want to scale their businesses up that are still owner driven. And the business owner is still the one that’s making the decisions.
Tom Poland 01:42
Very clear. Thanks for that! What would you say, six and a half minutes left, what would you say is the problem that you solve? How do you find that?
Adam Bude 01:49
Look, the biggest problem that I find is that most small business owners do not understand how to increase the value of their business. And the reason for that is because they are losing so much money in expenses. And they’re also not able to capitalize on their profits and their sales. They focus purely on the next sale, next sale, and next sale, but they don’t focus on how do we make more profit. And at the end of the day, it’s the profit that keeps us in business, not the sales, right? So, looking at their systems, their processes, their procedures, their pricing, and obviously, their skilled staff, we can quickly determine exactly whether or not they’re on the right track.
Tom Poland 02:36
How would someone know, this is question three, five and a half minutes left. What would you say are some of the typical symptoms that your ideal clients are experiencing before they find your service?
Adam Bude 02:47
The biggest symptoms are always, “we need more sales, we need more time, and we need more profit.” They’re the biggest issues that I find. So, they come to me because that’s what they’re looking to achieve.
Tom Poland 03:02
So that’s quite a holistic approach, then. More sales, more time, profit, so that, presumably, they’re going to have a feeling that there are sales slipping between the cracks, that they are probably scrambling timewise. And it doesn’t matter how fast or how big they grow, they still don’t seem to have a lot of money in the bank at the end of the month.
Adam Bude 03:20
And what that comes down to yeah, Tom, I was going to say what that comes down to is they know that they’re missing sales opportunities, so their conversion rates are not good. They may not know their numbers, so they’re not actually measuring and tracking. They may not even know what their GP is on the bottom line after their expenses properly from each of that. They have very low client retention. They have very little referral business, and they feel like they’re wasting so much money on marketing.
Tom Poland 03:51
Right. So, this goes a lot way further than sort of the enthusiastic, confident salesperson, you know, twisting arms, etc. This is a very holistic look at the numbers as well as the sales skills. So, question four leads into this nicely, just under four minutes left. People will have received sales training before, no doubt. They would have tried stuff a lot. And in other words, what would you say were a couple of the biggest mistakes that people make when they’re trying to increase their sales? I guess not understanding profit might be one, but what else? What else is going on? What are the things that they’re doing that are just playing never going to work?
Adam Bude 04:28
If they have done any form of sales training, Tom, which ironically, most small business owners have not. They fall into business. They may have had a little bit of on-job training from previous mentors in the industry, but they actually haven’t learned how to connect with their customers, how to communicate with their customers, and how to convert their customers. The biggest challenge that I see with the business owners, Tom, is that they’re focused on transactions and KPI, and it’s all about selling, as opposed to understanding their buyers, their buyers’ needs, their buyers’ wants, and most importantly, where those buyers are in their buying journey.
Tom Poland 05:13
Interesting! So, what do you mean by where they are on the buying journey?
Adam Bude 05:17
Well, most business owners will go straight for the kill. So, if you look at a sales training company, they teach you two things only. They teach you how to overcome an objection, and how to close a sale. Only the ability of tactics, whether it’s integrity, ethical, or whatever passwords they want to put on edits. That’s what their goal is.
Tom Poland 05:38
But your approach is much less egocentric, it’s much about, it’s much less about me and what I want and what I want to sell you, versus getting and establishing what’s important to you, etc. I’m sure that we could unpack that. There’d be a lot more to it than my butchered way of expressing it, but it is different psychology, and it’s yeah.
Adam Bude 05:57
It is simply put, Tom, we’re moving away from transactional selling, and we’re moving into relationship buying.
Tom Poland 06:04
Thank thanks for that! So, let’s go to question five because we’ve only got one minute and 40 seconds left, give us a quick top tip that someone could take. It’s not going to solve the whole problem, might need you for that, but it might take them one step closer.
Adam Bude 06:19
Yeah, the first thing I would do is a complete audit of your whole systems and procedures and processes. Most small business owners don’t have that in play. So do a complete audit of that. Look at how you’re getting your leads. Look at the systems that you have in nurturing through the funnels. Look at how they’re being communicated with by your staff. And look for any pitfalls that are coming up that you know could be potentially costing you sales.
Tom Poland 06:47
Thank you for that! Question six might help them even more with that. It’s a valuable free resource just for the sake of time, folks, I’m going to give you that link. It’s www.13, the number 1, 3, pointsaleschecklist.com. Real quick, what will they find there, Adam?
Adam Bude 06:59
They’ll find in that checklist, everything that I believe can help you improve your sales overnight.
Tom Poland 07:00
Perfect. Wow! Okay, so that’s 1, 3, the number 13, pointsaleschecklist.com. Go get it! Question seven, sir, 30 seconds left, what’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t?
Adam Bude 07:19
How do I get my customers to want to buy from me instead of me having to sell to them?
Tom Poland 07:25
And the answer in less than 15 seconds.
Adam Bude 07:27
Tom Poland 07:29
Adam, thanks for that. You’re going to find out a lot more, folks, at 13pointsaleschecklist.com. Any final words, Adam?
Adam Bude 07:36
Appreciate you having me on the show.
Tom Poland 07:37
All right. Thanks for rocking up. Cheers!
Adam Bude 07:40
See you.
Tom Poland 07:51
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