- Discover why you need to first get clear of your beliefs when it comes to setting habits
- Learn how you can overcome your default habits or patterns and setting out a clear path for your goals
- Understand why you need to accept that the world doesn’t shift for our goals
- Want to learn how you can build a successful self image? Click here: PeakPerformanceHabits.com/futureself
Have you been struggling to commit with your goals that you never seem to accomplish anything?
Setting goals can be easy, but sticking to them can be difficult. You can plan all you want but you can only make progress if you ditch your default habits and commit to new ones. Get clear with your beliefs, know your intentions, and set new habits.
Jackie Ulmer is a Mindset and Habits Coach, helping others improve all areas of life by slight edge shifts to their thoughts, then their habits.
Get your pen and paper because you’re in for a big treat on what Jackie has to share about the secrets of success through forming habits. She gives promising tips on how you can finally fully commit to your goal without the stress.
Check out these episode highlights:
- 02:17 – Jackie’s ideal client: That person that starts January 1 with high motivations to make this year “the ONE year”, the big lofty goals are set– whether they’re going to shed those extra pounds or launch a new business, finally write that book, find that perfect person, eat and live more healthy.
- 03:02 – The problem she helps solve: Most of us have been taught throughout our lives what to think, but we’ve never actually focused on how to think.
- 04:33 – The symptoms of the problem: We set goals, but we don’t truly then set a clear path to achieve them, including changing those default patterns or those default habits.
- 06:23 – Clients’ common mistakes before consulting Jackie: We set a goal, and we think that we can just simply change our actions without actually changing our thoughts and beliefs, and habits.
- 07:19 – Jackie’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): Well just pick one goal! Just start with one. And then think about what are those characteristics and habits of the person who’s already achieved that goal.
- 08:37 – Jackie’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Want to learn how you can build a successful self image? Click here: PeakPerformanceHabits.com/futureself
- 09:02 – Q: How does this relate to entrepreneurs and specifically the sales process? A: Systems run everything. We don’t get our goals, we get our habits.
Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:
“Systems run everything. We don't get our goals, we get our habits.” -Jackie Ulmer Share on XTranscript
(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)
Tom Poland 00:10
Welcome, everyone to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. I’m Tom Poland beaming out to you from the very sunny Sunshine Coast here in Australia, joined today by Jackie Ulmer. Jackie, a very warm welcome from Down Under. Where are you hanging out?
Jackie Ulmer 00:22
I’m hanging out in Scottsdale, Arizona where it’s sunny and warm and getting warmer.
Tom Poland 00:26
Yeah. You have pretty cold nights there in winter, right? But dry most of the year?
Jackie Ulmer 00:31
Well, cold is relative. I mean, compared to Michigan or somewhere like that– no. Cold for us? Yes. We have a joke here that you can always tell the nonlocals in February because they’re wearing shorts and a T-shirt and all the locals are bundled up.
Tom Poland 00:44
Yeah, it is actually similar here. We have cool, dry, sunny weather where we are, here in Australia, this part of Australia. And you can always tell the tourists because they are having a swim in the sea. And all the locals are walking along with hoodies on them and tracksuits. Yeah, all the New Zealanders are swimming. They’re happy. That’s tropical. So all relative, as you say. Let’s get into the interview. Jackie, folks, is a Mindset and Habits Coach. And I would have to say this is, you know, this stuff that Jackie teaches is the foundation of all success. I know it comes naturally to some people, the likes of Elon Musk and Richard Branson as well, but for most of us great unwashed masses, we would do well to listen up to what Jackie talks about because it really is- the mind is something that can be- Jack and I were talking before, you know- the greatest servant or the worst master. So that’s what she does, Mindset Habits Coach, imagine the latter comes from the former, helping others improve all areas of their life, and slight edge shifts, I should say, to their thoughts and their habits. And the funny thing about those shifts, folks, is you get the small, almost imperceptible, subtle shift, and you think, “Well, yes, it’s a small difference, but I’m not sure it’s gonna make a big difference outside.” You keep doing those “small edge shifts”, as Jackie calls them. And suddenly you have yourself on like train tracks to success. Let’s get into it! “How to Have Your Habits Determine Your Success”. Jackie, our seven minutes is gonna start now. Question number one is who is your ideal client?
Jackie Ulmer 02:17
Well, you know, that person that starts January 1 with high motivations to make this year “the ONE year”, the big lofty goals are set– whether they’re going to shed those extra pounds or launch a new business, finally write that book, find that perfect person, eat and live more healthy, right? We start the new year off very often that way. And yet just a few weeks into the new year, most often the motivation has faded, the goals are a distant memory, and they’re headed to steal another December 31st, looking back and thinking, “What happened?” So my ideal client is the one who’s read all the self-help books, yet still needs just a little bit more to actually create the self-help and make those goals a reality.
Tom Poland 02:59
Perfect! Thank you for that. So how would you describe the problem that you solve?
