- Learn what are the powerful 4 C’s you need to know that can guarantee traffic and business growth
- Understand why you also need character traits rather than just having the skill sets
- Discover how to conquer your limiting beliefs that are stopping you from achieving your full potential
- Want to learn how to create dynamic and attention-grabbing content that will wow your audience? Click here: dynamicfitpros.com/contentmachine
Do you have something amazing and life-changing to share with the world but just struggle to reach your target market?
Knowing your forte is important but learning how to spread that like butter is crucial too! It’s not always about the skill sets you have, but you also need to have the character traits like discipline, and consistency, in your forte or business.
Chris and Eric Martinez help entrepreneurs become digital thought leaders. They are also the owners of Dynamic Fit Pros where they help coaches build and scale their coaching businesses.
The dynamic duo, Chris and Eric, share what are the 4C’s that are crucial to know for your business in order to generate high-paying clients and provide sustainable leads anywhere every time.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 01:52 – Chris and Eric’s ideal client: Our ideal client is health and fitness professionals. So it could be anyone from a personal trainer to a nutritionist, registered dietician, CrossFit coach, or, you know, natural path coach, or even just someone that does holistic health and wellness.
- 02:11 – The problem they help solve: So we help them create more income, impact, and independence, and actually have more faith over fear. And I say “faith over fear” just because there are a lot of health and fitness professionals and entrepreneurs too that like these days and age, we call it “FUD”.
- 03:01 – The symptoms of the problem: It’s really the lack of skill set, you know, understanding how to be a marketer first and coach second, and really understanding how to sell, how to create a, you know, a Grand Slam offers to where it positions them to, you know, sell it for one to $3,000.
- 04:51 – Clients’ common mistakes before consulting Chris and Eric: Yeah, so kind of to piggyback what Eric said, one of the big mistakes they make is obviously they can acquire these skills, right? Sales, marketing, social media, having an offer, all that stuff, but the character traits are the biggest things that they need to sit there and hone in on.
- 05:53 – Chris and Eric’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): It’s called the 4 C’s to generate more leads. And this is something really just great to write down. So the first C is, you know, learn to create good compelling content, and just be consistent with that.
- 06:39 – Chris and Eric’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Want to learn how to create dynamic and attention-grabbing content that will wow your audience? Click here: dynamicfitpros.com/contentmachine
- 07:28 – Q: Us being identical twins, have we done a switcheroo in our classrooms when we are in middle school or high school? A: Hell yes!
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“I will take a coach that has the character traits first, and then teach them the skills secondly. Instead of them having the skills first and not having those character traits.” -Eric and Chris Martinez Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Welcome, everyone, to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. I’m Tom Poland beaming out to you from the Sunshine Coast in Australia, joined today by Chris and Eric Martinez. Guys, a very warm welcome from Down Under. Where are you hanging out?
Eric Martinez 00:21
Tom, what’s going on? We’re actually hanging out here in Dallas, Texas!
Tom Poland 00:25
Dallas, Texas! And you’re not in the same building, I presume?
Eric Martinez 00:28
No, not the same, though, we had to cut the umbilical cord being twins at some point. So I can’t live under the same roof as him.
Tom Poland 00:34
Yeah. Oh, yeah. Let’s move on. Chris and Eric help entrepreneurs become digital thought leaders, which is, it’s not an easy thing to establish, folks, but when you become a digital thought leader, not only do you scale your influence massively, but you suddenly stick out because you’re saying something that’s different, but also highly desirable for your target market. So these are my words that I’m adding in but I just wanted to underline the significance of that achievement. So they work with entrepreneurs to establish that as a part of the entrepreneur’s brand, they are a digital thought leader. They’re the owners of Dynamic Fit Pros, where they help coaches build and scale their coaching businesses. The title today is, “The 4 C’s to Generate High-Paying Clients”. Guys, I’m looking forward to this greatly. Folks, if you’re listening to this, please put down everything else because this stuff is not easy to achieve. When you do, the results can be I wouldn’t say literally, but figuratively, world-conquering. Let’s kick-off! I’m gonna get my little countdown timer and kick that off. Question number one, guys, I don’t know who’s gonna fill this question. I’ll just get them out there, and you can bat them. Who’s your ideal client?
Eric Martinez 01:42
I guess I’ll start since I’m the twin that’s older by one minute. Our ideal client-
Tom Poland 01:45
You had to get that in there, didn’t you?
Eric Martinez 01:47
I had to!
Tom Poland 01:49
Chris, that’s the first time you ever heard that, right?
Chris Martinez 01:51
Eric Martinez 01:52
I’m feeling that type of way today. Thank you for having us, Tom! Our ideal client is health and fitness professionals. So it could be anyone from a personal trainer to a nutritionist, registered dietician, CrossFit coach, or, you know, natural path coach, or even just someone that does holistic health and wellness.
Tom Poland 02:07
Perfect. And so question two, what’s the problem you solve for them?
Chris Martinez 02:11
So we help them create more income, impact, and independence, and actually have more faith over fear. And I say “faith over fear” just because there are a lot of health and fitness professionals and entrepreneurs too that like these days and age, we call it “FUD”. They are under a lot of fear, uncertainty, and doubt. So we really want to give them more faith, more hope, you know, and just having to take action so they can create more income, impact, and independence in their business.
