- Discover how to run your business independently and without you
- Learn what are the 3 systems you need to achieve that growth you’ve always wanted with more time to spare
- Understand the importance of incorporating systems into your business
- To get more promising advice on how to systematize your business, click here: https://www.chrisgoegan.com/3-systems-guide/
Do you feel like you don’t have any more time for yourself or your family? Does your business revolve around you?
Having full control of your business does have some advantages but it can also become toxic and ruin your personal life. Integrating a system through engineered marketing can effectively grow your business without the stress and sacrifices from your personal life.
Chris Goegan is the founder of Engineered Growth Systems. He helps entrepreneurs get to multiple 6, 7, or 8+ figures while having MORE time and MORE freedom with Engineered Marketing.
Listen to what Chris has to share on how you can take back your life and run your business freely (and without being dependent on you) through systematizing your business with only 3 powerful systems.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 02:00 – Chris’ ideal client: Entrepreneurs who want to build a great business. It doesn’t matter if they want to get to 6, 7, or 8+ figures, but they’re really good at what they do. And they want to make it go big.
- 02:27 – The problem he helps solve: You know, and this is an interesting one, because it’s like, you know how difficult it is, you know, to grow a business? How difficult is it to get leads and sales that close easily?
- 04:10 – The symptoms of the problem: It just you know, life gets hard. It gets hard and it’s a struggle. Like people that tip they’re stressed out. They’re overwhelmed. They feel like they always have to be on, they always have to perform– always have to be doing something and never get to the rest of mentally.
- 04:57 – Clients’ common mistakes before consulting Chris: Well, they do what entrepreneurs do, right? They throw them out against the wall. Like entrepreneurs, we’d love to be busy. We love to do stuff.
- 06:11 – Chris’ Valuable Free Action (VFA): That’s a really tough question for people to answer or to do actually, because it’s counterintuitive to the personalities they’re wired to do. But the top tip is like, you know what, stop. Just stop and take inventory for a moment.
- 07:17 – Chris’ Valuable Free Resource (VFR): To get more promising advice on how to systematize your business, click here: https://www.chrisgoegan.com/3-systems-guide/
- 08:06 – Q: Why am I doing this? A: It’s really twofold. It’s like my daughter. And look, we have four kids. My oldest daughter is 21 now and I looked at her, she’s getting older.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Is your business where you want it to be? Does everything depend upon you? The solution is obvious, sit back and change how you think.” -Chris Goegan Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Greetings, everyone, and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. I’m Tom Poland beaming out to you from the Sunshine Coast in Australia here, joined today by Chris Goegan. Chris, good day, sir. A very warm welcome. Where are you hanging out?
Chris Goegan 00:23
I am originally from Canada, but I live in Southern California.
Tom Poland 00:27
Did you move for the people or the weather or both? Or do you just like paying more tax?
Chris Goegan 00:32
I know taxes are more in Canada, more here in California. But no, I moved out here for a girl I went to engineering school. She started three blondes, and she struck here. And she turned into a fight for four brunettes.
Tom Poland 00:44
And they all live happily ever after. Folks, this is not-. But I really liked Chris’s stuff. He’s got his feet on the ground. He’s got an engineering background, which is, if you’ve heard, which means that he brings a step-by-step systemization approach to marketing. And that’s what you’ve got to have with your marketing. You’ve got to have something that you can rinse and repeat in today’s random acts of marketing, which produce roller coaster income and anxiety. Chris has got his feet on the ground and cares about people. His stuff works! And that’s why I’m delighted that he accepted our invitation to return to the show. He’s the founder of Engineered Growth Systems. He helps entrepreneurs to get to multiple 6, 7, and 8+ figures, but not just getting the revenue for the sake of the revenue, actually getting more freedom and more time with that. So Chris, welcome back, sir. That is one hell of a mug displaying the good old red maple leaf in Canada.
Chris Goegan 01:41
Right! None of us Canadian have all these mugs.
Tom Poland 01:46
I’m not sure if that’s a coffee mug or a small Jacuzzi pool you just held up. It’ll keep you fueled for a while. So let’s get on with the show. Chris, let’s kick-off! Our seven minutes is going to start now. Question number one, sir. Who’s your ideal client?
Chris Goegan 02:00
Entrepreneurs who want to build a great business. It doesn’t matter if they want to get to 6, 7, or 8+ figures, but they’re really good at what they do. And they want to make it go big. They’re not afraid of work. And they don’t mind getting after it, you know, which goes along with my mission of helping good people build great businesses.
Tom Poland 02:18
Perfect! Thank you for that. And you’ve already hinted at the problem you solve, but anything else you want to add to that? Question two is what is the problem you solve for these people?
Chris Goegan 02:27
Yeah, you know, and this is an interesting one, because it’s like, you know how difficult it is, you know, to grow a business? How difficult is it to get leads and sales that close easily? How difficult it is to grow a business that doesn’t depend upon you to be the magic to have to do everything. And especially now with all the options that are available to people out there, all the things you could do is extremely difficult for people to discern what you should do. And people tell me over and over just how really frustrating and overwhelming it is. So our Engineer Growth Systems and engineered marketing, it’ll change us with a simple pragmatic engineered step-by-step way for growth that, as you mentioned, goes back to my days as an engineer. Here’s the thing, Tom it’s like, it’s not just growth, but to have, as you’ve mentioned before, more time, more freedom. Because here’s the thing, to me, there’s nothing more maddening than a lack of growth, while maybe lack of growth over a sustained period of time. But there’s also the flip side of that coin: growth with no systems is extremely maddening because then you have even less time than what you have right now. Like, imagine that. So what I like is like, just imagine growing your business on a much bigger scale. You know, without you having to be the magic, without you having to do everything. You know, where you have systems that can pull the leads, pull the sales, and the fulfillment with or without you– that’s what we do.