Jackie Ulmer 03:02
Well, most of us have been taught throughout our lives what to think, but we’ve never actually focused on how to think. So for instance, let’s take a goal of losing 30 pounds. The number one way that most people approach this is to engage in that torture and deprivation. We commit to beating ourselves up right at the gym for an hour or more daily. And we highly restrict the food intake to food that we wouldn’t even typically serve to our pets. I help people really understand how their current self-image fits into what it is that has them stuck and not really attaining that goal. So we begin to define and redefine their future self-image, having already achieved that goal. And we delve into those challenges and obstacles that often derail us and keep us stuck. And then we build from that the plan and the systems that are required to really actually achieve that goal and to sidestep those obstacles because we all run into those on our way to success. We all have a self-image. And this is what we experienced in our life as we do now. And again, it doesn’t matter which area. We mentioned that already. The question is, does your current self-image serve who you want to become and the goal that you want to attain?
Tom Poland 03:05
Right. Perfect! Great question. So let’s go to question three, just under five minutes left. What would you say are some of the typical symptoms of people experiencing this problem that you can solve?
Jackie Ulmer 04:33
Well, I’m glad you asked that because it truly is the most important part of the process. And in some ways, it’s the thing that’s very seldom addressed. We set goals, but we don’t truly then set a clear path to achieve them, including changing those default patterns or those default habits. And we all have them– those habits, those actions that run most of our lives from the moment we get up in the morning, right? We go into default mode so often. If we’re not intentionally thinking about our goals, we’re going to fall into those default patterns, and we’re going to end up failing. So we have to know and plan for experiencing and overcoming the challenges, and then incorporating those habits that are going to move us toward that goal. Again, you know, taking that example of losing weight. The sad reality of it is the world doesn’t shift to fit our goals. So those donuts and that birthday cake are going to show up at the office or wherever. The chips and salsa arrive at your table, whether you ask for them or not. And so expecting this and then being prepared to deal with it is so critical. It really is! How you think and act in the moment that the urge arises matters. How do we feel about the choice that you make in 30 minutes, in three hours, or even tomorrow?
Tom Poland 5:49
That’s so clever because you’re preempting the inevitable and for some strange reason when we set goals, we just suddenly become unconscious, it just seems to think it’s going to be a smooth ride, that it’s going to be linear. And that’s why we’ve decided it’s going to be this way. So it is. It’s like we switch on the light and the light’s there– boom! You’re pre-empting that by getting people to go to those places, where obstacles will present themselves and moving through them in advance. Very clever! Let’s go to, just under three minutes. I’ll keep moving. Question four is what would you say are some of the common mistakes that people make when they’re trying to move forward and make these shifts?
Jackie Ulmer 06:23
Well, so often, we set a goal, and we think that we can just simply change our actions without actually changing our thoughts and beliefs, and habits. And we all know that if we eat less and move more, that principle worked, we’d all be thin and fit, right? If it worked, because we’ve heard that. And we all know the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results. So what we have to do is we have to identify what needs to happen, and then create systems that will move us to success, because systems are really what make things happen. The first step in the system is to get clear on the beliefs that we have, and then the thoughts that we have that back up those beliefs. Those create the habits that we engage in over and over again. So from there, we can define and create new habits, and release the old ones that support our goal. But it starts with understanding why this matters and how it’s going to benefit us.
Tom Poland 07:19
So there are several things that we could unpack. We don’t have time, unfortunately. But there’s the self-image, realization of the obstacles, and the preparation for those, and there’s the creating of the environment and the surroundings, which again to have any individual more likely to follow through. So there’s an awful lot to this that you do, that’s external. I mean, there’s a lot of internal work we’re doing between the two years, but there’s a lot of external work. And I really love that holistic approach because it feels to me like it’s all-encompassing. You know, you’re giving people the support, physically. It’s for the physical environment, as well. So let’s go to the top tip. What’s one valuable free action someone can take that will move them forward a little bit?
Jackie Ulmer 07:19
Well just pick one goal! Just start with one. And then think about what are those characteristics and habits of the person who’s already achieved that goal. What is that? What do those characteristics consist of? What does their day consist of? How do they think? How do they act on different things? And then have to ask yourself, “Do I currently match those characteristics and those habits? Does my day start off with those thoughts and actions that line up with what I’ve stated that my goal is? And do I know what those challenges and obstacles are going to be? And do I have a plan to push through those?”
Tom Poland 08:37
Powerful questions. Start the day with it. So, 26 seconds left. Question six is more resource. Folks, if you go to, I’ll answer that for the sake of time- PeakPerformanceHabits.com. Brilliant URL! PeakPerformanceHabits.com/futureself. Go there. It’s about creating your image which you can step into. Eight seconds left. What’s the one question I should have asked you, Jackie? And I’m gonna give you an extra 10 seconds to answer.
Jackie Ulmer 09:02
Yeah. How does this relate to entrepreneurs and specifically the sales process? Systems run everything. We don’t get our goals, we get our habits. So this will work in every area of your-
Tom Poland 09:14
Yeah, 100%. You cannot quarantine the impact of this on your personal life or your business life. It’s gonna spread! There’s no wall between them because it’s your mind. Jackie, it’s been a pleasure having you on the show. Thank you so much for your time and your wisdom!
Jackie Ulmer 09:27
Thank you!
Tom Poland 09:27
Folks, one last mention of the URL– PeakPerformanceHabits.com/futureself. Cheers!
Tom Poland 09:36
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