Tom Poland 02:33
100%! And I know that stress is a part of the human experience, but often people start their own business and jumping probably out of a corporate cage at some point with the security of the paycheck, they’re multiplied almost 10 times sometimes for some people. So we’ve got these symptoms of fear and doubt, what else is going on in their business that would give them a heads up? What are the symptoms? Will you give them a heads-up as to the fact that they should be reaching out to talk to you guys?
Eric Martinez 03:01
Yeah, great question. It’s really the lack of skill set, you know, understanding how to be a marketer first and coach second, and really understanding how to sell, how to create a, you know, a Grand Slam offers to where it positions them to, you know, sell it for one to $3,000, and really how to deliver a program right and onboard fulfill and execute customer experience. And the biggest thing that we have seen just with working with health and fitness coaches is we were health and fitness coaches for you know, over a decade. We were all about academia, going through the motions, getting our certifications, you know, strength and conditioning. You know, we have our Master in Sports Nutrition. But the biggest thing that these institutions never taught was those skill sets. They teach you all the competent type of stuff with all the great information, but they do not sit there and show you how to go apply it in the real world and monetize your skill sets. So that’s where we come in to really solve those issues of how do we get these health and fitness coaches to understand, number one, their true value. Their worth and value as health and fitness coaches charge a higher premium. How to sit there and be a marketer, first, a coach second. How to sit there and create a Grand Slam offer to where they can sit there and sell that one to $3,000. How to position that and really how to deliver that program.
Tom Poland 04:07
Right. And there was one little word you dropped in there right at the start, which was the word “offer”. And you know, folks, it doesn’t really matter how good your web page is or you know, how rich you are at copywriting– all of these things are secondary to the offer and how you position that and articulate it. So there’s a lot to unpack there. I mean, this is a seven-minute interview, but this could be a seven-month, you know, unpacking process. Let’s keep moving forward. You’ve mentioned already one of the mistakes that people make is focusing on the technical side of things. And it’s important to get certification and probably to be a bit healthy and ripped as well if you’re going to be teaching this stuff. But what would you say are one or two of the other common mistakes that people make instead of addressing issues of being a marketer first?
Chris Martinez 04:51
Yeah, so kind of to piggyback what Eric said, one of the big mistakes they make is obviously they can acquire these skills, right? Sales, marketing, social media, having an offer, all that stuff, but the character traits are the biggest things that they need to sit there and hone in on. And this is where I see one of the big mistakes they make because they need these character traits as far as focus, discipline, and consistency. If they have those character traits, and they sit there and build the skill sets– let’s face it, they can be taught those skill sets, but they have to have those character traits. And I will take a coach that has the character traits first, and then teach them the skills secondly, instead of them having the skills first and not having those character traits. And I would say the second big problem, Tom is just really it’s the limiting beliefs. You know, they just don’t- they have either a fear of failure, fear of getting started, comparison syndrome, impostor syndrome, or a poverty or scarce money mindset and to invest in themselves or their business or their future.
Tom Poland 05:41
Yeah. Okay, there are a few there to deal with. So let’s flip it! Question five, two and quarter minutes left, give folks a top tip that will move them forward. Just one idea. It’s not going to solve the whole problem but it might help them take a step in the right direction.
Eric Martinez 05:53
Yeah, I’ll give you mine. It’s called the 4 C’s to generate more leads. And this is something really just great to write down. So the first C is, you know, learn to create good compelling content, and just be consistent with that. The second C is called connection, right? So if you create good content, you connect with somebody by getting a like, a comment, or a story view. That gives you, you know, the green light to sit there and go engage with them, right? So then that leads us to the third C which is conversation. Go conversate with them, go thank them, ask them, you know, some questions. Then, that leads us to the fourth C which is conversion, right? So once you can get there and conversate with them on DMs, move them over to a phone call or a Zoom, call and close them.
Tom Poland 06:28
Very nice. Wow! How succinct and I love the alliteration. Question six, where can people go to find out more about what you are? Is there some sort of free training? Have you got something you can give us?
Chris Martinez 06:39
Yeah, absolutely actually piggybacks off that first C that we’ve ever talked about is creating compelling content. So we have a free resource for you guys to get you guys started on that. So you guys can actually utilize that whole entire tactic of the 4 Cs. So that is going to teach you guys from scratch how to build a content machine. And we actually give you guys six different really tactical social media posts. It’s been working for us and our students as well, too, so you guys can apply literally after this show. So you can get that at dynamicfitpros.com/contentmachine.
Tom Poland 07:06
Thank you, sir. I’ll repeat it because it’s important. If you’re listening to the video, it’s under the video. But if you’re listening to this, it’s dynamicfit, F-I-T, pros as in professionals, .com/contentmachine. Go get it! 25 seconds left. Who wants to bat the last question, which is what’s the one question I should have asked you but didn’t? Eric?
Eric Martinez 07:26
Do you want me to go, Chris?
Chris Martinez 07:27
Go ahead.
Eric Martinez 07:28
Okay, the question is us being identical twins, have we done a switcheroo in our classrooms when we are in middle school or high school?
Tom Poland 07:36
And the answer is? Hell yes?
Eric Martinez 07:39
Hell yes!
Tom Poland 07:41
Thanks, guys! It’s been a privilege being with you. Cheers!
Tom Poland 07:45
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