Tom Poland 03:42
Yeah. And I mean, stage one is “I don’t have enough work”, perhaps. Stage two is now “I’ve got the work and the incomes coming in nicely, but I’ve lost the time.” And stage three is where you wanted to get people to work to have the best of both of those worlds. So we’ve probably covered question three, which is what are the typical symptoms that your ideal clients are experiencing before they work with you. Lack of time, lumpy income, a lack of predictability, and systemization. Anything you want to add to that before we move on?
Chris Goegan 04:10
Yeah, it just you know, life gets hard. It gets hard and it’s a struggle. Like people that tip they’re stressed out. They’re overwhelmed. They feel like they always have to be on, they always have to perform– always have to be doing something and never get to the rest of mentally. I think like the client, I was meeting with him and he just confided in us and you know what, he goes, “It feels like I’m running down a track with a train that’s like chasing me down.” He’s like, “I can’t stop. I can’t stumble. I can’t rest. If I do, it’s gonna run me over. And you know what, there are too many mouths to feed and too many lives depend on me. I just can’t stop.”
Tom Poland 04:44
That’s stress.
Chris Goegan 04:46
It is.
Tom Poland 04:46
Let’s take someone like that. They’ve been trying stuff for years now probably. What would you say are some of the mistakes that people make when they’re trying to scale and trying to get more time?
Chris Goegan 04:57
Well, they do what entrepreneurs do, right? They throw them out against the wall. Like entrepreneurs, we’d love to be busy. We love to do stuff. So they research. They read articles. They buy books. They watch videos and listen to podcasts. They hire people. They hire agencies. They do all that stuff that feels good doing it, you know. And then they create content. They do social media. They run ads. They build funnels. They do email blasts. They do Zoom calls. They do get the idea, right? But at the end of the day, they’re like, right back where they started again. And so the question, you know, I always like to ask is like, “Look, you know, follow all the YouTube videos you watched, all the articles you read, all the books you read, all the things you’ve read and done, like, is your business where you want it to be? You know, if you stopped doing everything, would everything still like, depend upon you? Like, what would the lead stop? Would the sales stop? And like will the deliverable stop? Yeah, does everything depend upon you?” And so the solution is obvious, like, what to do? They need to just sit back and change how they think.
Tom Poland 04:58
Well described! Let’s slip it now. We’ve got just under three minutes left. One valuable free action, like a top tip. We’ve got this person that’s feeling like they’re getting chased down by a train. What’s one thing that they might be able to do that’s not going to solve the whole problem, but might take them a step in the right direction?
Chris Goegan 06:11
Yeah, that’s a really tough question for people to answer or to do actually because it’s counterintuitive to the personalities they’re wired to do. But the top tip is like, you know what, stop. Just stop and take inventory for a moment. Slow down, go away for a weekend, a week, whatever, and just look at your life. Like, “Am I going to where I want to go? If I keep doing what I’m doing, am I going to get there?” We’ve all heard the definition of insanity, you know? And like, “Do you want things that always depend upon you? And do you have a plan to get there? And is your plan working or not?” So it’s really just stopping and taking inventory and just looking at your life. And then, look at it from a systematic standpoint, like do you want systems to have a business that works for you, or do you want to continue always being the magic?
Tom Poland 06:54
So take a week off, get some perspective, and figure out the direction you’re going in, probably already know the answer to that. is the right direction. It’s a terrific way to clear the mind and get off that mental treadmill where you just feel like there are all these hamsters running around in your brain. Let’s give people some more value! Let’s give them something where they can dive deeper. Where can people go to find out more about your solution to all of those?
Chris Goegan 07:17
So I’ve got a number of free resources. They can go on my YouTube channel. You can go to my website. I got free videos and a free guide. I’ve got an engineer marketing five-date workshop, which typically sells for $147. If they get my three systems guide, for your audience, they can get it for just $27. But really the biggest place is I’ve just started with an I have a free guide, Engineered Marketing: 3 Systems Guide. I’d go there and get that. That’s good place to go.
Tom Poland 07:39
So, folks, it’s chrisgoegan, so Chris, you know how to spell that– C-H-R-I-S-G-O-E-G-A-N, .com. And when you go there, click on the “3 Systems Guide” tab. We’ll put a link under the video, but if you’re listening to this on audio, just 3 System Guide. Go get it. It’s going to help you a heck of a lot! Last question, sir. 25 seconds left to answer it. What’s the one question I should have asked you, but didn’t?
Chris Goegan 08:06
You know, kind of like, why I’m doing this? It’s really twofold. It’s like my daughter. And look, we have four kids. My oldest daughter is 21 now and I looked at her, she’s getting older. And it’s like-
Tom Poland 08:16
Eight seconds.
Chris Goegan 08:17
My wife has been telling me I should be taking, like, time off. And I had. So it’s like that’s why I love the system so you can take more time off to do more and help bring-
Tom Poland 08:24
Amen to that brother! All right. Yeah, that is a terrific reason, for you kids. Chris, thanks so much for your time and your insights again.
Chris Goegan 08:32
My pleasure. Thanks for having me here, Tom!
Tom Poland 08:33
Tom Poland 08:35
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